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Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 4)

Page 4

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Get us out of orbit and into Fold Space,” ordered Commander Anton, his eyes focused on the blue-white planet. He couldn’t believe they were leaving so many Marines behind. Both of his hands were clenched into tight fists as he felt like pounding the armrests on his command chair in frustration.

  The Argyle quickly accelerated with the Falcon and light cruisers giving covering fire. In just a few moments, the troop transport entered the safety of Fold Space with the Falcon and cruisers following close behind.


  “Argyle and Falcon are safely in Fold Space,” reported Commander Shepherd, looking over at Admiral Adamson and Colonel Nelson. “A number of Colonel Stratford’s Marines, as well as all of Major Stevens’ are still on the planet.”

  “I’m sorry, Wade,” Adamson said in a somber voice, finally looking over at the colonel. “We can’t risk the fleet.”

  “We don’t leave our people behind,” Wade said in a soft voice, knowing there really was nothing they could do. How could he ever explain to Beth and his parents they had abandoned Ryan on an alien planet?

  “We’ll put together a bigger fleet and return,” Adamson promised with fire in his eyes. “We won’t allow the Zaltule to stay on Diadem. We’ll come back for our Marines.”

  Wade was silent as Admiral Adamson gave the orders for the Alliance fleet to enter Fold Space and head for Lanolth. He watched a viewscreen, which showed the dwindling blue-white planet. Then the Constellation entered Fold Space and the planet vanished from the screen.

  “Forgive me, Ryan,” Wade whispered as his heart suddenly felt empty and a knot formed in the pit of his stomach. “I’ll return for you, I promise.”

  Admiral Adamson stood silently knowing Wade was suffering. Colonel Nelson had sacrificed so much for the human race and now he might be making another great sacrifice. Adamson greatly feared that when they returned to Diadem, the trapped Marines would no longer be alive. He would spend a sleepless night in his quarters knowing he’d probably sentenced those brave Marines to death.

  Chapter Three

  Ryan was standing outside the Control Tower gazing up into space, knowing they were truly alone. The fleet had left, stranding them here on Diadem, a planet soon to be under control of the orbiting Kleese fleet. What that meant for the stranded Marines was a question yet to be answered. The cargo drop ship had successfully set down on a landing pad on the spaceport and was in the process of being unloaded. At least they would have sufficient ammunition if it came to a long, drawn out battle.

  “What now, Lieutenant?” asked Corporal Adams.

  Lauren had just finished checking on Casey and the other wounded. Their suits had all injected them with pain meds and they were resting comfortably. The medical nanites were rapidly repairing their bodies and most of the Marines would soon be back to normal. The nanites could regenerate tissue and bone and when they were done, not even a scar would remain.

  “Colonel Stratford and Major Stevens are discussing our situation. The cargo drop ship brought four hover tanks as well as some charging generators for our suits.”

  Lauren nodded. The hover tanks were equipped with powerful energy cannons as the main armament. They also had two secondary railgun cannons and dual explosive launchers. If they needed some heavy firepower, they would serve very well. The energy cannons could also be used to shoot down inbound shuttles. Lauren felt very uneasy about their situation. She’d discussed it briefly with Alexander and they both felt they were royally screwed. If the Zaltule came down in large numbers, the Marines wouldn’t last long.

  With a deep sigh, Lauren looked out across the spaceport. For the moment, everything seemed peaceful and quiet. A number of Marines were moving around setting up defensive positions and shifting equipment to serve as barriers. It would be futile, but they should be able to give a good accounting of themselves. She felt cold inside knowing that her life as well as the lives of her friends were now probably numbered in mere hours.

  “Ryan,” Lauren said softly, raising her visor. “If I haven’t said it before, it’s been a pleasure serving with you. I just wish things had turned out differently, especially for you and Casey.”

  “It’s not over yet,” answered Ryan, opening his own visor. He took a deep breath knowing Lauren and the others were probably frightened about what was to come.

  Lieutenant Guthrie walked over to where Ryan and Lauren were standing. She had her visor open and you could see her eyes as well as a hint of blonde hair. “Major Stevens says the Kleese are just sitting in orbit, not doing anything.”

  “Maybe they’ll stay there,” suggested Lauren hopefully.

  “I doubt it,” replied Autumn with a deep sigh. “The major wants to make sure everyone gets full energy charges for their suits, as well as plenty of ammunition. He also wants the hover tanks hidden so the Kleese won’t attempt to take them out from orbit.”

  Ryan nodded as he watched several platoons of Colonel Stratford’s Marines appear. The colonel’s Marines were in Type Three battlesuits, which towered over the smaller Type Fours though in combat the Type Fours were far more capable. However, it took a special type of soldier to be able to handle one of the newer suits. Learning how to deal with the neural implant was a critical component to being able to operate one.

  “We have seventy-eight Marines left in our four platoons plus one hundred and forty-seven of Colonel Stratford’s people,” Autumn continued. “At least we’ll give the Kleese one hell of a fight unless they blast us from orbit.”

  “That’s why we’re staying here on the spaceport,” Ryan replied as he looked upward, noticing how clear the sky was. It reminded him of the sky back home in Phoenix. But Phoenix was long gone, buried beneath several feet of snow and volcanic ash. “Major Stevens feels the Kleese will be hesitant about damaging it, as they might want it for their own use.”

  “It’s sound reasoning if they want to continue to trade with Diadem and take advantage of their advanced technology,” responded Autumn. “But these are Zaltule we’re dealing with; who knows for sure how they think?”

  A noise in the distance interrupted them, and turning they saw several of the hover tanks come around one of the larger buildings. They were pulling several antigravity sleds full of needed supplies as well as suit recharging generators.

  “Corporal Adams, assign some Marines to getting that equipment unloaded. Let’s get those generators running so we can get everyone’s suits charged before the Kleese come down.”

  “I’ll send some of my people to help,” Autumn said as she turned to go back inside the Control Tower. Both of her sergeants were inside and she also wanted to check once more on the wounded. They would need everyone in the coming battle.

  “She’s a good officer,” commented Lauren, as she watched the other lieutenant leave. Then she turned to face Ryan with deep concern in her light green eyes. “We’re not getting out of this, are we?”

  Ryan hesitated for a moment. He knew the odds stacked against them were nearly insurmountable. “I don’t know,” he answered truthfully. “Wade was aboard the Constellation and he wouldn’t have left us if there was any other choice. If the Kleese stay in orbit, Admiral Adamson will need a much larger fleet to drive them off, and that might take a while to gather.”

  “How long?” Lauren asked afraid of the answer.

  “Several weeks at least,” Ryan replied in a softer voice.

  “We won’t be alive in several weeks,” Lauren said, feeling her heart pounding in her chest and a cold chill running down her back. “We’ll die here on Diadem.”

  Ryan looked down and didn’t reply. He knew Lauren was probably right.


  On board the Constellation, Wade was sitting quietly in his quarters looking at a family photo. It was a picture of Ryan and his parents at Ryan’s graduation ceremony from the Academy on Vesta. They’d all been extremely proud of Ryan’s accomplishment graduating near the top of his class.

  Wade leaned back in the chair he was si
tting in, wondering how he was going to explain to his parents they had left Ryan and his Marines stranded on an alien world with the Kleese going into orbit. Even worse, how was he going to explain what they had done to Beth? It was an unspoken oath that they never left anyone behind. However, in this instance rescuing the Marines might have endangered the entire Alliance fleet under Admiral Adamson’s command, a fleet they couldn’t afford to lose at this juncture of the new Alliance.

  Wade let out a deep frustrated breath. He’d already done the math. It would take them six days to reach Lanolth, at least another ten to gather a fleet of sufficient strength and then another six days to return. There was no way the Kleese would allow human Marines to remain alive on Diadem for twenty-two days. Wade clinched his fist, wishing there was some way for him to trade places with Ryan.

  He remembered the last time he’d spoken to his brother. They’d been at Lanolth and Ryan had introduced him to Casey. Wade could tell by the smile on Ryan’s face that the young woman was very special. Now both were trapped far away from home with no hope of rescue.

  He was considering going to speak to Admiral Adamson and ask that he be given command of the Argyle and allowed to go back to Diadem. They could hide in a nearby system, monitor the Diadem system, and if given the opportunity perhaps conduct a rescue of the trapped Marines. It was a long shot, but Wade was determined to ask. If he didn’t, he would always second guess himself for the rest of his life.


  Ryan was sitting next to Casey and both of them had their visors open. They’d recharged their suits and had full load outs of ammunition.

  “We should have done it,” spoke Casey in a low and sad voice, her eyes gazing woefully at Ryan.

  “Done it?” asked Ryan, feeling confused. “Done what?” He had no idea what Casey was talking about.

  “Don’t be silly,” Casey said suddenly smiling and giggling. “We should have had sex at least once.” Being a clone that was one human act she had never experienced; now she probably never would.

  “If we get out of this, at least I’ll have something to look forward to,” Ryan said, smiling back. “I’m going to remember what you just said.”

  He and Casey had been dating for months under Lauren’s careful supervision. Lauren had been fearful that since Casey was a clone and had only experienced a few years of actual life the powerful emotions generated by being in love could easily get her into trouble. Lauren had even taught Casey how to dress provocatively without being too big of a flirt. Ryan had never considered pushing the issue. When the time was right for the two of them to take their relationship to a more intimate level, he’d always felt they would know.

  At least his parents had gotten to know Casey and accept her. It had been a difficult thing for Ryan’s mother because at first she’d been highly upset her son was dating a clone. However, as his mom had gotten to know Casey she had come to accept her as a human being with emotions and desires. His mother had even promised Casey she would teach her how to cook some of Ryan’s favorite foods when they had more time.

  “We’ll get out of this,” promised Ryan. He and Casey had so much to look forward to and he couldn’t imagine it ending here on this alien world.

  “I hope so,” replied Casey softly. She couldn’t imagine her life continuing without Ryan in it. She felt great sadness knowing their time together might soon be ending.


  Lauren was standing talking to Alexander and a few others. They had their visors open eating some rations, knowing it was hard telling when they might be able to eat real food again. The suits had a food tube, but it was a liquid paste with a very bland taste. She looked over at Ryan and Casey, feeling remorseful everything had to end this way. Under her guidance, Casey had learned how to handle herself as an attractive young woman. Casey had always been a good Marine, but she failed miserably when she tried to exert her female charms and the sergeant definitely had the body assets.

  “Everyone get tight!” ordered Major Stevens over the general comm frequency. “The Kleese are coming down!”

  Marines instantly shut their visors and went fully on suit life support. They grabbed their RG rifles and energy cannons and raced to their assigned positions.

  “I’ve got to go,” Ryan said as he stood up releasing Casey’s hand.

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” Casey said as she shut her visor and cradled her RG rifle in her arms. “We have an important date when this is over.”

  “I won’t,” began Ryan when he suddenly felt a strangely familiar pain sweep across him. He felt as if he was about to pass out.

  “Crap,” uttered Alexander, recognizing the all too familiar feeling. “Stunners!”

  Ryan fell against the wall and then slid down next to Casey. As he lost consciousness, his last thought was wondering why the Zaltule would be using stunners. Then blackness took over as he passed out.


  Harmock nodded to himself in satisfaction. The landing shuttles were reporting all the humans had succumbed to the stun beams. Everything was going according to plan.

  “Call in the exploration cruiser,” he ordered.

  While at the trading station in Sector Twelve, he’d ordered the Kleese stationed there to provide one of their exploration ships for a special project he had planned. Now that plan had succeeded and he had several hundred of these mysterious humans he could take as captives and study. Perhaps in this way, the Zaltule would come to better understand how this species had become so dangerous in such a short time.

  “Message sent,” Minor Overlord Gareth replied. “It will be here within the hour.”

  “Excellent,” Harmock spoke. His multifaceted eyes turned to the main viewscreens showing the planet below. Once his human captives were secure, it would be time to pay a visit to the Kleese Council of Overlords. New and more powerful ships would soon be coming out of the Zaltule shipyards where Minor Overlord Kaluse was overseeing the next generation of Zaltule battlecruisers. Once a sufficient number of these ships were complete, he would sweep through the remaining nonaligned worlds until all owed their allegiance to the Kleese Empire. None, not even the humans, would stand in his way.


  Wade was aboard the Argyle in the Command Center. The one thousand-meter long troop assault ship was just three light years from the system of Diadem. Admiral Adamson had agreed to send the Argyle and a few escorts back to watch the system just in case an opportunity for rescue occurred. The battlecruiser Falcon, four light cruisers, and eight assault ships had accompanied the transport. It was a small fleet considering what was waiting for them in the Diadem system. However, if the Kleese left, even for a few hours, the fleet was prepared to perform a snatch and go operation. Commander Anton was convinced he could rescue the remaining Marines if he just had a twenty-minute window.

  For the last three days, a light cruiser had been sent to the far reaches of the Diadem system to scan for Kleese ships. Each time, the massive enemy fleet had been detected near the inhabited planet and the cruiser had returned with the disheartening news.

  “Our Marines can’t last much longer down on the surface,” stated Wade, growing more frustrated with each report.

  He’d been pacing back and forth across the Command Center feeling impatient for something to change. It would be suicide to take the small fleet with the Argyle into the Diadem system. The Kleese fleet would quickly overwhelm them and turn them into space dust.

  “Colonel, it may already be too late,” spoke Commander Anton, daring to voice what everyone else was afraid to say. “It’s been three days and those are Zaltule battlecruisers in orbit around Diadem.”

  Wade stopped and glared at the commander. “They’re alive!” he insisted, not wanting to believe Ryan had been killed. “My brother and his Marines would have found a way to survive.”

  “Perhaps,” Anton conceded with a trace of doubt in his voice. “But unless the Kleese leave, we have no way of knowing.”

  Wade shook his head.
For three days he’d been denying what they all knew. There was no way the human Marines could have survived against the odds now facing them. The Zaltule were the warrior caste of the Kleese race and knew how to fight. The fact that they were still in orbit strongly suggested the entire planet was now under their control.

  “I’m sorry,” apologized Wade, realizing he’d been out of line. “We’ll stay for four more days and if the situation remains the same we’ll return home.” With a deep sigh, Wade turned to look at the viewscreens. They were filled with a myriad of stars, which shined steadily. On one of the screens, one of the small two hundred-meter assault ships was visible. “I’m going to my quarters; contact me if anything changes.”


  The next morning, Wade was awoken as he heard his name being called over the ship’s comm system. “Colonel Nelson, please report to the Command Center,” the voice over the comm said.

  Wade rolled out of bed and stood up. He stretched and stifled a yawn. He hadn’t slept well the entire night. He’d tossed and turned as he worried about the fate of his younger brother. “This is Colonel Nelson,” Wade said, pressing the button on the com panel in his quarters.

  “Colonel,” came Commander Anton’s excited voice. “The light cruiser Callisto has just returned from the Diadem system. They report the Kleese fleet has left.”

  “It’s left?” Wade repeated as he tried to clear his mind. “Are they certain?”

  “Yes,” Anton replied. “They even went further in system to confirm all the Zaltule battlecruisers were gone and they didn’t detect a single one.”

  “Set a course for the Diadem system immediately,” Wade ordered, as he reached for his clothes. “I don’t know why they left, but we need to take this opportunity to find out what happened to our missing Marines. Have all the drop ships prepped for an emergency descent.”

  “Course is already set,” Commander Anton replied. “We’ll be entering Fold Space in twelve minutes. The countdown has already begun and drop ships are being prepped even as we speak.”


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