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Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 4)

Page 9

by Raymond L. Weil

  Chapter Six

  Two weeks had passed and there had been no interrogations by the Kleese or the Nabians. No one fully understood why and things had fallen into a routine. The Nabians brought in food three times a day. It was always the same in the form of a thick soup with each meal tasting the same or similar as the day before.

  “I don’t know if I can eat much more of this,” groaned Alexander as he filled his bowl up and went to sit down at a table next to Lauren.

  “Get used to it,” Lauren said as she slowly ate her meal. “There’s no point in griping. It’s either eat this or starve.”

  Alexander swallowed a spoonful with a distasteful frown. “I just wish they would vary the flavor some or add meat to this soup.”

  “At least they’re feeding us regularly,” commented Mary. She didn’t mind the soup that much. It was filling and didn’t actually taste all that bad.

  “I heard all the officers have been summoned to Colonel Stratford’s quarters,” reported Cameron. “There’s some kind of big meeting going on.”

  “I’m worried,” Casey said. She’d watched as the Nabian in the highly decorated uniform came into the habitat with a number of other Nabians as well as a large quantity of conscripts in battlesuits. Shortly after that, all the officers had been summoned to Colonel Stratford’s office.

  “They’re leaving!” called out Private Cassie Littrel from where she was standing looking out a window. “All the Nabians and our officers are leaving!”

  Casey turned pale as she quickly got up and rushed to where Cassie was. Looking out, she was just in time to see the group exit through the large hatch, which led to the interior of the station. Casey had a bad feeling the questioning they’d all been dreading was about to begin. She was worried about Ryan.

  She knew his brother Wade had told Ryan stories about the long months they’d been used as conscripts for the Kleese and forced to attack other races in order to bring them into the empire. They had worn the deadly Kleese collars of obedience fearful they could be killed at any time by one of the arrogant arachnids. Wade, Beth, and the others had lived a nightmare for months on end until Marken and the other Kiveans helped them to escape. Ryan was well aware of what was at stake and Casey just hoped he was prepared to face one of the fearful Zaltule. She wondered how long it would be until it was her turn.


  Ryan knew they were in trouble when he was summoned to Colonel Stratford’s quarters only to find Gureen and several other Nabians waiting there, as well as Queex. Ryan had already figured out Queex seemed to be the one in overall charge and when he gave an order, the other Nabians were quick to respond. He saw Lieutenant Felton and Guthrie as well as the other lieutenants all waiting outside Stratford’s quarters.

  “You are to be taken and questioned by the Kleese including Betel, the Kleese Overlord in charge of this station,” Queex announced. “Failure to answer truthfully or promptly will result in your immediate termination.”

  The lieutenants shifted uneasily on their feet. Major Stevens frowned at hearing the threatening announcement. He didn’t like the tone Queex was taking and was itching to do something about it, but the explosive collar around his neck kept his anger in check.

  “We will answer the questions,” promised Colonel Stratford. They’d been rehearsing almost nightly what they would say under interrogation. It was essential that their information was similar so the Kleese wouldn’t suspect they were being lied to.

  “Excellent,” responded Queex, nodding his head. “If you do so then all of you will return to this habitation dome alive.”

  Queex then signaled and they all formed up under escort of a number of conscripts in Type Two battlesuits. Once more, all the conscripts were armed with heavy-duty stun rifles.

  “I guess this is the moment of truth,” Autumn said in a low voice as she stepped up next to Ryan as they marched out of the habitat through the large metal hatch.

  “We’ve practiced enough,” Ryan said equally quietly. “If we stick to the information we’ve agreed to reveal we should be fine.”

  “As long as no one panics,” Brice commented from just behind them. “I’m not worried about us, but there are several lieutenants in Colonel Stratford’s command I’m not so sure of.”

  “They’ll do okay,” Ryan said. “They wouldn’t be in charge of a platoon of Type Three battlesuits if they weren’t qualified.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Brice said, lightly touching the metallic collar around his neck. “Our lives are going to depend on it.”

  They marched through a number of corridors, eventually taking a station tram to a point deep inside the trading station. Ryan wondered if there were any trading ships docked in the flight bays and if they might report seeing humans on board. The station was responsible for all the races the Kleese controlled in Sector Twelve and numerous ships from those worlds should be present conducting business with the Kleese.

  As they went through the station, Ryan noticed over half a dozen different alien races on board. He hoped all of them weren’t as devoted to the Kleese as the Nabians seemed to be. Most of them just ignored the humans; a few stopped and stared in open disbelief. They all seemed to know who was responsible for the current revolt against the Kleese. All the aliens Ryan saw were humanoid. He knew there were other non-human races in the galaxy; the Kleese were a good example. However, the arachnids seemed to prefer the humanoid races as conscripts over the non-human ones.

  Queex led them to another hatch and stepped through. Once everyone was inside, they were told to set down at a long table and wait for their turn to speak with the Kleese. The conscripts in battlesuits remained inside, taking up positions against the four walls.

  “Why do I feel like I’m about to be executed?” grumbled Brice. He was sitting next to Ryan and Autumn was on the other side.

  Another group of Nabians entered the room and took Colonel Stratford and Major Nelson with them. A few more minutes passed and more Nabians appeared, taking several of the waiting lieutenants. Ten more minutes passed and the sound of a sharp explosion shook the room slightly. Everyone looked at one another fearing what the explosive sound might mean.

  Several Nabians stepped back inside and one of them went over and spoke to Queex, who frowned and then turned to face the remaining lieutenants. “It seems one of your number refused to answer a question. He will not be returning to the habitat; his body will be jettisoned into space.”

  One of the Nabians who had just entered stepped over to Ryan. “Follow me, human,” he spoke in his stilted voice.

  “See you back in the dome,” Autumn said, her eyes focusing on Ryan.

  “I’ll be there,” Ryan promised, as he stood up to follow the Nabian out of the room. He could feel his pulse racing, as he fought down his nervousness about speaking to a Kleese. The collar around his neck suddenly felt extremely tight and restrictive.

  They went down the corridor a short distance, and the Nabian indicated for Ryan to step through a hatch. Ryan did so and heard the hatch slam shut behind him. Looking around the room Ryan felt his skin grow cold upon seeing the Kleese standing in front of him. There were also two conscripts in battlesuits as well.

  “You will answer my questions, human,” the Kleese rasped in a cold and guttural voice. He raised the small black control box in his left hand and pointed to it with the other. “Failure to do so will result in your immediate termination.”

  “I will answer your questions,” Ryan answered in an even voice. He tried to calm his breathing, as he took several deep breaths.

  “How many humans still remain in your star system?”

  “I don’t know the exact number,” Ryan answered, as he tried to focus his eyes on the Kleese. “Many were rescued after your exploration ship fired the planet killer into the heart of our planet. The survivors are scattered across our system and their numbers are known only to our highest leaders.”

  “How many warships do you have?”

Our military leaders keep that classified,” answered Ryan, trying to keep his voice level. “My own task group consists of one troop ship and four light escorts. We have heavier ships but I’m not sure of the total numbers.”

  “How many human battlecruisers are there?”

  “There are six in the fleet that is with the Alliance,” Ryan answered truthfully. “There are several other fleets in our home system and I assume they have a similar number of battlecruisers.”

  “How many worlds in the Alliance?”

  “I’m not sure,” answered Ryan. “It grows weekly and I believe there are at least twelve worlds currently involved, there may be more that I’m not aware of.”

  “How many warships does the Alliance have at its disposal?”

  “Nearly a thousand,” Ryan answered. “I haven’t been to many of the Alliance systems and I’m not aware of the size of their home fleets.”

  “What is your job in your military?”

  “I’m responsible for my platoon and conducting military operations against the Kleese Empire.”

  The Kleese hesitated as its multifaceted eyes focused intently on Ryan. “How do your particle beam cannons work?”

  “I’m not a technician or a scientist,” Ryan replied. “I know it shoots out some type of an energy beam, but I don’t know what it’s composed of or how it’s generated.”

  The questioning went on for another thirty minutes with Ryan giving some detailed explanations on items which were not of strategic value and more vague or general answers on those that were. When it was finally over, the Kleese stepped slightly closer to Ryan.

  “I don’t know how truthful your answers have been,” the Kleese grated out. “They will be compared to those of the other humans. If we determine there has been deception on the part of some of you then your lives will be forfeit.”

  “I have told the truth,” answered Ryan in an even voice.

  “Take him back to the dome,” the Kleese ordered.


  Harmock gazed at the tactical display as his fleet closed on the planet in front of it. This was one of the last planets in Sector Twelve, which was not compliant with the empire. It was a powerful nonaligned world that produced high tech computer control systems. An exploration ship had been sent into the system to demand their immediate capitulation and allegiance to the empire. The Belens had refused, pointing out in no uncertain terms that they had a neutrality agreement with the Kleese Empire and they expected that agreement to be honored.

  “Belen fleet detected,” reported Minor Overlord Gareth. He was standing behind Jalridd, the sensor operator.

  “How many?” demanded Harmock. He was anxious to return to the trading station and pick up his human prisoners. It was time for him to confront the Kleese Council of Overlords and prepare them for the next stage of the war.

  “One hundred and forty ships,” Gareth answered as he studied the sensor information. “Sixty of battlecruiser class and the rest are support ships of various sizes.”

  Harmock crossed his long dark arms over his chest. He clinched the seven digits on his right hand into a fist. He had six hundred Zaltule battlecruisers with him to engage the approaching Belen fleet. “Spread the fleet out into six lines fifty across and two deep,” he ordered. This was a standard Kleese attack formation. “Screens to full and all weapons prepare to fire.”


  The Belen admiral gazed in sadness at what his tactical displays were showing. Six hundred Zaltule battlecruisers would crush his fleet. He’d pleaded with his government to join the growing Alliance against the Kleese that was spreading throughout Sector Eleven. The government had turned mute ears to his pleas, claiming the Kleese would honor the neutrality agreement, which had been in existence for hundreds of years.

  Admiral Trest had tried to make them see that all across the empire, the Kleese were violating the agreement and attacking nonaligned world after world. The government officials had shrugged off his words, calmly pointing out those worlds had probably done something to aggravate the Kleese and bring their wrath down upon them. The world of Belen had done no such thing, and the Kleese had no reason to send their warfleets against the peaceful nonaligned world.

  For several moments, Admiral Trest contemplated fleeing with his fleet and seeking asylum in the Alliance. He felt sure they would welcome his ships. However, how could he abandon his world and allow the Kleese to possibly bombard it from orbit? He’d sworn to protect his home planet, but he had never expected to face an actual attack from the Kleese.

  “Kleese battlecruisers will be in engagement range in twelve minutes,” reported First Commander Dasha. “All of our ships have their shields at maximum and weapons ready to fire.”

  Trest nodded. It had been centuries since a Belen ship had fired a weapon in aggression. He’d heard the worlds of the Alliance were placing powerful ion cannons upon the surface of their planets to keep Kleese warfleets at bay. His own world only had this single fleet. In hindsight, it was obvious to Trest they’d been too trusting and complacent when it came to the Kleese. Now they were about to pay the ultimate price for that foolishness

  “Continue on course,” he ordered in a voice that didn’t sound like his. He knew he was sending his fleet to its death.

  “We could still turn and flee,” suggested Dasha. He and the admiral had discussed the Alliance and what their options might be if the Kleese attacked Belen. “This is a Zaltule warfleet and will not be easily intimidated.”

  “No,” Trest replied in a somber voice. “Perhaps if we can cause enough damage to the Kleese fleet they may withdraw and leave our world in peace.”

  Dasha said nothing in reply. He knew the Kleese wouldn’t withdraw. This would be the end of the Belen fleet. He’d always wondered what actual combat would be like, now he was about to find out. It would be his one and only battle.


  “Nearing engagement range,” spoke Jalridd, as the Belen fleet continued to approach.

  “The Belen government is demanding we recognize the neutrality agreement,” added Dalock from Communications.

  “Never,” uttered Harmock, shaking his head in denial. “The neutrality agreements should never have been instated by the Council of Overlords. It was naive foolishness on their part.”

  “Engagement range,” Jalridd informed Harmock, the Kleese Supreme Military Overlord.

  “Fire!” ordered Harmock. He was impatient to get this battle over with and the planet subdued so he could return to the trading station in Sector Twelve and his human prisoners. The humans were the only worthy enemies he’d encountered in his long career as a Zaltule warrior and he was anxious to learn more about them.


  Pulse fusion beams and energy weapons flashed out from the six hundred Kleese battlecruisers, smashing into the powerful screens of the Belen warships. Almost immediately several went down and bright explosions told of ships being instantly annihilated. Hatches on the Zaltule battlecruisers slid open and twenty-megaton antimatter sublight missiles vanished from their tubes to strike in bright flashes of energy against the Belen fleet. More ships died as their shields were overwhelmed and antimatter explosions gutted the hapless vessels. Space became aglow with the fury of the attack.

  However, the Belen ships were not weak or powerless. From the surviving vessels, powerful energy beams leaped out to impact Kleese shields. Numerous hatches slid open and Belen sublight antimatter missiles vanished from their tubes to strike the inbound enemy warships. However, these missiles were different, as they had highly advanced computer guidance systems. In several instances, dozens of Belen antimatter missiles were directed against the exact same spot to detonate against Kleese energy shields. Almost instantly the shields wavered and weakened, and Belen missiles penetrated striking the Zaltule battlecruisers. Antimatter fire turned Zaltule battle armor into glowing plasma as the powerful counterattack swept across the Zaltule formation.


  Harmock watched one of the tac
tical displays in unbridled anger as eight icons representing his warships suddenly expanded and then vanished. The ships had been annihilated by the Belen smart missiles. On one viewscreen, he witnessed an antimatter missile slam into the upper hull of a Zaltule battlecruiser, detonating on impact once the screen failed. The ship vanished in a brilliant ball of light.

  “Their computer guidance systems on their missiles are allowing them to coordinate mass missile attacks on the same point of our shields within microseconds of one another,” Gareth informed the Military Overlord. “Our shields cannot handle so much energy being released in that brief of a time period.”

  Harmock felt the Warrior’s Fire shudder and the lights dimmed. Moments later, the lights returned to normal and the damage control operator turned toward Harmock to report.

  “Energy beam strike,” the large six-legged arachnid reported. “Four compartments have been opened to space. I have sealed off the adjoining areas.”

  “Continue to fire,” Harmock ordered, determined to annihilate the Belen fleet. He’d already decided to place the Kleese collars of obedience around the necks of this planet’s foolish leaders. A few decapitations would quickly bring the rest into line to join the empire. This smart missile technology would also be of use to the Kleese in the new warships being built in the Zaltule shipyards.


  Admiral Trest writhed in anguish as two more of his valuable battlecruisers were blown apart by Kleese antimatter missiles. On one viewscreen, a support vessel was being attacked, and even as he watched pulse fusion beams penetrated its failing energy screen setting off massive explosions until the ship disintegrated.

  On another screen, heavy energy weapons fire from several Belen battlecruisers slammed into the top section of a Kleese warship, causing massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space.

  “Target that Kleese battlecruiser with sublight missiles,” Trest ordered. “We must destroy it while we have the opportunity.”

  Dasha quickly passed on the order and a few moments later, the viewscreen was lit up as massive explosions tore the cruiser apart.


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