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Starting Over (Starting Over 1

Page 24

by Kathy O'Rourke

  Joking, he complains “Not everything, there’s no mints on our pillows.”

  He pulls me into his arms and reaches under my shirt. “Damn it, I’ve dreamed about having you back in my arms and now here you are.”

  My mind slips to earlier when I was in Marco’s arms. I push away. “I need to clean Marco off my skin before we … you know.”

  Tears escape my eyes. Guilty ones.

  “Baby…” He takes my chin. “look at me.”

  I raise my eyes to meet his.

  “Like I said earlier, I don’t blame you for any of this. You did what you had to do.”

  All I do is nod then escape to the bathroom and lock the door. I stare at my reflection in the mirror as I scrub off Eddie’s blood and Marco’s scent. All I see is guilt. Hank wants to make love and as much as I want him, I need to come clean with him first. I need to confess, or I’ll never be able to live with myself.

  Wrapped in a towel, I go back in the bedroom.

  Hank’s sitting on the end of the bed waiting for me. “Feel better now?” He pulls me into his arms.

  “Yeah, it’s nice to be clean again.”

  “You’re so soft. I missed touching you.” He nuzzles my neck. “Shell, I missed our private moments.”

  I whisper, “I missed you, too.” Then my throat tightens as I continue. “Hank, please don’t hate me, please.”

  “What’s the matter, love?” He kisses my ear.

  “I, I, need to tell you something.”

  “Tell me what?” His lips against my neck, he adds, “You can tell me anything.”

  “Good.” I pull out of his arms, take a few steps backward, and lean against the dresser. “Okay then, here goes.” After a sigh, I begin. “I feel dirty and cheap.”


  “Because…” My throat tightens around the words. “Because I enjoyed the sex with Marco. I had orgasms and everything. I know I shouldn’t have liked it, but I did.” I hesitate and look at the floor. “I’m sorry.”

  He chuckles and pulls me up against my chest and kisses my forehead. “Baby, sex feels good. And a body is a body. It will react to the proper stimulus. Don’t feel guilty.”

  Pushing his hands away, I step out of his grasp and turn, putting my back to him. “But, it was more than that.” I hesitate and look at myself in the dresser mirror. If I don’t tell him the rest, it will always hang over me and eventually suffocate me, I can’t stop now. Turning back around, I look him in the eye. “There’s more. Sex with Marco was different. He was dominant. He tied me up, made me crawl to him, spanked me, things like that.” I feel my face heat up. “I should have been appalled or felt debased, but, but, I liked it.”

  Hank yoyos me in close again and chuckles against my hair. “So, you found out you like kinky sex?”

  “Yeah. Does that make me a slut?”

  “Hell no. It makes you my kinky lover. Nothing done consensually is wrong.” He lifts my chin, so I’m looking directly in his eyes. “And, as for kinky bedroom tricks… just you wait.” His voice lowers to a deep baritone. “Kiss me.”

  I respond immediately and put my lips on his. The kiss starts out mild, but soon he’s devouring my mouth.

  We’re both panting when he pulls away. “Now, undress me.”

  “You want me to take your clothes off?”

  “Don’t make me repeat myself, Shelley.” The look on his face tells me he’s not kidding. My hands make fast work of his clothes.

  “Good girl.” Pulling the towel off me, he looks me over from top to bottom. “Beautiful. I’m a lucky man.”

  He lowers my lips to his bare chest. “Lick me.”

  Skin against skin, my nipples harden into pebbles as he lays a line of kisses down my neck as I lick his chest and place tiny bites on his neck.

  “Very nice.” He gives my ass a quick spank. “Now, I’m taking back what’s mine.” He pushes me down on the bed. His hands and mouth light up my body as he works his way south. Neck. Breasts. Belly. Hips. “I need to taste you.”

  Wait he can’t do that! “Hank, stop, please. I don’t know if Marco was clean and I don’t want to give you an STD.”

  He groans and lays his head on my stomach. “Shit. You’re right. And, I should use a damn condom. I hate condoms.”

  “Just until I get checked out by Mala.”

  “I really wanted a taste.”

  “And I really wanted to give you one.”

  Determined to get an orgasm out of me before we start the main event, he slips his fingers down where he really wanted his tongue.

  One finger.

  Then two.

  When he pushes in a third finger, he wiggles them inside me, rubbing against that special place. He adds a command, “Come for me,” and I explode into a state of bliss.

  “That’s it, my good girl.” He holds me as my body settles back to itself, kissing my shoulder over and over.

  I fall into a fit of tears.

  He leans up and looks down at my face. “Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?”

  “No. These are good tears. I just can’t believe I’m back here with you.”

  He kisses the end of my nose. “Well, you are and I’m never letting you go again.”

  “Hank, please. I need you inside me.”

  As he takes back what’s his and I get back what is mine.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Three Horseman Camp: Captain Buckley

  “Sir, this is Beta Two. Over.”

  “Damn it! What now?” I put down my bible and pick up my walkie talkie, “I’m here. Beta Two. Talk to me. Over.”

  “There’s been activity at the West Hills house, Sir. At 1900, one man and the boy left in the Caddie heading east. I figured they went out scavenging, but at 2030, they returned, accompanied by a Mercedes carrying three people and a motorcycle carrying one. Over.”

  “So, their group has grown. Interesting.”

  “Sir, one of the new people is a woman. Over.”

  I can’t stop the grin that’s growing on my face. “Young or old?”

  “Looks young to me, Sir. Over.”

  Two young women. Perfect. With the twelve young men we have and the two of them, we can create a diverse enough genetic base to repopulate.

  “Beta Two, maintain your position and report in anything new. Over.”

  “Yes, Sir. Over.”

  With no time to waste, I walk across the hall and knock on my son’s door. “Get up, Wilson, we need to talk.”

  “Dad, it’s late. What’s up?” He dressed only in his skivvies, his hair all scruffy from sleep.

  “The West Hills group has new members. They now have two women.”

  Wilson’s eyes grow big and I swear his cock jumps in his pants. “Really? Two? That’s great.”

  “We’re not waiting any longer. I want them.” I tell him sternly. “We’re going tomorrow. Have the men mustered at 0600 and ready to implement the plan we’ve been practicing.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I pat his shoulder. “Son, tomorrow we start to rebuild God’s army.”

  Coming Soon

  Book 2: Moving On

  April 2018 release date.

  Here’s a preview.

  Chapter One


  Waking up in Hank’s arms again is beyond wonderful. He never let me go all night. Even now, his warm cheek presses against my head and his leg is thrown over mine. Perfect.

  Perfect that is, until there’s a series of knocks on the door, and someone rattles the knob. Little fingers appear under the door and a squeaky little voice yells, “Let me in.”

  We both groan. Hank checks his watch. “Jesus, it’s only five o’clock.”

  “I guess she knows we’re back.”

  “Think we can ignore her for a few minutes?” He says as he nuzzles my neck and reaches for my breasts.

  The door rattles again. “Open. Open. Open.”

  “I don’t think she’s gonna wait and she’ll only get lou
der and louder.”

  “Damn it. I really wanted a morning repeat of last night.” He says with a kiss to my forehead.

  “Welcome to parenthood.”

  “Shit.” He jumps out of bed, pulls on some boxers, and throws me his t-shirt. “Coming.”

  The second he opens the door, Cindy, dressed in pink pajamas, grabs his knees and squeals, “Hank.” Then, seeing me, makes a run for the bed. “Shewey!”

  I swing her up, hugging her hard. “Oh Cindy, I missed you so much,” and lay a ton of kisses on both her cheeks.

  “Where you go?” Cindy asks with a lower lip pout.

  “I was with the Car guys, but Hank came and got me. I’m back now.”

  Cindy smiles as Hank joins us on the bed. “Leo told us you were a very good girl while we were gone.”

  She proudly shakes her head of curls. “I’m a good girl.”

  “Yes, you are.” I tell her then blow raspberries on her stomach until she giggles and kicks her feet.

  Hank runs back over and jumps into the fun. “Cindy, windy… we missed you, baby girl.”

  Michael, still in pajamas, appears in the doorway with a big smile on his face. “I heard Cindy laughing.”

  I wave him in. “Get in here.” When he’s next to the bed, I pull him down on top of us, and yell, “Group hug!”

  God I’ve missed our family snuggle time and watching Hank loving on these kids makes me thankful for all my blessings. Weird, I know we’ve lost so much. Lost so many friends and family but listening to Cindy giggle gives me hope for the future.

  How can I ever thank this man? Reaching for his hand I lean in close enough to feel his heat. “Thank you for this.”

  “For what?” His eyes meet mine over the heads of the children.

  “Saving me and getting me back to our family.” I say then break out in a laugh as Cindy grabs his chest hair and pulls on it.

  Leo appears in the doorway, his face serious. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got a problem.”

  Hank stiffens as he sits up. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I need you and Shelley down to the kitchen.” Leo says before turning and knocking on the door across the hall.

  Damn. Can’t we have one full day of peace. “Michael, can you take Cindy to her room and get her dressed please. I mean shoes and everything. Then you get dressed, too. I don’t know what the trouble is, but I want us ready to run if we have to.”

  Michael realizing it’s not the time to argue, jumps off the bed and grabs Cindy’s hand. “Come on Squirt, let’s get dressed.”

  “K.” Cindy says and runs out the door.

  Hank closes the door behind them. “Let’s get dressed quick. I didn’t like the look on Leo’s face.”

  “Me neither.”

  Hank and I are the last ones to the kitchen, even Doug and Tim are already there.

  “Good, you’re here.” Leo says.

  “What’s going on?” Hank asks as he accepts a mug of coffee from Mala.

  “We’re being spied on.” Leo tells us.

  Gus growls, “What the fuck!”

  Leo waves him quiet. “This morning, I saw a flash of light in the neighbor’s upper window.” He points out the sliding glass door at the brick house to the right of us. “I doubled back to the southside of the house where I could observe the window without being seen. There’s definitely someone up there, watching us through binoculars.”

  Doug grunts, “Fucking A.”

  “There’s more.” Leo tells us. “He was talking to someone on a walkie talkie.”

  About me… the author… Kathy O’Rourke

  First off, writing is a second career for me. I spent over thirty years in the Medical Lab industry before taking an early retirement to pursue my lifelong dream of writing a novel. Well, I did it. In 2014, I published my first novel, Knowing Beth, book one of my The Men of Nirvana Flats series. Since then I have published four more books in that series and now the book you just read. I’ve also published two short stories in the Los Angeles Romance Authors anthologies.

  I grew up on the south shore of Long Island in New York but have spent the last forty years in Los Angeles. Yes, I have palm trees in my yard, six of them. I hate the cold weather and could never live in the snow ever, ever again.

  I have a wonderful life partner named Margaret who is my soul mate and best friend. We are a blended family. Each of us having a son of our own. The boys are both grown men now… living their own happy lives. Naturally, we are very proud Mamas.

  Our house is still full. We have two dogs who rule our lives; Yogi, a mixed breed little lovebug, and, BooBoo, a long-haired, opinionated dachshund. We adore them, and can’t imagine a world without dogs in it.

  Besides writing, I am an avid reader and consume at least three books a week. I guess you could say I live for books… it’s true.

  Please feel free to contact me on my Facebook page.

  Other books by Kathy O’Rourke

  Knowing Beth

  Beth: A young woman in trouble.

  Parker: A man with a sad secret.

  Was it just an accident that they met? Or something else?

  Can Parker and his crew help Beth handle her past demons? Can Beth help Parker deal with his painful past?

  The Nirvana Flats Motorcycle club finds her alone at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, broken and afraid. She begs them to leave her alone but something in her eyes and the way she is acting tells them there is much more to her story.


  “What is she doing here all alone with nothing? Who hurt her like this? “Her name is Beth and as she kneels at my feet, a small bundle of curly blonde hair with tears running down her face, I know I can’t leave her out here on her own. I just can’t. Picking her up, I deposit her on the back of my bike. “You’re coming with us.”


  “Where are you taking me?” I can’t believe I’m on his bike with my head resting on his back. Damn it, what am I doing? I just let myself get kidnapped and didn’t even put up a fight. I’m a complete idiot. Then I look out into my beloved desert and a feeling of calmness comes over me. I know if I made it through the last three years, I can make it through this.

  Thanking Stars

  Riley James, single father, surgical nurse and VP of the Nirvana Flats Motorcycle Club has been single since he left his girlfriend for being a cheating bitch.

  Lynne Howell, a struggling single mother, hasn’t had another man in her life since her ex threatened her and her baby’s life.

  So what do you get when you mix together these two single parents, two adorable little boys, a manipulative ex and a rich, powerful and doting grandfather?

  Oh yeah, I better mention that Riley’s a Dom and Lynne is a sub.

  So what do you get? Problems, danger, laughs, red hot sex and maybe even an extraordinary love story. Hold on tight for a rollercoaster ride you will not want to miss.

  Soap and Water

  Missy Connors is scared, alone, and on the run… not only from her criminal ex-boyfriend but also the sins of her past.

  Frantic with worry, the Nirvana Flats family search for her but with no success. Where is she hiding? Why did she run away? Needing answers, they hire private investigator Tony Lago to find and bring her home.

  Will he find her?

  Can she free herself from her past demons?

  Can she believe herself worthy of being loved?

  It all depends on one huge stumbling block….forgiveness.

  Perfect for Me

  This book is about second chances.

  Bridie Murphy, lost her husband and Dom to cancer several years ago. She has done her best to keep up with life, but not love; she thought that was all in her past.

  “Tuck”, Robert Tucker, is a divorced father, florist shop owner, member of the NFMC and a non-practicing Dom. His love life can best be described as ‘empty’.

  Bridie arrives in Salome, Arizona to be by
her gravely ill sister’s side. When she visits Tuck’s shop sparks fly but as we all know, life and love are never easy. Between Tuck’s business woes, Bridie’s sister’s illness and a daughter’s abduction, will they even have a chance?

  The Real Me

  A story about a man, Donald Forrest also known as Master D., who loves his motorcycle, the NFMC (Nirvana Flats Motorcycle Club) and being in control. It is also the story of Kirsa Sorenson, a woman caught between her deep faith and her dark desires.

  When her church pickets against Don’s club and the other NFMC businesses, Kirsa shocks everyone when she chooses to help Don and the NFMC fight against their prejudices and corruption.

  When sparks fly between Don and Kirsa, can she trust enough to let him in? Can Don let go of his past failures and allow himself to succeed with her?

  Can they figure out who is trying to destroy them and save not only their businesses but their way of life?




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