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Secrets Learned

Page 8

by Raven McAllan

  Chapter Ten

  Thank the Lord for that. Chauvinistic, overbearing or whatever, Alex never ever wanted his Dominique to dare to bare in front of others. Oh, he accepted she’d probably be topless at times. That was nothing out of the ordinary in Diomhair, but naked wasn’t for him, unless it was the two of them, in their own space.

  “Then breathe evenly, pet, and tell me how this feels.” Alex paused and kneaded the tight muscles in her neck until they released their tension.

  “Good, Sir.” Her voice was slower, less sharp and, he hoped, reflecting her state of mind.

  “And this.” He brought the flogger down on her left buttock cheek in a way to make it sting, just a little. Enough to intrigue.

  She jumped, but to his satisfaction didn’t move her hands or lose her grip.

  “Stingly and green.”

  “Stingly?” he asked her, somewhat amused. “What’s that?”

  “Stingy and tingly.” She sounded surprised he had to ask.

  “Then how about this?” He continued to bring the flogger down on her ass as he varied the strokes, stopped to check she was still happy after every two, and rub the pain away. Gradually he upped the strength of each stroke until he knew the pain would be there and real. Only she could decide which way to cope—accept or deny. Totally focussed on her, Alex realized the moment she began to float. Her breathing slowed and she murmured something he didn’t catch.

  He stroked her back and shoulders and lifted her into his arms. Dominique winced as her sore ass rested on his stomach, but didn’t open her eyes. He wanted to wince as his cock reacted to her closeness and rubbed on the zip of his jeans. One of the penalties of going commando. Alex moved into the tiny room next door, one with a soft, squashy couch, snagged a blanket—with difficulty as Dominique had done a limpet act—and wrapped her up.

  “Good, pet. Rest now.” He sat down with her in his arms and cuddled her as she snuggled in close.

  A soft voice came over the intercom.

  “Okay?” Jeff spoke in the flat tone they all knew wouldn’t carry or wake a sub-spaced subbie up. “I know Ron’s around, but I needed to know.”

  “Yeah, I think so. When she stirs, I’ll make sure she gets home.”

  “On the back of your bike?”

  Alex raised an eyebrow. “Ring a taxi.”

  “Take the disco—The Discovery.” The 4x4 vehicle which belonged to the estate. “The keys are on the hook.”


  “No worries.” The intercom went silent. Alex sat holding his lady, contented and relaxed. Whatever happened next was in the hands of the gods—or Dominique.

  * * * *

  Mimi was floating in a red, fluffy cloud of contentment. Fire dashed around her, played tag on her bum and darted away again. Something warm covered her and held her tightly. A ‘good, you’re safe here’ tightness, not one she needed to fight her way out of.

  Slowly, memories began to filter into her sated, hazed brain. Of pain and a need to cry. Of pain and a need for more. Then floating, watching her body respond to his touch. Of being his, part of him, wanting, needing…

  She opened her eyes and looked up at Alex. “You, we…”


  Mimi blinked. “Us then, er, well… What?”

  “You went into subspace, pet.” He kissed her gently and stroked her cheek. Such a simple gesture which made her feel cherished and wanted. Mimi liked it.

  Like is too weak a description but the best I can come up with at the moment.

  “Not something everyone does, especially on a first play. Sometimes never. How do you feel?”

  She thought about it and nuzzled his neck. I want him.

  “Did we…?” Mimi let her voice trail off. “No, of course not.” He was honorable.

  Alex laughed softly. “Yeah, no, we didn’t. We will one day, I hope.”

  So did she. She groaned.

  “How do you feel?” He reminded her that she still hadn’t responded.

  What ached, what sang, what itched and what didn’t. And interestingly, she thought, why.

  “I feel something is…” She paused and ran her tongue around her lips. It was Alex’s turn to groan.

  “Witch, such a turn on.”

  “Eh? Oh.” She put her face close to his and whispered in his ear. “Can anyone hear us?”

  Alex shook his head and his hair tickled her cheek. “Not unless one of us talks in a normal voice, why? Or shouts for help.”

  “Then, I’m wet and wanting,” she whispered as heat flooded her. She dipped her head and hid her face in his neck. Under her, Alex shook.

  “Don’t laugh, you sod. Take me home to…to…Bernie.”


  “The bullet.”

  Alex threw back his head and roared with laughter. She punched him on the shoulder. What was it with him that made her open her mouth and let the words flow out, unedited?

  “You b—”

  He put his hand over her mouth.

  Do not suck or nip, do not…

  “Careful, remember the charity box. You can easily add to it now, pet. You’re one of us.” He paused. “Aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question.

  I am? Happiness filled her. She opened her mouth to reply.

  “Hello? Alex? Dominique? Can you both tell me you’re okay or I’ll put the pictures on.” Ronnie’s tinny-sounding voice filled the room.

  Oh Lord. Let the floor open up and swallow me. “He’s been listening?”

  “Of course, he’s dungeon master tonight.”

  “All of it?” She’d never be able to look him in the eye again.

  “I zoned out,” Ronnie said over the intercom. “I only listen for trigger words.”

  “Zone out again, Ron. We’re fine.”

  “Not until I hear Mimi say so.”

  “Dominique,” Alex said with a note of finality.

  “Mimi,” Mimi retorted, “And apart from never ever being able to look you in the face, I’m fine.”

  Ronnie laughed. “And I’m guessing Alex is still in one piece?”

  “Just. And we’re heading off in a second.”

  “To meet up with Bernie?”

  “Argh. Sir, is it permissible to throttle other Sirs?”

  Alex shook again. “I’ll do it for you—or mention Graeme.”

  “Graeme?” Mimi asked as Ronnie groaned.

  “Ignore him, Mimi.”

  “Who’s Graeme?”

  “Well, Ron?”

  “Okay, no mentioning any male names,” Ronnie said hastily. “And now I’m going. If you’re not out in five, Jeff will come and get you.” The intercom clicked off.

  “Are you ready to go?” Alex asked.

  Mimi nodded. “I’m not sure I can drive though?” She did her best to look shaky. “I’ll get a taxi and come back for my car tomorrow. Who’s Graeme?”

  “Ask Theresa. Let’s say a distant relation of Bernie.”

  Mimi grinned. “Ahh.”

  “Exactly, and Ron hates it. To change the subject, don’t worry about your car. Jeff’s loaned us his four by four. Can you walk, or shall I carry you?”

  How she’d love to say, carry me, but if she got what she wanted later, she was darned sure she’d need to show she was fully recovered now and not then.

  “I can walk. Except I’ll need my shoes for the gravel.”

  “We’ll grab them and your bra on the way out.”

  She put her hands over her boobs. Damned if she hadn’t forgotten the blooming thing. After all, she only ever wore one if it was really necessary, it was no wonder she had.

  Mimi swung her feet to the ground and folded the blanket. She looked at it fondly. “Can I buy this?”

  “What, the subbie blanket?”

  Mimi nodded. A subbie blanket, what a perfect name for it.


  She took a deep breath. “As a memento of when I became a sub.”

  “It’s a gift,” Alex said with a grin he
reckoned went from ear to ear. “A sub or my sub?”

  “Well, duh, Sir. Yours, if you’ll have me.”

  “No ‘if’ about it, pet.” He took the blanket in one hand and put his other arm across her shoulder. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Weird, really, that you don’t know what’s missing until it hits you in the face—or across the bum.”

  He steered her out of the room and down the corridor to the room she’d left the rest of her clothes in. Her words were great, made him feel ten feet tall, except…

  “I’ll understand if once you learn about the rest of me you cry red and say enough is enough.”

  “Oh, shit, I forgot the scribing stuff.” She walked on for several seconds. “Well, until I try it, I won’t know, will I? Anyway, you might decide I’m boring in bed. I, er, am right in thinking bed will be part of us?”

  He laughed. “Part. So will the table, up against a tree, over the chair back…”

  “Yes, well… Stop now or I’m going to collapse in a heap of goo and never get up again.” She giggled and rolled her eyes at him. “And believe you me, that’s something I never ever thought I’d say to anyone. I was Miss Prim and Proper—missionary position, eyes closed and think of England with my ex.”

  “Then it was his fault, not yours. Did he keep his vest on?”

  Dominique stopped moving and laughed so hard she had to hold on to him with both hands to stay upright. He watched, amused, as tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks.

  “N…nearly…” she sputtered eventually, and wiped her eyes on her arm. “He told me my skirt was too short, my top too low and not to shout on the odd occasion he made me come.”

  “He sounds a right asshole.”

  “Oh, don’t mention the unmentionable.”

  She must have sensed his confusion for she grinned, one hundred percent devilment in her eyes. “Asshole. I made the mistake of asking him what he thought of anal.”


  She nodded. “More than. He called me a pervert and ditched me, right in between the caulis and potatoes in the supermarket.”

  Alex rocked on his heels. “You asked him that in the supermarket?” What a woman.

  “Well, it was the only place I reckoned I’d have him as a captive audience. I didn’t, but the guy buying bananas waved one at him and asked him if he wanted his first experience of it with one of them. Skin on or off.”

  Alex leaned on the wall and roared. “Sheesh, poor guy. Attacked from all sides. What next?”

  “He screamed the supermarket was inhabited by perverts, hit the guy on the head with a melon and ran off. When I got home, his keys were on the mat, and that was the end of Bryan.”

  “Thank goodness. You deserve better.”

  Mimi ran her tongue over her lips. God, that made him even harder.

  “I do, and I reckon I’ve got it.” She winked, and began to walk on. Then she looked him in the eyes. “So, Sir, what do you think of anal?”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. “You’ll soon find out.”

  “Oh goody, is it as stingly as they say? Or is it a big hurt?” She swallowed. “You know I never used to have verbal diarrhoea until I met you. Why do you think?”

  “You trust me.” He hoped it was that and not nerves.

  “Yeah.” They passed a window that overlooked the parking spaces used by staff. Only one car was there.

  “Oh my, is that Jeff’s car?” Dominique almost put her nose on the pane of glass. “Can I drive it? No, I guess not, so will you go over ruts and stuff? I used to have one on the farm when I was a teen. Strictly illegal, of course, if I’d taken it on the road. I never did. My mate Lucy and I used to go all over the fields and take stuff up to the sheep for Dad. And bring lambs back. Mum used to rear the orphans in front of the Aga.”

  “You’re a farmer’s daughter?

  “Oh yeah, through and through. I can even milk a cow by hand if I have to. Oh, and a sheep, but I’d rather not. Lucy and I often wondered if milking would help us to…” She rolled her eyes, went red and shook her head.

  “To?” he prompted with enough, ‘I am your Dom’ in his voice to make her stiffen.

  “Give a good hand job, okay?” she said, with her words tumbling over each other. “Sheesh, hell, now I am embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be, and I’ll let you know.” He winked. “Once you give me one.”

  “Oh…right, thank you, I think. Yes, well, what about you?”

  He raised one eyebrow. “Do I give hand jobs or am I good at them?”

  “Neither, although, or bl… No, where did you grow up?”

  “Balfron. My dad left my mum when I was ten. I was a jack of all trades. Mum remarried Tony when I was twenty-three, and I discovered, she became his sub. No, they don’t play here, but it does make for an easy to get on with each other relationship. My ex-wife never really got it at all, although we parted amicably and without any fuss. I’m godfather to her daughter.”

  “Bloody h…blimey. Well, I’m glad it all worked out. My mum and dad are as straight as you can get, I reckon, but they’d do anything for anyone. I love them to bits and not just for all their support.” They reached where she’d left her clothing and bag. “Hold on.” Mimi fished in a pocket and took out a five pound note. “Charity box, for all the cussing.”

  He took it. “Thank you. I’ll make sure it gets in it. Yeah, when Tony realized I hated what I was doing, he encouraged me to become what I am—a jack of all trades.”

  “Really?” Mimi shoved her bra in her back pocket and slipped on her shoes. “What were you?”

  “Training to be an accountant.”

  “Er…” She looked at him through narrowed eyes. “And not now?”

  He shook his head and his hair flew all over the place.

  “Where do I know… Ah, turn around?”

  Amused, he did so.

  “Bend over, please, Sir.”

  Now what? He waited for her to feel him up.

  She didn’t.


  He thought if she might well have punched the air.

  “You don’t show a builder’s bum, but that’s what you are.”

  Clever girl. “A bum?”

  She sniggered. “No, you nutter, a builder. You’re doing Ailsa and Aidan’s extension. I’ve spent many a Saturday morning drooling over your torso as you climbed the ladder, especially on our one day that passes as summer around here. And, ah shit, I might as well own up to everything.”


  She rolled her shoulders. “And using the memory of your, er, impressive bits, to come without Bernie. I’m not sure if it was the bare chest or the threadbare denims that did it. Oh Lordy, now I’m well embarrassed.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I’m not. I’m flattered. Now I just need to make sure the real thing matches up.” He opened the passenger door of the car and waited until she settled herself in the seat. Then he posed a la Atlas.

  A wolf whistle from the door of the castle made him flip the bird without even looking to see who it was.

  Dominique sniggered.

  Alex rolled his eyes. Trust Theresa to get in on the action. He wondered how she’d contain herself and not ring up and demand what had happened or was going to. “Sisters.”

  “Well, she has got a point,” Mimi said. “I’d’ve whistled except I can’t. I’d sound like a constipated sparrow. You tighten up most satisfactorily.”

  “Good, hold that thought about all my tight bits.” He walked around the car as fast as his stiff and zip-struck cock allowed him, and got into the driver’s seat. “Shit, sorry, but if I’m able to drive, I need to do a bit of rearrangement here.” He stuck his hand under the waistband of his denims, moved his cock away from the row of metal teeth, then let his breath out on a long hiss of relief. “Ah, that’s better. I don’t want to be injured and not able to serve you.” He switched on the engine and drove out of the car park and down the bumpy back drive which he knew
would take them to her home a lot quicker than the more conventional front drive and main road.

  Dominique held on to the grab handle with one hand and put the other over her mouth then sniggered. “Serve? As in…” She stopped then laughed out loud. “How do you say screw like droit de seigneur without sounding coarse?”

  “You don’t and I meant it as be your servant, my lady, and make sure I give you all you want.”

  “Make love to me?” she asked in a soft voice. “That’s what I want.”

  “Good, because I want it as well.” The car lurched over the ruts a lot more smoothly than his bike had a few hours earlier. As they reached the end of the drive, he sighed. “As soon as we can. My cock is as hard as an iron bar, and it’s bloody hard to concentrate. So I’m going to change the subject. This is where I lost the white van.”

  “Maybe knowing the number will help?”

  “Maybe.” He turned along the road and increased their speed. “It can’t do any harm, at least. Anyway, there’s no point worrying about it. I’ve better things to mull over once I’ve stopped driving.”

  “You have?” Dominique twisted as far as her seatbelt allowed, to look at him. “Such as?”

  “Just how I’m going to fuck you first—and second, third and fourth.”

  “Oh, then mull away.”

  “Yeah.” He paused. “However, not tonight. You need to be very, very, sure.”

  What? The stab of disappointment was so acute that Mimi wouldn’t have been surprised to know she’d actually cried out.

  “You have to think about it carefully, pet. Once you’re mine, I’ll not give you up easily. That’s a promise. And if you’re mine, we’ll do more and more. Therefore, you need to be certain that me and my proclivities are for you.”

  “But if you don’t show me, how will I know?” Grief, she sounded like a sulky three year old who’d been told no more treats until she behaved or some such thing.

  “Oh, I’ll show you, never fear. When you’re ready. And no, pet.” He didn’t take his gaze from the road ahead as he put his fingers over her mouth. “You’ve been through a lot tonight, time to regroup and really think.”


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