Indigo Road

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Indigo Road Page 9

by RJ Jones

  Alex sat up on my thighs but not before giving me one last scorching kiss. He ran his fingers through the mess, then rubbed his forefinger and thumb together, studying the texture of our combined release.

  I was beginning to think Alex liked covering me with his come. I was also starting to think he was a dirty bastard.

  “You look good in white,” he said simply.

  DRIVING OUT of San Francisco, we took Highway 1 heading south along the coast. It was a warm day, but the clouds threatened rain even though none fell. I was dozing against the passenger window when Alex’s voice broke through.

  “It was what I thought, you know,” he said, his eyes never leaving the road.

  I sat up, rubbing my hands over my face. “What?”

  “My experiment in the club.” I’d forgotten about that.

  “And?” I said shortly. I was always a little grumpy after napping. Alex turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Sorry. Go on.”

  “My experiment. I wanted to see if it was just you or if I felt the same way about other guys.”

  I could feel the lump form in my throat and my jealousy rising. This wasn’t a curiosity thing for me. I wanted to be with Alex, always. Once I’d figured out what it was I was feeling, that my affection for him went beyond friendship, I committed myself to him and only him. I hadn’t told him that but only because it felt too soon.

  Now he was telling me what? He wanted to be with other guys? Find out if he was really gay? Would Alex, my Alex, tell me he only wanted to be friends and then go off with someone else?

  My silence must’ve set off his alarm bells as I continued to stew in my seat, my sleepiness nowhere to be found.

  “Josh? Don’t you want to know?” he asked cautiously.

  I turned to look out the window, my eyes burning. I was being ridiculous. In the last two minutes, fears I didn’t know I had came to the forefront of my mind, making it difficult to breathe around the lump in my throat.

  “Fine, since I’m driving and you’re stuck in the passenger seat, you have to listen to me.” I could see Alex’s reflection in the window as he glanced at me a few times, waiting for a response. When none came, he continued. “When I was dancing, there were guys all around. Some touched, some didn’t. Some rubbed up against me and a few tried to kiss me. It felt good for the most part.” He paused, probably waiting for my reaction to his last sentence. I stewed some more. “Want to know what I was doing up there, surrounded by all those hot men?”

  “Not really,” I muttered.

  “I was waiting for you.”

  I turned to look at him then, not bothering to hide my watery eyes. A half chuckle came from Alex’s throat. “That’s right, you sad sap. I was waiting for you to come and tell them all to fuck off, which is what you did. Eventually. You took your damn time.” Taking his eyes off the road, Alex gave me the widest smile. “I’ve been attracted to other guys for a while, but never acted on it. I was too scared of what it meant. But I don’t want to be with anyone else, Josh. I just want you.”

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until it all rushed out, leaving me speechless.

  My heart leapt at his words, filling me with a warmth I felt all the way to my bones. “You need to find somewhere to park. I so need to kiss you right now.”

  Alex poked his tongue out and licked his bottom lip. “Among other things.”


  December 11th

  Monterey, California

  WE MADE our way down the coast slowly. California sure had some pretty spots to stay. When we headed inland, it wasn’t for very long, sometimes just a day trip. The call of the sunset over the ocean had us heading back quickly. I could see why people lived on the beach, especially around here. We stayed around Monterey and Carmel a little longer than we should have, but the scenery was beautiful, neither of us was in a hurry to leave, and according to Alex, we were way ahead of schedule anyway. Christmas was still two weeks away, so we had plenty of time to make it to San Diego.

  Watching the sunset over the ocean while lying in the back of Maude, our legs and pinky fingers entwined, quickly became our routine. We were silent as the sun dropped below the horizon: it didn’t feel right to talk during such a moment. Alex must have sensed it as well, so by unspoken agreement we lay there together in comfortable silence as the sky transitioned through all the colors of the rainbow. Growing up in Fort Wayne, we didn’t get sunsets like this.

  Every night as soon as the sun had disappeared, Alex would pull me into his arms and kiss me sweetly. His lips would glide gently over mine, his hands cupping my face as he licked and bit at my mouth with barely there scrapes of his teeth. It was the type of kiss that made me think of Mom’s Harlequin romance book covers, where the broad-shouldered hero would take his distraught shorter, slimmer, and very feminine lover—who he’d just rescued from a pack of savages—and kiss her tenderly, right before he made a declaration of eternal love. God, my stomach twisted just thinking about that stuff Mom reads. Nevertheless, that was the image that popped into my head.

  After we kissed for what felt like hours, Alex would start a fire and I’d prepare dinner for the night. Sometimes steak, sometimes eggs on toast, sometimes whatever canned soup we had left. It didn’t matter what it was, we had the routine down pat. After we both cleaned up and shoved our dirty clothes into the laundry bag, we’d curl up in the back of Maude in our boxers and watch a movie on the laptop. The little table Alex and his dad had made for the beers disappeared; there wasn’t any room for it between us anymore. I would rest my head on Alex’s chest as I absently played with his chest hair, and he would run his fingers up and down my bare back with soothing, soft touches. Most nights we never finished watching the movie, and the majority of the time I could never remember what it was we were watching anyway. Alex had a habit of sucking my brains through my dick to the point I couldn’t remember my own damn name, never mind what movie we’d been watching.

  Alex had become quite good at giving head and was almost able to take all of me. One night when I told him I was about to come he wouldn’t release my cock and I shot my load down his throat. This excited him beyond words, judging by the shit-eating grin on his face and the load he sprayed all over my chest a few seconds later. I felt his come splash my cheek and before I could comprehend it—I’d just blown my brain down his throat so my thought processes had abandoned me—Alex crawled on top and licked me clean, his eyes wide with desire and hunger, mumbling “so fucking hot.”

  I still hadn’t worked up the nerve to reciprocate, the idea of having a cock in my mouth was a foreign one. The handful of girls who had given me blowjobs never seemed to enjoy it and all of them refused to swallow. Alex didn’t seem to have any reservations anymore, and I put it down to him being secretly kinky. But he never pushed me to do anything I wasn’t ready for, and he appeared ridiculously happy with the hand job I gave him every morning.

  WE HEADED south into Los Angeles. We didn’t care much for the city but neither of us had been to Disneyland so we battled the sixteen-lane freeways with gritted teeth and sweaty brows. Growing up in Fort Wayne with a population of less than three hundred thousand, then coming to a city the size of LA with twenty million was testing both Alex’s resolve and mine.

  Disneyland was on my “must do” list. I think it might have been the only thing on that list for me. Alex had an entire sheet of them. We stayed at the theme park for the entire day and only left when it closed at midnight. We were exhausted from the rides, the sights, and the amount of fast food we consumed.

  It was so worth it. Alex and I were big kids, laughing, joking, and teasing each other all day. We snuck in a few kisses on some of the darker rides where no one could see us, and most of the day we walked around with our pinky fingers wrapped together. Alex started to vibrate with excitement when he saw Mickey Mouse casually walking down Main Street with Pluto, hordes of kids hot on their trail. We joined the throng and stood in line waiting for photos. When it wa
s finally our turn, Alex practically threw himself at Mickey.

  I doubled over laughing. Alex said out of all the photos we’d taken so far on the trip, this one was going on the mantel at home. I’d known he liked the older cartoons; during our last year at college he would wake me up on Saturday mornings just so he had someone to watch them with.

  Since we weren’t allowed to park in the Disney lot all night, we drove south for a short while until we found an empty parking lot near the beach. We were asleep before our heads hit the pillows.

  I awoke sometime in the early morning. It was pitch black outside and the only illumination came from a not so nearby streetlight. I looked around groggily. Alex was breathing softly next to me, his fingers still entwined with mine.

  What woke me up?

  Then I heard them. Gruff voices outside the van. My heart leapt into my throat. I rubbed my eyes and strained to listen. I couldn’t be sure how many were out there, but I thought there were at least three.

  I squeezed Alex’s hand. “Alex, babe. Wake up,” I whispered, not wanting our visitors to hear me.

  “Yo man, come check this out. This ride looks pretty sweet.”

  My heart thundered in my ears and I nudged Alex hard.

  “What? Christ, Josh, I’m sleeping. Go—”

  “Shh,” I said, covering his mouth with my hand. “Listen.”

  Alex struggled to wake up, but when he heard the deep, guttural voices, his eyes went wide in alarm. I released his mouth when I knew he was going to be quiet. What I heard next turned my blood to ice.

  “Who fool enough to leave this ’ere? Don’t people know this’s our turf?”

  “People gonna leave their shit around, that’s jus’ askin’ for trouble. Check the door, maybe they left some shit inside.”

  “No, jump it. Take it back and we’ll strip it later.”

  Fear trickled down my spine. “Where’re the keys?” I whispered to Alex, but before Alex could answer, someone else did.

  “Hey, check it. The keys are in the ignition. Someone find me a rock so I can break the window, I’m not fuckin’ up my hand again.”

  My breath left my body in a short, fiery burst. “Fuckfuckfuck.”

  Before I could think, I scrambled over to the driver’s seat and started Maude, my heart lodged firmly in my throat. I heard a lot of “fuck, whoa” and one “mothafucker, there’s somebody inside.” I had Maude in gear and peeled out of the parking lot before Alex had a chance to climb over to the passenger seat. Looking in the side mirror, I saw at least ten guys gaping after us. Alex turned ghostly white when he looked in the mirror on his side, his eyes wide. I saw one had a baseball bat; Alex must’ve seen that as well. I refused to look any further. I waited for them to chase us down—Maude was old, after all, so peeling out of the parking lot isn’t really what she was able to do—but I think they were so surprised to hear the car start they were stunned motionless.

  I thanked God Maude didn’t stall.

  I drove farther down the coast, my nerves still on edge as I white-knuckled the steering wheel. I kept looking behind us, half expecting them to appear in the mirror. It was ridiculous, but the fear stayed with me, making my skin prickle.

  I looked over to Alex, who sat naked in the passenger seat, his head in his hands and his shoulders heaving.

  “Alex? You okay?” I asked, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He flinched slightly, then relaxed. “Babe, talk to me. It’s over now, they’re gone and we’re okay.” I tried to keep my voice even, if for no other reason than to reassure Alex that everything was okay, but it sounded strained, even to my ears.

  “I’m okay. Keep driving,” Alex muttered into his hands. I encouraged him to shuffle closer to me. I needed to touch him, to reassure him and myself as I drove, and it wasn’t long before he had his head resting on my shoulder, his hand tight on my thigh.

  Entwining our fingers, I let the warmth of his body soothe me as I drove until the sun came up.

  ALEX, WITH the help of his phone, directed me to an RV park just outside of San Diego. I don’t know how long I had been driving for, but it couldn’t have been much more than an hour. The sun had just risen and made the day clean and fresh. It was hard to believe what had happened as the light of the California morning dawned bright and cheery.

  I pulled into a powered site shaded by large trees and ordered Alex into the back of Maude. He hadn’t spoken the entire drive, but he was noticeably calmer. He hadn’t bothered to dress yet and he climbed over the seats still naked without saying a word. He snuggled under the blanket and buried his head in a pillow.

  I pulled on some jeans, and as I opened the door to get out, Alex’s voice broke the silence. “Where are you going?” he asked, jerking upright, alarm coloring his tone.

  “I’m going to the office to pay the fees and then I need to hook up the fridge. I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?” I said evenly.


  “I will.”

  It wasn’t long before I opened the back door and climbed in next to Alex.

  “Hey,” I said, closing the door behind me. It was early morning and I thought about cooking breakfast, but it didn’t appear Alex wanted any right then. I didn’t even get the usual “horse” I’d come to expect. Instead, he grabbed me in a fierce hold and pulled me on top of him, devouring my mouth in hard, demanding kisses. The sex we’d shared so far had been a bit on the dirty side, but I didn’t know he liked it rough as well.

  Alex grabbed at my shoulders, his blunt fingers digging into my flesh, frantic with need. His kisses were brutal as he bucked upward, letting me know how ready he was.

  Eager. Desperate.

  My jeans were a hindrance, but this wasn’t about me. I knew what he needed. I pinned his shoulders to the mattress. Despite being shorter than him, I was broader and stronger, but he fought me anyway.

  “Stop fighting me,” I growled.

  Alex’s eyes flashed, then softened as he went limp against the bed, the air rushing from his lungs.

  “Better. Now relax, I’m here and I’m going to take care of you. For today only, we don’t step outside this van. We only go to the showers and back, and we go together, okay?”

  “I like the sound of that,” he said, his voice sounding calm but with a tinge of anxiety creeping in.

  I kissed him gently, sliding my lips over his. I didn’t want him to think right now, only feel. I deepened the kiss, sucking his tongue into my mouth with a practiced caress. Alex moaned as he explored my back and ass. We still hadn’t really touched each other there, but it was only a matter of time; I could feel the inevitability like a warm blanket.

  I kissed the side of his mouth, his cheek, his throat as I made my way to his collarbone, the one spot certain to clear his mind of anything else except what I was doing to him. And sure enough, he sucked in a breath when I wrapped my lips around the bone and grazed it softly with my teeth.

  I didn’t linger for too long as I made my way down his chest, giving each nipple equal attention as I headed south.

  Alex’s cock was bigger up close than I thought it would be. I’d seen him naked numerous times in the shower during college, usually after a little one-on-one basketball. But having it so close to me now as I wrapped my hand around the base and tasted the head with a flick of my tongue, I realized just how big he was. I wasn’t small myself, but Alex had it in spades.

  I ran my tongue around the ridge of the crown, listening as Alex’s breathing changed. I wondered why I’d waited so long to do this for him. It didn’t feel strange or weird to have his cock in my mouth. I loved knowing I could make his breathing hitch and his fingers clench the blanket with nothing other than a well-placed lick.

  The texture on my tongue felt like I thought it would, like silk-covered steel. It tasted of sweaty skin and a spicy musk that wasn’t offensive to my taste buds. Filled with confidence at this new information, I took him into my mouth. I knew not to go too far down for fear of gagging, so I took what
I could easily manage and made up the rest of his length with my hand. I pumped his shaft as I sucked and licked at the bulbous head, and before long Alex’s hands were on me as he threaded his fingers through my hair. He didn’t push me down, just held me in place.

  His shaft thickened as I played him with my tongue, my saliva making the slide of my hand easier.

  “Josh, gonna come,” Alex groaned, his voice thick as his fingers tightened around my skull.

  I pulled off, not ready to taste him yet. I stroked him quickly half a dozen times before he came, almost yelling my name with his release. I let him come on me, his spurts hitting my neck and chest, a wayward one catching my chin. I couldn’t see the appeal of coming on someone’s face, but I knew he’d appreciate it.

  Alex’s wide smile was all the reward I needed. “Fuck, come here.”

  I crawled up his body, leaning over him as he wiped the come from my chin. “I really like having my spunk all over you. It feels primal, possessive almost. I fucking love it.”

  Alex held his fingers close to my mouth, wanting me to taste him. I hesitated for a fraction of a second before sucking them in and twirling my tongue around the digits, tasting not only his come, but his warm skin as well. It was bitter, but not unpleasant. Next time I gave him a blowjob, I was definitely swallowing.

  Alex cleaned the rest of his come off me with his tongue and at the same time fumbled with my jeans. I shucked them off and crawled into bed next to him, feeling his warmth soaking into me.

  Alex grabbed my cock and starting stroking, but I placed my hand over his, stopping him.

  “Not needed. That was just for you. Let’s get some sleep, huh?”

  Alex guided me to lie on my other side as he snuggled behind me. Wrapping his arms around me tightly, his softening cock nestled in the crease of my ass as he kissed the back of my neck. I’d never played the little spoon before. Sure, we’d cuddled with my head on his chest and every night previously we’d fallen asleep holding hands, which I loved.


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