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Indigo Road

Page 14

by RJ Jones

  He rested his forehead against mine. “Is that a yes?”

  I nodded.

  Alex took my towel off, then led me over to the bed before grabbing the supplies and sitting on the comforter.

  “Bend over. I’m going to take out the plug and insert one of the bigger ones.”

  I did as I was told, and before long, a large flesh-colored toy was being pushed into my well-prepared ass. Alex played with it a little, guiding it in and out until my dick was weeping onto the sheet below. Every time I reached for my cock, he slapped my hand away with a firm “Don’t touch.”

  Alex lay back on the bed and threw me the lube. I sat back on my heels, squirming a little, and stared at it as all my insecurities came rushing back. What if I wasn’t any good? What if I couldn’t please him the same way he did me?


  I looked up and our gazes met. His eyes reflected my confusion and hesitation, but I suspected his was for a different reason.

  “Do you not want to go bare?” Alex asked.

  I looked back at the lube in my hands. “No, I do. It’s not that.” I forced myself to look at him again. “What if I’m no good? What if I suck at topping?”

  “Are you aware of what I do when I prep you? When I fuck you?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Well, I haven’t exactly been taking notes.”

  Alex sat up and rubbed my arms. “I’ll guide you if you like, but only if I think you need it.”

  “I want it to be good for you.”

  “It’s you. It will be, I promise. Now get those fat fingers of yours slicked up.”

  Alex leaned back against the pillows and spread his legs for me. After inserting one finger, then two, Alex told me to curl them until I felt the small bundle of nerves that had his hips jerking off the bed. “Fuck, yes, that’s it. Now you’ve found it, remember where it is and you can’t go wrong.”

  “Are you sure you can take me?” It was a stupid question, as I currently had a larger-than-me plug shoved inside me, but I didn’t want to hurt him.

  “It’s been a while, but yes. You’re not small, but I’ve had bigger things up my ass.” Alex smirked.


  “Yes, you are.” Alex gripped behind his knees, pulling himself open wider. “Now fuck me.”

  I pressed the tip of my cock against his entrance, slowly sinking into the vise-like grip. Heat and pressure, not to mention the large toy in my ass, had me on the verge of coming. I paused and took a deep breath before sinking in all the way.

  Alex’s eyes had rolled back into his head.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Hmm, more than. But you need to move.”

  “Nuh-uh. If I move now, it’ll all be over. Give me a sec.”

  Alex leaned up and kissed me quickly. “Take a deep breath and count to ten. If that doesn’t work, do it again.”

  “‘Count to ten?’ Those are your words of wisdom?”

  “Yep, doesn’t always work, though. It’s what I do with you.”

  Once I had myself somewhat under control, I moved my hips a little, listening for any sign from Alex, good or bad. Going by his groans, I was doing something right. I moved my hips faster, watching my cock disappear into his ass with each slide. It was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

  Alex wrapped his long legs around me, resting his heels on my ass and forcing me to go faster, harder. I found his prostate and tried to nail it with every pass as small gasps and moans passed through his lips, telling me I was doing a good job. Having my dick engulfed in his tight heat made me all too aware of the plug still in my ass as I flexed my hips.

  Alex must’ve sensed what I was thinking as he leaned up slightly, wrapped his long arms around my lower back, and pushed the toy farther into my ass.

  “Ahh. Fuck, fuck.”

  “Liked that, huh?”

  I growled as I thrust into him harder. Alex reached around me again and this time grabbed the plug, pushing it into me in time with my hips. He didn’t have to do much, just hold it in place as I fucked myself on it while fucking him at the same time.

  It was too much. Sensations were everywhere, pinging through my nervous system. I leaned down and kissed Alex hard as my orgasm shook my entire body and I shot into his ass, filling him. I moaned into his mouth as I continued to kiss him like my life depended on it. Alex grunted and grabbed his dick, pulling it a couple of times before spurting hot and fast between us.

  I think I lost consciousness for a bit because when I opened my eyes, Alex was reaching around me, pulling the toy from my hole with a huge grin on his face. I felt empty without it.

  He kissed my cheek. “Liked that, huh?”

  “I think I blacked out.”

  “Do you remember telling me over and over how much you loved me as you came?”

  “No. But I do, regardless.” I nuzzled his neck as my softened dick slipped from him.

  Alex laughed. “I love you too, but we need another shower. There’s come and lube everywhere.”

  “You bring the shower to me. I’m not moving,” I breathed against his skin.

  “At least let me up so I can get a washcloth.”

  “In a minute.”

  We lay together in silence as Alex ran his hands over my sweaty back. I breathed in his scent, now mixed with our sex, as I kissed the side of his neck. I reveled in the feel of his soft skin against mine, the small smattering of hair on his chest as I pressed closer to him, the pulse of warm blood running through the vein in his neck that I couldn’t seem to stop kissing. We had been best friends for years, but I’d never been as close to him as I was at that moment. He was my life.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  Alex squeezed me. “I love you too. I’d love you a little more if you would let me up. I’m starting to stick to the bed.”


  March 23rd

  Highway 87. Ten miles outside of Troy, Alabama

  WE HAD crossed the state line into Alabama and were heading toward Georgia as we continued southeast. “So, what’s the plan for Florida?” I asked as Alex drove. I could tell he had something planned. There was a buildup that felt just like Christmas had when he’d organized our festive lunch.

  Alex took his eyes off the road and glanced at me, smiling. “South Beach.”

  I’d heard Calvin and Davis talk about Miami’s gay hot spot a few times, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Alex had already booked us a room in a gay-friendly hotel using some coupon he’d found online.

  Before I could question him further, we heard a strange noise coming from Maude. Alex turned to me and raised a what-the-fuck-is-that eyebrow before signaling to pull over, but before he could stop, a loud bang came from the passenger side.

  A front tire had blown apart. “Damn.” Apart from the issue in Texas, we hadn’t had any mechanical problems with Maude. We had everything checked once a month as we were driving a lot of miles and I guess we’d become a little complacent.

  It took forever to change the tire. Neither of us had any experience with the weight of an older car, but with a little cursing, we got the spare on eventually, planning to get the flat fixed at the next town.

  We had plans to stay at a campground that night, but the time it had taken to change the tire meant it was now dark and the site was still two hours away. We didn’t usually travel at night, preferring to hole up somewhere after dinner.

  “Maybe we should pull off somewhere and stay the night,” I suggested.

  “It’s only a couple of hours away and it’s not that late yet. It’s not like we have to get up in the morning.”

  We decided to push through until we heard another sound coming from Maude about an hour later. We were on a dark and deserted stretch of highway as we pulled off to the side, only to find one of the rear tires was flat. At least it hadn’t blown like the first one.

  “Fuck.” Alex stood next to the van with his hands on his hips. “Go get the spare and we’ll do this aga
in. At least this time it’ll be quicker because we know what we’re doing.”

  I had had enough of being on the road. I was tired and irritable, and my temper flared. “We just used the fucking spare,” I snapped. “We don’t have a spare spare.”

  “Of course. Shit. Now what?”

  Before I could answer, a large truck passed and slowed down, its brake lights bright against the dark backdrop of the lonely road as it came to a stop. It backed up closer to us. Though I didn’t know what the driver could do to help unless he just happened to have a spare 1980-something VW van wheel as part of his cargo.

  The driver jumped down from his truck and came toward us, his shadowed frame getting bigger and bigger by the second. He was somewhere in his late forties or early fifties with a grin that made me shiver. “You okay? Need some help?” he asked.

  I kept my tone friendly, despite feeling a little uneasy. “Flat tire. We’ll be fine once we change it, shouldn’t take us too long.” Telling this mountain of a man that we no longer had a spare felt like a bad idea. Alex was tall, over six foot, but this guy was even taller than him and his broad shoulders eclipsed mine. He must bench-press cars just for something to do. I looked toward Alex, who was now rummaging in the glove compartment, I assumed for the AAA card.

  The driver stepped closer, and although he was probably trying to smile nicely, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I took a step backward.

  “I can take you to the nearest garage while your friend waits with the van. There’s a town not far from here. The owner owes me a favor.” His eyes kept darting toward where Alex was still looking for something. He looked back at me and sneered, his eyes glinting like he’d won a coveted prize. He grabbed my arm in a vise grip. “C’mon, it’s not far. Promise.”

  There was something very wrong with this picture, and when I tried to wrestle my arm free, his grip tightened. “What the fuck? Get your hands off me. Let go!” I tried to pry his fingers from my arm but his grip tightened even more and became painful to the point I thought he would snap my bone. I tried not to whimper.

  “Ooh, not so tough now are you, huh? C’mon, I’ll show what a tough guy’s made of. Play nice now.”

  The monster of a man gripped my bicep tighter, causing tears to well in my eyes at the pain as he started to force me to his truck. I kicked out hard and my foot connected with his shin.

  “Fucker,” he growled. “You’ll pay for that.” It was so fast I didn’t see his fist as it connected with the side of my head. I couldn’t tell if the stars I was seeing were in my head or were the ones in the dark Alabama sky above.

  I heard Alex’s low voice from behind me followed by a familiar metallic click.

  “Let him go.”

  My arm was dropped and I winced as the blood rushed painfully through my veins once more. My would-be abductor started backing away from me with his hands up and his eyes wide. “Yeah, yeah, no problems, man. Just… wanted to help out, but, ah… I see you have everything under control.”

  I stumbled back to Alex, rubbing my abused bicep. I shook my head to clear it as Alex wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. It was then I noticed he was holding a gun, pointed at the driver. To say I was stunned would be an understatement, and I didn’t know if what I was seeing was real, or just a result of taking a blow to the head. I couldn’t make any words come out of my mouth. I had no idea where the weapon came from, but at that moment I didn’t care.

  “Get back in your truck and leave. You see us on the road again, you turn and head in the opposite direction.” The slight shake in Alex’s hand told me he was struggling to keep himself together, and his voice had a gravel to it I hadn’t heard before. The guy was stepping back faster now before he turned and jogged quickly to his truck. I stood in Alex’s arms as we watched the truck start up and drive off. As soon as he was out of sight, Alex wrapped both arms around me, still holding the gun. I wasn’t sure who was keeping who up as he buried his face in my neck.

  Alex pulled back and placed the gun in his back pocket before cradling my face in his hands. He looked into my eyes. “Are you okay, does it hurt?” He ran his fingers over the side of my face gently. My face didn’t feel as bad as my arm and I told him so.

  He kissed my cheek, but his eyes remained hard, his voice tight. “Okay, get in. I’m not waiting around to see if he comes back.”


  “No buts. Get in. I’ll drive slowly back to Troy, the town we passed a short while ago. I’m not following him. For all we know, he could be hiding around the bend waiting for us.”

  “We should call the cops.”

  Alex shook his head as he helped me into Maude. I was capable of getting myself into the van, but it seemed he needed to help me, so I let him. “No. I’m the one with the weapon and it’ll be his word against ours.”

  After Alex stored the gun back in the glove compartment, he climbed in and pulled me over so I was sitting in the middle of the bench seat. He looked thoughtful, like he was chewing on my suggestion, seeing how it tasted. “Okay, maybe we could give the police an anonymous tip or something. We don’t want him to get farther down the road and find someone else.” He turned the vehicle around and drove back the way we came slowly, mindful of the flat tire, to the previous town. Alex tipped off the police, giving the truck’s license number and said he’d just witnessed an ‘attempted’ abduction but refused to tell them who he was. We didn’t speak after that. Every time I started to talk, I got a glare that told me to shut up, but even though we were silent, Alex wouldn’t let me leave his side as I pressed up against him. I sensed if I moved to the other side of the vehicle like normal, I would be dragged back.

  Alex’s eyes darted everywhere as he drove, but mostly at the rearview mirror, like I had done after Disneyland. Every now and then he’d glance at me like he was making sure I was still there, but his eyes remained hard, his lips pressed tightly together.

  We pulled into a Super 8 motel on the highway and parked around the back in a dark corner away from the lights, out of view of passing motorists. Alex pulled me gently along behind him as he checked us in, then went back to Maude to get our bag. I wasn’t allowed to leave his side. He was still silent, not breathing a word to me.

  Once inside our small room, he locked and chained the door before pulling the curtains closed, but not until he’d checked everywhere was quiet.

  He was on edge. The severity of the event hadn’t caught up to me yet, but I could tell Alex was in the midst of realizing exactly what had just happened. His shoulders were tight and I could see the tension running through him as he walked into the bathroom and turned the taps on in the shower. As the water was running, he stripped my clothes off before quickly shedding his own, then gently guided me into the now steaming shower.

  “Hey.” I waited for the usual response, and when it didn’t come, I ran my finger gently over his bottom lip, pulling it down slightly and hoping the word would slip free. It didn’t, but his small, hesitant smile was enough.

  Alex washed every part of me. He was careful of my throbbing arm that now sported a large purple handprint. He kissed the side of my head gently. My face didn’t hurt as much as my arm, and I sensed Alex needed this more than I did. The rigidity of his shoulders had lessened some.

  After getting himself clean, he turned the taps off and dried me with a towel before tending to himself in silence. He threw the towel on the floor and grabbed my hand, leading me to the bed in silence. Alex pulled the covers back and laid down, encouraging me to lie on top of him. Without words, he told me he needed my body weight to ground him, to reassure him that we were okay. We were safe.

  Alex spread his legs and I settled myself between them as he wrapped his arms around me, all the while placing featherlight kisses to my jaw, cheek, and temple. It wasn’t long until his hips started to buck and grind against me.

  “Fuck me,” he whispered against my skin. “Fuck me, Josh. I need to feel you.” Alex’s voice
grew in desperation as he thrust his hips into me, running his hands up and down my back constantly.

  I leaned up so I could see into his eyes, see what I was dealing with. “Are you sure you want to do this right now?”

  “Yes. I need… I can’t feel you. I need to feel you.”

  “Okay, let me up so I can get some lube.”

  “No, just like this.”

  “I’m not fucking you without it,” I stated.

  Alex whimpered when I used all my strength to break from his hold. I grabbed the lube from our bag and quickly covered his body with mine again, sensing he needed my weight. His breathing steadied when I crushed him into the mattress.

  Alex spread his legs, bending at the knees to give me access to his hole.

  “I don’t need any prep, Josh. Just get inside me.”

  Regardless of what he was telling me, I wasn’t fucking him without any kind of prep or lube, but I didn’t take much time with the pleasantries either.

  Alex had his legs spread wide for me and my chest pressed against his. Close.

  I canted my hips, and as I slid in for the first time, I felt, rather than saw, a tear slip down his cheek, wetting mine in the process. I fucked into him slowly, moving only my hips, as my upper body was caught in his embrace. His shoulders shook with his quiet sobs but when I paused, he shook his head and said, “Don’t stop, don’t stop. I need to feel you.”

  I continued to thrust my hips, picking up the pace as Alex’s moans became louder, until I came in a long, drawn-out wave of release. I tried to wedge my hand between us so I could jerk him to completion. “No. I don’t need it,” Alex whispered.

  I breathed into his neck, trying to hide my emotion as I composed myself. I ran my hands gently down his sides and his arms, and through his hair—anywhere I could reach to calm him as I listened to his harsh breathing.

  “Let me up so I can get a cloth and clean you,” I said after a few silent minutes.

  “No.” Alex tightened his arms around me once more. “I need to feel you.”

  We slept then, my body crushing his. I woke a couple of hours later to Alex rolling me onto my side, his arms still wrapped tightly around my chest and his slick cock nudging my entrance insistently. He slipped inside me with a few quick thrusts, and his arms tightened around my body as he filled my ass with a deep groan.


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