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A Trap for the Potentate (The Dark Herbalist Book #3) LitRPG series

Page 24

by Michael Atamanov

  I closed the map and gave a heavy sigh. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes. One wrong move could lead to death in this ghastly dangerous place, and I would not get another chance to be up here. After ordering my wolves and wyvern to simply wait and not do anything, I threw an old cloak with Stealth bonuses over my shoulders and activated all kinds of protective effects: Undead Apathy, Night Vision, Search for Life. I then went into stealth mode and carefully walked onto dry land.

  * * *

  It was a wooden house. A normal house made of time darkened beams, but it was of truly colossal dimensions. In comparison with this, even the blockhouse my sister and I had stayed in near the village of Tysh, which was built by giant ogres, seemed like a mere dog kennel. This side of the huge building was apparently the back yard with storehouses, sheds and other utility buildings. Other than a dozen ghastly-looking hounds, dozing in the interior courtyard braided into a ring, I couldn't see anyone.

  Guard dog

  Level ???

  I couldn't see the level of these terrifying mutts. Their markers were simply accompanied by black skulls although, based on their titanic dimensions, I could suppose at least level two hundred, if not three. But I wasn't particularly afraid of the dogs, supposing that I would be protected from their frightening teeth by my huge positive bonuses to the reaction of any canid. What was more, in case of alarm, I could try and lure up to four of the fanged guardians to my side, after which the other hounds would quickly stop caring about me.

  No, I didn't misspeak. It really was four and not two, because I'd decided to get rid of the two Swamp Wolves. I had no attachment to them and there were now somewhat stronger candidates. I kicked the two brown wolves out of the Gray Pack, supposing they would simply walk away. But no such luck! A blistering fight sprung up and the Gray Pack on the shore of the river immediately sated their hunger with their former compatriots... Hrmph. That was a bit uncomfortable...

  Stealth skill increased to level 36!

  Seeing that system message run before my eyes, my big-eared Amra smiled in satisfaction from ear to ear. Yes, my Stealth skill was rising quickly, which was one of the reasons I was in no hurry to crawl out in front. My Goblin Herbalist was hiding behind a bunch of stinking trash in the immediate vicinity of a dozen very dangerous high-level opponents but, due to my cover overpowering any smell I might have given off, the camouflage cloak and my bonuses to stealth, I remained unnoticed by the big-toothed guard dogs. The game algorithms considered this a spectacular success, and my Stealth skill bar was filling up right before my eyes, giving me a new level almost every minute.

  But that wasn't the only reason I was taking my time. I had already reached the inner courtyard just twenty steps from the titanic cabin of the giants, but I still had yet to see my target! What was more, the game algorithms of Boundless Realm had yet to give me the Twelve Élivágar Guardians quest, which is why I had come to these lands in the first place. I thought, and Charon had confirmed that somewhere in the land of the giants and gods of Scandinavian legend, there must be a unique mythical hound, a brother to my Fimbulthul. But where was he?!

  Stealth skill increased to level 37!

  Somewhere very far away on the boggy shore further down the Styx, my friends were probably worried about me and didn't understand why I wasn't answering their messages. My brothers in arms could see that Amra was alive, but they couldn't tell where he was located. The squadron of NPC orcs was probably calling and searching for their missing commander. They might even rebel and refuse to obey the mavka without me. Meanwhile, I was just lying on my stomach next to a pile of trash, and couldn't do anything about it...

  It wasn't clear how long I could keep this up but, just then, a very subtle squeak rang out from the direction of the huge house. My huge green ears immediately perked up and tried to determine the source of the sound. It seemed the squeak was coming from under the porch. Yeah, that was right! One of the huge black dogs had woken up and gone to hide under the porch. It was a feeding female, based on her milk-filled pendant nipples.

  The mother's arrival was met with elated yelping. There must have been a couple of puppies under the porch. Based on the squeaking, it seemed there were three, no, actually four puppies! Very slowly, I left the very comfortable and safe shelter and started peeking out to the side, trying to take a wide curve around the yard to catch a glimpse of what was happening under the stairs.

  Stealth skill increased to level 38!

  Finally, I managed to see the puppies and could barely contain a howl of joy. There it was! Among the puppies drinking their mother's milk, one was marked with a gold marker on the mini-map. A unique creature! But... the puppies were still just level zero and not yet independent creatures. I couldn't simply pick them from afar and include the blind little black pup I into the Gray Pack.

  What should I do then? Naturally, I didn’t have a few days to wait for the puppies to grow up. Also, it was easily possible that the puppy might remain in such a small inactivated state for many weeks and even months, only turning on when one of the players who'd received the Twelve Élivágar Guardians quest showed up. After all, it was supposed to be fore someone who had honestly overcome all the obstacles and traps, crossed the bridge between the worlds of the dead and the living, fought with the pack of malicious dogs and earned a reward in the form of a unique pet... But this player wouldn't be me, because the game system hadn’t given me this unique quest.

  I wasn't sure how much longer I could have watched the puppies and mentally self-castigated, but my goblin accidentally met eyes with the feeding female.

  Check for Guard Dog reaction failed!

  After such a message, there was no more guessing if she'd noticed me or not. What was more, the marker of the feeding mother momentarily changed shade from neutral yellow to red. Aggression!!! I ran forward at full speed, tacking between the huge awakening beasts as I ran. Meanwhile, I just rudely jumped over or on top of several of their furry backs.

  Dodge skill increased to level 24!

  Dodge skill increased to level 25!

  Acrobatics skill increased to level 21!

  Animal Control skill increased to level 44!

  Of the four enemies I tried to take under my command, I only managed to include one into the Gray Pack. But even that was a great success, because the animal increased in size instantly from the bonuses and distracted the other defenders. I then, barely managing to dodge the jaws gnashing at my very throat, crawled under the belly of my hound, which hopped to its feet, and found myself facing the female. She bared her teeth, protecting her young and gave a deafening roar right in my face.

  Damage taken: 0 HP (spell Psionic Strike, immunity to fear)

  The female lunged her toothy maw in my direction, then tried to lie down and cover her pups with her huge body, but I was already jumping toward the valuable loot. Got it! I managed to grab the puppy with my hands. Mine!!! Ow... Even at my high Strength and Constitution the huge guard dog pressing down with all her weight was too heavy. My bones and joints creaked. How painful!!!

  Damage taken: 310 (crushing, armor ignored)

  Damage taken: 278 (crushing, armor ignored)

  Damage taken: 390 (crushing, armor ignored)

  I tried not to think about the fact that there were puppies in the very same situation. My life was flowing away quickly. In ten more seconds, I'd be dead. I didn't have enough Strength to lift the furry creature...

  Despite the pain and stress, I still had enough intelligence to change tactics and not try to escape from under the huge press. Carefully placing the black puppy in my Inventory and making sure he was alive, I activated my vampire ability Incorporeity for the first time.

  How wonderful it felt to be free from that pressing weight! It was as if I had freed myself from the strangling embrace of a python!!! The huge enraged mother gnashed her jaws impotently, but her terrifying teeth passed right through me, not doing any damage.

  Dodge skill increased to level 26!

  Dodge skill increased to level 27!

  Acrobatics skill increased to level 22!

  But, unfortunately, this invulnerability was very short in duration. I had just thirty seconds, or to be more accurate, twenty-seven, so I ran toward the river as fast as my feet would take me. The battle in the courtyard was still going on, although my hound had already collapsed to the ground and was being torn to shreds. Nevertheless, the main contingent of guard hounds was occupied, and just three were chasing me, including the female herself. I tried to get those three onto my side one more time, but again without result. The chasm dividing our levels was too wide, and the chance for success with hostile beings was quite small to begin with.

  In such a fleshless state, I could move very fast, and the guard hounds couldn’t keep up. As I ran, I ordered VIXEN to wake up, spread her wings and be ready to fly. I was planning to use her to take off into the sky to evade pursuit. And as for the Gray Pack, I ordered them to run away as fast as possible because, if my wolves met with such deadly enemies as those bounding after me now, they didn't have a single chance to escape.

  My last few seconds of being immaterial were ticking away as I ran up to the banks of the Styx. My pursuers were forty meters behind me, but barking desperately with every second, trying to hit the impudent fleeing goblin with waves of fear. That didn't worry me much, due to my complete immunity to fear. But as for VIXEN... As shameful as it was, the Royal Forest Wyvern couldn't hold out and, sharply flapping her wide emerald wings, took off into the cloudy sky, leaving her master to be torn to shreds...

  “Amra, over here!” the familiar rasping voice of Charon drew my attention when my incorporeal state had passed, and I already thought I had no more chances for rescue.

  I didn't think it over and, without slowing down, made a running jump into the cold black waters of the river of death. When I landed, I was up to my belt in the water, which was freezing, simply icy, but also burned like fire.

  Successful check for Poison Resistance

  Experience received: 370 Exp.

  Successful check for Poison Resistance

  Experience received: 370 Exp.

  Charon extended me his long pole and brought my big-eared goblin on his boat, even helping me climb over the side. The three guard dogs stopped at the water's edge as if riveted in place, not wanting to crawl into the dangerous river.

  “Let's go before their masters notice what you've taken!” the old man commented aloud, and sharply pushed his pole off the riverbed.

  A moment later, the land of the giants was gone, lost in the fog. But at that, something was telling me Charon's boat and that dangerous riverbank were now separated by a huge distance, and I no longer had to worry about pursuit.

  “Thanks, Charon! You showed up just in the nick of time. Another couple seconds and those dogs would have torn me to shreds...”

  “Oh, it's nothing!” the ancient man waved off my gratefulness. “You're undying, so you'd just be reborn in a different place no matter what. I just wanted to tease those foreign gods. Also, you're an interesting guy to talk to. Well, and we didn't finish the beer,” Charon chuckled, taking the small barrel in his hands and giving it a shake, making a noticeable sloshing sound. “Just enough for the road! Amra, at least show me what you took from the giant Modgud.”

  Modgud? So that was who lived in that huge house! I'd heard the name Modgud before. The giant lady was a guardian of the golden bridge between the worlds of the living and the dead, one of the servants of Hel, the goddess of the afterlife. I got it out of my inventory and showed Charon the tiny black puppy, blindly nuzzling my finger.


  Élivágar Guardian

  Level-0 Mythical Hound (unique creature)

  “Just that...” Charon said, drawing out his words in disappointment, immediately losing interest in my trophy. “You could have found some more interesting stuff in the home of the giantess Modgud. If you'd have just told me you were interested in unusual dogs, I'd have shown you the three headed Cerberus from afar, now that's a ghastly creature! Even the gods try not to tangle with Cerberus, but as for people...”

  Charon went sharply silent and spit into the water. It seemed to me that the ferryman of souls wanted to tell me the story of Hercules and one of his twelve feats, the capture of Cerberus, but remembered that, on his way to the kingdom of the dead, the legendary hero had walloped Charon himself to get across the Styx.

  Anyway, his mood was spoiled. He drained the rest of the beer in the barrel in one swig and asked in a none-too-friendly voice where to let me out.

  “Next to my orc squadron, if possible,” I answered.

  To that, the ferryman pushed off with his pole a few times on the bottom and pointed his hand at the dark shore that appeared from the fog with far-off gloomy fires:

  “We're here! Oh... You need to intervene right away. Jump off quick before the rougarous smash your orcs' faces in!”

  The Clan of the White Lily

  THE SCENE I ARRIVED to was not pleasing. The black river was crowded from an abundance of boats full of dog-headed warriors, many of which were bombarding the shore with slings and short-bows. On the shore, there was a battle underway. Orcs, covering themselves with wide shields in something like a turtle formation, were reflecting a forward group of rougarou trying to land their boats. Charon let me out right in the midst of all the chaos near a barricade erected by the defenders. The ferryman himself had already dissolved in the thick fog.

  “Who can explain what's going on here?!” I shouted, attracting attention from both sides of the conflict.

  “Amra is back!!!” An elated roar from hundreds of orcish throats rolled over the swampy land for many kilometers.

  Foreman skill increased to level 48!

  Warchief skill increased to level 6!

  Warchief skill increased to level 7!

  Warchief skill increased to level 8!

  Dodge skill increased to level 28!

  I just had to say one sentence, but look what it did! Different markers lit up over many of my warriors, showing bonuses from inspiration. The orcs made their traditional war cry (consisting exclusively of curse words) and, walked forward in formation, cut the few rougarou warriors who had made it onto the swampy banks into shredded cabbage. The other dog-headed warriors quickly decided not to make land and immediately led their boats away from shore. Some of the enemy archers trained their fire on me, but I quickly sought shelter behind the shields of my orcs.

  “Where'd you disappear to? Why weren't you answering my messages?” the forest nymph threw herself at me, appearing from invisibility.

  “I'll tell you later. It's a whole story,” I waved off the untimely questions and gave an involuntary whistle of surprise when I saw Valerianna Quickfoot's level, ninety-three. I was also surprised to see the red skull symbol over her head. “Better you tell me where that flea-ridden princess went to after leaving me alone in the middle of the swamp!”

  “If you're talking about Chai-nee Shu,” the mavka said, immediately guessing who I had in mind, “the rougarou Princess landed on that side of the island with her tribe's main army,” my sister said, waving her hand somewhere opposite the river. “The rougarous were nearing our camp with war cries, but were impressed by the strong fortifications made under the leadership of the Ogre Fortifier and refused to attack head on, instead trying to land at our backs from the river.”

  I had formed a mental picture of the opposing army’s position, but I still didn't understand the reason why the rougarous, who had met us in such a friendly manner, had suddenly changed their minds and decided to sabotage us. It wasn't that I was worried about the outcome of the battle. Our position was strong, and my orcs were brimming with vim and vigor, but I still wanted to avoid unnecessary losses.

  “I need to speak with that furry deceiver! I don't like being tricked!” I started off determinedly toward the fortification, but stopped short when I saw Max Sochnier.

  The Naiad Trade
r still had the criminal symbol shining over his head like a beacon, and along with that marker, I saw the red skull symbol as well. My French friend's character was now more than twenty levels higher than mine!

  Max Sochnier


  Level-87 Trader

  Just twenty? He was a whole thirty-five levels higher than me!!! How?! Next, I saw the Ogre Fortifier running toward me, and he was at level-ninety. That really perplexed me. What had happened here?!

  “Amra, the undying managed to get through our barrier at the Lower Fort!” the giant said with agitation in his voice. “At first, it all happened just as you predicted. The players opened the portal to the Lower Fort and flooded through in one group. Their first wave was entirely laid out by the metal spikes in the magical fire! It was awesome!!! I now have the achievement 'Killed Three Hundred Forty Players!' I leveled up forty-two times in just over a minute!!!”

  “Oh yes, it was unforgettable!” the fish man laughed uncontrollably, rubbing his webbed hands together in satisfaction. “I leveled up forty times in just a minute and a half and, for a long time after that, I couldn't get on my feet, because I was overcome with ecstasy. It was much better than sex!!!”


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