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A Cherry on Top (Cupid's Cafe Where love is on the menu Book 7)

Page 9

by Ashley Lauren

  Faith leaned against the door, reluctant to let him leave just yet, but she didn’t want to invite him in either. While she had a fun time at the beach, she wanted to take things slow. “Well, I guess this is goodbye…”

  “I guess so.” Travis lingered before he quickly leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was soft and sweet, his hand on her cheek, his thumb gently caressing her skin.

  Faith moved onto her tippy-toes, melting into it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the feeling of warmth that radiated from her heart and soul.

  Eventually, she had to push away, breathless. “Goodnight, Travis.” She quickly opened the door and rushed inside.

  Travis stared at her door for a minute, wishing she would come back. He sighed, jamming his hands into his pocket. He liked Faith, but he’d have to take it slow. Whatever shields she’d built around herself were still there. She’d let him in, but if he pushed too hard, she’d pull back.

  Travis turned from her door, wondering what he needed to do to get her to fully trust him. Maybe they just needed time. Time for him to show her he was one of the good guys.

  Chapter 14

  Katy Cupid executed a complicated dance behind the counter. There were about twenty empty glasses lined up before her. Her movements were quick and fluid as she filled each one with vanilla ice cream.

  She had cranked up the AC to ensure that the ice cream wouldn’t melt too quickly.

  A few patrons watched her as she grabbed a carton of milk and filled each glass with the perfect amount, never stopping as she moved from one to the next.

  Her bright smile never left her face as she grabbed a bottle of syrup and doused the ice cream. To everyone’s surprise, the syrup was a bright red color. Katy provided no explanation for the color. Instead, she focused on making sure each milkshake came out absolutely perfect.

  Travis walked through the door, his camera in hand. He stopped in the middle of the restaurant and paused to watch. Katy was pouring one milkshake into a glass while the next was already blending. With a skilled hand, she decorated the top with a mountain of whipped cream, taking her time to create the perfect peak.

  “Sorry, I’m late…” Travis said as he walked toward Katy.

  Katy grabbed a pair of tongs and pulled out a candied cherry, plopping it on top. “You’re not late, you’re just in time to try my first ever Cherry Float.” Katy pushed the glass in his direction.

  “Cherry? But I don’t like cherry,” he said, slightly disappointed that her big reveal was for a new milkshake he didn’t even like.

  “Trust me. It’s not your average Cherry milkshake.”

  Not one to turn down ice cream, he picked up the glass and took a sip. To his surprise, the taste was phenomenal. It was sweet, but not too sweet and the taste of cherry was a rich flavor that perfectly complemented the vanilla ice cream.

  “Wow… Katy… this is amazing.”

  She just smiled, pushing another finished milkshake onto the counter. “And this one is for you Dixie.”

  A man with a little girl by his side picked up the glass and handed it to a little girl.

  Dixie took a big sip, her eyes brightening. “This is so yummy!” Her pigtails bobbed as she bounced up and down with delight.

  Katy kept making more and more milkshakes, making sure that everyone in the diner had one.

  Travis had finished his shake before he realized that he was supposed to be taking pictures. He set the glass on the counter and started to construct his tripod. “Do you mind if I get behind the counter?”

  “Not at all,” Katy said, letting him through. From there, he had a perfect angle to capture both the milkshakes and everyone who was enjoying one.

  “C’mon, Katy, you have to get in the shot too.” Travis ushered her into the photo with his hand, but she didn’t move from her usual spot behind the counter.

  “Oh, no. This is about Cupid’s and the milkshakes.”

  Travis lowered his camera and gave her a questioning look. “Are you being shy, Katy Cupid? The most charismatic and outgoing person in this town…”

  Katy’s shook her head and rolled her eyes at Travis. She moved forward to get into the shot, but said, “It’s not that. I’m just not using photos of me on my website.”

  “Humor me. You could print one and hang it on your corkboard in the back.”

  That thought brought a smile to Katy’s face. A nice photo of her diner, patrons, and herself would look perfect right in the center of her board. A picture on her website was out of the question. It wasn’t prudent, given her family background. She’d already drawn too much attention to herself and her gifts. None of her patrons knew the real source of her matchmaking skills, they just thought it was a good knowledge about people. And there was some of that to it all. But it was better to confine her notoriety to within her small Berkeley community.

  “Smile,” Travis called out.

  Katy smiled, and Travis captured the moment. “Make sure to send me that one. I have the perfect spot on my board.”

  “No problem.”

  Katy went back to work, making milkshakes. Travis moved around, snapping pictures.

  Just as Katy finished making two more milkshakes, the door chimed. Travis looked up to see Faith standing in the doorway in a gorgeous summer dress.

  She waved at him before walking over. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

  “Not at all. I had to get here a little earlier so I could take the pictures for Katy.”

  “How did they turn out anyway?” Faith asked.

  Travis pulled them up on his screen.

  “Wow, these are really good!”

  “I still have to edit them.”

  “What are you going to do with them?” Faith’s first photography class was on Monday night, and she was beginning to get excited about it.

  “Well, since this is a 50’s diner, I was thinking about making them black and white.”

  “That could be interesting.”

  “Yeah, I’ll have to mess around with it. I could make everything black and white except for the red milkshake. Maybe that and another item as a pop of color. I like to play with it until I find what works. Each picture is different.”

  “Red milkshakes? What flavor did she release?”


  Faith scrunched up her face. She had never been a fan of cherry flavored anything.

  “I had the same reaction, but it’s really good. You should try one.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Trust me. You won’t regret it.”

  Right on cue, Katy walked over with a milkshake in hand. “Faith, I’m so glad you could join us today.”

  Faith was hesitant, but she accepted the drink and out of politeness took a sip. Immediately, her eyes widened. “To take from my students, OMG. This is delicious!” Faith had never tasted anything quite like it. “And I don’t even like cherry.”

  Katy grinned with satisfaction. “I’m glad you like it, dear.”

  “Saying I like it would be an understatement.” Faith kept taking long pulls of milkshake, enjoying every bit of it.

  “Why don’t you two grab a booth and enjoy yourselves?” Katy offered with a smile. “Can I get you anything else? Some fries maybe?”

  “Maybe in a while,” Travis said.

  “I’ll send Clarisse back to check on you both. I think she’s back in the kitchen.”

  Travis pressed a hand into the small of Faith’s back, guiding her toward an empty booth.

  Faith sat down across from him, a smile on her face. “You know, I never really appreciated this place before, but it’s actually really nice.”

  “Definitely, I come here every Friday for one of Katy’s famous burgers.”

  “Are they really that good?”

  “Better than any fast food chain, that’s for sure.”

  “Hmm, I’ll have to try it sometime. Although, I’m not really a burger fan.”

  “What’s your favorite food then?” he
asked. Even though he had gotten quite comfortable around Faith, in reality, he still didn’t know much about her.

  “Are we talking about the food I normally eat or my actual favorite food?”

  “There’s a difference?”

  Faith shook her head. “That’s such a guy response. Yes, any female that doesn’t want to have to buy a bigger size tries to eat healthy most of the time.”

  “Well, healthy isn’t fun. So, how about your all-time favorite food?”

  “A nice grilled salmon is tasty and healthy.”

  “True, but I can tell that’s not your favorite.”

  “Then, I’d have to say pizza.”

  “What kind of pizza?”

  “Any kind, really.” She shrugged. “Except maybe pineapple pizza.”

  “What? Pineapple pizza is great!” Travis protested. “How can you not like it?”

  “I just don’t’ think fruit belongs on pizza. Now, give me a pepperoni, sausage, or ham pizza, and I’m your girl.”

  “I see now why you stay away from it. Once you go for unhealthy, all thoughts of fruit go out the window, and it’s all about the grease.”

  Faith laughed. “I suppose that’s true. If you are going to splurge, then do it right.”

  “Completely and totally agree.”

  “Like this shake here. Terribly bad for me, but totally worth it.”

  Faith took the final sip of her milkshake and reached in to pick out the candied cherry when someone came through the door. In that second, Faith forgot everything. Her glass tumbled out of her hand, spilling milky remains onto the table.

  “Faith!” Travis quickly snatched up some napkins and started to clean up the mess. “What happened?”

  When he looked up, Faith was gone.

  She was making a b-line for an exit that led out to the back patio, trying to duck behind people. She kept glancing at the front door and then looking away.

  She was running from someone. Travis stared at a tall man with blue eyes, short, curly blond hair, and a too white, slightly fake, smile standing by the entrance. The guy looked smug with his sunglasses perched on the top of his head and his Bermuda shorts. Travis could tell from just one look, he was the kind of guy who thought everything should just be handed to him. And from the way Faith was running away, Travis took a guess that this was the reason Faith was so closed off.

  Katy must have seen Faith’s flight, because she called out, “Faith, are you leaving so soon?”

  At the sound of her name, Faith saw Logan look around until he spotted her. Her universe came to a standstill as she stared into the eyes of her ex. The man that had broken her heart and made it so difficult for her to move on.

  She had spent five years avoiding him by any means necessary. Now, every barrier she’d put around her heart was torn away, and she felt the humiliation of what he had put her through. So, much for beginning to heal.

  Faith choked back a sob and rushed for the patio exit. Once outside, she didn’t even bother to open the gate. She hopped the low barrier and ran down the sidewalk, trying to get as far away as possible.

  Ch apter 15

  Travis blinked, trying to piece together what had happened in the past few seconds. He still had the napkins in his hand, the mess only partially cleaned up.

  Travis glanced over at the man Faith had run from and didn’t like what he saw. A woman had just run from his presence, and he didn’t look the least bit concerned. What a jerk. Travis had no intention of being so callous. He dropped a tip on the table and went after Faith.

  He exited through the patio door and caught a glimpse of her rounding the corner. “Faith! Come back!” He ran as fast as he could, trying to catch up to her.

  Faith kept running, her legs working on autopilot. She didn’t dare to look back and face her past. She couldn’t. She pumped her arms, her lungs starting to burn but still, she didn’t stop. Logan haunted her mind, his smile like a slap in the face.

  “Faith!” Travis called out once more, closing the distance between them.

  She stopped at an intersection, breathing hard. There were tears in her eyes that she couldn’t control, her whole body shaking with her sobs.

  “Faith…” Travis slowed to a halt when he approached her. He noticed her shoulders shaking. “How can I help?” His voice was soft and full of concern. Slowly, he reached out and touched her. To his relief, she didn’t pull away. Instead, she seemed to lean into him, needing the support.

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Hey… it’s okay…” He ran his fingers through her hair ever so softly. “Just tell me what’s the matter.” It broke his heart to see her like this. He just wanted to see her gorgeous smile. That guy in Cupid’s wasn’t worth her time or her tears.

  “I…” Faith struggled to say the words, but she was all choked up. She shook her head and pushed away, roughly wiping her tears with the back of her arm. “I can’t.”

  She’d thought she was ready to move on but seeing Logan again only confirmed that she hadn’t gotten over him. Or maybe it wasn’t him as much as what he had done to her. Not only had he cheated on her, but he'd also turned all her friends against her.

  Faith ground her teeth. It had been five years. They’d all been in the wrong, not her. She should just forget it and live her life. She was better than this!

  Still, seeing Logan had panicked her so badly she’d run out of Cupid’s… and Travis had followed her. Yet again, she’d run from him, and here he was, trying to comfort her. Clearly, he had a good heart.

  “Faith. Please. Just tell me why you’re so upset. Was it that guy?”

  Faith swung her gaze to Travis’s face. “How could you know that?”

  Travis took her face into his hands, gently rubbing his thumbs against her cheek, but she pulled away.

  Travis sighed. “You were obviously running from him at Cupid’s, and from what I could see, he’s a jerk who isn’t worth your time.”

  Mollified, Faith leaned into Travis, burying her head into his chest. “He is a jerk… and a creep… and a liar.”

  “I believe you.” Travis looked into her eyes, hoping he could persuade her to trust him. He really did want to make things work with this girl. She was intelligent, beautiful, independent, and sweet. She was everything he’d ever wanted. He couldn’t just let her go, but she had to give just a bit—trust him just a bit. “Do you want to tell me about it? Maybe it’s too soon, but I have a feeling you’ve been holding a lot of the pain in. Talking could help.”

  “I…” Faith swallowed, but it felt like there was a knot in her throat. She took a step back before she sighed, knowing that if she wanted this relationship—and she did want it—she would have to tell him the truth sooner or later. With her legs feeling wobbly, she sat down on the edge of the sidewalk.

  “Five years ago, while I was in graduate school, I was in a pretty committed relationship. I was sure Logan was the one. He was a perfect gentleman. Treated me nicely. He was everything I ever wanted. Or so I thought…”

  When Travis heard her voice waver, he rested his hand on hers, squeezing it ever so slightly. “It’s okay, you can tell me.” He reassured her with a soft smile.

  Faith took a second to refill her lungs with air. “Then… one day while I was walking along the beach I found him… with my best friend in a rather compromising position.”

  Travis frowned, tightening his grip on her hand. He had no idea. No wonder she had such a tough time opening up to him. “Faith…”

  She shook her head. “No, that wasn’t the worst part. Logan was a family friend. His parents knew my parents, that sort of thing. My best friend, Kylee, and a lot of my other friends had come into my life the same way. You could say our group was rather insular. The thing that really hurt was that all my friends knew that Logan was cheating on me. Kylee and Logan had convinced them all that I knew about it and was okay with it.”

  “Okay with your best friend hooking up with your boyfriend? What kind of friend thinks that?”r />
  “Apparently, my pathetic choice in friends,” Faith said with bitterness lacing her voice. “My ex-friends’ families are very wealthy and within their circles dalliances are ignored. I don’t know how they live with themselves. But not in my family. They are some of the most loyal, caring people I know. They would be appalled if they knew what Logan and my friends had hidden from me.”

  “Your family doesn’t know?”

  “Emmitt’s the only one I told the whole truth. I told everyone else we broke up. I couldn’t tell them that Logan just wanted me so he could have access to my family and their political connections. It was humiliating to be used that way.”

  “You have to know that Logan and the others are the ones lacking, not you.”

  “My head knew, but my heart was crushed. Oh, I tried to act like it didn’t hurt me or change me… but it did. I started keeping to myself. I no longer spoke to any of my friends. I stayed in my office longer and longer, drowning myself with work. I’ve lived this way for five years, never trusting anyone enough to give them a chance.”

  “I’m sorry – “

  “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault…” She sighed. “But, seeing him again brought back everything, like ripping a scab off and restarting the bleeding.” She bit her lip. “I’m just scared, Travis.”

  “Scared of what exactly?” he asked, getting a little closer to her.

  “That… you’re going to do the same thing. That I’m going to trust you, that I’m going to grow attached to you in the same way I did to Logan, and then, you’re going to hurt me too.”

  Travis grabbed both her hands in his, pulling them close to his chest. He looked at her, saying, “I can’t promise I won’t hurt you. That’s an impossible promise, but I can promise that I would never betray your trust like that.”

  Travis let go of Faith’s hands and pulled out his necklace, fingering the medallion and ring. “My mother’s and father’s love for each other was evident in everything they did. I know that and believe that. But love can’t begin to grow without trust. I don’t know what we’ve started here, but I hope that you can let me in and begin to trust me.”


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