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Page 13

by Fawn Lowery

  She felt an ache at the back of her head as she tried to command the amulet into service. It neither gave off any warmth against the palm of her hand nor changed properties that she could see. It just lay on her palm as if it held no magic at all.

  Irritated with her own inept abilities, she let out an exasperated breath and turned her gaze on Marcus. He had perhaps, gotten over his rage at not finding his brothers in the armor. He strode about the room, a contemplative look on his handsome face. Jarharis sat perched on the wooden table in the room, his pensive gaze on his brother.

  “I grow weary of this, my brother. Shall we not call the other witches of the coven forth and feast on their blood?”

  “Duella and Chandler will need to feed when we awaken them, Jarharis. But rest assured, we shall destroy the remainder of the coven before we leave the castle.”

  Ronna felt a chill travel up her backbone at Marcus' words. He sounded so bloodthirsty. So determined. She gazed down at the amulet lying across her palm. Perhaps it held no powers that she could summon. She closed her fist around it, feeling its faceted sides bite into her flesh. It was useless to her—and perhaps anyone else in the world.

  Aggravated with the whole affair, she threw it suddenly, flinging it sharply against the adjacent wall in the room. It hit the wall with a loud crack and burst as though it were made of crystal glass. Vivid rays of amber light spilled from the shards, filling the room with blinding rays. Ronna threw up one hand to shield her eyes from the intense brilliance but not before her vision suffered a terrible assault. Suddenly a series of images danced before her face. For a brief second she saw the magic portal she had opened in the dungeon of the castle. A long black casket or chest lay near the door Marcus had stepped through. The image wavered, then disappeared from her sight only to be replaced by what appeared to be a statue of a hideous figure perched atop a turret.

  The images quickly disappeared, leaving her blinking in disbelief. She rubbed her eyes with both hands, trying to make her vision return to normal and mentally trying to make sense of what the amulet had revealed to her.

  “Are you alright?”

  She heard Marcus at her ear and felt his hands grasping her upper arms as she struggled to regain her vision.

  “Marcus, what do remember about the room in the dungeon? Do you remember seeing anything?”

  He shook his head and drew her against his chest. “I only remember waking up in Drucella’s bedchamber and seeing her attacking you.”

  She sighed and held him tightly. “When the amulet splintered, it revealed the doorway to that room and a long black casket, or chest. We have to go to the dungeon and open that room again.” She gazed up at him, her eyesight gradually returning to normal. “But we have to be careful this time.”

  He smiled down at her. “I am grateful for your concern, my love.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers.

  She sensed his arousal. It fueled her own. She wound her arms around his waist and returned his kiss.

  I wish to rut with you.

  Marcus, it’s rather inconvenient, right now. I’m certain Jarharis would be rather put out when we refused to let him join in.

  She stifled a shiver at her own teasing words. She broke off the kiss and stepped out of Marcus' embrace—only to bump into Jarharis’s sturdy chest. She pulled up short, a breath catching in her throat as she realized Jarharis had been about to act on his own intentions.


  It seemed to be quite crowded in the large room suddenly. Ronna found herself caught between the two powerful vampires, her body heated from Marcus' kisses. She realized she needed to take steps to protect herself from one or both of the men. Jarharis had quickly shown signs of lusting for her moments after he was released from Drucella’s spell, and Marcus truly had no intention of allowing him to touch her. No doubt the two would eventually come to blows—or bites—over her before too much time lapsed. She stepped from their midst and silently cast a spell that prevented Jarharis from getting too close to her.

  “We have to go to the dungeon, Marcus.” She headed across the room, the two vampires trailing her. She tried to remember the spell she had used to open the portal into the hidden chamber as she turned down the passageway to the lower level of the castle.

  The hallway was dark and she paused at the top of the stairs leading down to the dungeon. If she failed to open the room, Marcus' brother might well have to sleep out his sentence. She crossed her fingers and began the steep descent into the dank bowels of the old subterranean vault.

  The chill of the old cellar quickly seeped into her body. She shivered and summoned up a jacket to warm her. Drawing the coat tightly across her chest, she inched her feet along in the direction toward the room she had managed to open earlier. Marcus' hand on her waist was a reassuring gesture of his faith in her and she smiled at the show of confidence. She hoped she didn’t disappoint him again.

  She summoned light to the area and numerous torches appeared blazing on the walls of the chamber. The heavy ropes of chain links and manacles were illuminated, revealing the torture place of the dungeon. Ronna reached the spot where she had magically opened the doorway to the concealed room and began calling on her powers. At first nothing happened and she quickly grew resigned to the fact that the door might not become visible again. Since Drucella had captured Marcus within the room and imprisoned him again, perhaps the room no longer existed. Drucella had had enough time to change her spell before Ronna returned to rescue Marcus.

  But I saw the doorway and a casket.

  You struggle, my sweet.

  Marcus, I can’t open the passage. Forgive me for being such an inept witch.

  She raised her hands and with every fiber inside her body, commanded the portal to appear. The torches surged their fire up to the ceiling of the low room, licking yellow tongues of brilliance spewed forth, inflaming the room in heat. Ronna reached deep inside herself, calling the very source of her existence to the fore.

  The room grew dark, then sprang to light.

  Ronna drew in a quick breath. On the very spot where the door had appeared, an outline began to form. It grew intense, engulfed in witch magic, an open doorway appeared. The room grew quiet. The blazing torches subsided, their flames returning to normal size flaring upward to lick about the stone wall.

  “Careful.” Ronna grasped Marcus' coat sleeve as he lunged forward toward the open doorway.

  “Drucella is dead, my sweet. She can no longer harm either of us.”

  He took her hand and together they stepped through the magic doorway into the secret room once belonging to Drucella.

  It was freezing cold inside the chamber. Ronna’s breath hung in the air in a thick white vapor. She hurried to make a torch materialize in her hand. She held it aloft, pointing its illuminating end into the darkness.

  “Over here.”

  She turned the torch in the direction of Marcus’ voice to find him bending over the long casket she had seen in her vision. A quick breath caught in her throat. Approaching she held the light over the chest. Its rounded top was laden with dust and when Marcus brushed a hand across its surface, deep carvings appeared across its top.

  “I know Duella lies within, Ronna. I feel the kinship with his silent body.”

  Ronna hoped he was right. She stood holding the torch while he searched for a way to open the chest. The realization that what had appeared to her after she smashed the amulet was actually coming to pass, encouraged her thinking. Perhaps one of Marcus’ brothers lay within the chest and soon they would be down to searching for only one.

  The creak of a rusty hinge and the sound of splintering wood sounded within the small room. Ronna peered at the chest, eager for Marcus to push aside its heavy lid and reveal his brother.

  A terrible odor quickly filtered into the small space. Ronna covered her nose with her free hand. The aroma of rotting flesh and moist loam almost made her wretch. The torch sputtered and sparked, as dust rose from the top o
f the casket and filtered into the fire. Gradually Marcus pushed the heavy lid aside enough so they could peer inside.

  “It is Duella, Ronna.”

  He grew excited with the sight of a body beneath the lid and rushed to give the cover a push off the casket. It clamored loudly onto the floor, sending up a cloud of choking dust as its heavy weight stilled.

  Ronna held the torch over the casket. A man was inside, indeed. A large man dressed in dark clothing with an exquisite face and long dark hair. He looked so peaceful that she found it hard to believe that he had been summoned to sleep for ten thousand years under Drucella’s spell. For a moment she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was so handsome, so incredibly handsome.

  “Hurry. Wake him.”

  Marcus' voice was filled with urgency. Ronna glanced at him, able to read the joy on his face. Returning her eyes to the man in the casket, she suddenly felt embarrassment flood her insides. As previously, when she clasped Jarharis’ cock, she was overcome with shyness. It was one thing to lay hand on a man’s cock in privacy, but to have to do it with another man looking on—a brother to the intended—added a bit of eroticism to the act.

  She drew in a shaky breath. At least Jarharis hadn’t been allowed into the room. There was only Marcus to witness her fondling of Duella’s cock.

  “Ronna. Why do you hesitate?”

  She glanced at Marcus, then lowered her eyes.

  Marcus chuckled, suddenly realizing her dilemma.

  “Here, give me the torch.” He reached for the torch Ronna held over the casket. “Now give me one of your hands.” He caught her right hand and brought it to his cock. He pressed her palm against his erection.

  “You’re hard, Marcus. I swear—“

  “Forgive me, my sweet, but I find it very arousing to think of you touching my brother’s cock while I stand by and watch.” He chuckled. “I find it amusing too that I can hardly wait for you to do it.”

  She giggled, then hid her amusement behind her free hand. “I could conjure up a bed and we could have sex—“

  He shook his head and pressed her palm against his rising cock. “Awaken Duella and we will sate our lusts after we destroy this witch’s haven.”

  The thought of destroying Drucella’s castle made her wince. Did Marcus really intend to demolish the fortress? Would the powers of the dark one allow such destruction? After all, he was father to the coven. He had given the witches power to work their menace.

  Suddenly in a rush to end the curse Drucella set against the vampires, she leaned down into the casket and grasped Duella’s cock, twining her fingers around the mass between his legs.

  He’s big.

  It is the Morganford legacy. He chuckled aloud. We have big cocks to satisfy our wenches.

  She sensed his jubilation, then his sorrow. As quickly as he began his teasing comment, he was reminded of his own lack of mortality and that of his brothers. She heard his loud sighing release and wished she could find a way to comfort him.

  The body in the coffin moved suddenly, slightly, then lunged upward in a flash.

  Ronna screamed and jumped back, only to find a large hand had attached itself to her throat. In the next instant she was hurtling across the room, the body of the vampire she had managed to awaken, pressing against her with enormous force. She slammed into the stone wall, her breath forced from her lungs as she gazed up into a savage face. Bared fangs and glowing red eyes bore down on her as her breath was being choked off.

  Fright congealed inside her body as she realized Duella intended to end her life. His long fangs were coming at her with fierce determination, his mouth stretched wide as he aimed at her throat. She struggled to push him away but her strength fell short of his power. He pinned her against the wall despite her best efforts.


  Marcus' voice cut through her pain as all hell broke loose in the room. The big hand grasping her throat was suddenly jerked away and the foul smelling body bearing her against the wall pulled away. The two vampires scuffled, wrestling as though they were enemies, until Marcus pinned Duella against the floor.

  Ronna gasped for breath, clutching her throat with one hand.

  Why in hell didn’t I cast a spell over him before I played with his cock? She coughed and wheezed, trying to get her breathing back to normal. I have got to get this witch thing under control—before I get killed.

  The room grew silent suddenly and Marcus picked up the torch he had cast aside when his brother attacked Ronna. She saw the two then. Marcus had a firm grasp on his brother’s arm as he pinned him against one wall of the room. Duella’s chest was heaving from exertion. He leaned heavily against Marcus’ powerful arm, weak from hunger.

  “Marcus, beware! Drucella—“ His breath came in loud gasps.

  “Have no fear. Drucella is dead.” Marcus turned toward Ronna. “Are you all right?”

  She felt Marcus' concern for her and quickly scrambled up off the floor. Her neck hurt and her chest felt nearly crushed from Duella’s powerful weight when he pinned her, but she hurried across the room to reassure Marcus that she would survive despite the attack.

  “I’m okay.” She eyed the vampire pinned against the wall. He appeared weak and had it not been for Marcus holding him erect, he would have sunk helplessly to the floor. “Let’s hurry. Bring Duella.” She took the torch from Marcus and extinguished its blaze, then she took his hand and prepared to step through the portal she had opened in the room.

  Marcus wound one arm around his brother’s waist and held his body against his side while he stepped through the opening Ronna created in the stone wall. In an instant they were back in the dungeon and Jarharis was rushing to aide his brothers.

  “Quick. Summon a witch so that Duella can feed. He is very weak.”

  Ronna shivered at the commanding tone of Jarharis’ voice. He sounded as though Marcus would be doing no more than ordering take out. She hurried to lead the way back to the main floor of the castle.

  The remaining witches were secreted away, hiding for their very lives, no doubt. Ronna thought perhaps they were aware that Drucella had met her fate and therefore took precautions of their own. Though Marcus' powers were strong enough to tempt them from their hiding places.

  She returned to the main room of the castle, the floor littered with debris from Marcus' angry tirade. The fire glowed with dying embers, and the vast room was eerily cold. She turned to look at Duella as Marcus and Jarharis helped him into the room. He seemed near collapse though minutes earlier he was on the verge of taking her life. She raised one hand and covered her neck. She felt bruised from his attack.

  He was as handsome as his brothers, tall and swarthy, with shoulder length auburn hair. His facial features were handsomely chiseled, high cheekbones and a full mouth. Long dark lashes framed deep-set ebony eyes. She bit her lip. He too, appeared as sensuous as Marcus and Jarharis, even in his weakened state.

  A movement at the door of the room caught Ronna’s attention. One of the remaining witches suddenly glided into the room. Ronna drew in a quick breath and turned from the sight. She knew Marcus had summoned the woman to be used for Duella’s feeding. She could only imagine the horror as he clutched her neck and sank his fangs into her vein. She tried to close her ears to the sounds of struggle the witch made as Duella took her life.

  The witch was cast aside, dead, limp and of no more use to Duella. Curiosity pulled her eyes to the vampire, now in a revived state. She felt surprise travel through her body as she gazed upon him.

  He stood tall, perhaps taller than Marcus, his complexion now rosy with new life after his feeding. His clothes were dotted with red smears of blood. The amulet once around the witch’s neck hung from his hand. He smiled at Ronna, his dark gaze pinning her with a measure of curiosity and gratitude. He straightened his shoulders and strode toward her, his hand outstretched.

  “I can only say that I am sorry I attacked you and beg your forgiveness.”

  His deep toned voice filled t
he large room. Ronna felt compelled to place her hand in his large palm as he stopped mere feet from where she stood. The fright she had felt earlier had magically vanished and she felt herself smiling as he tipped his head in a polite bow to her.

  His palm was cool and when he closed his fingers around hers, she felt somewhat of a kinship with him. It puzzled her but then she thought perhaps it was because of Marcus' presence in the room. She felt safe with him so near. Her brows drew together as a question came to mind.

  “Do you by any chance know of your brother Chandler’s whereabouts? Did you see where Drucella imprisoned him?”

  He shook his head, making his long hair spill across one shoulder. “I have little memory of Drucella’s trickery.” He paused and raised his hand to stroke across his chin. “I have only the memory of being in her bed.” He smiled at Ronna. “She fooled me with the belief that she couldn’t live without me.” He chuckled softly. “The next I recall, she screeched her discord and I saw only blackness. I dare say, perhaps I didn’t live up to her expectations—in the male way of things.” He bowed at the waist. “I hope to one day thank you properly for rescuing me.”

  Ronna felt her cheeks pink. He sounded as though he had more in mind than a thank you card or a bouquet of flowers. She pulled her hand free of his and turned toward Marcus as he appeared at her side.

  “What of your vision, Ronna?”

  “I saw a statue—a grotesque statue perched on a turret.”

  Marcus glanced around the room. “Clearly there are no turrets within the walls of this castle. We will have to look beyond.” He took Ronna’s hand and led the way to the front door. “Bring torches, Duella, Jarharis.”

  The night was pitch black with clouds obstructing the moon. Rain was threatening. A fierce wind began to blow the second the three left the security of the castle. It howled menacingly through the trees and around the towering turrets of the castle mingling with the sounds of the ocean splashing against the rock façade beneath the stone fortress.


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