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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

Page 7

by Autumn Winchester

  “Alright,” Kayla said after clinking her wine glass with a fork that sat at her spot on the table. “It’s time to sit and servers will be by to order the food items you would like off the menu that sits at your seating placement. After our meal, catered by Gourmet Catering, there will be music by a live band that I have heard great things from. Enjoy!” She then took a seat at the table.

  Ivan choose that moment to take his own seat, as he had been making his rounds talking to a number of people.

  “Hello,” he said, looking at Chase and Summer after they took seats. Chase had pulled out her chair and helped her sit before taking his own.

  “Hi,” Summer said quietly, ducking her head, but the table smiled at her willingness to speak. Let alone speak to the Don.

  “How are you two doing?” Ivan asked, looking at his menu.

  The menu was on a card stock piece of paper. The main color was cream, the words black. A frame design boarded the paper. At the top, Chase’s and Summer’s name was posted, followed by the menu items. There were a couple different selections for everyone.

  “We are doing good,” Chase said as Summer looked at the items that were offered. There were only two or three options under each section. At least until the dessert section.

  “Good,” Ivan said. He had feared that things wouldn’t work between them and was prepared if that was the case. “Business going like you want?”

  “Really, do we have to talk business now?” Kayla asked, giving her husband a death look.

  “Um . . . no. I guess not,” Ivan replied, running a hand through his hair with a sheepish look on his face.

  Summer couldn’t help but smile in amusement as for how well Kayla had control over her husband, even when he was the mob boss. It showed how much trust she held for the man. How much he feared his life if Kayla were to ever get a hold a gun, or even a knife. Summer hoped that one day, she could be strong enough to dare do that.

  “Clare helped a lot with the Reception planning actually,” Kayla piped up, not looking up from her menu, although she most likely already knew what was on it.

  “I put together the centerpieces,” Clare said, proud that she got to help.

  “So that’s what you were doing in the afternoons,” Summer laughed. Everyone had been planning this for weeks, and no one let Chase and Summer know until it was set in stone.

  “Where is Emma?” Chase asked, noticing that Summer’s mother wasn’t there.

  “She’s picking something up that I forgot to grab from the store,” Kayla said. “She will be back anytime.”

  “What could be so important to miss this party you just had to throw?” Chase asked, not upset, but wondering why his mother didn’t have Emma here.

  “You’ll see,” Ivan spoke with a knowing look. “Just order your food.” Still demanding as always, Chase thought.

  “What do you want?” he asked, leaning towards his wife as she still gazed at the menu.

  “I have no idea,” she replied. “What do you recommend?”

  “I want the Filet Mignon,” he said, pointing to the words on the page.

  “Okay, I'll take that too,” Summer said with a shrug. It sounded good enough.

  Just then, Emma entered, unnoticed by most of the people in the room, and took a seat next to Summer. She was dressed in a dark purple dress with half sleeves. It had a V-neck, and the bottom part of the dress overlapped, creating a ripple effect when she walked. Her hair was left down but pulled back away from her face. She reached over, laying her warm hand on Summer’s arm and gave her a small smile.

  “Sorry I’m so late,” she said, gray eyes bright.

  “No worries,” Kayla said. “Thank you for picking the things up.”

  “Of course,” Emma said before quickly looking over the menu as a waiter came up to take their orders.

  It started with Chase, then Summer, and went around the table. The waiter wrote each order down, starting with their choice of drink then which Entree they wanted, letting them know the Appetizers would be out soon. As the Waiter's made their rounds taking orders as each table and menus were collected, everyone made small talk once more as they waited. A few more people came up to congratulate Chase and Summer on their marriage.

  “Where is Sarah?” Chase asked Trent, taking note that Sarah didn’t sit next to her mother on the other side of the table. Nor was Sarah attached to his wife, as was the norm when they were anywhere near each other.

  Summer couldn't help but look over, seeing how close Abigail was to Trent, looking at him like he was to take total control on what to do here. It was if she was out of her element as much as Summer herself was. Abigail’s dress an elegant red color, contrasting against her skin; her hair left down in soft waves around her shoulders.

  “Upstairs with Mayra,” Trent answered. “The nanny Kayla hired for the event, she is having a sleepover with some of the guest’s children.” Of course, Kayla had invited children to stay the night so parents could come and enjoy the party and not worry about drinking or keeping their children entertained.

  Summer took a chance to look over towards the gift area, seeing that the gifts had doubled in size from when they had arrived. Summer tried to keep her expression from showing the panic over so many gifts, but Chase just knew her too well.

  “It’s part of the . . . the whole thing between us,” Chase said, laying a calming hand on her knee. “We can wait until we get home to look through them all.”

  “Please?” she said, knowing she wouldn’t be able to handle looking at each gift while a hundred eyes took in their every move. It was bad enough with everyone looking at them as it was.

  “Of course,” Chase said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He’d just about do anything for his loving wife. “We can wait.”

  Chase would have someone bring them to the house the next day since he was sure they wouldn’t fit in his car. Plus, Kayla would want to take pictures, so the only close family would be there to watch.

  “Oh, there’s someone that would like to talk to you both sometime tonight,” Emma said as she took a hold of her wine glass that held a sparkling cider.

  “Who?” Chase asked out, cocking his head to the side.

  “Alex Meads,” Emma said without missing a beat, as Servers began serving the Appetizers. Alex took a seat next to Chase without so much as a blink, almost like he belonged there. Beginning the meal and preventing Summer from expressing too much shock. She ate in silence barely glancing his way. As the meal progressed on to the Salad giving the chef time to prepare the Entrees since the meals were being prepared fresh in Marcel’s state of art Industrial Kitchen. Chase would give her hand a squeeze every so often to reassure her everything would be okay.

  Chapter 8

  Alex Meads was nothing like Summer remembered him to be. He had grown up, a lot. He had a number of tattoos and even a nose ring. His skin was still as tanned as she remembered, but his hair was cut into a short Mohawk. She hadn’t yet said anything to him as he sat at the table with the newlyweds. She wasn’t sure she could.

  He sat next to Chase as the plates and utensils were cleared away from each table. Summer hadn’t eaten much other than the salad. She took a few bites of each meal, but the soup was too salty for her taste, and the steak was not to her taste either. She did try them; which Chase was proud of.

  Summer hated wasting so much food, but Kayla said it was of no concern, knowing that some people didn’t have the taste for such rich food. She had wanted the food catered in from the most sought out company. She thought that a time like this deserved such fine cuisine.

  Apparently, Kayla and the waiters were giving people about fifteen minutes to mingle before dessert would be handed out. That gave Alex a chance to speak to Chase and see the girl he once viewed as a sister, even though he had bullied her a time or two. Or five. Kayla and Ivan both made themselves scarce, giving them a little more privacy. It wasn’t the time to go into full detail about who Alex was, not with so many ears aro
und, but it was as good as any time for the two men to catch up somewhat.

  “Congrats, my friend,” Alex said, shaking Chase’s hand. He then turned his attention to Summer, who sat frozen. She wasn’t sure what to make of him. He was no longer the boy that followed Jason’s every command. He was no longer a just a boy, but a man that had his own agenda, own plans and people.

  “Hello, Summer,” he said, nodding his head.

  She gave a tentative smile his way, wringing her hands in her lap. How was she to respond to him? Let alone say anything?

  “I would like to apologize for how I treated you when you lived at that house,” he said, only loud enough for the two to be able to hear. “I know now that I was way out of line to treat you like Jason wanted. When I got old enough, I knew I had done wrong. I want to say I am so, so sorry.”

  Summer could tell he was. There was more to his reasons, but Summer knew all too well how that man hated everything to do with anyone but himself. Alex, seeing how he had his shoulders hunched inward, a look of worry and fear on his face, Summer couldn’t help forgive him. At least forgiving him enough to give him another chance.

  “You don’t have to forgive me right now, but I hope sometime in the future you can,” he said, sure that Summer wouldn’t be able to. He’d understand if she couldn’t.

  “I . . . I don’t know if I exactly forgive you, but you have changed,” Summer said, wording her words in a certain way. “I can try, though.” She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but yet knew she had to be as truthful as she could.

  “Thank you,” Alex said in gratification. She really had grown up. She didn’t resemble anything of the little dark haired girl she was years ago. She no longer crouched in fear of everything, but stood strong. She had life in her for the first time Alex could ever see.

  “I will try,” Summer said, giving Chase’s hand a small squeeze that he was quick to return. Chase was thrilled that his wife would give Alex a chance. He had helped in so many ways, almost as much as Blackhawk had.

  “He has been my spy inside the Meads Family for about four years. I came across him after a huge fight between Jason and him, and Alex wanted to run away. Knowing Jason like I did, I knew he wouldn’t let his adopted son get far, and alive for that matter. So I proposed to him that he work under my watch, and do what Jason wished, but to report back to me.” Chase briefly explained.

  Chase knew the young boy needed a reason to return, and giving him a chance to help bring that man down, even by giving details to Chase, was at least one step in that direction. Alex would be a dead man walking if he had not returned at least acting as the son that Jason wanted, plus it made things easier for Chase as he had a way in, a way to know the ins and outs of how the man took charge.

  It gave Chase the ability to get into accounts, surveillance, and even imported goods. No one would expect Alex and his brother working together with Chase, the son of the head of Marcel’s. Chase hadn’t known they were working together, and neither did the two brothers until just weeks ago. It was amazing to see how everything worked for Chase so far.

  “It worked well for us,” Alex said, his voice calm. “I hated that man; I always will. But knowing I was able to help get him taken down was well worth it. I’m surprised you did what you did, Summer.”

  “It had to be done, I couldn't allow him to hurt Chase,” she said with a shrug, preferring to not remember the details of how she shot her father. Or the feel of the cold steel gun in her hands. Mostly, she didn’t want to remember how she felt afterward.

  “Yes, it did,” Alex mused. “But why did Peter shoot my brother? Was that necessary?”

  “No,” Chase laughed out. “Apparently, it was a bet between your brother and Peter. If my wife shot Jason, hitting him, Peter got to shoot Jack. Vice versa if Summer missed. But it was only a graze, so no lasting damage.”

  “He’s the stupidest asshole ever,” Alex said with a shake of his head. Then after a moment, “I’ll leave you two to enjoy the rest of the party. I’m sure to run into both of you again before it's over.”

  He then stood and made his way over to talk with Ivan a few minutes, sitting down next to Jack and a few other people that Summer didn’t know. Peter ended up turning in his seat, shooting a smirk at the pair.

  “He’s . . . different,” Summer said as Chase looked at her, expecting something.

  “Yes, he is,” Chase agreed. “And so are you.” He then leaned in, brushing his lips against hers. She blushed, of course. Chase loved it when she blushed, as her feelings were never hidden from him.

  This time, Ivan was the one that got everyone’s attention by whistling. Once everyone stopped talking, looking at the man as he stood, he began to talk. He stood in front of the table they were all sitting at.

  “Now, as many of you know, Chase has been proclaimed a Prince from the time he was born, as he is my one and only son. I have many adopted sons, blood and non-blood, but Chase is the one and only Marcel Prince. As he was married, wishing to not have a grand ceremony, I would like to take a moment to introduce his Princess Summer Marcel,” he said, motioning to the two with his hand.

  “I would like to have Chase and Summer stand over there, in front of the cake table,” Ivan went on, palm up towards the table where a cake sat on top of a white cloth. The round five-layer cake was white with a dark blue flower arrangement like a staircase winding upwards.

  Chase stood first, taking his wife’s hand and helping her to stand. Summer was sure that the redness to her cheeks was going to be permanent by the end of the night. Once they stood directly in front of the cake, Ivan took a silver box off the table that was behind the cake. Kayla and Emma took a stand on the other side of the couple.

  Chase had a good inkling of what was happening while Summer had no idea. A light classical song began to play over the speakers. It was a song that Summer had heard before as Chase had played it a few times when he had cooked dinner.

  “Now, many of you know that a Prince must have a Princess. Summer was born into this world to be a Princess, and with marrying Chase, she is now the Princess we have all been waiting for,” Ivan spoke to the room full of people. His voice was loud enough to reach everyone, although it was calm and demanding at the same time.

  “Emma Crouch granted her permission for her daughter to marry Chase, and permission for Summer to become the next Marcel Princess. She gave the right to do so years ago when both of these young people were just children.

  “Summer didn’t need permission, as the two have been in love for years. I got the pleasure of seeing her grow into this strong woman she is today. She is the best wife for Chase that Kayla and I could ever ask for.

  “Summer will help keep Chase strong, changing everyone’s outlook on life all over the country.

  “I can already see a change in my son, and I am proud to say that my only son has made a great impression in the world already at such a young age. It is outstanding to see.

  “As they didn’t do a traditional wedding,” the guests laughed like it was some inside joke. “We shall do the Royal Ceremony here.”

  Ivan then told both Chase and Summer to kneel on the dark blue silk pillows that Emma pulled out from underneath the table. The pillows were soft, cushioning their knees as they knelt before the Don. They both looked down at the pillows, Summer following Chase’s queue. She had her hands on her knees, keeping her breaths even.

  He reached over, placing his hand on her arm, grounding Summer. He feared her mind would go somewhere else and didn’t think she’d want to have a panic attack in front of so many people. But he couldn’t help his mind from picturing Summer kneeling before him, sucking his hard cock. It was the most difficult task to make sure his dick didn’t come alive.

  Ivan first placed Summer’s crown atop her head. It was simple but elegant. It fit perfectly on her head like a headband would. It was a heart with vines connecting the band to the heart. Blue sapphire stones were placed in spots by the vine leaves, making the
silver crown shine bright.

  Summer could hear Ivan say a small prayer as he placed it upon her head. “Grant her the strength to survive this lifestyle.” Then Ivan went to Chase, placing a similar crown atop his head. But instead of it being like a headband, it was a circle silver crown. Blue sapphire stones were placed higher up on the front part of it.

  “Now, I present you, Prince Chase, and Princess Summer Marcel. Bless them as they go about their lives,” Ivan said.

  Chase and Summer both stood, holding hands, as everyone clapped and an upbeat song played on around the room from the wireless speakers.

  “Kiss,” Emma whispered out to the two, a happy smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

  With a sigh, Chase turned to his wife, and cupped her jaw, running his thumbs along her cheekbones. He looked at her, and fell more in love if it was possible. Without a thought, he pressed his lips to hers, and she instantly leaned into him, seeking more. His lips, once more, was gentle but took charge. A spark of electricity shot between them, sealing them together for eternity. At least, that’s how they felt.


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