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Becoming His Princess (The Dark Prince #2)

Page 9

by Autumn Winchester

  “Cora would love to be in his bed,” Chase mumbled as the said girl went to the Pastor who stopped to talk to her. She gave him a hug that lasted longer than it should for a man in his status. Chase wouldn’t be surprised if Cora had already been there.

  “I’m sure she has,” Kayla laughed out. “I don’t know why her parents won’t straighten her out.”

  “She’ll end up pregnant sooner or later,” Ivan said with a shrug. “Now, who wants something stronger than wine?”

  “Ivan!” Kayla said, shooting her husband a glare as Chase said he’d love some whiskey.

  “What?” Ivan asked innocently. “I need a drink if you want me to dance again, Kay.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. Then turned to her son, “You won’t be driving back home. You two can stay in Chase’s old room.”

  Summer smiled, feeling okay with that idea. It would be interesting to look through his bedroom, although there probably wouldn’t be much of his childhood or teenage years.

  “I already sent Zinna and Clare, and of course Asher, to get you both clothes. Then you can open your gifts in the morning after breakfast,” Kayla said, happy that was taken care of.

  “And I have a hotel set up for you both for tomorrow night. You’ll leave early afternoon,” Ivan spoke planning to give Chase the full details later about it all.

  “I’m guessing Zinna and Clare know?” Chase asked, not surprised.

  “Of course,” Kayla stated with a smile. She already had it planned that way.

  Chase and Ivan both stood up and went in search of something harder to drink as Emma came and took a seat at the table, knowing the men could be a while.

  “I sure hope my son will bed you soon. I know that boy hasn’t done so,” Kayla said with a dreamy sigh. “Such a shame too. I mean, I did change his diapers and all.”

  Summer wasn’t sure how she could know that, as Chase was a private man in the bedroom. Instead of saying anything, Summer blushed, ducking her head. She assumed that just the flirting that had gone on between the two that night alone could clue just about anyone in.

  “Okay, you need to learn to tease that man so you get him to actually do something,” Emma said, before going into detail about how to do exactly that. Summer was embarrassed about the topic, red from her head to her toes.

  She would listen, and hopefully Chase would be tipsy enough for her to at least try something on him. She couldn't wait to do exactly that.

  Chapter 10

  Chase knew he had too much to drink, but Ivan kept coaxing his son into more. Not enough to get him drunk, but enough so Chase would more likely follow through with his promise to Summer about worshiping her body. It was clear as day that the Princess was in need of a very naked Chase. And since the Prince was too much of a gentleman to really see the need of desire on her face, what better way than to get a little liquid courage. At least that’s what Ivan’s thinking was.

  Ivan knew that getting Chase just drunk enough, the man would have a tougher time not falling for Summer’s wishes and wants. It would be the perfect amount of drunkenness that he’d still have more than enough thought process to know if Summer didn’t like something he did, or if she was at all uncomfortable.

  “Why did you have Sebastian buy my girl?” Chase asked out as he swirled the amber liquid in the clear shot glass. He wasn’t ashamed of claiming Summer as his own. She was his, always had been and always would be.

  The bad thing about drinking, Chase was either a pouting, worried man. Or he’d have so many questions and demands, it would be hard to keep up with. It wasn’t often when Chase would just go with the flow and be happy. Right now, he knew there was no worry of a threat with so many armed guards here.

  “It was the only thing I could do at the time,” Ivan answered before downing another shot. He was well on his own way to being past drunk, and he didn’t care. “He couldn’t have kids, and I really thought he’d keep her safe. But then Jason had to butt his way in after figuring it out that I had a hand it. I should have hidden her away better. Maybe if I’d sent her across the states, or even to another country.”

  “Why didn’t you take her? Hide her away somewhere?” Chase asked, watching his father pour another shot as they stood at the island in the kitchen. The two white cushioned stools sat untouched.

  “I could have . . . No, I should have,” Ivan said in thought. “But then you would have died, as there were too many times Jason’s men had already gotten to you as it was. I couldn’t risk you.”

  “I would have,” Chase mumbled out, not remembering that little detail. “If it would have saved her, given her a life she should have had, I would gladly lay my life down just to keep her pain free.” He’d still do it right then and there.

  “She would have been worse off, then,” Ivan said, looking at the countertop. “Jason would have made sure just to spite me. Now drink that, and get back to your wife. Kayla won’t be happy I’m so . . .” Ivan looked up, meeting his son’s eyes and nodding to his drink.

  “Plastered?” Chase said, cracking a smile at his father.

  “Yeah, that,” Ivan said, bypassing the shot glass and taking a swig out of the now half empty bottle. He’d be paying with a hangover in the morning. “Make your wife happy tonight. I know your mother has your room all decked out.”

  “Of course she does,” Chase laughed, swallowing his last shot. “I’m sure she’s waiting for an heir as much as you are.”

  “In due time, son. In due time,” Ivan said, not holding out hope for grandchildren, at least from his son anytime soon or at all.

  Chase got a bottle of water to take with him before slowly making his way back to the ballroom. The music got louder with every step, and he could feel the whiskey catching up.

  Wondering why had his father gotten him so drunk was beyond what his thoughts could comprehend in this state, and completely left his mind when he saw his wife come out of the bathroom.

  Summer could feel the heat on her face as she saw her husband, hands in his pockets, as he paused in the hallway. His eyes were a little glazed over, but that didn’t stop his look from being hungry like he could devour her right then and there. She relished the thought of that.

  She talk with her mother and mother-in-law were . . . . enlightening, but more embarrassing than anything else. Summer would never expect Kayla, who always seemed so put together, to share some of her and Ivan’s more crazy bedroom moments with her. Summer assumed that they wanted her to try a few things, and she would. But tonight, she just planned to have her husband naked, in bed, with her.

  She didn’t need to know that Ivan liked it when Kayla took control in the bedroom. Summer couldn’t even picture it without gagging, knowing she could never picture the two of them in such a way. It was bad enough that she felt the need to even share such things. Summer was sure she’d be burnt red in mortification by the night’s end.

  “Shall we head up?” Chase asked her. He had heard when Clare and Zinna returned earlier while he was talking to his dad, so he knew that they had clothes. “I have an en-suite, so you can change.”

  “Okay,” Summer said, taking his outstretched hand, ignoring the sweat that began to collect on her palm. She knew what she wanted, but did Chase?

  He led her you two flights of stairs and down a couple of different hallways before they got to Chase’s old bedroom.

  The entire house was mostly darkened upstairs, as a number of guests had already retired for the night, so most details were shadowed. The lights were dimmed in the opened rooms they passed.

  Chase’s room had a heavy wooden door, which he opened without a sound. He flicked the light on, and the room came to life. Summer was instantly in love with it, even though it was so big. The walls were a light cream color with white trim, and the ceiling was so high up, she wasn’t sure if she stepped into a bedroom or another ballroom with how big it was.

  A huge California king bed sat against the smooth wall, facing the windows. Summer knew without loo
king that the view from the windows would look out over part of the yard and lake. The bed was perfectly made in a dark gray comforter the four posted bed frame was dark oak with matching nightstand. There was also a matching dresser, and chest stood on opposite walls with a lamp nearest the bed. The bed sat on a cream colored rug part way, while the dark wood floors seemed to never end.

  A royal love seat sat sideways in front of the window, so when someone sat there, they would see outside towards the lake. A large flat screen TV was mounted on the wall adjacent the bed and was hooked up to Bluetooth speakers around the room.

  It was amazing and Summer couldn’t help but stop and admire how it matched Chase. Sure, the style was overpriced, but it was simple, and so is Chase. And totally different than the room he had at his own house.

  “Ah ya, this is my room,” he said, his cheeks reddening. He couldn’t remember what he had here in his drawers, let alone his closet. He didn’t think there was much of anything left here.

  “I love it,” Summer gushed, closing the door behind her, the soft click echoing in the quietness of the room.

  Summer then saw the two bags of clothes at the foot of the bed, and she was more than ready to change out of her dress. Chase stepped up beside her, and together they found something to wear. Although Summer didn’t plan to be wearing much for long.

  “Uh . . . the bathroom is through the door over there,” Chase said, seeing the lace underwear that Summer held in her hand on top of a shirt. Summer purposely ignored, and not even dared to touch, the silk nightgown that she was sure her sister had thrown in there.

  Summer gave Chase a sweet smile before walking to the barn like a door that he had pointed out. It slid opened easily, and she made sure to swing her hips with each step.

  Chase groaned as he watched his wife walk to his bathroom, and had to adjust himself before gathering his own clothes. He swore she purposely swayed her hips as she walked away.

  In the bathroom, Summer took note how big it was. The tiled floor was heated, so she was glad she had taken off her shoes already, placing them by the bed. The huge walk in shower was all walled in glass, one wall with matching marble tile.

  Summer was unsure why, but there were two counters on separate sides of the room. One contained two sinks, a huge mirror, and storage upon storage. Two toothbrushes laid on the countertop by the sink side by side, along with toothpaste.

  The black and white marble countertop was smooth and cool as Summer sat her clothes down and turned to lean against the white cupboard. Her eyes were instantly in the tub in front of the sculpture bay windows that looked out over the back yard and lake area.

  The bathtub was a standalone, white porcelain with a brown rug in front of it. The other counter had a full sized mirror and some storage underneath the counter, and she assumed it was a vanity.

  Turning back around, she washed her face off, cleaning the makeup away with the blue wash rag that sat on the counter. She then took her hair out of the braid and ran a brush through it.

  She was unable to unzip her dress, as the zipper was on the back and she wasn’t able to reach it. Of course, Zinna would have to pick a dress that was made for someone to help the person wearing it out. With a smile, Summer made her way back to the door she had closed most of the way. When Chase saw her, he had a confused look on his face.

  “I can’t get the zipper,” Summer said, looking up through her eyelashes at her husband. “Could you help?”

  “Sure,” Chase said, relaxing. Carefully, he walked to her and went around to her back, and unzipped it. His fingers brushed against her back as he slowly moved the zipper down.

  Once it was down, Summer turned around and let her dress fall to the floor right where she stood. She looked up at Chase’s opened mouth as he stared. She had on a matching white lace bra and underwear, making her skin look darker against the material. She looked so sexy, he almost lost it.

  “See something you like?” she asked, her voice teasing as she moved her hips in a circle.

  Without any words, Chase crashed his lips to Summer’s, seeking entrance. Her hands went to his hair, tangling themselves at the roots near his neck, pulling and pushing. Chase’s hands went to Summer’s face, soft and gentle, unlike his lips, taking control.

  She didn't have time to be surprised as he acted on impulse. His cock came to life and it took control, letting Summer lead him towards the bed where he fell down, bringing her down on top of him.

  “Are you sure?” he panted when she pulled back for a moment.

  “Yes,” Summer said between kisses as she trailed her lips down his jawline. “I’m yours, My Prince. Take me.” She meant every word.

  That was all that was needed. He quickly took off his clothes, not caring where they landed.

  Chase flipped her over, attacking her mouth before telling her to scoot up on the bed. He helped Summer move backward so her head was on the pillow before kissing her hot lips again. He didn’t stay there long, moving his lips down her jaw, to her neck.

  He stopped at her breasts as her chest heaved, seeking air. Slowly, he removed her bra to see her breasts better. They were already pebbled to hardened peaks, and he took one into his warm mouth, sucking it tenderly at first. Summer closed her eyes and moaned, arching upwards. Her hands were on his waist, not sure if she wanted more teasing, or to find her climax.

  Chase moved from one side to the other, giving each breast the same amount of attention. As he sucked and played with one and then the other, he moved his hand down to the junction of her thighs, feeling her dripping wet. She was ready. And so was he.

  He pulled himself up, telling her to stay put. He dimmed the lights and put music on his phone before returning to her with an unopened condom. She looked amazing laying on his childhood bed naked, except for the white lace underwear.

  Chase finished taking off his pants before crawling back onto the bed with his hands and knees. He pulled Summer’s legs out after laying the foil package down, spreading them slightly so he could kiss up one. He then trailed kisses up to her knee as one hand supported his weight, and the other hand massaging her foot, paying attention to her toes.

  She let her body relax into the mattress as his hands explored her body.

  Pulling back, he sat on his feet and began to massage the other foot, this time with both hands. He slowly worked his way up, massaging each muscle in both legs. Once his hands were on her hips, she was a pile of goo. He slowly lowered her panties down her hips as he kissed a path behind them.

  As she held her eyes closed, Chase kissed Summer’s stomach, leaving opened mouth kisses as he trailed his mouth from one hip to the other in an arch. She moaned, arching herself to get closer to where she desperately wanted him.

  “Soon,” Chase whispered, purposely ignoring her dripping pussy.

  Summer whined in the back of her throat but complied as Chase slowly moved one hand to her breast, tweaking a nipple as he dipped his tongue into her belly button. Slowly, he then brought his hand up her thigh, finally touching where she needed him most.

  She moaned out, arching against his touch as Chase trailed his mouth down to her clit. He then licked her lips, hearing her pleasured moan as her hands went instantly to his head, pulling him closer.

  Chase used one hand to brace himself, and the other to hold her legs opened more, before he licked her again, and pushing his warm tongue into her pussy, tasting her sweet and bitter taste.

  “Chase,” Summer panted out, knowing she was so close.

  He knew it too, so he pulled back after a moment, letting her fire cool as he crawled up towards her. Her eyes were closed, breaths panting out as she craved more from him. He took a moment to put the condom on his hardened cock and tossing the empty packet to the floor.

  Slowly, Chase brought his mouth back up to hers, giving her a loving, tender kiss. As he lined himself up at her entrance, giving her more than enough time to protest if needed, Summer wrapped her legs around his waist, her feet pressing into
his buttocks, pushing him forward against her. She could feel his hard cock teasing her entrance, loving and hating it at the same time.

  “It’s been a while,” Chase grunted out, trying to make the feeling last longer. “I don't want this to be rushed.” he was so close already to cumming with just feeling her heat right there.

  “We have all night,” Summer said in a breathy moan, meaning every word. She planned to ride him to pleasure at least once during the night if he’d let her.

  That was all the Prince needed, entering the Princess’s tight pussy in one swift move. He could feel her heat, her wetness. Her walls squeezed around his cock as he held still. He knew if he moved, just an inch, he’d be done. He took a moment, letting her adjust to his size, and getting his control back before he began to move in slow motion.


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