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The Marriage Agreement

Page 28

by Carolyn Davidson

  It was after midnight when a lusty wail rose from the bed as Morgan’s wife was delivered of a son. Dark hair that appeared to have a tendency to curl covered his head, and eyes of slate-blue peered at his father as if he heard a familiar voice when Morgan spoke his name.

  He took the baby from Susanna and turned to Lily, his voice deep, but trembling with emotion as the baby’s name was spoken in their hearing for the first time. “Lily and I are going to call him Joshua Devereaux Morgan,” he said, looking down at Lily, with a dubious frown. “That’s an awful mouthful for such a little fellow, don’t you think?” he asked, barely able to contain his pride.

  And then he knelt beside the bed, the babe in his arms as he bent to kiss Lily’s forehead. She was tired, but filled with an exhilaration that far surpassed any happiness she’d ever experienced.

  “We’ll call him something else if you like,” she offered, reaching to touch the dark hair, then opening her arms as Morgan delivered him to her embrace. He was sweet, small, but sturdy, Susanna had said. His head smelled like nothing she’d ever inhaled in her life, and his mouth was making urgent sucking movements, as if notifying his mother of his needs.

  “I think you’d better put him to breast,” Katherine said. “It’ll help with the afterbirth if you nurse right away.”

  Morgan stood, his eyes damp, his smile tremulous. “I think I’ll go on down and tell the others,” he said. “I’ll be back a bit later.” And then he bent once more to Lily, his mouth taking hers with a kiss of promise, a fresh sealing of their vows in a blending that never failed to bring joy to her heart.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “And I’m the most fortunate man alive. We made it, sweetheart.” He paused and then reminded her of a day long months ago. “Remember when I told you that first night on the porch that it was the happiest night of my life?”

  She nodded, already aware of what he would say.

  “I was wrong, Lily. This surpasses even that night, when I thought all my dreams had come true and Christmas had come early.” He kissed her again, uncaring of those who watched in silence.

  “Christmas is truly here, finally. It’s past midnight, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Happy Christmas, Lily, my love.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-3998-2


  Copyright © 2004 by Carolyn Davidson

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