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The American Military

Page 65

by Brad D. Lookingbill

  Gridley, Charles

  Griffith, Ron

  Groves, Leslie

  Grundy, Felix

  Guadalcanal, Battle of

  Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of

  Guam, Battle of

  Guam invasion

  Guantánamo Bay landing

  Guilford Courthouse, Battle of

  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  Gulf War

  gunboat diplomacy

  gunboat policy

  Haan, William

  habeas corpus

  Hagenback, Franklin

  Haig, Douglas

  Haitian intervention

  Halleck, Henry

  Halsey, William (Bull)

  Hamburger Hill, Battle of

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hamilton, Henry

  Hamilton, Paul

  Hampton, Wade

  Hampton Roads, Battle of

  Hancock, John

  Hancock, Joy Bright

  Hancock, Winfield Scott

  Hanoi Hilton (Hoa Lo prison)

  Harbord, James

  Harding, Warren G.

  Harlem Heights, Battle of

  Harmer, Josiah

  Harney, William

  Harpers Ferry

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Harrison, William Henry

  Hasan, Malik

  Hawaii annexation

  Hay, John

  Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty

  Hay–Herrán Treaty

  Hayes, Rutherford

  Hays, Mary Ludwig (Molly Pitcher)

  Heald, Nathan

  Heartbreak Ridge, Battle of

  Heath, William

  “Hello Girls,”

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henry, John

  Henry, Patrick

  Henry II, King


  Herrera, Simón de

  Hershey, Lewis


  Highway of Death

  Hill, A. P.

  Hill, John

  Hines, Frank

  Hines, John Leonard

  Hirohito, Emperor

  Hiroshima bombing

  Hitchcock, Ethan Allen

  Hitler, Adolf

  H.M.S. Belvidera

  H.M.S. Detroit

  H.M.S. Dreadnought

  H.M.S. Erebus

  H.M.S. Fowey

  H.M.S. Guerriere

  H.M.S. Java

  H.M.S. Leopard

  H.M.S. Little Belt

  H.M.S. Macedonian

  H.M.S. Magdalen

  H.M.S. Melampus

  H.M.S. Queen Charlotte

  H.M.S. Serapis

  H.M.S. Shannon

  Ho Chi Minh

  Ho Chi Minh Trail

  Hoar, Joseph

  Hobkirk's Hill, Battle of

  Holland, John

  Holm, Jeanne

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell



  Homeland Security Department

  Hood, John Bell

  Hooker, Joseph

  Hoover, Herbert

  Hopkins, Esek

  Hopkins, Harry

  Horner, Chuck

  Horseshoe Bend, Battle of

  House, Edward

  Houston, Sam

  Howard, Oliver O.

  Howe, Julia Ward

  Howe, Richard

  Howe, Robert

  Howe, William

  Hubbardton, Battle of

  Hue, Battle of

  Huerta, Victoriano

  Hughes, Charles Evans

  Hull, Cordell

  Hull, Isaac

  Hull, William


  Humphreys, Joshua


  Huntington, Robert

  Huron Indians

  Hürtgen Forest, Battle of

  Husky (Operation)

  Hussein, Saddam

  Ia Drang, Battle of

  Iceberg (Operation)

  Ide, William

  Imjin River, Battle of




  improvised explosive devices (IED)

  Inchon landing


  Indian Office (Bureau)

  Indian Removal Act

  Industrial Revolution

  Infantry School of Practice

  Infinite Reach (Operation)

  Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

  internal improvements

  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

  IQ test

  Iran–Contra affair

  Iranian hostage crisis

  Iraq Liberation Act

  Iraq War

  Iraqi Freedom (Operation)

  Iraqi insurgency


  Iroquois Indians


  Italian campaign

  Iuka, Battle of

  Iwo Jima, Battle of

  Izard, George

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Thomas J. (Stonewall)

  James, Reuben

  Jamestown (settlement)

  Japanese internment

  Jawbreaker (Operation)

  Jay, John

  Jay's Treaty

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jernigan, Bobby (Jet)

  Jesup, Thomas


  Johnson, Andrew

  Johnson, Harold K.

  Johnson, Hugh

  Johnson, Louis

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Johnson, Richard M.

  Johnston, Albert Sydney

  Johnston, Joseph E.

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (establishment)

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)


  Jomini, Antoine Henri

  Jones, James

  Jones, John Paul

  Jones, Thomas ap Catesby

  Jones, William

  Joy, C. Turner


  Junction City (Operation)

  Juno Beach

  Just Cause (Operation)

  Kagan, Frederick

  Kaiser, Henry


  Kanagawa, Treaty of

  Kansas–Nebraska Act

  Karamanli, Hamet

  Karzai, Hamid


  Keane, Jack

  Kearny, Stephen

  Kellogg, Frank

  Kellogg–Briand Pact, see Pact of Paris

  Kennan, George

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kenney, George

  Kenney, John P.

  Kent, Jacob

  Kent State shootings

  Kerry, John

  Key, Francis Scott

  Khafji, Battle of

  Khaki University

  Khe Sanh, Battle of

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kicking Bear

  Killer (Operation)

  Kim Il Sung

  Kimball, William

  Kimmel, Husband

  King, Ernest

  King George's War (War of Jenkins's Ear)

  King Philip's War

  King William's War (War of the League of Augsburg)

  King's Mountain, Battle of

  Kinkaid, Thomas

  Kiowa Indians

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kissinger, Henry

  Knox, Frank

  Knox, Henry

  Koiso, Kuniaki

  Koje-do prison

  Konoe, Fumimaro

  Korean War

  Korean War Veterans Memorial

  Kosciuszko, Thaddeus

  Kosovo War, see Yugoslav wars

  Krueger, Walter

  Krulak, Victor

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kuwait invasion

  La Vengeance

  Lafayette, Marquis de

  Lafayette Escadrille

  Lafitte, Jean

  Laird, Melvin

/>   Lake Erie, Battle of

  Lam Son 719 (Operation)

  Landero, J. J.

  landing operations doctrine

  Lane, Joseph

  Laos invasion

  Larkin, Thomas

  Lawrence, James

  Lawrence, William

  Lawton, Henry

  Le Duc Tho

  League of Nations

  Leahy, William

  Leavenworth, Henry


  Ledo Road

  Lee, Arthur

  Lee, Charles

  Lee, Fitzhugh

  Lee, Henry (Light Horse)

  Lee, Richard Henry

  Lee, Robert E.

  Legion of the United States

  Lejeune, John

  LeMay, Curtis

  Lend-Lease Act

  León, Antonio Ponce de

  Lewis, Isaac

  Lewis, Joe

  Lewis, Meriwether

  Lexington, Battle of

  Leyte Gulf, Battle of

  Liberty Bonds

  Lieber, Francis

  Liggett, Hunter

  Liliuokalani, Queen

  Limited Test-Ban Treaty

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln, Benjamin

  Linebacker I (Operation)

  Linebacker II (Operation)


  Little Bighorn, Battle of the

  Little Crow

  Little Switch (Operation)

  Little Turtle

  Livingston, Robert

  Lockwood, Charles

  Logan, John

  Lôme, Dupuy de

  Lone Wolf

  Long, John

  Long, Stephen

  Long Island, Battle of

  Longstreet, James

  Lookout Mountain, Battle of

  Louis XVI, King

  Louisbourg, Siege of

  Louisiana Purchase Treaty

  Love, Nancy Harkness

  Lowell, James Russell


  Luce, Stephen

  Luck, Gary

  Ludendorff, Erich

  Lundy's Lane, Battle of


  Luttrell, Marcus

  Luzon, Battle of

  Lynch, Jessica

  Lyon, Nathaniel

  Maass, Clara

  MacArthur, Arthur

  MacArthur, Douglas

  Macdonough, Thomas

  MacFarland, Sean

  Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell

  Mackenzie, Ranald

  Macomb, Alexander

  Macon's Bill Number 2

  Madison, Dolly

  Madison, James

  magic, see cryptography

  Magruder, John

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer

  Mahan, Denis Hart

  Mahdi Army

  Main Line of Resistance (MLR)

  Manchurian invasion

  Mandan Indians

  Manhattan Project

  Manifest Destiny

  Manila, Battle of

  Manila Bay, Battle of

  Mansfield, Joseph

  Manuel, Juan

  Mao Zedong

  March, Peyton

  March to the Sea

  Marcy, William

  Mariana and Palau Islands campaign

  Marine Corps (establishment)

  Marion, Francis

  Market Garden (Operation)

  Marne, Battle of the


  Marshall, George

  Marshall Plan

  Martí, José

  Martin, Joseph Plumb


  Mason, James

  Mason, John

  Mason, R. B.

  Massachusetts Bay Company

  Massachusetts Indians


  Massey, Eyre

  massive retaliation

  Mathias, Robert

  Mattis, James

  Mauldin, Bill

  Maury, Matthew Fontaine

  Maxim, Hiram


  May, Charles


  Mayo, Henry

  McAlexander, Ulysses Grant

  McAuliffe, Anthony C.

  McCaffrey, Barry

  McCain, John, Jr.

  McCain III, John

  McCalla, Bowman

  McChrystal, Stanley

  McClellan, George

  McConnell, Joseph

  McCrea, Jane

  McDougall, Alexander

  McDowell, Irvin

  McFarlane, Robert

  McKay, William

  McKiernan, David

  McKinley, William

  McLaughlin, James

  McMaster, H. R.

  McNamara, Robert

  McPherson, James

  McQueen, Peter

  Meade, George

  Medicine Lodge Treaty

  Medina Ridge, Battle of

  Meeker, Nathan

  Meigs, Montgomery

  Melville, Herman

  Memorial Day (Decoration Day)

  Menu (Operation)

  Merrill, Frank

  Merrill, Lewis

  Merritt, Wesley


  Meuse–Argonne offensive

  Mexican–American War

  Mexican War Bounty Land Act.

  Miami Indians

  Micco, Eneah

  Midway, Battle of

  MiG Alley

  Miles, Nelson

  Military Airlift Command (MAC)

  Military Assistance Command in Vietnam (MACV)

  military-industrial complex

  military operations other than war (MOOTW)

  Military Peace Establishment Act

  Military Service Institution

  militia (establishment)

  Militia (Dick) Act

  Milk Creek, Battle of

  Miller, James

  Milosevic, Slobodan

  Mingo Indians


  missile programs

  Missionary Ridge, Battle of

  Mitchell, William (Billy)

  Mitscher, Marc

  Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH)

  Mobile Bay, Battle of

  Modoc Indians

  Moffett, Cleveland Langston

  Moffett, William

  Mogadishu, Battle of

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh

  Mohegan Indians

  Molino del Rey, Battle of

  Monmouth, Battle of

  Monroe, James

  Monroe Doctrine

  Montalembert, Marquis de

  Montcalm, Marquis de

  Monterrey, Battle of

  Montgomery, Archibald

  Montgomery, Bernard

  Montgomery, G. V. (Sonny)

  Montgomery, Richard

  Montgomery GI Bill

  Moore, Harold

  Moore, James

  Morgan, Daniel

  Morgan, David

  Morrill Land Grant College Act

  Morris, Richard

  Morrow, Dwight

  Morrow Board

  Mortefontaine, Convention of

  mourning war

  Muhlenberg, John

  Munich Agreement

  Munro, George

  Murphy, Michael

  Murphy's Ridge, Battle of

  Musharraf, Pervez

  Muskogee (Creek) Indians

  Mussolini, Benito

  Mutual Defense Assistance (MDA)

  My Lai massacre

  Myers, Richard

  Nagasaki bombing

  Nam Il


  Nanesemond Indians

  Napier, Francis

  Napoleon III

  Napoleonic Wars

  Narragansett Indians

  Nashville, Battle of

  Nassau landings

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  National Council for the Prevention of War

  National Defens
e Act

  National Defense Authorization Act

  National Defense Education Act

  National Guard (formation)

  National Guard Association

  National Liberation Front (NLF)

  National Military Museum

  National Security Act

  National Security Council (NSC)

  National Security League

  National War Labor Board

  Navajo Indians

  Naval Academy

  Naval Act

  Naval Asylum School

  naval aviation

  Naval Construction Act

  Naval Institute

  Naval Militia Affairs Act

  Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU)

  Naval War College

  Navy (establishment)

  Navy Department

  Navy Observatory

  Negro Fort, see Fort Gadsden

  Neptune Spear (Operation)

  Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission

  Neutrality Acts

  Neutralize (Operation)

  New Dawn (Operation)

  New Deal

  New Echota, Treaty of

  New Look

  New Model Army

  New Orleans, Battle of

  New Roman Empire

  New York City riot

  Newburgh conspiracy

  Newport, Christopher

  Nez Percé Indians

  Ngo Dinh Diem

  Nguyen Cao Ky

  Nguyen Khanh

  Nguyen Ngoc Loan

  Nguyen Van Thieu

  Niagara campaign

  Niagara (Operation)

  Nicholas, Samuel

  Nicholls, Edward

  Nicholson, Evelyn

  Nimitz, Chester

  9/11 attacks

  Nine-Power Treaty

  90 Division Gamble

  Nixon, Richard

  Nixon Doctrine


  Non-Intercourse Act

  Noriega, Manuel

  North, Lord Frederick

  North, Oliver

  North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  North Korean People's Army (NKPA)

  North Point, Battle of

  North Sea mine barrage

  North Vietnamese Army (NVA)

  Northern Alliance

  nuclear freeze

  Nunn, Sam

  Nuremberg trials


  Obama, Barack

  O'Bannon, Presley

  Occaneechee Indians

  Odierno, Ray

  Office of Price Administration

  Office of Scientific Research and Development

  Office of Strategic Services

  Office of War Mobilization

  Ogier, Herbert

  Oglethorpe, James

  Okinawa, Battle of

  Olney, Richard

  Olympic (Operation)

  Omaha Beach

  Omar, Mohammed

  Onís, Don


  Open Door Policy

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert

  Oregon Treaty

  Organization of American States (OAS)

  Oriskany, Battle of

  Orlando, Vittorio


  Ostend Manifesto

  O'Sullivan, John

  Otis, Elwell

  Ottawa Indians

  Overlord (Operation)


  Pact of Paris

  Paine, Thomas

  Paiute Indians

  Pakenham, Edward

  Pakistan border

  Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)

  Palmer, John McAuley

  Palo Alto, Battle of

  Pamunkey Indians


  Panama Canal


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