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Her Wicked Hero

Page 14

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  He could see her frowning out of the corner of his eye. “What?”

  “First-rate sounds like faint praise. What about fantastic? Awesome? Stupendous?”

  “I can tell you live with young girls,” he teased. “First-rate and First-class are extremely high praise.”

  “Is that what you’d say about Night Storm?”

  “No, I’d call them Fucking First-rate.”


  “Marcia, I was trying to cut down on the swearing for you. Black Dawn is also Fucking First-rate. If they weren’t, there isn’t a chance in hell I’d be entrusting them with your safety.” He picked up her hand and kissed her fingertips. She started to breathe faster. Deeper. Zed realized he wasn’t doing much better. He thought about her questions. Black Dawn was fucking first-rate. He thought of Hunter. Their bond was…

  Then there was Dex, he would rank him right up there with Kane McNamara. But Night Storm was his home. He was second-in-command, and those men depended on him. Considering everything, Zed had to admit, after today’s conversation, Black Dawn was definitely turning into a second home for him.

  Ten more minutes and they’d be back at the apartment. This time, he twined his fingers with hers and rested them on her thigh. She closed her eyes and sighed. He concentrated on the drive and getting them home safely. When he parked underneath the covered parking, she opened her door and hopped out before he had a chance to stop her. He put his arm around her and guided her down the path into the complex and unlocked the door, ushering her into the cool living room.

  “Marcia, I asked you to let me open your car door,” he said pointedly.

  “I know, but I’m more than capable. You don’t have to do the gentleman thing with me.” She meandered over to the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple out of the bowl and took a bite.

  He tried to get a read on her and failed. “Two things. I told you I like opening car doors for you. Just like you, I don’t play games.” He watched her absorb his words, but she didn’t seem to take comfort from them. She set the apple down on a paper towel and went to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. He prowled behind her, and when she turned around, she found herself effectively trapped.

  “Number two. I’m opening your car door for your safety.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “I don’t get it.”

  “I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to be by your side at all times. This is a safety issue, and I take this very seriously.”

  “Zed,” she smiled. “Come on, nobody’s going to do anything with you right there.”

  He pulled the bottle from her hands and placed it on the counter. Carefully, because for the rest of his life he intended to treat this woman with care, he tilted her chin up so they were eye to eye. “If this were Christie or Debbie, would you be so cavalier?”

  Her eyes darkened.

  “If Christie and Debbie were standing here, their faces still healing after a kidnapping attempt at the local fucking mall,” he gritted out, “tell me Marcia, would you allow them to get out of the car without me right beside them?”

  She sucked in a deep breath and shook her head.

  “Right answer.”

  “But seriously, you don’t have to with me. I mean, I understand with the car doors, when we’re out in the open, but you always do it like ushering me into your house. You put your hand on the small of my back and stuff.”

  “Yes I do,” he acknowledged. He watched her, waited for her to explain why that made her uncomfortable.

  “I’m not breakable. I’m more than capable of opening my own doors. I don’t need this false courtesy.”

  “False?” His eyebrows raised. “What do you mean false?”

  “Nobody does that. They don’t mean it. Just be normal.”

  Even though deep down he was expecting something like this, it still floored him. But he didn’t show it, instead he stroked her hair back from her face.

  “Can you look at me?”

  It took her a moment, but she finally did. “What?”

  “Who let you down?”

  “Nobody,” she said too quickly.

  “Who let you down?” he asked again.

  “It doesn’t matter. I just don’t want you to do something that isn’t real. I can take care of myself. I don’t want to expect something, and it just be taken away,” she sounded so sad.

  “Think back to the very first moment we met. Have I let you down?”

  She frowned. “Well, no.”

  “I don’t intend to and do you know why?”

  She shook her head.

  “Because you matter to me. You matter one hell of a lot. You can trust me.”

  She sucked in a deep breath and didn’t let it out. He stroked her throat.

  “Breathe Baby.” She let out a breath. “Will you let me take care of you? Please?”

  It was one of the longest moments of his life. Then she nodded.

  He dipped his head and captured her lips with his. He was careful all right. Careful to make sure she was on the same page as he was. Careful to ensure when his tongue stroked and plundered, she was eager for him to continue. Last night, he’d taken note of her insecurities and they’d broken his heart. His Marcia should never think she was anything but beautiful and wanted. Zed knew his fingertips were rough and calloused, so he traced the contours of her cheek with a barely there touch, wanting to make sure he was providing pleasure.

  Unlike the kiss in Marcia’s bedroom back in Virginia, she was tentative. Her hands landed softly on his chest, then in slow increments, crept upwards until she circled his shoulders. Zed continued to stroke her cheek as his other arm brought her body into the curve of his. He needed her close like he needed his next breath.

  Marcia moaned into his mouth as she undulated against him. He’d never tasted anything as sweet. Sharp nails bit into the back of his neck, and she wrenched her mouth away from his. He looked into her flushed face.

  “Zed,” she sighed. Marcia turned her head then shoved it against his neck. Had he done something wrong? He heard her take a deep breath. “You smell so good.” He jolted at the feel of her tongue licking his collar bone.

  He tried to pull her away, tried to see her eyes, but she wouldn’t allow it.


  “No. Let me. I need to feel you.” She kissed his healing scar. “I almost lost you. Before I ever really knew you, I almost lost you.”

  He had to brace his legs, so he could remain standing. Just thinking of that moment when Kane called him to tell him Marcia was in the hospital. That she had been a victim of an attempted kidnapping. In that moment, he knew Marcia was his future, his love, his life, his everything.

  “I want you,” he said point-blank.

  She swallowed. “I smell like gunpowder.”

  “No, you smell like jasmine and Marcia. It’s been years since I’ve had to work so hard to control my body’s reaction to a woman. You walk into a room and I’m rock-hard.”

  “Really,” he laughed when he saw her shocked expression, “you had no idea?”

  She shook her head. “But I hoped.”

  “You have a lot to make up for. Especially those red panties you took so long to fold.”

  She looked up at him through a thick fringe of eyelashes, her pink swollen lips tipped into a sly smile. “How do you propose I make it up to you?”

  There were so many facets to Marcia, it would take a lifetime to explore. It was going to be so much fun. Zed swooped her up into his arms, and she let out a whoop.

  “What the heck do you think you’re doing, Mr. Dante Zaragoza?” she asked primly.

  So fucking fun, he grinned as he strode into his bedroom. He gently placed her onto the bed.

  “You make your bed?”

  “You should try it,” Zed tried to keep his voice light and teasing, but it came out rough and territorial. Seeing her in his bed did something to him on a primal level. It was like something in him had finally been unlocked.

bsp; Marcia held out her arms. She was wearing ripped jeans, sneakers, and a purple peasant blouse. He’d thought she’d looked like a gypsy all day.

  “You’re looking at me funny,” she said tremulously.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Her fingers went up to touch her face. He knelt down on the bed, gripped her wrist, and pulled her hand away.

  “Marcia listen to me, you’re beautiful. I know this is important to you, so yes, you are healing, but I need you to know, even if the scarring were permanent, you’d still be beautiful.”

  He watched as her eyes welled with tears. As two escaped he kissed them away. Even her tears tasted good. He lifted up and looked at her.

  “I need to know we’re on the same page, you want this, right?”

  “With everything in me,” she choked out.

  Marcia watched wide-eyed as Zed slipped back off the bed and knelt at the bottom. He unlaced her shoes and took them off along with her socks. She heard his indrawn breath as he pushed up her jeans leg to view her calf. He traced the scar. Up and down. Then he bent and traced the red raised flesh with his tongue.

  “Does this hurt?”

  She had trouble catching her breath, when she finally did, she eked out the word, “No.”

  “That doesn’t sound very sure.”

  She sat up on her elbows. “Well for goodness sakes, you’re caressing me and driving me out of my mind,” she said with exasperation.

  “I think we can do better than this,” he said wickedly. He pulled on her arms, and she was sitting up on the edge of the bed staring into his eyes. “I love this top, but it has to go.”

  Her mouth went dry. If he was going to take off her blouse that meant she’d get to see what was under his T-shirt. He’d changed clothes once in the jungle, but too much had been going on to truly appreciate it. But right now? Oh, yeah. Without thinking about it, her hands went to the hem of his shirt, and she was drawing it upwards. Zed’s eyelids got heavy as he stared at her, but he wasn’t stopping her. Marcia continued.

  “Lift up your arms,” she whispered into the quiet of the room. He did. Once again her eyes were drawn to the pinkened gunshot wound on his neck and upper shoulder. Zed must have figured out the reason for her hesitancy because he threw off his shirt and cupped her face.

  “I’m fine Marcia. I’m fine.”

  She opened her mouth to make a smart-aleck comment about just how fine he was, but she couldn’t. He could have died. Too many people in her life had died. Then she slowly realized, that was exactly the point, and she smiled. Darn it, this moment in time was important, it was glorious, it was meant to be savored.

  She spread her palms against his warm chest, loving the feel of all that heat and power. She was so entranced, she didn’t realize Zed was untucking her blouse from her jeans until he told her to lift up her arms. Reluctantly, she did.

  “I was hoping you were wearing the lavender bra,” he confided.

  She barely heard him, all of her concentration focused on getting her hands back on his chest. The man even had an eight-pack. Marcia stroked her hands down his ridged abdomen, and she sighed in pleasure.

  “Ahhh,” he groaned. He liked. Well then, how about this? She grinned when he moaned as she scraped her nails up the center of his body.

  Marcia had been concentrating so hard on his responses, she was shocked when Zed’s warm hands encased her bare breasts.

  “I love front opening bras,” he murmured. She whimpered when his thumbs stroked her swollen nipples. “Again. I love the sounds you make.” Marcia pushed up against his palms.

  Fire raced through her, she had never experienced anything close to this level of desire before. Why? Was it Zed? Was it because she’d been so close to death?

  “I must be doing this wrong,” Zed said. His thumbs started to circle the tight nubs of flesh.


  “You’re thinking too hard.”

  How’d he know she’d been questioning…?

  “Oh, no,” she let out a shrill cry as his mouth encompassed one swollen nipple. His tongue swirled, round and round, her other nipple pinched in a matching rhythm.

  Were those sounds coming from her?

  Marcia loved the feel of his rough silk hair. He did something that drove her wild, and she yanked at his hair and relished the groan that vibrated against her taut flesh. He suckled her harder. She was panting so hard, trying to take in air, she thought she might pass out.

  Zed’s head lifted. “Easy, Querida, we have all night.”

  Huh? This couldn’t go on that long. She could only handle this for five more minutes!

  “Let’s get you out of these jeans, shall we?” His fingers were already working on the button of her jeans. She so wanted this, but it was so much more than she ever imagined. How could her jeans be off? He was a magician. She grabbed at her purple panties, and he looked up at her giving her a considering look.

  “You want to torture me, don’t you?” She’d never heard his voice so deep.

  She nodded, then shook her head.

  “Ah, Baby, you don’t have to be shy. I’ll take care of you.”

  Wait a darn minute! Her spine straightened.

  “I’m not a child. I have had sex before. Maybe it’s me who’s going to take care of you!”

  His thumb whispered across her bottom lip as his hot gaze looked her over.

  “I would never mistake you for a child, Querida. I meant no offense. We are definitely equals, and we always will be. How about we take turns, sometimes, you take care of me, and sometimes, I take care of you?”

  She searched his face. She saw nothing but sincerity. And in truth, today she would love to have him take the lead. “I would like that.” Then she replayed his words. “Always?” she questioned.

  “One day at a time,” he soothed. “Right now, I want to investigate these panties,” he smiled tenderly. He traced the lace at the top, then he coaxed her legs to widen, so he could examine the lace along the lower edge. “So pretty, so soft.” She didn’t think he was talking about the purple silk as he traced the panel.

  Zed took his time peeling them off her body, and she did nothing but hold her breath. Slowly he spread her legs, and she watched in fascination as he stared at the very heart of her.

  “You’re beautiful.” She blushed.

  His thumbs parted her intimate flesh. “You’re so wet for me.”

  For a moment she came out of stupor. “What would you expect, you’re sex-on-a-stick.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Marcia, I am so thankful this is a two way street. I would be heartbroken if we didn’t share this passion.”

  He would? Then his thumb moved and touched her exactly right, the nub of flesh that drove her crazy. She felt his warm breath, her only warning before his tongue touched her.

  “Zed,” she cried out. Slowly, softly, he caressed her. Again and again, his tender ministrations drove her up and up into a whole other plane of existence. All she could say was his name, over and over again. He was the center of her universe.

  “Now,” he whispered.

  With his command, she hurled into space.

  Zed sat back, his heart racing. He traced her trembling thighs, trying to calm down, so he would be able to make love to Marcia and make it last. He’d never been blessed with a more responsive lover in his life. When he thought he had a modicum of control, he got up and stripped out of his jeans. He went to his nightstand and took out his unopened box of condoms.

  Zed turned to look at Marcia who was now watching him with a dazed look on her face. He pulled one out, and put a knee on the bed, then stole a slow kiss from the woman who was his world. Her arms twined around his neck, and if there was any discomfort, he didn’t notice it. Another kiss. He needed another kiss. He peppered her face with kisses.

  “Please Zed, I need you.”

  He moved her to the middle of the bed, then stroked his hand down the center of her body until once again he found her
heat. She arched up, and he tested her depths. One finger. God, she felt so good, two fingers. He stroked her, and she sighed. He continued to caress her until she gasped her pleasure.

  “What?” she asked tremulously. “What are you doing?”

  “Making you feel good.”

  Shit, he was going to lose it. Come on, thirty-six. You’re thirty-six, get it together Zaragoza.

  He pulled out his fingers and licked them, then rolled on the condom.

  “Please, now. Now.”

  He positioned himself at her opening. He knew he needed to go slowly, she was so tight.

  “Just do it,” she said fiercely.

  Nothing could have slowed him down more than those words. He searched her face and realized his beautiful Marcia didn’t know the first thing about making love. “Shhh, we’ll get there.”

  He pressed in slowly, just a little. She gave a soft cry, her smile told him that it was pleasure.


  He kept himself up on his elbows and gave her more. With every thrust, she smiled brighter until he was fully sheathed.

  “So good,” she sighed. “We’re together, it’s so good.”

  She bowed her body upwards and captured his mouth in a kiss. He started a rhythm as old as time. Marcia cupped his cheeks as her beautiful legs wrapped around his waist drawing him closer.

  He felt her body shudder and tighten. Thank fuck, he wasn’t going to last. She tore her mouth from his.

  “Zed,” she whimpered. He saw tears filling her eyes. “Oh Zed,” she cried out as her body clamped around him, her nails scoring his back. “So perfect. So perfect,” she sobbed, and he catapulted into bliss.


  She woke to the smell of oranges. Marcia rolled over and saw Zed placing a tray on the bedside table. Her eyes widened when she saw everything that was on it.

  “Are we expecting company?” she asked as she scooted up against the headboard, holding the sheet over her breasts.

  “I don’t share.” Marcia blushed as his gaze raked over her. Before she had a chance to feel uncomfortable, a slow smile broke crossed his face, and she relaxed. “Hungry?” he asked.


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