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Alpha Lion: BBW Lion Shifter Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by Zoe Chant

  Sam just shook her head, suddenly exhausted. Lynn’s face softened. “All right, never mind," she said. “Dale, take her home, will you?”

  Sam shook her head again, this time more vehemently. “You have to know what happened. And Dale has to—prepare for the fight—”

  “Chapman kidnapped Sam in order to force me to throw the challenge," Dale said bluntly. “Dawn can fill you in on some of the details. All I need to do for the fight is show up, Sam, and I have eight hours to do that, so first I’m going to take you home.”

  “To your place,” Sam said.

  Dale frowned. “Are you sure?”

  Sam nodded. She needed the comforting feeling of Dale’s home around her, not the sterile aloneness of her own apartment. “That’s where I want to be.”

  * * *

  They stopped at Sam’s apartment to grab clothes she hadn’t been kidnapped in, and then Dale drove her home. He’d tried to hide the deep joy he felt when she said she wanted to come home with him, but he couldn’t help smiling at her in the car.

  She smiled back, big enough that she winced when it hurt her bruised face. “Ow.”

  “No more of that," Dale said. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  “No smiling?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Most people wouldn’t think that would be a problem around a killjoy like me," Dale said.

  “Most people don’t know you like I do, I guess," Sam said.

  And, Dale realized, that was true. He’d shown more of himself to Sam in the last few days than he had to most people in the last few years. She’d seen him upset, angry, sad, embarrassed, laughing, and too happy for words.

  “Then I’m glad you’re here," he said finally.

  She smiled again at that—but made it a half-smile. He coasted to a stop at a red light and leaned over to kiss her bruised cheek for a second time, light as a feather. “If you change," he said, “that will heal pretty quickly. It’ll be gone in a couple of days.”

  “You were so concerned about me getting bitten," she said, “but I have to say: I’m not seeing the downside.”

  Dale shrugged and concentrated on the road, to avoid saying that he didn’t either. He didn’t want her to feel bad if she didn’t change. He didn’t want to feel bad if she didn’t change.

  But he had to admit—deep down, he wanted her to.

  * * *

  Sam felt exhausted down to her bones—even though, she realized, it was only eight o’clock AM, not even her normal bedtime quite yet.

  Getting kidnapped could do that to you, she guessed.

  It was a relief to be able to let Dale take care of everything. When they got to his place, he took her overnight bag in one hand and kept his other arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders as they went inside. His hand gripped her shoulder, and she felt safer than she had since she’d left for work last night.

  He led her into his bedroom and said, “How about you get changed and I bring you dinner in bed, and then you can sleep for a while?”

  “That sounds amazing," said Sam, with heartfelt sincerity. “I think I want to take a shower, too.” She wanted to wash Chapman and Freddie off of her.

  “Use whatever you need—tell me if you want me to run out and get you something. Maybe you’d rather have a bath? I don’t have bath stuff, but I could—” He glanced at the door.

  Sam laughed a little. “No, no. A shower is fine.”

  Taking a long, luxurious bath also sounded great, but she’d rather save that for after Chapman was beaten and gone. She didn’t think she’d be able to relax while he was still waiting to fight Dale.

  “If you’re sure," said Dale, frowning.

  Sam stepped right up to him and put her hands on his face, cupping his cheeks. “I love that you’re like this.”

  “Like what?” Dale asked, starting to smile a little.

  “That you think about others first, that you want me to be as comfortable as possible. That you’re making me breakfast and you’re ready to run out and buy bubble bath also.” Sam blinked a little bit—she’d just meant to reassure Dale that he was doing a good job taking care of her, but she was starting to realize that this was her mate.

  That this strong, caring, beautiful man was really hers.

  “You’re just such a good person.” Her voice caught a little bit. “I love you.”

  Dale took her hands in his, pulled them back from his cheeks, and kissed them. “I love you, too. And I can’t believe you’re so happy with me after what happened this morning.”

  “What happened this morning," Sam said, “was that someone else attacked and kidnapped me without your knowledge, and you did everything in your power to come find me and keep me safe. Am I wrong?”

  Slowly, Dale shook his head.

  “So let’s add that you saved me from violent kidnappers to the list of things I love about you, then.”

  He kissed her hands again. “I was so worried. When Chapman answered your phone—I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I was terrified that you’d be hurt. And then you were.” He reached out and caressed her bruised cheek.

  “I would’ve been hurt a lot worse if it weren’t for you,” she said. “I think Freddie was gearing up to do something before you arrived.”

  Dale closed his eyes for a second, and then pulled her into a hug. “I’m—really, really glad you’re okay," he said into her hair.

  “All thanks to you," Sam said into his shoulder.

  He pulled back then, held her by the shoulders and looked her in the eye. “No," he said. “It’s thanks to you, too. That move you did to get away from Freddie? Most people couldn’t have done that with as little training as you have. And I wouldn’t have dared charge him while the knife was so close. You saved yourself as much as I saved you.”

  “Team effort,” Sam said around the lump in her throat.

  Dale smiled, then, and it wasn’t his subtle barely-there smile, it was a full, broad grin. “We are a team, aren’t we.”

  Sam nodded. “For good," she said firmly.

  Dale kissed her. “Okay. I’m rewarding our excellent teamwork with breakfast.” One more kiss, and he was closing the bedroom door softly behind him.

  Sam looked up at the ceiling and blew out her breath. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She couldn’t believe it’d been less than a week since she was standing on the street corner in the middle of the night, thinking that she was going to be cold, broke, and lonely for the foreseeable future.

  And now this. She shook her head in disbelief, and went to shower. She couldn’t wait to finally, finally, take off her goddamn security guard uniform.

  * * *

  While they were eating dinner—a quick stir-fry; not the gourmet dinner Dale would have wanted for Sam, but tasty enough—Dale’s phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket.

  “Chapman," he said to Sam.

  Her mouth firmed. “Answer it.”

  Dale smiled, and answered. “Alan," he said. “I’ve been waiting for your call.” It felt incredibly good to say those words.

  “You knew she was gone when we met this morning," Chapman said.

  “That’s right," Dale said. Sam was scooting closer, and he leaned toward her so she could listen in. “She was already out of your hands when you challenged me. She’s safe, but let me tell you, Chapman: you aren’t.”

  “Do you think that just because I don’t have her tied up somewhere doesn’t mean I can’t hurt her?” Chapman said.

  Dale growled. Sam put a hand on his leg, glaring at the phone. “If you touch her again, I will kill you, Chapman.”

  “She’s just a human," Chapman said. “You can’t make her the alpha lioness if she isn’t a lioness. The pride will never accept her.”

  “I’ll see you at four o’clock, Chapman.” Dale hung up the phone. He looked at Sam. “He’s not going to hurt you again.”

  “Oh, I know it," she said fiercely. “I wish I could challenge him after that.�

  “Please," said Dale, “allow me the satisfaction of beating him for you.”

  Sam pretended to think. “Well. I guess.”

  Dale laughed and kissed her. “I love how brave you are.”

  “I’m glad," said Sam. “Because I love how protective you are, but I won’t let you stop me coming to see the fight.”

  Dale sat back. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not waiting here wondering what’s happening," she said. “I want to witness Chapman getting beaten with my own eyes.”

  Dale nodded, knowing that as much as he wanted to keep Sam far, far away from Chapman forever, she had the right to decide to come along. “He’ll be angry at you," he warned.

  Sam smiled. “Good.”

  And Dale kissed her, loving the touch of fierceness in her voice, the brightness in her eyes.

  “Anyway, let’s eat," she said. “We can’t let Chapman ruin dinner in bed on an actual dinner tray.” Sam had exclaimed when he’d brought in the little breakfast-in-bed table and set it over her lap.

  “Definitely not. I’ve always loved the idea of surprising someone with breakfast in bed," he told her, smiling. “I’ve never had a chance, though.”

  There was nothing Dale wanted more than to take care of the people he loved, and although he was terrible at coming up with surprises, breakfast in bed had always seemed like a basic treat any woman would enjoy.

  “Really?” Sam asked skeptically. “I would’ve thought a guy who looks like you could get any girl he wanted, and I would’ve thought any girl would like breakfast in bed.”

  Dale took a deep breath and tried to explain to her what his dating life had been like before this. Either women weren’t ready for commitment and thought he was too serious about the relationship, or they didn’t like that he spent so much time at work and left when he wouldn’t agree to abandon his responsibilities for them.

  “Also," he added, “I would never date anyone without telling them I’m a shapeshifter. So that’s limited me to people who already know, or who I would trust to keep it under wraps. Most of my relationships have been over quickly, just because we weren’t compatible. Even though I always wanted something more long-term.”

  “Well,” Sam said, “I love that you’re a shapeshifter, I love that you’re responsible and that you want to take care of your business and your pride, and I really love that you’re committed to this relationship.”

  Dale smiled down at her. “And I love that you’re ready to become a lioness if it happens, I love that you’re responsible and care about your job and about taking care of people, and I really love that you’re committed to this relationship.”

  Sam smiled back—and yawned. “I think it’s time to go to bed.”

  She set her phone alarm for two PM, “so we have plenty of time before the fight," and got ready while Dale took the dinner dishes back into the kitchen.

  She was curled up in bed by the time he got back, and he lay down next to her and stroked her hair back from her face.

  “Thank you for rescuing me," she said softly as her eyes drifted closed.

  “Thank you for making it possible," he said back. “I love you.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead, and by the time he sat up, she was asleep.

  He watched her for a few minutes, softly breathing with her hand curled by her face and her long eyelashes resting on the curves of her cheeks.

  Her fierceness and determination was hidden in sleep, but he knew it was still there.

  He sat by her until he was sure she was deeply asleep, and got up to do the dishes.

  * * *

  Five minutes before Sam’s alarm was set to go off, Dale stealthily crawled into bed next to her.

  She was sprawled on her stomach, breathing softly against the pillows, her black spilling down her back, tendrils of it falling into her face. She was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.

  He touched her shoulder, and when she didn’t startle awake, ran his hand down her arm, and back up, caressing softly. She shifted slightly in her sleep, and he smiled and moved his hand to her back, rubbing gently, then starting to massage.

  She sighed, and Dale leaned down and kissed her temple just as her eyelids started to flicker open. “Hi,” he murmured.

  “Mmm,” she said. “Hi.”

  He kissed her softly on the mouth, and then on the cheek, and then started working his way slowly down her neck—long, lush kisses.

  She moaned softly as he licked down to her collarbone and bit very lightly.

  "Is this good?" he murmured against her skin, even though he was pretty sure he knew what the answer was going to be.

  "Mmm, yes," she said. "Keep going."

  He grabbed her phone from the nightstand and handed it to her. "Here, your alarm’s going to go off in a second if you don’t turn it off."

  He hadn't planned to keep going while she swiped at her phone, but the curve of her breast was too much to resist, and he leaned down to kiss it, and kiss it again...

  "Dale!" she said, half-laughing. "I'm trying to—oh—"

  "Sorry," he said, right up against her nipple.

  "Liar," she said, and then, "okay, it's off. Do your worst."

  "I only ever do my best.” He smiled into her skin, and she laughed.

  He loved making her laugh—he didn't think of himself as a funny guy at all, but the amused sparkle in Sam's eyes when she looked at him warmed him to the core.

  He kept on down her stomach, on a mission to wake her up in the best possible way. Her scent was becoming more and more aroused, as he traced a path down her lower belly and over her left hip. She squirmed beneath him, and he bit her again, still very lightly.

  This time he wasn't looking to blow her mind with intensity like he'd been completely consciously trying to do last time—he just wanted to appreciate her, and to ease her into wakefulness.

  And give her an orgasm or three in the process.

  Finally, he reached her neatly-trimmed pubic hair, and parted her lips with his tongue. "Dale..." Sam whimpered above him, lifting her hips to push up against his mouth.

  He wanted to smile, but instead he licked slowly downward, tasting her musky, delicious wetness on the way. And she was wet—it looked like Sam liked being woken up this way.

  Well, Dale couldn't imagine a better way to start a day.

  He licked her slowly and leisurely at first, listening to her low, drawn-out noises. Her voice was throaty and quiet most of the time—it only got high-pitched when she was very, very excited.

  He'd be aiming for that later, but for now, she sounded so good, and she tasted so good, that he just wanted to stay in this sweet spot forever. He was hard himself, but not urgently, just a nice buzz of arousal that made the whole experience even better.

  Eventually, Sam's moans started to get a bit louder, and then a bit more demanding, until she said, "Faster—faster, Dale, come on—"

  He listened as he increased the speed of strokes on her clit, and finally brought up a hand to trace fingers around her pussy. He wondered how soon he'd learn exactly what each of those sounds meant.

  He already knew some of them, he thought, as she let out a panting, high-pitched moan that turned into a whine as he sucked hard on her clit.

  He let off for a second, listening to her sharp, gasping breaths, and then latched on again as he slid a finger inside her at last.

  She came around his finger in a series of wrenching spasms, as she let out a moan that almost turned into a shriek at the end. He kept his tongue against her clit through the aftershocks, and then the second she tried to twitch away from it, he pulled back.

  "Good morning," he said, trying to hold in his smile.

  She blinked up at him from the pillow, where her hair was wildly tangled around her head. Her eyes were bright and her mouth was glistening; as he watched, she licked her lips. "Good morning is right. God, you look pleased with yourself."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Don't I have a go
od reason to be pleased with myself?"

  "Get up here," she said, and he gladly obeyed, letting her pull him down into a thorough kiss. She was tasting herself, he thought, and flushed with heat.

  She shifted up and pushed at him, and he went with it even though she didn't have the strength to roll him over. They ended up reversed, with him on his back and her kneeling over him.

  "Your turn." She kissed him again.

  The thought made blood pulse in his cock, but he said, "Only if you really want to."

  He knew that some women didn't really enjoy giving blowjobs, and he never, ever wanted to pressure a woman into doing anything she didn't enthusiastically want to do.

  "Trust me," she said, and he could see that her pupils were still dilated with arousal, "I want to."

  "Then I'm happy to take my turn." He opened his mouth under hers when she kissed him again. Her tongue slid along his, and he couldn't help wrapping her up in his arms and holding her close while they kissed.

  She pulled back eventually, breathing hard. "You're distracting me from what I was going to do.”

  "I can't help it," he said. "You're the distracting one."

  "So prepare to be distracted," and she ran her hands down his chest, with just the smallest hint of fingernails making sure he knew where she'd been.

  She kept going down his stomach, pausing to brush kisses over his abdominals, and stopped with her hands on his hips, looking down at his erection.

  "You know,” she said, “you’re gorgeous all over, but there’s one particular spot where I think genetics has just…outdone itself.”

  "Thanks," he said, shifting his hips. "I appreciate the compliment."

  "I haven't been with that many men," she said, which he was stupidly pleased to hear about, "but I have to say, you really stand above all of them. If you know what I mean." She looked at him thoughtfully.

  Dale shifted again—with her looking him over like this, he was so hard it was starting to get uncomfortable. "Sam—"

  She smiled at him, and her eyes had that sparkle to them. "Yes?"

  She was teasing him, he realized—drawing it out on purpose. "Sam," he said, "Please touch me."


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