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Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Of course.” Lady Ponce’beast smiled. “It’s just a little tradition we have here at the spa. You know, the Sensorians feed on emotions and since they provide such lovely banquets for us each night, we try to return the favor.”

  Maggie’s throat felt dry. “But what exactly…uh, is involved?”

  “Well, just what you’d imagine. You let your slave pleasure you. It does feel rather naughty to be doing it all out in the open with so many strangers around.” Lady Ponce’beast gave a surprisingly girlish giggle. “But you know, it’s tradition here at the Lo’thian spa so…”

  “Um, yes.” Maggie cleared her throat. “I can see how letting your slave, uh, pleasure you would be an, um, important tradition.”

  Lady Ponce’beast frowned at her. “Speaking of the pleasuring, are you certain you’re dressed for it? Your dress covers much too much—your slave needs to have access to bare flesh in order to pleasure you properly.”

  “No, he doesn’t,” Maggie blurted. “I mean, he does?”

  Lady Ponce’beast gave her a superior smile. “Yes, my dear, unless he’s perfected some new technique that can make you come without touching your bare skin directly.” She giggled again. “In which case, send him my way and let him teach my slave a thing or two. He’s hopeless. I swear I have to activate his pain collar every other time he tries to pleasure me.”

  “Oh, uh…” Maggie didn’t know what to say about that. Fortunately, just at that moment, Kor slipped another square red fruit into her mouth.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he murmured as her mouth filled with the sweet, buttery juice.

  Maggie looked at him with wide eyes. How could she not worry about it? Was she really expected to take off her clothes and let Kor do whatever he could to give her an orgasm right here in this huge public banquet hall? And even if they weren’t in public, she couldn’t let him. True, she’d told herself she would do whatever she had to in order to get out of here. But there was no way that Donald would buy it. Maggie could just see herself trying to explain…

  “I didn’t really cheat on you honey. I had to let the huge, super hot alien guy I happened to rescue touch me all over and make me come because everyone else was doing it with their slaves.”

  Right. That would go over like a lead balloon. So then what—

  “Don’t worry about the Pleasuring,” the lady to Maggie’s other side said. “Oh, I’m Misla Gin’gin,” she went on, introducing herself. She appeared to be closer to Maggie’s age with a slim, girlish figure and brown hair with light blue streaks. Her dress was powder blue and made of some soft, feathery stuff that barely covered her breasts and left her mostly bare from the waist down. The slave standing by her side appeared to be considerably happier than Lady Ponce’beast’s downtrodden companion.

  “Nola Pope’nose,” Maggie said automatically. At least she was remembering her fake name all right.

  “Nice to meet you.” Lady Gin’gin smiled. “As I was saying, don’t worry about the Pleasuring.”

  “Why?” Maggie asked. “Don’t I, uh, have to participate if I don’t want to?”

  “What? Oh, no! No, you have to participate.” Lady Gin’gin looked a little shocked at the idea of nonparticipation. “I just meant don’t worry about the huge emphasis they place on your slave actually making you come.”

  “They do?” Maggie was feeling worse rather than better.

  “Uh-huh.” The other lady nodded. “But the Sensorians understand it’s not always possible. I mean, sometimes you’re just not in the mood—right? Or your slave’s technique just isn’t up to par.” She shrugged. “So it’s enough for them if your slave puts on a good show. I’ll tell you my secret…” She leaned forward on her lounge and whispered to Maggie. “Make sure your slave licks you for a nice long time—they always get good emotions from that. And then, even if you don’t come, they won’t mind.”

  “Have…have him lick…?” Maggie’s stomach was doing a slow forward roll. “I don’t think…”

  “Oh look, it’s almost time now!” Lady Gin’gin gestured to the center of the banquet hall where a tall, pale Sensorian was standing and raising his arms for silence. All around the room the gathered groups fell quiet.

  “Ladies and Mistresses,” the Sensorian intoned in his high, bird-like voice. “It is our pleasure and privilege to have you all here tonight at our Grand Banquet. As the Master of the Lo’thian spa, I sincerely hope you are enjoying all our facilities including the Dreaming Wood and our famous Remembrance Pool.”

  There was a smattering of polite applause and several of the ladies called encouragement.

  “Thank you. Thank you.” The Master of the spa bowed several times in all directions. “And now we would like to invite you to participate in our Pleasuring time. As you do, my fellow Sensorians will be passing among you. Please pay them no heed—unless, of course, you or your slave needs something to make your Pleasuring more complete, in which case please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you and that is all.”

  He bowed once more and stepped away from the middle of the floor.

  “All right. Here we go.” Lady Ponce’beast, on her right, was shucking off the top of her bright purple gown to reveal improbably large breasts and nipples almost the same color as her dress. “Well,” she said to her slave. “What are you waiting for? Get to it!”

  “Oh dear, it’s always so embarrassing.” Lady Gin’gin was giggling as she slipped the pale blue feathery dress down. “Go on, Dawson,” she murmured to her slave. “Do your best.”

  Looking around, Maggie saw similar performances being enacted around the room. Everywhere half naked mistresses were writhing on their chaise lounges while their slaves touched, stroked and yes, licked them. At the same time, scores of the pale Sensorians were wandering around the room. Maggie noticed that when one of them found what he or she considered to be a particularly pleasing couple, they stopped and stood nearby, their skin slowly turning darker and darker pink as they absorbed the pleasurable emotions.

  “Mistress?” Suddenly Kor was by her side. “I think we’d better—”

  “Go. We have to go,” Maggie hissed at him. “I can’t do this! Can’t let you do this to me! I mean, what will I tell Donald? What—?”

  “Is there a problem?” Suddenly the master of the spa himself was standing over them, glaring down at Maggie. “Do you not enjoy the services we provide here at the Lo’thian spa, mistress?” he questioned her. “Do you not believe we deserve your pleasure in return?”

  “Oh…I…” Maggie felt frozen. More than anything else, this reminded her of the time Donald had taken her to a very expensive French restaurant, Le Peep, for their fourth anniversary. In fact, it was much more expensive than he’d thought when he booked the reservation and he had decided not to leave a tip. Maggie had argued with him but he was adamant and he didn’t want to let her leave one either. Before they could go, though, the maitre d had cornered them and asked if the food or service was inadequate in some way.

  When Donald had gone into a cost analysis of how much the meal should have been priced at based on the quality of the ingredients and the number of kitchen and serving staff, Maggie had been mortified. Over Donald’s objections, she had quickly promised to pay the tip herself just to get out of there and had never darkened the doorways of Le Peep again.

  But I can’t offer to pay up now, she thought wildly. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Pull off my dress, flop over like a fish and order Kor to service me like Lady Ponce’Beast over there?

  Apparently that was exactly what she was supposed to do. But as the master of the spa glared at her, Maggie still found herself completely frozen.

  “I…I’m sorry,” she finally managed to say. “But I can’t…I’ve never…”

  “What my lady is saying is that she has never been to your fine establishment before,” Kor cut in smoothly, speaking to the angry Sensorian. “She is a little shy about making public displays, that’s all.”

  “But she must
.” The master of the spa frowned. “It is an insult to all of us here who work so hard to refuse to take part in the Pleasuring.”

  “My lady simply needs a little coaxing,” Kor said. “Never fear, Master—I will pleasure her well and properly before the allotted time is up.”

  The master of the spa looked somewhat mollified. “See that you do. I will go and inspect some of the other rondulas. When I return—”

  “You will find my lady experiencing pleasure such as she never has before,” Kor promised. “I am well trained in every techinque.”

  “Very well.” The master nodded and stepped away, leaving them alone—or as alone as they could be in the middle of what was rapidly becoming an orgy as far as Maggie could see.

  “Kor,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Kor, I can’t…can’t take off my clothes and let you…I mean it was one thing when you kissed my…kissed me there.” She nodded between her tightly shut legs. “But this is different. I mean, if I take off my clothes and let you…let you…that’s cheating. There’s no other way to think of it.”

  “So that’s the main problem—you don’t want to be bare?” he murmured, tracing the scalloped edge of the white lace dress as it ran along her collarbone.

  “Exactly.” Maggie nodded. “I mean I just can’t—”

  “Then you don’t have to,” he interrupted her.

  Maggie looked at him blankly. “Don’t have to what?”

  “You don’t have to take off your clothes.”

  “I…don’t?” Maggie looked around at all the other half naked mistresses. “But I thought I had to be naked and let you, um, touch me.”

  “Oh, I still have to touch you,” Kor growled softly. “But you don’t have to take off your clothes for me to bring you pleasure.”

  Maggie shook her head. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “I’ll show you.” He leaned forward but she shrank back against the chaise lounge, uncertain of what he was about to do.

  “Relax, blondie,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “Just relax and trust me—all right?”

  The use of his sarcastic little nickname for her made Maggie feel better for some reason. Maybe because it reminded her that they weren’t really Mistress and slave and they didn’t really belong here in this weird place. It’s all right, she told herself. We’re just doing what we have to until we can get out of here.

  “Maggie?” Kor breathed her name so softly no one else could hear and his eyes searched hers, looking for consent. “All right?”

  “All right,” she whispered, nodding at last. “Show me.”

  “Good.” He stroked her cheek again. “Like this…” Leaning forward he captured her mouth in a soft, breathless kiss. At the same time, Maggie felt his large, warm hand cupping her right breast. Her nipple hardened instantly and when he rubbed the pad of his thumb lightly over the stiff peak, she had to bite back a moan.


  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he said softly. “Just relax. I can make you feel good without taking anything off. You’ll see.”

  Kor kissed her again, tilting her head slightly to fit his mouth perfectly to hers. He licked lightly at the seam of her lips, asking for entrance. Maggie’s heart was pounding but she couldn’t help herself—she opened for him. Kor growled soft, wordless approval and kissed her hungrily.

  Maggie kissed him back, the warm cinnamon taste of his mouth consuming her. God, he was so good at this! She’d never been kissed this way before, never been tasted as though the man kissing her wanted to devour her from the mouth down. She reached up and held on to his muscular, bare shoulders, wishing she could run her hands through his hair and bring him closer.

  Kor seemed to understand her need. He pressed closer and drew her tongue gently into his mouth. At the same time, he continued his slow, hypnotic stroking of her nipple. His warm scent seemed to fill all her senses with its exotic, dark spice until she felt almost drunk.

  Maggie could have gone on kissing him all night but just then he placed one last gentle kiss on her mouth and moved down to her neck. He stroked her hair out of the way, bending her back to get better access to the sensitive arch of her throat. Hot breath against her skin made Maggie shiver helplessly in his arms. God, she was dying over here and he’d barely done anything but kiss her! What would he do next?

  As if to answer her question, his other hand moved downward and cupped her left breast. He teased the nipple slowly, as he had the other one, and then captured the tight peak between his thumb and fingers and began to pinch and tug it very gently.

  Maggie gasped. “Oh!”

  “Feels good, blondie?” Kor murmured in her ear as he continued to kiss her neck.

  “Y-yes,” she confessed, her voice shaking.

  “But you still have all your clothes on,” he pointed out. “So it’s okay—right?”

  “I…I guess so.” The way he was twisting her nipples, tugging and pinching gently but firmly, was making it hard to think. Each motion of his long, talented fingers on her aching buds seemed to send showers of sparks straight from the tips of her breasts to the spot between her legs where she was becoming undeniably wet and hot.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, his deep voice rough. “Gods, you have the ripest little nipples. I’ve been wanting to taste them from the first minute you walked in the door of my cell.”

  “I…but you…” Maggie didn’t even get the protest all the way out before he moved lower and began tracing one of her tight peaks with his tongue, right through the thin lace of the gown.

  Maggie watched, mesmerized, as the thin white material became all but transparent. It’s not cheating, she told herself over and over. It’s not—it can’t be. I still have on all my clothes. Clothes which were so thin she might as well have been wearing nothing more than a dress made of cobwebs. Maggie swore she could feel every stroke of his tongue as Kor licked and traced her aching nipple. It was clearly visible now, pressing out hard and pink against the wispy lace as though to illustrate how hot he was making her.

  And then Kor pressed closer and sucked the entire tight bud into his mouth.

  Maggie let out a little cry as she felt the heat of his mouth envelope her. He was sucking hard, as though he was trying to get as much of her breast as he could between his lips at once. The scratch of his whiskers sent chills down her spine and she found she was leaning toward him, thrusting out her chest to give him better access. She couldn’t help it—what he was doing just felt so good.

  Kor growled, low in his throat, and switched to the other nipple. Maggie gasped and closed her eyes. God, would this ever end? Did she want it to end? Could she come just from having her nipples sucked? Up until now she would have said it was impossible. But then no one had ever put such time and skill and dedication into teasing and torturing her sensitive peaks before. Donald liked her breasts but to him, they were a means to an end. He generally played with them for less than a minute before moving further down.

  And speaking of moving further down, Kor was currently kissing a trail from just between her breasts down to her trembling abdomen.

  “Kor,” she whispered, squeezing her thighs together tightly as he reached the high-cut opening in the white lace gown. Below it was the little white triangle of the matching lace panties. “Kor, no—it’s too much.”

  He looked up at her, his eyes capturing hers.

  “Did you come yet?” he growled.

  “Well…” Maggie felt her cheeks getting hot. “No,” she confessed reluctantly.

  “I know you didn’t. I would’ve been able to tell.” He stroked her closed thighs gently but possessively. “You need to let me in, Maggie. I’m going to make you come.”

  The intensity in his eyes surprised her.

  “But, well…” She shook her head uncertainly. “Can’t we just…I don’t know…fake it?”

  Kor shook his head. “The Sensorians will know. And the master of the spa is coming back this way soon.”

  Maggie bi
t her lip. “But, well…letting you make me…make me…”

  “Come.” His eyes were hungry and his deep voice was rough. “I need to make you come, Maggie. I don’t just want to—I need to.”

  “But how can you?” she blurted. “I mean, without taking off my clothes or touching me under my, um, panties?”

  “I don’t have to touch your bare skin to give you pleasure—I think I already proved that,” he growled. “But if you need a reminder, watch.”

  He ran his big hand slowly up her thigh and then one long finger was gently tracing the tiny triangle of lace.

  “Kor…” she protested breathlessly as he traced a line down her center, stroking the cleft between her pussy lips which were entirely too prominent beneath the white lace. She still had her legs pressed together so only the top part of her plump pussy was visible but that was enough.

  “Slowly, sweetheart,” he murmured, looking at her again. “Open for me and I swear I’ll take things slowly. Won’t do anything you don’t want me to—I promise.”

  Maggie bit her lip again. “And…you’ll stop if I ask you to?”

  He nodded.

  “And you won’t…won’t touch me under my panties? Because that would be…”

  “Cheating. I know.” Kor shook his head. “I won’t go there. Not even once.”

  “Well…” Maggie knew she ought to be able to think of a dozen reasons to say no but none of them were coming to mind somehow. “All right,” she whispered at last, allowing her thighs to drift open. “But just…be careful.”

  “Didn’t I tell you I would never hurt you?” he murmured, stroking her inner thighs, urging them to open even wider. Then he looked between them and gave a low groan. “Gods, look at your little pussy. So fucking wet.”

  Maggie’s eyes followed his and what she saw made her cheeks get so hot she was certain her hair would catch on fire.

  Below the small area which had been visible when her legs were together, the thin white lace of her panties was soaked with her juices. The white lace was so transparent that it clung to her swollen pussy lips, outlining them perfectly.


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