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Golden and the Three Bears

Page 2

by Kelex

  He followed his nose to the backyard where he was delighted to see Jax was again shirtless, and standing before a smoking grill. As he made his way closer, Golden watched the play of muscles in the man’s back as he flipped burgers, and made sure to take a good, long stare at his perfectly round ass encased in denim. His staring contest was cut short when Jax apparently felt his gaze. His neighbor looked over a shoulder and gave Golden a killer smile.

  Aww, why’d he shave?

  “Hey there. Burgers should be done shortly, and there’s a few bottles of beer in the bucket on the back step,” Jax said.

  Golden ambled over to the back stairs and grabbed a bottle from the icy bucket. Snapping off the cap, he sucked down a good third of the beer, trying to calm his nerves.

  “Glad to see you changed out of the suit,” Jax said, his gaze never leaving the grill.

  Golden smiled a little, glad to know Jax was paying attention. He’d lost the suit for a pair of cargos and a tee, clothes he’d brought in case he’d needed to do some cleaning. After sitting down on the steps, he brushed his hands down his shorts. “And I see you didn’t change at all. Do you own a shirt?”

  What do I care? He’s stunning. Don’t put a shirt on. Please.

  Jax glanced down at himself and then back up at Golden. “Sorry. I had to shave and it made me later than I expected. I was rushing to get the burgers on the grill. I promise, these are clean jeans.”

  “You didn’t have to shave on my account,” Golden said. He’d liked the beard. A lot.

  Jax’s gaze caught Golden’s and heated a bit. “Prefer your men hairy, do you?”

  Golden sucked in a breath. Was he that obvious? “Maybe I do.”

  Jax’s stare grew a little bit hotter. He broke it moments later, and Golden could breathe again. Golden was usually the aggressor, but it was interesting finding another man who apparently had a dominant streak a mile wide.

  Golden watched as Jax filled up a plate with several burgers. “Someone’s got an appetite.”

  Jax shrugged. “Those friends I’m in business with? They live here, too. They should be home shortly.”

  Golden wrinkled his nose. Roommates had a way of getting in the way, especially for what Golden had in mind. He was much too interested in Jax to share him with any of his friends.

  “Ready to eat?”

  Golden rose from the step and followed Jax inside. The house was set up much like his grandmother’s, with small differences. Besides the rooms appearing to be much larger, the big difference was the way the house had been fixed up. It was stunning, with top of the line everything.

  At least the kitchen was, and what he could see glancing into the other rooms.

  He whistled low. “Nice place.”

  Jax glanced about. “Thanks. We’ve worked hard to bring this old baby to life. It’s not been easy between jobs, but we’re just about done. Your grandmother’s place could look just as good.”

  “Are we back to that?” Golden asked. “I don’t plan to keep the property.”

  Jax handed Golden a plate with a burger. “Fixin’s are on the counter. Pasta and potato salad as well.”

  Golden took the plate, but Jax didn’t quite let go.

  “Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” Jax said. “There’s no rush for you to sell it.”

  “Why are you so interested in slowing me down? It could take months to sell the property, so the sooner I get it on the market the better.”

  “What if you had a potential buyer already?”

  Golden walked over to the condiments and started fixing his food while letting that comment sink in. Once his plate was nearly done, he turned to Jax. “Is that why you accepted my dinner proposition? You wanted to butter me up to get the house?”

  Jax looked a bit sheepish. “I want it fixed up right. If you sell to someone else, it might not be shown the love it deserves.”

  Golden put his plate down. “Call me out and say I’m a shit grandson, flash a few sexy grins over the grill, go bare-chested and let your rippling muscles grab my attention, all the while, you’re readying me for the kill.” Golden had to say he was impressed. If the shoe had been on the other foot, he’d probably have done the same.

  “It’s not like that at all.”

  “Then what is it like?”

  Jax pinned Golden to the counter. Jax’s cock was as hard as Golden’s and feeling it pressed against his stomach only made Golden hotter.

  “Regardless of what I think of you, I can’t ignore that I feel the attraction here. Sure, the thought crossed my mind to get you into bed, but I wasn’t going to fuck you to get a house. Sex or no, I want the house. And even if your answer is no to the house, I still want in your pants.”

  Golden felt his body tighten. Work had been doing a number on him lately. It had been too long since he’d had a lover. Even longer since he’d felt this attracted to someone else.

  I still want in your pants.

  Jax’s lips lowered closer to Golden’s. Golden lifted his head, ready to taste the man before him. His heart rate picked up, eager to feel Jax’s touch. Golden could already feel Jax’s body heat seeping into him. The man was scorching.

  “Damn those burgers smell good!”

  Golden turned his head at the male voice and watched as two burly men walked through the back door. Both men were taller and more heavily muscled than Jax, one of which was huge, and considering how muscular Jax was, that was saying a lot. Each of them had on flannel shirts, stretched tight over muscular chests and forearms, showing hints of hair at the opening.

  The three bears… and who would’ve guessed Jax was Little Bear?

  When they noticed Jax inches from Golden, the men stopped in their tracks.

  Jax stepped away from Golden and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Colt, Linc, meet our new neighbor, Golden.”

  “Not a neighbor for long, unfortunately,” Golden said as he spied the newcomers, feeling a little disappointed he wouldn’t be there much longer. There was quite the scenery here.

  The smaller of the two stepped forward and offered a hand. “I’m Colt. Nice to meet you, Golden.”

  Golden got caught up in a delicious set of brilliant blue eyes, so light they were nearly white. And for all the ice-cold color, there was a fiery heat there. Colt was as handsome as Jax… maybe even more so.

  Linc followed suit after Colt, his huge hand engulfing Golden’s. Yet for all that bulk, his touch was gentle, as if he knew his strength and held it at bay. Golden looked up into the man’s golden-green eyes and was transfixed. There was more than just welcome in those eyes. Golden was sure he could get lost in them. “A pleasure, Golden.”

  A pleasure indeed, Papa Bear.

  Maybe living next door wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  No. Not happening. This place is too far.

  But so close to this?

  It was apparent Colt and Linc were attracted to Golden, making Golden smile all the more. He wasn’t used to being the center of attention of three sexy men, but he was starting to enjoy it. Although, he was used to being the hunter, not the prey. In this moment, he was most definitely prey.

  Golden licked his lips, surrounded by three of the sexiest men he’d ever met. And he felt their stares on him, the heat in their glances, and the awkward sexual tension filling the space.

  Three men?

  Even Golden wasn’t that lusty. Ménage sex wasn’t something he was into, yet he couldn’t ignore the sexual chemistry threatening to suffocate him.

  “We’d better eat before the food gets any colder,” Jax said, breaking up the tension.

  Thankfully. Golden was struggling to breathe from all the rampant need filling the room. His cock ached, his balls tight.

  Colt and Linc moved to the sink to wash their hands while Golden and Jax took their plates into the dining room. Once seated, Golden could finally think straight, or close enough. He dug into his food with gusto, anything to keep his mind off his hard cock.

the one sitting next to him.

  Colt and Linc joined them at the table, their plates stacked high. If only Golden could eat like that and not have to live in the gym for weeks. All that construction work surely chewed up the calories.

  Once the men sat, they both stared across the table at Golden, making him squirm in his seat.

  “So you’re Dee’s grandson,” Colt said. “And I take it you’re not planning to keep the house from your comment?”

  Golden shook his head, chewing his last bite before speaking. “I live in the city. Commuting isn’t something I would choose to do.”

  “Your grandmother said you were an attorney. Can’t you work some from home? That old house could be something spectacular,” Colt said.

  Why were these guys so invested in the future of his grandmother’s house? Oh yeah, they wanted to buy it. “Yeah, Jax was just telling me how much he wanted to take it off my hands.”

  Both Colt and Linc turned to Jax, surprise on their faces. Apparently Golden had said too much.

  “Is that right?” Linc asked, without turning his stare from Jax. “We haven’t even put the last flip on the market yet, Jax.”

  Jax lifted a hand, palm up, to curb more comments. “We’ve already got three interested parties in that house, and the last one sold in no time. Plus I would think Golden would want some time to go through his grandmother’s things before selling it.” Jax’s stare turned to Golden. “Reconnect with her on some level.”

  Golden sat back in his seat, his appetite dwindling. “My relationship with my grandmother, or lack thereof, is my business and not yours.”

  Jax kept on eating, never glancing in Golden’s direction.

  All three of the men were quiet, ignoring Golden’s gaze.

  What did they think they knew? Had they already made up their minds that Golden was the asshole in this equation? Anger slowly boiled in his stomach, pushing the desire away. He rose from the table, done with being made to feel like shit.

  “Thanks for dinner, but I’ve got a house to inspect.”

  “Leaving so soon?” Jax asked.

  Golden looked back, clenching his jaw, before he made a fool of himself in front of three complete strangers. “I reason the three of you already think you know me… and you don’t. Assumptions can be very wrong. Luckily, I don’t have to stay here and have you judge me all night.”

  He walked out, not giving either man a chance to say a word. As soon as he was out the back door, he could breathe again. He sucked in a nice, long breath, the cooling twilight air helping him calm down. The crunch of the gravel under his feet felt satisfying, the sound echoing between the two yards.

  “I wasn’t judging you.”

  Golden stopped and spun to face Jax.

  “Yeah, you were. I’m the asshole grandson who wasn’t there for his grandmother in the end. I heard it in your words and your stare.”

  Jax took a few steps closer and stopped, crossing his massive arms over his broad chest. Golden worked hard to ignore the display and to keep the steel in his spine.

  “I never said that. But I can see guilt is eating you alive. I saw it when I came over earlier, and I saw it in your face just a few moments ago. You might not have been there for her in the end, but you’ve got a chance now to learn something about her—through that house. And I’m afraid if you don’t take the opportunity, you’ll regret it someday.”

  Golden felt the truth in some of those words, but Jax was a stranger. He didn’t know Golden. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

  Jax let out a hiss and stormed up close. He grasped the back of Golden’s head and slammed his mouth over Golden’s.

  The kiss was combustible.

  Golden felt the explosion from the inside out, his whole body engulfed in flame as Jax’s mouth assaulted his senses. From the perfect pressure, the sublime gentle prodding of the tongue, to the coaxing hand on the back of Golden’s head, it was evident Jax knew how to kiss. The man could seduce with one kiss, leveling Golden’s defenses. Golden clung to Jax, his hands running up the muscular back he’d spied in the backyard as Jax had toiled over the grill. All smooth, soft skin, he was equally hard underneath, his muscle firm and tensed in conflict.

  And as quickly as it started, it was over.

  Jax took several steps back, widening the gulf. Golden worried his knees would falter under him and there was nothing close for him to hold on to. Except Jax, and now he was too far, too. Golden wanted to move closer, to continue the kiss, to feel Jax’s body on his. To run his hands over the soft wisps of hair covering Jax’s defined chest.

  Wait. Get a hold of yourself.

  Golden pulled himself out of the sexual haze one kiss had put him in. He stared up at Jax, equal parts pissed and turned on.

  “You can’t use sex as a weapon to get your way.”

  Jax laughed. “Sex as a weapon? I already told you, regardless if you sell me the house or not, that I wanted you. But the more you run your mouth, the more uninteresting you become.”

  “Oh really, so what was that kiss about?”

  “To shut you up. Have a nice evening.” Jax turned and walked back to his house, leaving a stunned, turned on Golden in his wake.

  Now who’s the asshole?

  Golden strode up to Jax’s returning form and clasped Jax’s shoulder. Golden stalled the man and spun him around. “You think you have the right to shove your nose where it doesn’t belong? She abandoned me. She walked away from me when I needed her most, and then I was supposed to come see her because she finally deigned me worthy of her presence?”

  Jax’s face softened some as he stared at Golden, but Golden didn’t want his pity.

  “One minute you’re tempting me and the next you’re making me feel like a guilty asshole. Is that your plan? Get me off-balance so you can get the house?”

  Jax shook his head. “No one was trying to make you feel anything. You’re putting all that on yourself.”

  “Oh, so the snide comments about not being here wasn’t you trying to make me guilty?”

  Jax glared at Golden. “Okay, maybe it was at first, but like you said… there are two sides. I only brought it up again because I think you might regret not taking a moment to glimpse her life. You’re letting your anger keep you from maybe finding some answers.”

  “Answers? I don’t need answers. You don’t know anything about my needs or what I want.” Golden strolled closer to Jax, stopping inches from the man. He trailed a finger from Jax’s smooth jaw down to his abs before pausing at Jax’s waistband. “What I want and need is for you to finish what you started.”

  Jax grasped Golden’s wrist and tugged him close. Golden hated to admit, he liked the show of strength. Yet at the same time, the need to dominate warred within him, even as his body responded to the power in Jax’s muscled flesh.

  Here, alone, away from the other two, it was one to one. Golden wasn’t outnumbered. It would be a tug of war, a battle of supremacy between the two men. He leaned up to press his lips to Jax’s. Jax pulled back, refusing Golden.

  “Is that your answer? Sex?”

  Golden sighed. “As I recall, you’ve already kissed me. I’m not allowed to return the favor?”

  Jax grasped Golden’s chin in a severe hold. “I’m not sure you can handle me.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “I will not submit to you, no matter how hard you try to lead. I’m an alpha, and you will be forced to yield.”

  A shiver raced up Golden’s spine. “There is such thing as give and take.”

  “Not in my world there’s not.”

  Chapter Four

  Golden could feel Jax’s hard cock against his belly. The large shaft pulsed with life, throbbing with need. Golden could barely breathe, the desire to submit to Jax and be dominated strong within. He was always in control, always in the lead. It was burned into his DNA.

  Yet there was a voice in his head, telling him he could abandon that control for once. He could give in and let this m
an take over.

  “I’m not submissive.”

  Jax chuckled slightly. “Oh yes you are.”

  Golden took a shuddered breath seconds before Jax’s lips came down over his mouth. Jax’s tongue was inside his mouth, sweeping, savoring every spot. Jax drank from him, tasting his need. A claiming sort of kiss, one Golden could feel down to the tips of his toes and up to the strands of golden hair on top his head.

  When he finally pulled away, Golden was breathless and swayed slightly on his feet. Like a drunk, he clung to Jax for balance, the world turning under his feet. If the guy could make him feel like that after one earth-shattering kiss, what would Jax do with Golden’s naked body?

  Jax recaptured his lips, spinning them both and walking them backwards toward his door. Golden relented, letting Jax take control. Almost tripping up the steps, Golden let Jax direct him back into the house, surrendering to the pleasure of Jax’s lips and mouth. He didn’t want to let go, to stop the pleasure of the kiss, not even long enough to pay attention to his surroundings. When Jax stopped, Golden turned to see they were in the living room.

  And they were not alone.

  Linc and Colt stood near, watching the kiss with heated expressions.

  Realization hit Golden.

  He was about to be shared.

  Jax grabbed his chin and turned him back to face forward. “Like I said, you might not be able to handle me.”

  “You I can handle. You and your friends…”

  Jax started kissing him again, the drugging caress of Jax’s lips making him forget what was happening. When he felt another man closing in behind him, he stiffened. Drawing his mouth from Jax’s, he fought for air for a moment. He looked to the side and saw Linc standing there, massaging his cock through his pants, and Golden realized it was Colt behind him. The feel of being sandwiched between two hard, strong bodies was overwhelming, to say the least.

  He had come over with the hopes of getting Jax into bed, never expecting to be the center of three bears’ attention.

  Colt began rubbing his hands down Golden’s hips as he pressed his hard shaft against Golden’s lower back. Seconds later, Golden felt Colt’s lips at his ear, licking the lobe. “We share in this house,” Colt whispered, his breath warm.


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