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Born Sinner

Page 2

by Glenna Maynard

  “You shut your whore mouth with that talk. I’ll tell Rev on you, and he’ll wash that mouth out for you.” I smirk.

  She sticks her tongue out at me and pulls right up in front of Trigger and his boys. She’s done it on purpose.

  “Do I look okay?” I question her, feeling uneasy and not quite so brave all of a sudden. It’s been a few months since I’ve talked with Trigger. He’s been distant lately.

  What Rhonda Jean or nobody else for that matter knows, is that Trigger has always checked in on me. He said if anyone saw us talking it’d be bad for him. So, I kept it a secret, even from my best friend. Not once has he ever laid a hand on me. Even the times I wished he would.

  Trig was so close and yet so far away.

  Rhonda Jean knows I’ve always crushed on him, but she has never known he wants me too. He’d show up randomly, I never knew when to expect him. Most the time he’d turn up at the library and pull me into a private room. Those were my favorite times, we’d talk about nothing and everything. My hopes, my dreams, how I loved tending to my flower garden. My flowers are the one thing Rev approved of.

  Other times Trig came into the bathroom at Joe’s Pizza when I was out with friends.

  He’d lock the door and give me that handsome smile, the one that leaves me a bit breathless.

  “Delicious Opal, now, get out.” My friend snaps me back into the now and what I am about to do.

  I am about to put myself on the line for Trigger, not knowing if now that the time has come, if he really meant it when he said he was gonna claim me as his, for keeps, forever.

  I open the door and Rhonda Jean yells at me, “Maybe one of these bikers will give your two-faced ass a ride!”

  I stare at her open mouthed, as she glares at me, but there's a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

  “Thanks a lot, you fat bitch,” I scream, slamming the door, hoping my dress doesn’t get caught up as I make my exit.

  Rhonda Jean peels out after flipping me the bird, and I am left standing in the parking lot in front of Trigger and two of his buddies.

  I suck in a breath while pasting on a smile.

  I can do this.

  I feel his eyes on me before I even look in his direction. The heat of his stare is intense. I clutch my pearls as nervous sweat trickles between my breasts.

  When my eyes meet his, a fire ignites between my legs, and I want nothing more than to climb on the back of his bike.

  He doesn’t even say a word as his eyes roam my curves, lingering on my hips.

  “Hey, Trigger,” I purr laying it on thick.

  He pats the back of his seat and a smile spreads across my face. “You wanna ride with me darlin’, no need to put on a show. All you gotta do is ask,” he tells me, starting his motorcycle.

  Stepping next to him, I try to hold myself together; I’m afraid I’ll pass out from nerves.

  Reaching out, grabbing the edge of my skirt, he asks with a chuckle, “Your daddy know you’re dressed like this, wearing fuck me heels?”

  “My daddy doesn’t own me,” I say, feeling my backbone return.

  His lips curl into a sexy smirk. There’s that smile, the one he saves for me.

  “Climb on and hold on tight. Gonna take you for a ride Opal Willoughby. Next time though, you’ll dress to ride.”

  Grinning at him, as my teeth graze my bottom lip, I nod.

  I’m really doing this.

  Throwing my leg over the back of his beast on wheels, I feel wild and free. My daddy is gonna kill me, but when Trigger brings my arms around his waist, I know a night with him will be worth it. His tattooed knuckles are under my fingers, as I trace over the letters, O-P-A-L. My name, he tattooed my name on his knuckles. I die a little on the inside as wetness pools between my thighs.

  I have dreamt of this for so long.

  Letting go of my hands, he smooths my skirt around my knees.

  I didn’t plan this out too well when I decided to wear this dress.

  My cheeks have got to be as red as my shoes; I feel so damn stupid.

  Before pulling out onto the road with his boys following behind us, Trigger, his voice low and sure says to me, “Last chance to stop this. You and me...been waiting for this day Opal. You do this, ride with me. It’s not a onetime deal. You ride with're mine, forever.”

  My panties may have melted completely off. I die a little more on the inside hearing the word forever. Trigger said I’m his, and that means he’s mine.

  I can only bury my face into his back, inhaling the scent of his worn leather cut while praying that I don’t burn my legs or show my ass.

  I smirk to myself, one out of the two isn’t so bad when I feel the back of my skirt blow up onto my back.

  He slows when we get behind old man Crawley hauling hay. That man drives like he’s on a Sunday drive no matter what day of the week it is.

  The motorcycle veers across the centerline, and I smile big and proud when we pass the driver’s window.

  If my daddy doesn’t know where I am by now, he’ll surely know soon enough. Mr. Crawley’s wife owns the only beauty salon in town, and is also the biggest gossip.

  I’m sure Vicki will have told the whole town come morning.

  I don’t even care. This is a dream come true; I probably am dreaming. Any minute now I’m gonna wake up in my bed having fallen asleep waiting for Rhonda Jean to pick me up.

  However, when a fly splats against my lips I realize this is indeed very real. Eww, I sputter, trying to rid my lips of the disgusting bug guts. If it weren't for the fact that I’m with Trigger I may have puked. Nothing is gonna ruin this for me—for us. This ride has been a longtime coming.


  I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking putting the Rev’s daughter on the back of my motorcycle, but I couldn't resist. I’ve seen the way the girl stares at me. My brothers have given me shit about it for years.

  However, I knew today was graduation. I also know Opal’s legal now, and her daddy can’t stop what’s been building between us for years.

  I wanted her long before I knew what it meant to desire a woman. Hell, I knew when I first saw those big brown eyes that one day they’d always be staring back at me. And fuck if she hasn’t made good on that.

  Her eyes always find mine every damn Sunday. No matter how far back I sit, she finds me, and I find her. It’s as though we're connected by an invisible thread.

  I go to church just to see her, while my other brothers attend the sermon to put on good face with the community. Although we may not be completely on the up and up, we still try to do good for our town.

  We hold several rides that benefit the local schools. Last year some of the old ladies organized a coat drive, for all the kids. Not one kid was without a coat around here.

  Opal squeezes her arms around me tighter, fuckin’ heaven having her ridin’ with me.

  Taking her to the clubhouse is a bad idea, but I can’t stop myself from wanting to show her off, show everyone she’s finally mine.

  I’ve been waiting for her all my life, been waiting to claim her.

  I’m hoping Wilcox, is still handling shit over at Porter’s, another club we do business with. Porter is our connection to the Black Rebel Riders’ MC, a club that makes the best damn moonshine.

  The Born Sinners deal in a lot of illegal shit, shit that would see us all doing a helluva lot of time. My Prez won’t take kindly to me bringing Opal, an outsider into our world. A world she knows nothing about. She’ll learn though, I’ll make damn sure of that.

  When she climbed on my bike in those fuck me heels, there was no turning back. Fuck, do I want her, to bury myself so fuckin’ deep inside her, so damn far she’ll always feel me. Because I damn sure feel her deep in my bones, coursing through my blood.

  Her breasts are smashed against the back of my cut, feeling so damn right. The sun is setting behind the trees, pale shades of orange and red reflect through the branches, providing a romantic setting. This is what i
t feels like to truly feel whole.

  Coming up to the compound, I signal for Angus and River to drive on ahead of me.

  I need to hang back and go over some rules with Opal.

  Rolling to a stop off to the side of our driveway, under the shade of the trees, I can feel her legs trembling.

  I figure she’s not used to riding and some of it must be nerves.

  I still her shaking knee with my hand and get off, helping her down as well. Don’t want her to burn those pretty legs on my chrome.

  She seems so nervous. She has no reason to be nervous with me. Tilting her chin up, I tell her, “You’re safe with me. Always will be.”

  She nods with a shy grin. Those doe eyes melt into mine, and I’m torn between tasting those kissable lips and saying to hell with the rules. However, there’s shit she needs to know. I’ll have forever to enjoy making her mine, all mine.

  “I’m about to take you into my world. You’re gonna see some shit that you might not agree with. No matter how you feel about what you see, you keep that to yourself. You don’t talk about what goes on here, and you don’t judge anyone for what they do. Understand?”

  “I’m not an idiot, and I think you know me better than that Trigger Jennings. When have I ever judged anyone in this town but my momma?” She cocks her brow at me, showing me that fire I know she keeps buried. Her daddy has tried to smother it out of her, but my Opal burns for me, she burns bright.

  I’ll make damn sure she always does.

  When she mentions her mom, I start to ask if she ever talks to her, but think better of it. I’m damn sure Rev doesn’t let her visit Porter’s.

  I look her over and know damn good and well it's like taking a lamb to the slaughter. Her small but perky breasts are pushed together by the make of her dress, her waist is accented showing her womanly curves. The way that skirt flairs draws my eyes straight to her legs and those fuck me heels.

  I can’t wait to have her under me wearing nothing but those red shoes.

  Opal Willoughby was made to bring a born sinner like me to his knees. I’ll pay for my sins and cleanse my soul to be worthy of her. I’ll continue to pray and praise God for giving her to me every Sunday in her daddy’s church with her by my side.

  Opal is mine and everyone will know that soon. Her daddy included. Just let him try and step between us.

  Slipping off my cut, I hold it out for her. “Put it on and don’t take it off unless I tell you to.”

  “Why?” She asks, so innocent to the ways of the biker life. If I take her inside the clubhouse looking like a wet dream and every man's virgin fantasy, she’ll be fucked six ways to Sunday.

  “Just do as I say,” I grit through my teeth, already seeing red and no one's even laid an eye on her yet.

  “Okay, bossy ass,” she teases.

  “Your daddy hear you talk like that?”

  She rolls those doe eyes back in her head. “If he did, he’d tan my hide with his belt and praise Jesus while he gave me my licks.”

  I’ll kill him. I warned that bastard years ago, told him he touched Opal again, he’d be dealing with me.

  Taking a step back, it takes everything in me not to go after him right now. Show him what happens when someone puts their hands on what belongs to me. Nobody fucks with me and mine. I don’t give a damn who they are, I take care of what’s mine. And now that Opal is my girl, my club will have her back as well. We don’t take no shit; Opal is gonna learn what being a part of my family means.


  When I talk of my daddy and his belt, Trigger’s nostrils flare and his breathing grows heavy. His fists clenching at his sides as he paces circles around me. The imprint of the soles of his heavy black riding boots leaving their mark in the dirt, making me curious if it’s true what they say large hands…large feet…large member.

  Heat fans across my face and down to my chest, imagining what he looks like underneath those jeans. Sure, I’ve seen him in his swim trunks, but not completely nude. My mind roams to the cross tattoo he bears across his back. The memory takes my breath away as I remember how it felt to be carried in his arms from the time he saved me from drowning at the pool.

  The irritated growl that rips from his throat reminds me to get my mind out of the gutter.

  “Hey, I’ve had worse and I’ve survived,” I tell him, taking his hand in mine as he stops in front of me. His hands are rougher and larger than I remember; calloused and firm, the hands of a working man.

  Darkening, his eyes narrow on me. Intense and brooding, his stare does so many things to my insides. “He still raising a hand to you?”

  I shrug, my hair falling over my shoulder, exposing my bra strap. “Only when I’m bad.”

  “Won’t be touching you no more,” he declares and I believe him. Trigger isn't the sorta man to make empty promises or make a threat lightly. His word is his bond. I know that much about biker culture. I watch TV. Not that I think Trigger’s life is anything like what I see on cable, but some of it must apply.

  “Do you live here?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Got a room here, but I live out near Fischer’s Pond,” he tells me, the tension seeming to leave him as his hand relaxes in my grasp. His fingers curl into mine, feeling like home.

  I remember he lived in the low-rent apartments when I was younger. I know because that's where my babysitter lived when I was in middle school, and Rev wouldn’t allow me to stay by myself any during the summer or after school. I got the impression he was afraid I’d run off like my mother had, or that even maybe she’d come back for me. Maybe that was my fantasy once upon a time, until I realized she wasn’t coming and I didn’t want or need her to rescue me, not when I had Trigger.

  I’d see Trigger sitting at the park with his friends. I always imagined these plans of how I was gonna go over and talk to him, but I’d always chicken out, intimidated by his circle of friends. He’d catch me staring and smile at me, or throw a casual wink in my direction.

  “I’d like to see your place sometime,” I hint.

  “You’ll do more than see it Opal.” That's all he tells me before ordering me on his bike and driving us through the open gate. The compound isn’t anything like I’ve imagined. I’m not sure what I expected. However, the property seems so normal.

  His buddies, River and Angus are walking through the front door of a large farmhouse. One of those large white ones with plenty of windows for providing natural light on a clear sunny day. The siding is weathered, could use a good power wash, and possibly a fresh coat of paint. Someone attempted to make a flowerbed. My green thumbs are eager to save those poor rose bushes. They are being overtaken by a vine.

  An American flag is mounted to one of the front porch post, saluting me with a warm welcome. A wooden sign hangs by the front door that reads: Whiskey Bent and Hellbound.

  Music is playing, it isn’t a song I recognize, but Rev never allowed me to listen to much of anything other than gospel. Glancing to the left, there's a couple out on the wraparound porch getting it on hot and heavy. The woman’s head, a tangle of dark curls bounces off the siding as her man thrusts into her. Her eyes meet mine, and I look away embarrassed at being caught gawking at such an intimate, and what should be a private moment.

  “Hey Trigger,” she purrs.

  Her lover turns his head and grunts in greeting or release, I’m not certain which. The cross emblem on the back of his denim cut mirrors the tattoo on Trig’s back.

  “You okay?” He questions seeing my shocked expression.

  I swallow hard, and Trigger squeezes my hand as I attempt once more not to stare.

  Putting on my best face I smile at my man, and he grins that sexy grin that stole my heart in third grade. Nodding, I hold his gaze.

  When he smiles at me, I feel like his smile has only ever been for me.

  I don’t know what it is, but somehow this feels right. All of it. Riding on his motorcycle, coming here to the clubhouse, just being with him, and feeling his hand
in mine.

  I know without a doubt I am meant to be here right now with Trigger. By the way he’s staring at me, I sense he feels it too.

  The couple moves on to a new location, disappearing around the side of the house.

  He rubs his thumb across my lips, smearing my lipstick across the pad of his rough digit.

  “Here on out, only time you wear this shit is when you plan on putting a ring of it around my cock.”

  His words, crude and raw, take me aback, and I let out a gasp.

  “I’ll never treat you like a whore Opal, but I gotta let these men, my brothers, know that you belong to me. No matter what I say, you just agree and stay next to me. Got me?”

  “I got you.”

  He wipes my lipstick from his fingers on the inside of his shirt. I don’t know what he’s up to, but I trust him.


  Walking into the clubhouse with Opal on my arm, my cut claiming her is the best damn feeling.

  Crank looks her over and shakes his head at me. He’s been giving me shit about Opal since she started developing tits. He scrubs a hand over his face. “Robbing the Rev’s cradle brother, gonna start a war.”

  “I can handle that old bastard.” I look at Opal and she doesn’t even flinch at me talking about her daddy in such a crude way. In fact, she smiles at me and kisses my cheek. Her velvety lips against my skin, has me wishing she was marking my dick with what’s left of her red lipstick.

  “Wanna beer?” I ask her and she blushes.

  “I’ve never drank before.” Her lashes flutter and my dick grows harder.

  “Then you’re not gonna start now,” I tell her.

  She smiles and takes Crank’s open bottle from his hand. Before it reaches her lips I grab her wrist. “Never take an open drink unless I give it you to. Never know what could be in it. Get me?”

  “I get you.” Her eyes start to roll and I cup her ass, filling my palm with her thick cheek.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me,” I grit out.


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