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Page 8

by Kym Grosso

  “Agreed. You know, I never meant to bite her.” The vampire set a glass onto the counter and opened a bottle of whiskey, pouring a generous amount into it.

  “Are we doing this now? Or should I say again?” Hunter fought long and hard not to live in the past. With his patience tried, he gladly reached for the drink Viktor gave him.

  “I don’t know how long I was gone,” Viktor confessed.

  “Over a month.” Hunter didn’t blink. He’d counted the days, carefully planning his rescue trip.

  “I like to eat every day. The longest I’ve ever gone without….well…” Viktor’s brows furrowed in thought. He sank down onto the sofa, lifting his glass to his lips. “My sire was a vicious individual. You know what he did to Quintus. Killed Mao. He drew great pleasure from seeing us all suffer. Days without eating, driving us to madness. He’d laugh as we nearly killed the unwilling humans he threw at our feet. It was all a show to him. He wanted us to kill. To be like him. To turn to darkness. To revel in those demonic tendencies that drove his very existence. But you see that’s not how it works. One must have chosen this path in life in some aspect. Still it didn’t stop him from trying.”

  “It’s not like you and Quint are a couple of boy scouts.” Hunter lifted the rim to his lips, the warm golden fluid gliding down his throat.

  “We don’t kill for sport.” Viktor’s eyes locked on Hunter’s, his tone serious.

  “Good to know.” A corner of his lip turned upward, his tone laced with sarcasm.

  “Demons. They enjoy the sport. They enjoy the death and torture. In Hell it’s a free-for-all.”

  “I know better than you think.” When he’d been trapped in the underworld, he’d lost track of time. He’d found out later he’d been gone for over a year.

  “I’ve never gone longer than a week without blood and by that time, I’d been feral. So, when I saw Willa…”

  Hunter slowly blinked, forcing himself to listen.

  “I told you I didn’t hurt Willa, but I fed from her.”

  “You could have drained her dry.” As his hands tightened around his glass, he sucked a breath, forcing himself to remain calm.

  “I won’t deny it, but you can hardly blame me.”

  “No, I kinda can blame you. For all kinds of things. But…but…” Hunter held up a finger. “You did not ask to go to Hell. That I do know. Which is why I decided to come get you. Quint had his hands full. And so…”

  “We digress. Willa. I didn’t mean to drain her to the point I did, but there is only so much control I have. I did not hurt her.”

  “I don’t want to know this part.” The thought of Willa in the throes of sexual release angered him. She didn’t ask for any of it.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but you know how it works. There is no other way. But if you’re worried…I was in no condition to…well, you know…take things any further. And poor thing…she was in no condition either.”

  “What is your fucking point, Vik?” Hunter forced an impassive expression, concealing his relief. Thank the Goddess he hadn’t touched her.

  “Ilsbeth. I don’t know why she was there. Or how she got there. But she intervened. She offered me her blood.”

  “Talk about a deal with the devil.”

  “No, there was something different about her. She wasn’t Zella or whoever she’d said she was down in New Orleans. She was the high priestess. As real as you and I are sitting here. She whispered a spell upon Willa.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  “I don’t think it was a curse or anything like that. Willa simply fell into a deep healing sleep. Then she offered her blood and I took it. I can’t explain it. I don’t know how she got there.”

  “Samantha said she’d escaped the coven. But she also said that there was no way she could have left on her own.”

  “There you go. She’d been beaten when she’d come to me. She gave me her blood, but I’d given her my blood too.”

  “Jesus. You know better than to give that witch anything. What the fuck were you thinking?” Hunter shook his head. “Don’t answer that. You weren’t thinking, because you were in Hell.”

  “Nothing can be done about it now. I’ve had her blood and she’s had mine. No harm no foul.”

  “Says you now. Next week when she turns you into her love slave, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “I’m not daft, wolf. Ilsbeth is clever all right. She’s literally danced with the devil and his demons. But she’s not quite as old as I am. The truth of it is that sometimes your enemies become your friends when there is a greater enemy who is set on destroying both of you. You adapt. Survival of the fittest.”

  Hunter downed the rest of his whiskey and set his glass on the table. “Look, Vik. What do you need to tell me about Willa before I go up there? Because I’m getting ready to lock the wards down on this house and go to bed. You’re welcome to the guest room.”

  “She’s in your bedroom. Not that I’ve had the pleasure of being in your bed, but a man’s dominion is quite easy to determine.”

  “You’re never going to be in my bed either. Why are we even talking about this?” Hunter stretched his neck from side to side. “Willa. Tell me what happened.”

  “She remembers.”

  Hunter’s stomach tightened, his lips drawn tight together. “Fuck.”

  “Yes, well. Before you panic…”

  “I’m Alpha. I don’t panic.”

  “Before you go storming into your bedroom.”

  That was exactly what Hunter planned on doing but kept silent, listening.


  “Spit it out.”

  “She was a little upset with me. You see she seems to have a bit of trouble with me dematerializing. So, this is an issue. We got to talking about this. She wasn’t exactly pleased about her condition or leaving you. And I happened to mention that it could have been…maybe something to do with blood.”

  “Did someone drop you on your head while you were in Hell? Because for a thousand-year-old vampire or however old your ass is, you don’t seem too smart.”

  “Don’t be an asshole. Correct that. A big asshole.”

  “I’m pissed off. That you’ve had her blood. That you just told her what happened.” Hunter snatched his glass and stood, walking over to the bar.

  “I didn’t tell her everything. Her memories. They’re coming back on their own. It was inevitable. I may have filled in a few pieces but not all of them.”

  Hunter poured another drink and shoved it aside. He flattened his palms on the cool granite bar, reminding himself that Willa didn’t belong to him. She was a rogue wolf he’d found in Hell, not one of his own. Still, anger coursed through his veins.

  “I don’t want anything happening to her.”

  “You saved me, yes?” Viktor strode to the bar and stared at the Alpha. “I owe you. And because I owe you, you will have the truth.”

  “What is it?”

  “When we were in Hell. She tasted…powerful. Old. Her blood was different.”

  “She’s a wolf.”

  “She’s a wolf but I could have sworn there was something else. I’ve had many wolves over the centuries but her blood…she’s hiding something.”

  “I know she’s hiding something. Whoever is chasing her clearly wants something. Selling someone to Hell isn’t an easy task. You risk getting your own ass fried. No.” Hunter plowed his fingers through his hair, exhaling loudly. “They’re in with demons. They’re not everyday rogues.”

  “Her blood. Something about it. I know it was Hell. The sulfur. The rancid odors skew your taste. But she tasted…tainted.”

  “Like from a demon?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like I go around biting demons. It’s just there was something unusual about her blood. Almost like a fae. But not really.” Viktor’s lips drew into a tense line as he looked toward the fire. “I don’t know what’s going on with her, but I know there is something off. I’m not letting you
or her out of my sight.”

  Hunter’s eyes widened. “She’s not a demon.”

  “I didn’t say she was a demon. I just said her blood is tainted.”

  “Willa is not a demon,” Hunter repeated, his voice louder.

  Viktor shook his head and turned to meet the Alpha’s gaze. “You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed something. Something different about her. Anything.”

  Hunter clenched his fists. He’d detected her unique energy the first time he touched her.

  “You have noticed. I know you have,” Viktor insisted. “You’re an Alpha. If she’s your mate you’ll find out some day.”

  “Mate? Hold up. Let me get this straight. First she’s a demon and now she’s my mate?” Hunter held his hands up. “This convo has officially gone off the rails. I think I’ve had enough to drink.”

  “Don’t play me, Hunter. Your actions speak volumes. You brought a total stranger into your home. Your bed. You don’t just pat her on her head, give her a few bucks and send her on her merry way.”

  “I would do that for anyone,” he lied.

  “I suggest that you be truthful with yourself before you go demanding honesty from Willa. Because if she’s a demon, you’ll have to kill her.”

  “She’s not a demon. And the only people I’m killing are the wolves who killed all those people tonight. This ends now.”

  “Fine. Ignore me. But since I can see you aren’t going to watch your own back, I’m going to be doing it for you.”

  “I have a beta for that. Remus will be back soon.”

  “I don’t like him.”

  “You don’t know him. And it doesn’t matter. Remus will do fine to help me with Willa.”

  “No, he won’t, because I’m here.”

  “Suit yourself.” Hunter looked to the stairway, listening for Willa. “She’s quiet. I’ve got to go talk to her.”

  Hunter walked from behind the bar, turning his back to the vampire. As he placed his hand onto the stair rail, the Alpha heard his voice.

  “One more thing.” Viktor chuckled.

  “What?” Hunter’s faced tensed in aggravation.

  “She’s not very tame,” Viktor called to him.

  “Wolves aren’t tame. She’s an animal.”

  “Ah, good then. It brings us back to my original statement about her being an animal in bed. Still funny.”

  “Not even a little bit.”

  “You’re going to have your hands full. She didn’t want to listen to me.”

  “You’re not her Alpha.” Hunter gave a small smile as he ascended.

  The vampire had one thing right, he’d taken Willa into his pack, expecting her, a rogue, to submit to him. Yes, there indeed was something extraordinary about the she-wolf but he refused to believe she could be demon. Viktor may have been ancient, but he’d also been in Hell for over a month. All his time in Hell could have affected not only his taste but his mind. In the underworld, demons manipulated memories and perceptions of reality. They forced their victims to do horrible things they’d never thought they were capable of doing.

  Secrets? Yes, Willa kept several, but he couldn’t fault her sense of self-preservation. Her secrets had most likely kept her alive all these years, surviving on her own with no pack. Soon, he’d unravel them all.

  As he strode toward his bedroom and wrapped his fingers around the doorknob, excitement pumped through him. Tonight, his beast would meet hers.

  Hunter closed his eyes and reached for Willa, warning her of his intention to open the door. He smiled, realizing she’d blocked him. He’d extended her a courtesy, but his little she-wolf would soon learn he wouldn’t be denied the truth.

  He heard the growling as he opened the door. The sight of the majestic, spectacular she-wolf lying on his bed sent a shiver up his spine.

  “You’re beautiful.” Hunter’s heart pounded faster as he grew closer to her. “I think it’s about time we had a talk.”

  Only one thing would convince her to shift, to submit. His beast paced, itching to be released.

  “Easy, Wills. I hear you’ve been having some memories.” Hunter began to peel off his clothing, readying to shift. “The vampire. Now I know what you’re thinkin’. He can be a bit of an asshole, but I consider him a friend. Most days anyway. His brother, Quint, cares about him. It’s why I went into Hell to grab his ass.” As he unzippered his jeans, he focused on the white feral wolf, never taking his eyes off hers.

  “I know more than anyone that Hell is a place of nightmares. You can’t remember when you went in or when you came out. Time is relative. Your memories fail you, or your mind is tricked into believing things that never happened. The torture plagues you and you never think you can shake it, but then you do. You go on with your life. You find happiness again.”

  Hunter tossed his jeans on the floor, standing nude before her. “I know you’re not going to come back to this world as a human and that’s all right with me. Sometimes Willa, we’ve got to go back to what we know. The most basic of our selves. Our truth. And right now, you’re gorgeous and wild. But you’re no longer a rogue. You may not be pack yet but you’re mine.”

  Willa snapped and snarled in response.

  Hunter smiled with a small laugh. “I know you’re special. I know you have secrets. But there’s something I need to tell you. You can’t hide anymore. I’m Alpha.”

  Hunter sent his magick spiraling through his body, transforming into his beast. All his wolves would sense his infinite power. As his paws hit the floor, he released a deafening howl.

  The Alpha set his sight on Willa. Her fur bristled in response, her haunches raised as she gave a low growl. The Alpha grew excited as he slowly stalked toward her. Mine , the wolf urged. His beast demanded her submission, but his humanity warned it was too soon.

  The Alpha jumped on the bed and Willa barked at him. As he crept closer, she stood her ground, frozen as he nudged his muzzle into her fur.

  The Alpha inhaled her scent, his wolf recognizing her as his. Her low growl drifted into silence as he circled around her. He noted how she kept her eyes trained on his every movement but didn’t make a move to shift or run.

  Hunter’s heart raced as she studied him. The beast inside called to her. Willa. She blinked but showed no other sign of communication. Hunter slowly backed away, focused on the wolf. Willa , he called louder, his mind to hers, and she barked in response. Yes. Come to your Alpha. A rush of adrenaline pumped through his veins, and he quickly shifted back to his human form.

  “I know you can feel me. I also know you don’t want to get that close to an Alpha. My power…” Hunter deliberately released his energy, tendrils dancing around her. “All the wolves just felt it. Even the rogues, the ones who just killed everyone at the club. Even you.”

  Sitting on the bed, Hunter closed the distance, and he instinctively reached for her. Her intermittent low growl quieted as his fingers brushed over her fur.

  “That’s a girl. You’re safe here. It’s okay to just feel. To feel me. To feel in touch with my wolf.” Hunter gave her a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay to be angry about what happened in Hell. I wasn’t happy either when I found out, but here’s the thing…Viktor…I know he can be…” Hunter shrugged, “difficult. Arrogant. Ridiculous at times even. But he’s got this part of him that’s decent. I’m not saying he doesn’t do bad shit, because I know he’s Quint’s brother and the two of them are a couple of bad asses. But he’s not going to kill an innocent. It’s just not his style.”

  Willa’s muscles relaxed underneath his palm as he stroked her, his voice soft. “I know what Hell is like, Willa. Not just this time when I chose to go back. I’ve actually been there on a more permanent basis…kinda like you. It’s not like I don’t know what it feels like. To lose time. To not remember. Then to have flashbacks of the torture. I get it. And the only thing that got me through it was being around pack. Friends.”

  Hunter’s heart caught as she transformed before him. She quickly reached
for the blanket, tugging it over her bare body. Wolves didn’t usually shy away from nudity, yet she’d been secluded for so long from others, she’d adopted more human norms.

  Willa stared at him, her long brunette locks draped around her face. “Is that what we are? Friends?”

  Hunter chuckled. “Yeah, I’d like to think that, but we make nice music together.”

  “That we did.” Willa gave a small smile. “About Viktor…”

  “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. But if you do, I’m here.”

  “I don’t feel a bond to him,” she insisted. “I…I don’t know why that matters. I don’t want to be bonded to him.”

  “I’ve known a lot of vampires and they usually need to be close to someone to form a bond. And when they do, it’s not a real bond like the one they form with their mate.”

  “I know that but it’s just…I don’t let others bite me. Not vampires.” She averted her gaze, her lips tensed. “Not wolves.”

  “There’s something about you, sweetheart. I know you’re special. I don’t know what it is.”

  “What’s what?”

  “Your secret. But I’m a patient man and a firm believer in having people make the right decisions themselves.”

  “What makes you think me telling you my secret is the right decision?” she asked.

  “I risked my ass to get you outta Hell. And I’d do it again. You can trust me.”

  “I’m not trying to be difficult. You have to understand. The people who died tonight. That’s on me. My fault. Not yours. Not Viktor’s. My secrets are what put me in Hell. It’s why these assholes are here, killing people. They know it. I know it.”

  “Look at me, Willa.”

  She slowly raised her gaze to meet his, and as their eyes locked, his pulse raced. This beautiful creature was in his mind and his bed, his wolf urging him to take her.

  “I want your agreement that you’ll stay with me for a while. Whether that’s here or wherever we find the wolves who did this. You can come with me when I track them down and we’ll go get whatever you need in New Orleans and Guatemala along the way. But I want your agreement on this.”


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