Page 11
“Did you just say you had sex with this asshole?” Julian asked, his eyes widening in surprise.
“I…it was just. Julian, don’t…” Willa stammered.
“You fucking touched her!” Julian lunged for the Alpha.
Willa’s heart pounded as he charged forward, ramming Hunter against a wall. The Alpha shoved him away, flipping him around and strangling an arm around his neck.
“No,” she screamed. “Don’t hurt him. Please.”
“You wanna challenge me? Do you? I’ve already killed one wolf today.” Hunter tightened his hold as the wolf flailed, attempting to break free.
Willa rushed to the Alpha from behind. She gripped his arms, but they wouldn’t budge. “Please. I’m begging you to stop. Don’t do this,” she pleaded. If Julian released his power, he could kill Hunter.
“Who is he to you? Your friend? Your lover?” The Alpha tightened his hold.
“He’s not my…”
“Your what?”
“Julian.” Willa sucked back a sob, releasing her grip. As she shoved away, her reddened eyes locked on Hunter’s. “You can’t kill him.” He could kill you first.
The Alpha refused to release him as Julian continued to struggle. “Why is this wolf so important? If he’s not your lover…”
“He’s my brother,” she confessed.
“What did you just say?” The Alpha loosened his grip, and Julian sucked an audible breath of air.
“My brother,” Willa repeated, her voice shaking. “Irmão.”
Hunter released Julian, shoving him toward the wall. “What is your name, wolf?”
“Louvière” The wolf coughed, regaining his composure. “Julian Louvière.”
“No.” Hunter plowed his fingers through his hair and shook his head. “This can’t be. I would’ve known.”
“I’m her brother. Now don’t you fucking touch her again or I’ll be the one killing you. You have no idea what I can…”
“Julian. No.” Willa shot her brother a glare. She couldn’t risk telling Hunter everything. Not yet. Not this way.
“You were in Acadian Wolves? I would have known if you were Jake’s brother.”
“Guess you aren’t as smart as you think you are.”
“I’m going to fucking kill him anyway,” Hunter told Willa, his attention focused back to Julian. “How can you be both her brother and Jake’s? None of this makes any sense. Jake’s never even mentioned Willa.”
“I’m not his blood brother. His parents weren’t part of the pack when I met his Mama and Pa and joined up with their family. We’re brothers no matter how we came together. I eventually had to leave the pack, went rogue. I was only in New Orleans for a few years. Flew under the radar. But Marcel knew.”
“You’re telling me your name’s not really Louvière?”
“I didn’t say that.” Julian lay back onto the mattress and winced. “Jesus Christ, I need to shift. Was it necessary to choke me? You’re a Neanderthal.”
“You came at me, asshole. And for the record, I’m only letting you live because of Willa.”
“Fuck off. You’re the one who hooked up with my sister. I should have killed you. You’ve got no idea who you’re messing with, pal.”
“Louvière isn’t Willa’s last name.”
“What?” Julian groaned.
“Louvière is not her last name.”
“I said it was mine, not hers. It’s the name I adopted when I was taken in by Jake’s parents.”
“It’s true. We’re siblings,” Willa admitted, her body tense. It had been a lifetime since she and Julian had admitted their relationship.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Hunter insisted.
“It’s a long story but we were forced to separate. He went with Jake’s family. And I went…” She hesitated. “It doesn’t matter what our names are. What matters is that we are blood. He’s my brother.”
“Two rogues. Isn’t that rich?” Hunter glared at Julian. “Tell you what. I’m callin’ Jake. And if your story doesn’t sync with his, you’re done. I don’t care how many tears your so-called sister cries. Too many people have died, and you were found with one of the wolves involved.”
“Why would I lie about him being my brother?” Willa’s temper rose. She grew tired of the Alpha’s dominant nature. “And even if I did, there’s no proof he did anything wrong. He brought the wolf to you.”
“No need to defend me, sis. I got this.” Julian shot Hunter a wise smile. “I’m the one who found that rogue, not your wolves.”
“I’m sick of this shit. I can’t do this anymore.” Willa’s lips pursed tight, her arms crossed. “I appreciate you rescuing me, but this is where I draw the line. All three of us have secrets. Hunter, I literally just met you. Just because we…” Her cheeks heated as the memory of them making love flashed in her mind. She shut it down and doused the arousal, refocusing. “It was nothing.”
“You shagged my sister,” Julian spat out. “Fucking Alpha.”
“Shut up,” Hunter and Willa replied in unison.
“It’s irrelevant what happened between us,” she lied. “I have work to do. I have to fix what I did.”
“Irrelevant? Hmm…is that what you call what we did?” Hunter asked, ignoring the rest of her statement. “Yeah okay. Nice.”
“TMI people.” Julian held his palms up and shook his head. “Don’t want to know.”
As the Alpha strode toward her, Willa stood her ground. She tightened the tie on her robe, reminding herself she was naked beneath the fabric. His energy washed over her, and she resisted the urge to reach for him.
“This. Whatever’s going on between us…” Hunter locked his eyes onto hers. “was not irrelevant. You know it and I know it. You can try to go rogue. You can live alone in the middle of the rainforest. But this thing…us…it can’t be undone. It’s far from irrelevant. I suspect the opposite is true.”
“I…I…we shouldn’t discuss this. Not now.” Not in front of Julian. Not ever. If she spoke the words, it might confirm her suspicion about the Alpha.
“I need you to come with me. You can talk with your brother later. Until I check this out with Jake, I don’t want you here with this guy.”
“You can’t separate us.” Willa stepped backward, putting distance between them as her traitorous body tingled in arousal, her wolf craving him.
“You’re wrong, doctor. I’m Alpha. This is my house. My property. My wolves. I may not be able to keep him from trying to escape but under no circumstances am I going to risk your safety by letting you stay here.” He pinned her with a hard stare as her defiant eyes flashed back at him.
“Save that anger for whoever else put you in Hell. Not for me. Now come along, Willa,” he ordered.
Rage boiled in her gut. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm her emotions. She shot a look at her brother, who smiled. Her eyebrows crinkled in confusion. “Is something funny?”
“Ah little sister, something brews between you and the Alpha. This is an unexpected turn of events. If I weren’t so happily flying solo, I’d almost be jealous I’m alone but last time I checked…” Julian paused, his gaze in thought. “No. Single works. Yeah, I’m good.”
“There’s nothing funny about this,” Willa snapped at her brother.
“Go with the Alpha. I’m not going anywhere. Jake will vouch for me.”
“Fine.” Willa took a large step around Hunter, ignoring him as she headed out the door.
“She’s going to be a tough one. Good luck there, Alpha,” Julian laughed.
“I don’t need luck. You should be worrying about yourself.”
Willa quickly exited the guest room, striding through the hallway, toward the staircase.
“You can’t outrun me,” he called after her.
“You don’t have any idea what I can do. I need to borrow your cell phone. Now. I’ll have money wired to a local bank, so I can get us out of here.”
“Us?” he questioned.
Us.” Willa spun on her heels to face him, her heart pounding. “As in Julian and me. I don’t know what that little display was back there but I’m a grown woman. I’ve survived on my own without you or any other wolves. Especially not an Alpha .” She mimicked quote marks in the air with her fingers. She shook her head and pulled her long hair into a ponytail, twisting at it.
“You can’t just leave,” he told her.
“No. I actually can. You can either let me borrow your phone or I’ll shift and run as wolf to the closest human police station and claim I’ve been abducted. Or have amnesia. Any excuse. I need to go. You should trust me.”
“And why should I do that exactly? Because we had sex? Sorry sweetheart but it’s not my first time at the rodeo. That guy in there. He could be your brother or not. I must have lost the good sense I was born with to think we…”
“Don’t even say it. I know…” Sex? That’s all it was to him? “You probably do this all the time, but I don’t.”
“What’s going on between us. You and I both know what happened back there,” Hunter glanced to his bedroom and back to Willa. “But you’re not going anywhere. And neither is he. You can use my phone to make a few phone calls but it’s not safe for you to leave.”
“Julian and I can go.” Willa sucked a deep breath, attempting to remain calm. “What happened between us. It was regrettable.”
“Regrettable is it now? You go from screaming my name like I’m a God to calling what we did regrettable ? Wow, okay then.”
“There are things about Julian and me you don’t know. What I did with the serum must be addressed as soon as possible. I can’t wait until you straighten things out with the humans and vampires. I’m quite sure the wolves who captured me have moved on.” Because they know I’m going home. “I appreciate you saving me, but I’m not part of your pack. You can’t tell me what to do like you do your other wolves. Whatever happened with us…” Sadness danced in her eyes and she struggled to control her expression.
“Was regrettable,” Hunter gritted out. “Got ya.”
“I’m sorry.” Willa’s mind clouded with at least ten pithy replies yet all she could do was apologize. What the hell was happening? Her senseless attraction to the Alpha hindered her judgement.
“You need a phone? There’s one in my bedroom on the nightstand.” Hunter gestured down the hallway. “I suggest you get dressed, come down and get something to eat. Nothing’s changed as far as I’m concerned. You promised earlier that you wouldn’t run. We’ll go together. You’re right about one thing. I’m not your Alpha.”
Willa opened her mouth to interrupt but the words never came. Her chest tightened. My Alpha. That’s what she’d called him in bed.
“But right now, you are my responsibility. Look, phone’s over there. I’m headed downstairs to call Jake and meet with my beta and Viktor. I’d like you down there with us.” Hunter strode toward the staircase, stopped at the landing and turned to her. “If you won’t take an order, then do it as a favor. Stay away from Julian until I have a chance to check him out.”
“He is my brother.” Willa suspected he knew she was telling the truth, but his pride kept him from admitting it. “I want you to know that I don’t want to lie. Everyone has secrets, Hunter. We all do. But some secrets are the kind that can get you killed. What happened between us,” she bit her lip, her body tensed with frustration, “it meant something to me. It’s just that I’m not ready to talk about what’s going on. And just so you know, I’ve had good reason to keep my relationship with Julian a secret from others. He’s deadly, no doubt. But he’s no murderer and there’s no way he’d ever help wolves like that guy out there. And for as much as he was acting a twit with all his smirking, he’d never in a million years hurt me.”
“Get dressed. We’ll talk later. But know this, Alpha or no Alpha, you’re not going this alone.”
Chapter Seven
Hunter stomped down the stairs, rage seeping from his pores. His mind spiraled, as he attempted to process his conversation with Willa. How could this woman be my mate? Ever since they’d made love, the question had been repeating in his mind.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Really? Leave it to me to find my mate in Hell,” he grumbled under his breath. “And a rogue. What the fuck?”
What the hell was he supposed to do with a wolf who’d never become pack? She’d been fairly adamant that she wished to remain on her own. The pack was his life. If word got out he’d mated a rogue, they’d likely challenge his loyalty to the pack. Fuck me.
He rolled his eyes and headed toward his office. She’d called their love making irrelevant, regrettable. Her fingernails digging into his shoulders while she screamed his name told him otherwise. His beast demanded he claim her, but he refused to indulge it. No, this whole fucking mating thing had to be some sick demon joke.
Walking away from his mate might kill him, but he would survive. He’d been through Hell already, so what was a little more torture?
No doubt Willa radiated a unique power. Glistening skin set her apart from any other wolf he’d ever encountered. But she’d made it clear she didn’t need him, insisting Julian would protect her. Jealousy flared when he saw them together. Siblings. Although she’d appeased his wolf with her explanation, a darker secret bound them together, excluding all others, especially him.
There was only one way to know for sure if Julian was legit. Hunter reached for his cell phone, quickly tapping in the digits.
“Yo,” Jake answered.
“Hey, bro. How’s it going in San Diego?” Hunter asked casually.
“’Bout to catch some waves on this beautiful California morn. What’s up?”
“Some shit’s been going down since I got back from…” the Alpha coughed, aware that it sounded insane, “Hell.”
“Hell?” Jake laughed. “Because everyone goes to Hell for a quick vaca. Guess it’s more of a staycation for the demons. Nice and hot.”
“Yeah well, I was busy saving a vampire.” I sound completely certifiable now.
Jake laughed harder. “Stop fucking around. I’ve gotta roll. Swells are sick today.”
“Nope.” Hunter released an audible breath. “It’s true. You know that vampire you rolled in with. Your buddy, Quint. He, uh, he’s got this brother.” Jesus, it sounds worse. “Viktor. Had to get him out.”
“Come on. Stop fucking around.”
“I know it sounds crazy as fuck, but this is my life.”
“You seriously went to Hell to save someone outside pack? A vampire?” Jake’s voice raised in disbelief.
“Yeah, I did.” The Alpha pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s a long story but that’s exactly what happened. Viktor. I managed to get him, but I also picked up a couple more folks on the way out.”
“Are you trying to get killed? Because going to Hell for any reason will get you dead on its own. Now you picked off a few more souls. Jesus, Hunter. You know they’re gonna come after you for shit like that. You’re lucky you’re even calling me right now.”
“Look, I know it was dangerous but it’s just something I had to do.”
“Who else did you nab?”
Hunter cringed as he said her name. “Ilsbeth.” There. He knows.
“What the fuck? Are you kidding me? She was in Hell? Now wait. You brought her out? You know she messed with demons.”
“Last I was in New Orleans, Samantha told us that she’d gone missing. Zella flew the coop. Sam suspected she was taken and didn’t leave on her own. I don’t know. Whatever. That witch has got more lives than a cat. She’s back in New Orleans now. Vik took her back to the coven. But I’ve gotta say. The Zella shit is done. I mean, she didn’t mention one word of it. She was as cool as a cucumber. Every bit the high priestess she used to be. Word from Viktor is she helped save him from killing the other wolf.”
“What other wolf?” Jake asked.
“Yeah well, that’s the thing. I rescued this doctor. Willa.”
“Ah…a female.” S
“She’s…” Hunter debated his choice of words, knowing Jake listened carefully, “special.”
“Special, huh? Special as in demon? Or special as in hot as fuck?” Jake laughed.
“Well, yeah. I guess you could say she’s attractive.” Hot as fuck. His dick twitched, as his thoughts drifted to making love to her. “This isn’t about how she looks. It’s more about this thing she does. Her energy.” Here we go with the crazy again. “Ya see, she does this glowin’ thing sometimes. Not like a fae or anything. She’s a wolf. All wolf. I know because I’ve seen her shift. She’s…” Beautiful. Trouble. My mate. “A rogue.”
“That’s goin’ to be a tough one.”
“Tougher than you think. Got some issues with a pack of rogues that sold Willa to Hell for a ransom. Now that she’s out, they’re itching for trouble. They roughed up a human in town here looking for her. They also blew up the blood club. Murdered vamps and humans. A real fucking mess. I killed one of them but the other five are still on the loose. And there happens to be this other wolf. Yet another rogue. Says he had a hand in catching one, that he’s not involved.”
“So, Willa is telling me this dude’s her brother.”
“Okay. What’s up?”
“You know I’ve been in Wyoming a long time, yeah. Eighty years ago or so, I left NOLA. I’ve got the house, but I’m not involved with Acadian Wolves or Logan’s pack business. There were years I was gone I may have missed a few things. Now, I usually make it my business to know what’s doin’, but I understand you had a brother. And this wolf. There’s no easy way to say this but he says his name is Julian.”
“I gotta tell you I don’t see him often. And by often, I mean I don’t usually know where the hell he is. But he texted recently, maybe two or three weeks ago, which is pretty unusual. Said he’s out our way. Montana. No, Idaho.”
“This Julian can’t be the same Julian because I know you’d know Willa.” Hunter’s patience drew thin as his words were met with silence. “What? What is it?”
“Now listen. I don’t know if this wolf is really him, but Julian is my brother. Not by blood though. So, it’s possible he’s got siblings or family I don’t know about. It’s not like Ma would tell me if she had a good reason not to. That being said, I don’t have any direct knowledge of him having a sister. But who the hell knows?”