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The Trouble With Love: An Age Gap Romance (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Kat T. Masen

  I begin to walk out of the door when she calls my name, forcing me to turn around.

  “Will,” she repeats, biting her lip as if she’s nervous or hiding something. “Have a safe flight.”

  The meetings in Boston carried on longer than necessary. The boring old fuckers had nothing better to do than bring up irrelevant numbers from the past like I give a fuck. After that ended, there was a small event being held at an expensive restaurant in the city. I agreed to make a brief appearance, telling them I had plans back in the city and needed to be on the six o’clock flight back to JFK.

  None of them seem to care, nor listen, offering me drink after drink until I politely tell them I have to leave.

  “Mr. Romano.”

  My name is called, and as I turn around, it’s none other than Juliette Olivier, a French woman I slept with after my break-up with Luciana.

  Juliette is draped in a gold cocktail dress, a split running up her leg, stopping mid-thigh. She’s just as sexy as I remember and, and most likely, just as cunning.

  She kisses both my cheeks, then pulls away with a deep stare.

  “It’s been a while,” she says, unapologetic with her flirtatious smile. “I see you’re alone.”

  “I was just leaving,” I tell her politely. “A flight back to New York.”

  “Well, that’s a shame.” She places her hand on my shoulder, then leans in and whispers, “I’d hate to be alone tonight. Perhaps, you should join me?”

  I pull away, pursing my lips. “As I said, I have to go. It was nice seeing you, Juliette.”

  I swiftly walk out of the room and outside to catch a cab to the airport with my hands in my pocket. I quickly send Amelia a text letting her know I’m on my way home.

  Me: I’m about to board my flight. See you soon.

  Amelia: See you soon xx

  My flight was delayed, something about mechanical failure, making it arrive at JFK just after ten. As the driver takes me home, I send Amelia another text.

  Me: I’m sorry, my flight was delayed. Be there soon.

  Amelia: K

  Judging by the response, I suspect Amelia is less than pleased. It’s just clocked over to eleven when I enter the apartment. She’s sitting on the couch, dressed beautifully in an emerald- green dress accentuated with intricate beading. The garment is long, touching the floor, all of which makes her appear more mature than the short dresses she normally wears. With her legs crossed, her eyes fixate on the wall with a disappointed gleam in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry for being late.”

  I lean in to kiss her, but she pulls back.

  “Is this how it’s going to be from now on?”

  “Amelia,” I warn her gently.

  “No, Will.” She raises her palm to stop me, standing up to create distance between us. “All I do is wait around for you. It’s always about work.”

  “Of course, it’s about work,” I shout, tired, trying to unknot my tie. “What do you want me to do? Drop everything for you?”

  She shakes her head, then lowers her eyes to the ground. “This will never change, will it?”

  “I don’t know how you want me to answer that.”

  “And on top of that, I don’t know how long I can go on hiding all this. It’s exhausting!”

  She’s out of control, but I feel her frustration. We’re both caught up in this perfect storm, and it’s only a matter of time before the sneaking around grows tiresome, and we crave normality.

  “I have an idea.” I grab her hand forcefully. “Let’s go.”

  “Where?” she questions, annoyed at the way I grip her hand tight, refusing to let go. “And we haven’t finished talking.”

  With her hand still in mine, I drag her from the apartment, yanking our coats from the coat rack, and run out onto the street. The cold night air is a slap in the face, unrelenting with its chill.

  The sound of horns and sirens greet us as usual. Tonight, out of all nights, people are generally less patient on the streets. If we move quickly, we just might make it before midnight, only if the crowds work in our favor.

  It’s not uncommon for the city to be chaotic on New Year’s Eve, but I’ve been here so often to learn a few tricks. Darting in and out of the crowds congregating at Times Square, I find us a spot to stand still.

  “Will, it’s so crowded,” Amelia yells over the noise. “Why are we here?”

  I pull her into me, tilting my head to whisper in her ear. “It’s almost midnight, and this is the busiest place in the world. Everyone can see us at this moment. No hiding, it’s just you and me, baby.”

  Slowly, she pulls away as her mouth curves to a smile. With her hands around my neck, the crowd begins to countdown as we chant along with them.

  “Five, four, three, two, one…”

  The ball drops as everyone shouts, “Happy New Year.” A burst of light falls all around us, loud music playing. Surrounding us, people hug and kiss, but all I can do is stare into the eyes of this beautiful woman I want to call mine.


  And then, in front of thousands of people, and quite possibly the world via the lens, we passionately kiss for everyone to see. Our tongues roll softly, perfectly in sync, and as we both pull away, my heart is bursting with happiness to be able to share this moment with her.

  “Last night, I know I was drunk, but I meant what I said.”

  “Amelia,” I say softly. “Please don’t feel like you need to justify drunk talk.”

  “No, Will. Please just let me say it, here, in front of the world.”

  I stare into her eyes, and with this stare, I can almost see her bare her soul. All her walls have broken down, and in the reflection, all I see is the two of us.

  “I’m in love with you. You don’t need to say anything. In fact, it would be easier if you don’t.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” I admit, scared to process the very thought.

  “Say nothing, please. It was just something I need to do.”

  I don’t say anything, unsure of how much this will change us. Instead, I hold onto her tight, then follow with cupping her chin as I lay another kiss on her lips.

  We walk together, holding hands, back to my building.

  Inside the apartment, the air is warm unlike the harsh cold outside. I waste no time and strip her naked, kissing her shoulder before I hesitate.

  My eyes are drawn to every curve, to how perfect she is in my bed, and how this is how I always want it to be. As I stare into her eyes, my whole life flashes before me. Our bond started well before she stepped into my office. It started only minutes after she entered this world.

  And in so many ways, that’s what terrifies me the most—she’s always been the one and may possibly only ever be the one.

  I can’t see a future without her in it.

  And to even think of one existing without her in my arms sets a knife-wielding pain like a dagger straight into my heart.

  “Amelia,” I breathe, caressing her cheek while watching her emerald-green eyes gaze back at me with hope.


  Leaning forward, my lips brush against hers, soft and gentle, intended to make our hearts beat in sync to this memorable moment. I want it to be more than just words. It’s the beginning of something beautiful, something I never knew I wanted but can’t live without.

  I fell well before this moment, careless to admit the truth.

  “I’m in love with you, Amelia Edwards,” I admit, gazing into her eyes. “And no one will stop us from being together. I promise you this.”

  Her eyes beg me to take her, and as I lay her down on the bed about to make sweet love to her, she places her palm on my chest, directly on top of my beating heart.

  “You’ve always been mine, Will Romano,” she whispers with a smile. “Our bond is too tight for us to think we could be nothing.”

  I kiss the tips of her fingers, letting out a sigh. “I’ve got all night to show you just how much I love you.”

With a soft chuckle, she positions herself perfectly, spreading her legs, ready for me to enter. “And I’m all yours, baby. However, way you want me.”

  I bury my head into her neck and slowly enter her. “I want you in every way possible,” I murmur, relishing in her soft moans as I move at a slow and agonizing pace. “You’re all mine, Miss Edwards.”

  And we continue to make love all night. I devour every inch of her body, switching from our soft lovemaking to our heated fucking on the countertop. We move in various positions to multiple locations within my apartment. We are creative in our efforts, and never have I ever been so aroused in my life where nothing else matters. I expect relief once I come or she comes. But then it starts all over again.

  When she spreads her ass wide for me against the window, I take the opportunity to slide into her perfect ass hole and completely own every part of her.

  And then—we’re done. Collapsing on the bed, I hold onto her as she rests her head on my chest.

  “Happy New Year,” she barely manages to get out. “They say how you bring in the new year is a reflection of the luck you’ll have for the year.”

  I kiss the top of her head and with a small chuckle, return the sentiment.

  “Happy New Year, beautiful. And I’ll be a very lucky man if that’s what I have to look forward to for the year.”

  “Or for the rest of your life,” she whispers, sealing her words with a kiss.



  “You go first.”

  Across the table, Andy twists his fingers before letting out a long-winded breath. The café we chose to meet at is located in Chelsea. It’s not too busy, just a few patrons sitting around drinking hot beverages and enjoying the scrumptious pastries the café is known for.

  “I’m sleeping with my professor.”

  I spit out the coffee, choking momentarily while I cough myself into oblivion. Andy warns me with his eyes to keep it down. Wiping the corners of my mouth, I continue to cough involuntarily.

  When I finally get a hold of myself, I blurt out, “I’m sleeping with Will.”

  Andy’s eyes widen until he breaks out into laughter, running his fingers through his hair with an amused look on his face. “Yeah, right. Good one, Millie.”

  “I’m sleeping with Will, and I’m in love with him.”

  I keep my expression to a bare minimum, showing Andy this is no joke. It takes a few moments, but when I continue to look at him seriously, his smile subsides, and his mouth falls open in shock.

  “Holy shit. He’s your cousin.”

  “He’s not my cousin,” I correct him. “Just because our parents called us that doesn’t mean we technically are. We don’t share the same blood as each other.”

  “But he’s how old?” Andy does the math, his forehead wrinkling in the process. “Almost thirty?”

  “Close to it.”

  “Age aside because let’s face it, who am I to talk,” Andy muses, tapping his fingers against the tabletop with an unwavering gaze. “Your dad will kill you if he finds out.”

  “Well, he hasn’t found out.”

  “Yet,” Andy adds.

  “He won’t find out. We’re careful.”

  Andy places his hand on mine with a sympathetic glance. “Millie, you’re in love with him. How do you expect to continue without your dad finding out?”

  I slump into my chair, letting out a sigh. “Can we talk about you screwing your professor?”

  “There’s not much to say. I’m not in love with her. We just got to talking and, well, hooked up.”

  I fold my arms, quick to point out the obvious. “Hold on a minute. You don’t just get to talk, then hook up.”

  “It’s rather dirty, and I’d rather not repeat it in front of you because you are my cousin.”

  “Jesus, Andy. You could get into real trouble for this. What if NYU kicks you out?”

  “They won’t kick me out,” he assures me, his head lifted high. “They’ll kick her out. But look, nobody knows but you. So as long as you don’t say anything, then we’re all just fine.”

  The waitress serves us the sandwiches we ordered, but neither one of us appear to have an appetite. We both aimlessly push our food around until Andy takes a bite, then another, while I continue to sit in silence. Typical male—one minute they are expressing emotions, and the next, all seems forgotten.

  “What’s wrong, Millie?”

  Averting my gaze, my attention is pulled to a mother and daughter sitting by the window. They are both talking animatedly, conversing one minute, then laughing the next. A tightness in my chest is followed by guilt.

  “I love Will, and I love spending time with him,” I say, keeping my voice low. “But lying to my parents is exhausting. And things haven’t been the same with Mom.”

  Andy nods his head knowingly. “Maybe you need to come clean with Aunt Charlie. Out of all people, she’ll understand.”

  “Do you think?”

  “She’s your best friend.”

  “I know,” I mumble, the guilt only becoming worse.

  “And, you know, your parents fought like hell to be together. If there’s anyone who can offer words of wisdom, it’s definitely her.”

  I tear a piece of the bread, bringing it to my mouth as I begin to chew slowly.

  “Um, has Ava ever mentioned to you this thing about my mom, and, um…” I scratch the back of my neck. “Your dad.”

  Andy chuckles softly. “C’mon, it’s Ava. Of course, she has.”


  “My parents have never mentioned it,” he tells me honestly. “Let’s say the rumor is true. What does it matter? Everyone is supposed to be exactly where they are destined to be.”

  He has a point, though Andy is always the rational thinker of the three of us.

  “You’re not the least bit curious?”

  “That my dad and your mom fucked? No…” he trails off, bored.

  I have to agree with him. The thought itself is somewhat disturbing. I’ve always loved Uncle Julian, and he’s been nothing but nice to me. He isn’t exactly besties with Dad, but I can’t say I’ve witnessed any behavior to justify any animosity between them. The more I think about it, the more I think Ava has a creative imagination and thirsty for gossip.

  “Listen, I’m here, Millie, if you need me. But you need to be careful. This may not end the way you’re hoping it will end.”

  “How am I hoping this will end?”

  “That everyone will accept the two of you together. Uncle Lex respects Will. When he finds out he’s fucking his oldest daughter, you can bet your ass he’s going to be livid.”

  Andy’s reality check leaves me in a bad mood. I can’t exactly blame him. He merely points out the truth, which I’ve purposely denied this entire time.

  We say goodbye to each other, and I find myself wandering the streets to clear my mind. I lose track of time and directions until the buildings look familiar. A block away is Will’s office. I question whether I should visit him, assuming he’s busy since he hasn’t texted or called me all day. I walk the block over, entering his building and up to the floor.

  There’s a new woman sitting at the reception desk. She’s much prettier than the last, and more noticeably, has much larger breasts. With my lips pressed flat, I try to ignore the burning sensation inside my chest. Will is surrounded by beautiful, older women all the time. Even if we come out to everyone, that will never change. This jealousy consuming me is unflattering yet hard to control.

  “Can I help you?” she asks, eyeing me up and down.

  What a snob. I look down at my attire, admiring the leather skirt and ivory blouse I’m wearing. I despise the fact that she’s questioning me all in the way her eyes move, my insecurities getting the better of me.

  “Is Mr. Romano available?”

  “And may I ask what your business is with him?”

  My business with him is none of her fucking business, but I manage to force a polite smile befor
e answering, “Please tell him that Miss Edwards is here to see him if he’s available.”

  “You don’t have a meeting.” She raises her poorly drawn-on eyebrows with a dismissive glance. “I’m sorry, he’s unavailable.”

  This bitch doesn’t know who she is messing with. My claws come out, ready to show her who has the fucking power.

  “Let me inform you of who I am. My name is Amelia Edwards. I’m Lex Edward’s daughter.” I see her expression shift immediately, her muscles turning slack. “I’m certain you know who my father is. Now, please ask Mr. Romano if he’s free to see me.”

  She doesn’t say another word, dialing his number and mumbling into the receiver.

  “He’ll see you now.”

  I don’t say thank you. Frankly, she’s undeserving.

  I walk into his office as Will stands up from his chair with a grin on his face. I close the door behind me, keeping my distance for now, given we’re in his office.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure? I thought you had to study today?”

  “Andy wanted to have lunch, so we caught up. I thought I’d drop by before heading back.”

  Will moves toward me. Tilting his head, he kisses my lips with urgency. I hesitate, pulling back as he steps back, watching me. I move toward the window, staring out into the city.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I hate all this lying.”

  Will remains silent, sitting on the edge of his desk. “I understand. It’s not easy.”

  “Do you?” I turn around, frustrated. “It feels like nothing in your life has changed. In fact, you get the best of everything… me, work, but what has changed in your life?”

  He narrows his eyes with a clenching jaw. “I didn’t realize this is a competition of who gets it easier.”

  “I never said that.”

  “Well, let me set the record straight, Amelia. It’s not easy. I have responsibilities, all of which tie into your father somehow. I deal with him more than you know, and there’s a lot of pressure on me for this company to perform. Over a thousand employees rely on me to issue them a paycheck so they can put food on their table,” he informs me with a controlled tone, something my father often does. “There are people on Wall Street who are watching my every business move. So, while I understand that you’re tired of lying, I can guarantee you that I don’t have the best of everything.”


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