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Another Snowbound Christmas

Page 2

by Veronica Tower

  Ron's mouth sought out her behind, tongue lapping greedily at the lower portion of her lips, nose pressing up against her crack. His fingers pulled out from inside of her and found her clit beneath the close trimmed hairs of her bush.

  This time the wave of weakness included Kara's arms and she collapsed more heavily against the vanity table.

  “You like that do you?” Ron asked. His voice muffled because he hadn't really moved his mouth away from her pussy when he started speaking.

  He rubbed her clit again, a circular motion of fingertips made wet by her own juices.

  She closed her eyes and arched her back, riding the surge of ecstasy. Another push or two like that and he'd lift her over the edge.

  Ron's free hand suddenly found her—she had no idea what he'd been doing with it—and pulled at her left leg, encouraging Kara to spread herself even wider. Her ass was stuck out in the air and Ron tried to work himself further underneath her, trying to get his mouth on more of her pussy. Unfortunately, the vanity chair was in the way, keeping him from sliding his legs beneath her and forcing him to change his body's orientation in order to reach his objective. Instead of continuing to lick her from behind, he rolled over so that his back was to the floor and stuck his face between her legs.

  Looking back toward him, she could see he'd worked his pants open and his huge white dick was sticking far up onto his stomach. It was so thick—so proud—so very long. She wanted to turn around and play, too, but before she could act on her impulse, Ron's repositioned mouth found her clitoris and Kara banged her head hard against the mirror as a sharp spasm shook her body.

  Ron sucked hard on her swollen nub, his fingers digging cruelly into the cheeks of her ass. Then he unleashed his talented tongue, repeatedly spearing her clit, battering the engorged flesh from all sides, excitedly tormenting her before grasping hold with his lips again and sucking her hard into orgasm.

  This time her knees did give out and she sank down toward him so that the top of the back of the chair dug cruelly into her stomach while her twat continued to explode hard into Ron's mouth.

  He held onto her, squeezing tighter with his hands, chasing her gyrating groin with his mouth while Kara gasped and moaned and made this little high pitched squeal above him.

  She slipped off the chair and the two went crashing to the floor with Kara's thighs locked on either side of Ron's face, her pussy pressing firmly against his mouth. Her hands found the top of his head so that her fingers twisted into his short hair and she pulled him even tighter against her.

  Her twat exploded again so that the fireworks ignited behind her eyes as well as in her groin. Her back stiffened and she screamed with renewed pleasure. Then the stimulus was suddenly too much for her and she began to reverse her efforts, pushing Ron's head back down to the floor to break the contact between his maddeningly capable lips and tongue and her frighteningly oversensitive clitoris.

  Ron fought back, of course! He loved to make her squirm and scream and her violently intense orgasms always served to make his fabulous prick hard as iron. This afternoon was no different. He lunged back up against the press of her hands and locked his mouth on her lower lips again. She fell to the side, but that did not deter him. Chasing after her as the carpet pressed against her back and his strong hands spread her legs as wide as they could possibly go.

  He mercilessly consumed her again, sucking her clit back into his mouth as his chin pressed down into her sopping wetness. Her efforts to push his face away only served to heighten her tension—contradictorily increasing the unbearable pleasure.

  She became aware that she was screaming again—she screamed a lot when she climaxed—something she'd never discovered when selfish Bobby had made love to her. In half an hour that would embarrass her, but right now with Ron's mouth between her legs and his hands on her thighs all she could do was scream and wriggle and climax through orgasm after incredible orgasm.

  When Ron wasn't attacking her clitoris he was using his sharp little teeth on the soft sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, or thrusting his fingers inside her where his cock was supposed to be. Or pushing her legs up against her breasts and stomach and licking the long crevice of her ass, playing with her tight little anus which fascinated him far too much. He stretched her leg toward the ceiling and kissed the smooth underside of her knees on the way up to her ankle. His thick erection jutted out over her groin, brushing against her inner thigh, avoiding her grasping fingers only because she was too spent to focus properly on the task of finding it.

  Then the huge viper's head pressed against her lips, releasing another torrent of juices before easing its way inside, reacquainting itself with the tightness of her passage.

  Kara stopped panting, her mouth widening into a startled O as she tried to ride out the wonderful intrusion.

  He went deep on his very first thrust—spreading her passage with his thick rod—then eased himself back and began to pump with long slow sensuous movements of his hips. None of the selfish need he had hinted at earlier—none of the wild abandoned she had expected appeared in his movements now. Instead, Ron took his time trying to maximize Kara's enjoyment Not content as so many men were to trust that the length and thickness of his erection could do all the work, he used his hard phallus to search her inner flesh for the triggers that would make her climax again, stirring his cock deep inside her.

  He closed his eyes above her, his face showing the strain of his effort to control his own need as he slowly picked up his rhythm, edging them both toward climax.

  A bead of sweat dripped from the end of his nose and splattered against Kara's cheek. He was still mostly clothed and must be swelteringly hot in his dress shirt and sports jacket as he pumped away inside of her.

  Kara could feel a new orgasm building inside her, different from that initiated by her clitoris. It felt warm and full, increasing in potential power with every stroke of Ron's cock. His hot rasps of breath further encouraged her and she began to lift her hips up against him, complementing each of his own strokes with the synchronous movements of her own body.

  Ron's thrusts grew steadily more powerful—the frenzy she knew was building inside him fighting to come out through the swollen tip of his cock.

  She locked her legs around his waist, fighting to fit him deeper and more tightly inside. She wished he'd taken the time to take his shirt off so she could run her fingernails down the bare flesh of his back. Failing this, she wrapped her arms as tight around him as her legs and nipped at his ear with her teeth.

  He thrust harder, moving faster now, definitely losing the fine edge of his control. His face flushed bright red as more sweat broke free and plummeted down to her face.

  He broke out of the embrace of her arms to lift himself higher, propping his body up above her on strong arms. His dick moved like lightning now, pumping in and out of her as fast as he was able. She squeezed even tighter with her pussy, trapping him vice-like, glad she had finally made him lose control.

  Kara dropped one hand off his back and slid the fingers down her stomach through the course little hairs of her bush.

  “I love you, Kara!” Ron panted.

  She hadn't reached her clitoris yet when the new orgasm popped up and overwhelmed her.

  “Happy anniversary!” Ron grunted moments before his own climax overpowered him.

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  Chapter Two

  “I hate being late!” Kara snarled. She knew she was being bitchy, but Ron knew how much she hated visiting his family and now it was going to be even worse than usual.

  Ron glanced at her from the driver's side of his Jeep Grand Cherokee, unable to keep a self-satisfied smile off his face. “I don't remember you complaining an hour ago,” he noted. “Or were you really protesting when you were shouting: Oh, oh, oh!"

  Kara almost smacked him. Almost. If he hadn't been driving, she might have done it. That grin was the thing pushing her over the edg
e. At times her boyfriend's cockiness was exactly what attracted her to him, but in other instances—like this one for example—it could absolutely infuriate her. “Joke all you want, Ron, but the simple truth is that because you couldn't keep your pants zipped, we're going to be late to your parents’ house and everyone is going to know why because I look like a wreck.”

  Ron dropped the grin. “You're not a wreck,” Ron told her. “You look fabulous. You don't need makeup or fancy dresses. You're always beautiful.”

  “My dress is wrinkled and—”

  “It's not that wrinkled,” Ron interrupted. “If Kitten comments on it, just act like you hadn't noticed. Everyone's clothes get wrinkled while they wear them. The reason she likes kidding you so much is that you always react when she does it. Just play it cool a couple of times and she'll start teasing someone else.”

  Ron's inability to understand her point further infuriated Kara. “It's not just the clothes!” she told him. “It's just that sometimes I think that all you want from me is sex! There's a time and place for other things, too!”

  “I thought you liked having sex with me,” Ron said as he turned the corner onto Pleasant Avenue. He actually sounded hurt by her words. “If I remember correctly, lack of sex was one of the biggest problems in your last relationship.”

  Kara came close to seeing red. She absolutely hated it when Ron used her past relationships against her in an argument. “Would you listen to me?” she snapped. “This isn't about good sex or bad sex! It's about when it is appropriate to have sex. And it's not appropriate five minutes before we have to leave to see your parents.”

  Ron tried to cut past her anger and get her smiling again. “Maybe I thought I was giving you a reward for being so good about going to see them,” he suggested. “After all the trouble we had with them this summer, maybe I thought you deserved a little reminder of how I'm planning to show my gratitude.”

  He leaned over to kiss her cheek but she didn't help him out by leaning toward him, and he had to give up in favor of safe driving. “No response, hey?” Ron grinned again. “Would it help if I told you I was hinting at the kind of motivation I want tomorrow to go visit your family?”

  Kara sighed again. “Everything isn't about sex, Ron.”

  His expression grew serious again. “I know, honey, but it is our anniversary and you are very beautiful. I can't help it if every time I see you I want to pull you down on the floor and run my hands over your body.” His lips twisted up again. He just couldn't help himself. “Not to mention my lips, my tongue and my...”

  “You're impossible!” Kara spat.

  “I do try,” he said. “I think you need a little impossible in your life.”

  And what do you need from me? Kara wondered. In an unwelcome flash, she remembered that Bobby had been cheating on her in the end. If Ron wanted sex this badly, was she giving him enough? Her mother insisted that it was Kara's fault that Bobby had strayed. That it was a woman's responsibility to keep a man's eye focused on the home by satisfying his desires—not that her mother seemed the satisfying type. And not that Kara could see her mother blaming herself if her father had ever strayed. No, she'd have murdered Daddy if he'd stepped out on her. Not that that mattered now. “I just want—”

  “I know you like it!” Ron interrupted. “It's not just the way you come. It's the way we met last Christmas Eve. You love it when I pull you out of your shell. You're a very sexy, very sensuous, person, and your old boyfriends didn't understand that. They were so worried about themselves they never got around to satisfying you.”

  Kara didn't know if anything that Ron had just said was true or not. She didn't feel sexy most of the time—well, she did when Ron stared at her and brushed up against her and ran his hands over her—

  She vigorously shook her head to break that train of thought. The last thing she needed to do was let her body start responding to Ron so that he thought he had license to make love to her again right here in the front seat of his car. “There's a time and place for everything, Ron,” she explained. “And just before we go see your parents is not the right time for sex.”

  “You know, a lot of what went wrong for my parents was that they stopped having sex,” Ron told her. “From what you've said, that went wrong for your parents, too. I know it had also been a problem for you and Bobby. I don't want that to be the problem that breaks us up.”

  “Look,” Kara said. She made a herculean effort to soften her voice despite her anger. “I don't want us to break up. But it seems like all we do now is have sex and—”

  “Well, we live together now, and that gives us a lot more opportunity,” Ron interrupted again. He made another turn. “Wait a minute. I want to show you something.”

  Kara didn't want to be distracted right now. “Ron, this is important. Just because we live together doesn't mean we have to fuck"—she used the f-word even though she didn't like it to drive home to him how important this point was to her—"every chance we get.”

  Ron didn't seem to be really listening to her. At least, he showed no sign of accepting her position. “Did you know that most couples who move in together have less sex than they did when they lived apart? I don't want that for us.”

  Kara started to protest, but Ron didn't let her. He couldn't seem to stop interrupting her tonight and she didn't like it at all.

  “The same thing happens again when they get married. This is important to me, Kara. I don't want to stop making love to you. I don't want us to fall in the rut of saying, Oh, we're tired tonight or We're going to be late to your parents’ house. We live together now. We can always have sex later."

  Ron abruptly pulled the car over to the curb and stuck it in park so he could give her his whole attention. “Later never comes, Kara! You know it and I know it! And I'm not going to have you leave me as you wanted to leave Bobby because we stop having sex because it's too available. We fucked every night we got together when we were just dating because we were desperate to take advantage of limited opportunities. I want you just as desperate to fuck me now when you can have me every night.”

  Kara felt so conflicted. Ron rarely let her see his insecurities. It was easy to forget he had a vulnerable side. But at the same time, she knew she was right about this. “I'm not planning to leave you, Ron,” she told him, “but—”

  “Fuck but!" Ron snapped. “I remember the deal we made! As long as I keep satisfying you, you'll stay.”

  “The deal?” Kara asked. Abruptly she remembered the insane little bargain they had made in a hotel room last Christmas. She couldn't remember the precise details, but it basically said that as long as Ron kept making her come she'd stay with him. No, that wasn't it, was it? It was that once Ron stopped making her come she was free to look for someone else. It had only been a sweet little jest at the time. She had no idea that Ron had been taking it seriously all this time.

  “Ron,” Kara asked. “Is that the reason you're always pushing to have sex with me? You think I'll leave if you don't?”

  “What, no, of course not!” Ron protested. But she could see the doubt in his face, as if on some fundamental level he wasn't sure if his denials were true. “I love you, Kara! And I really do want you all the time...”

  “But?” she asked.

  Ron stuck the car back in gear and slid out onto the road again. The sky was gray with the promise of Detroit's first snow of the year. It hadn't started yet, but it certainly looked as if they'd have another white Christmas this year.

  “But?” she repeated.

  “But I don't want to lose you,” Ron mumbled.

  Kara couldn't believe she'd heard him correctly. Could he really think she was that shallow? “What did you say?”

  Ron took a deep breath before answering. “I said I don't want to lose you!”

  Kara really couldn't believe she was hearing him correctly. Ron was a hot young man who'd just turned twenty-six. Women looked at him all the time. What did he have to be insecure about? Kara was forty-one
by comparison. She was the one who had to worry about losing her younger man. Why didn't Ron understand that?

  “Ron, I'm not trying to leave you,” she said. “I just think we could exercise a little discretion about when we drop our pants and do the nasty.”

  Ron abruptly changed the topic of conversation. “You know we used to live down that street when I was a kid,” he said as he pointed past her toward a little residential street called Hollow Lane.

  Kara turned to look despite her frustration with the sudden shift in subject. “I think you mentioned that once before,” she told him. “What does it have—”

  “Anne says my parents were really happy then. I don't remember it that well, but there was a big hill behind the elementary school which Kitten always said had the best sledding in the world. Apparently my Dad used to sled down it with both girls sitting on his back.”

  Kara just couldn't make the transition with him. She didn't understand why he had suddenly changed topics like this. “What does this have to do with whether or not I'd leave you?”

  “There's the school,” Ron said, pointing again through the windshield as they approached it.

  The sign out front read: Albert Einstein Elementary School. And it did indeed have a big hill behind the building—not a mountain, of course, but good sledding material just the same.

  “They were happy here,” Ron said. “Don't you understand? Everything hadn't broken down yet. My mother hadn't started cheating. My Dad could still...” he trailed off without finishing the sentence.

  Kara really couldn't believe Ron was saying these things. Comparing what they shared to what Howard and Hanna had had long ago seemed worse than pointless to her. If he were trying to distract her from her anger, it wasn't going to work. “Ron, what does all of this have to do with you making love to me when it was time to get in the car and go visiting?”

  From the look on Ron's face, he was very disappointed that she'd failed to understand him.


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