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Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles)

Page 10

by Sawyer Bennett

  I didn't let her bait me with insults to my home life. I could care less about that. I heard Dane say Payton's name in warning but she continued on.

  "Come on, Charlie. Don't pretend. The only reason you're here too is for a warm bed and three square meals a day. I mean, look at the way you're dressed. It positively screams orphan child."

  Again, I completely ignored her digs at me. I glanced over at the girl and saw a single tear drop run down her cheek. Looking back at Payton, I put as much menace in my voice as possible.

  "Last chance, Payton. Apologize to her or I will make you regret it."

  Payton snorted. "Puh-leeze. No snot nosed kid with tears in her eyes or her freak of an orphan hero will make me say anything I don't want to—."

  I lunged, throwing my entire body at Payton and tackled her right out of her chair. We both went crashing to the floor and rolled. Fortuitously, I came out on top and straddled her. She made the mistake of grabbing for my hair. Rookie mistake! While her hands were busy trying to get a grip on my hair, I cocked my arm back and punched her in the face. She immediately let go of my hair but I pulled quickly back to hit her again. I was so furious that I couldn't see past the red haze in my vision. Before I could let loose with another strike, I felt someone grab me under my arms and jerk me off of her.

  I fought to get back at Payton, kicking and struggling with my captor. I think an animalistic snarl actually came out of my mouth, along with a curse word or two.

  "Stop it, Charlie," Caiden hissed in my ear.

  His voice was venomous, shocking me back to reality. I immediately sagged in capitulation. He was pissed and I was spent, so hot had my adrenaline been pumping. I watched as Dane knelt down by Payton, looking at the bruise I could already see forming on her cheek. Score one for me!

  I looked over at Justas who was looking at me with concern in his eyes. And I saw the young girl I had just defended. She was looking at me with awe...or was that fear?

  Caiden grabbed my upper arm and started to forcefully drag me out of the cafeteria. Everyone was silent and staring at me. Great! I had managed to completely out myself as the biggest screw up in the history of the Alliance...and all in one day.

  As soon as we exited the cafeteria, Caiden released my arm and turned on me. Fury was etched all over his face. "What in the hell is wrong with you?"

  "What is wrong with me? What is wrong with that bi—, I mean witch, in there that thinks she can just run all over people?"

  "So she deserved to be attacked?" He was incredulous.

  "Absolutely." I stuck my chin out, not willing to give up this fight.

  Caiden blew out a breath of frustration and ran his hand through his hair. "Look, Charlie. After the things that have happened with you today...maybe you being here isn't the right thing..."

  What? No! I couldn't be thrown out. This was my home now. My destiny. I started back pedaling.

  "Caiden. It was more than her smack talk. She completely degraded and humiliated a young girl, all because she was orphaned. The girl was in tears. I just demanded she apologize and she continued her filth. I'm sorry. I lost control."

  There was skepticism written all over his face. "So this wasn't about a beef between you and Payton. She went after the other girl first?"

  "Yes, I swear it."

  "And she didn't insult you too, which caused you to hit her?"

  "Of course, she went after me too! But give me some credit. I have a thick skin and it takes more than a few insults to get me mad. I'm telling you the truth. It was all about defending the girl and I lost control. Justas and Dane can vouch for me." At least, I hoped Dane would vouch for me. He had a close up view of what happened but I didn’t know if he would lie for Payton.

  Caiden stared at me thoughtfully for a few seconds. I could tell he was weighing the truth of my words. "Okay, let's go."

  "Where are we going?"

  "You're going to have to meet with Sarah about this. It's her decision on what to do."

  Chapter 11

  Okay. I was in deep trouble. I knew without a doubt Sarah didn't like me. Which honestly, was really unfair. I could be quite a likeable person if someone gave me half a chance. But I didn't think there was any amount of charm in my bag that would be able to save me right now. My mind was spinning fast. I could talk my way out of a crap storm with Dr. Tinesdale, because he genuinely liked me and realized my potential. But I didn't know what made Sarah tick.

  I followed Caiden out of our building and across the courtyard. This was not a trip that warranted a holding of hands apparently. He led me to another building that appeared to house more apartments. After traversing a few halls, he stopped at a door and knocked. Before long, the door opened and there Sarah stood. She was dressed in the same outfit she had been wearing earlier. Her face lit up in pleasure when she saw Caiden.

  "Caiden. This is a wonderful surprise. Unexpected, but wonderful."

  "This isn't a social call. I'm here for business." Caiden's voice was flat.

  He stepped aside so Sarah could see me standing behind him. I watched as her smile fizzled and then got a pit in my stomach when her mouth set into a hard line.

  I knew I should have been focused on my career as an Alliance member, and I know I should have been concerned that I could be kicked out of the Academy within a matter of minutes. But the only thing I could think of was what did Caiden mean this wasn't a social call? Did that mean that he came to see her at her apartment at other times? It was obvious to me that Sarah had a thing for Caiden. I saw it each time they interacted. But Caiden didn't seem to have the same response to her. I really had no business even thinking these thoughts, yet there they were, galloping through my head.

  Sarah opened her door wider for us to come in. I followed Caiden into a spacious living room that was austere and icy. No surprise there. Her furniture was all in black and white. Stiff looking leather chairs and glossy, lacquered tables. How could you even relax in this atmosphere? Sarah closed the door behind us as I looked around.

  "What's this about?"

  "I have to report to you that Charlie was just in a fight in the cafeteria. It was broken up quickly but I brought her here as I knew you would have to handle the situation."

  Sarah didn’t even try to hide the triumph that lit up her eyes and I knew things had just gone from bad to worse for me.

  "Well, there's not much to handle. We don't tolerate that sort of behavior and it requires expulsion."

  "Just wait a minute, Sarah. There's more to the story. Apparently the other girl involved had been viciously tormenting another girl. Charlie was just defending her. And frankly, I saw what happened. It wasn't much of a fight. Just two girls rolling around on the floor, pulling each other's hair."

  My jaw hung open then I snapped it shut again before Sarah could see my look of disbelief. Caiden was purposely withholding some pretty damaging information about me that could get me expelled. There definitely was no hair pulling going on from me. I'd clocked Payton good and she'd be sporting a bruise for a while. And I had launched the attack. One could even go so far as to say that Payton was defending herself from me. Yet Caiden kept all of that hidden from Sarah. My hero!

  Sarah looked at Caiden shrewdly. I could tell she didn't like him interfering in what she had deemed to be a slam dunk way to get me out of the Academy. Again, I had no clue why she disliked me so much. But the feeling was quickly becoming mutual.

  "She instigated it though, did she not?"

  "She did," Caiden gritted out. "But I'm telling you that this situation does not deserve expulsion when you look at all of the circumstances."

  "I'm not sure I can make an exception here because—."

  Caiden held up a hand and cut her off in mid-sentence. His voice was low, laced with warning. It banished every bit of his lovely, Irish accent away. "Sarah, you owe me one. I'm cashing in now."

  Sarah's eyebrows shot so high, they almost disappeared into her hairline. "You wouldn't?"

  "I wo
uld. That makes us even."

  Without even waiting to see if Sarah acknowledged the deal, Caiden turned around and walked back toward the door. "Let's go, Charlie."

  I had no clue what just happened between Caiden and Sarah but it appeared that I was off the hook. I put my head down and followed Caiden to the door.

  "Just a minute," Sarah called.

  I turned around and looked at her with the blandest expression I could muster.

  "Charlie. Let me be very clear. If you step one foot out of line again, you are out of here. On top of that, I'm restricting you to your dormitory on the weekends except for classes or training. For one month. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, ma'am," I said in my most sincere voice. She grimaced at me and I had the feeling she didn't like being called "ma'am". Sometimes it's the little things in life that make me happy. She turned her back on me and I took that to mean I was excused.

  I followed Caiden out of her apartment and back out into the courtyard. I practically had to run to keep up with him.

  "Caiden, wait a minute."

  He turned abruptly to look at me. It was dark outside but the moon was full and threw his face into stark relief. He was angry. Beautiful, but angry. It was an alluring combination on him. I cleared my throat.

  "Thank you. For sticking up for me in there."

  "Forget about it."

  He turned to start walking again but I grabbed his hand. My skin prickled with awareness when we touched.

  "No, wait. I'm really, really sorry you had to get involved in my stupidity. I promise won't happen again."

  Caiden took a deep breath and let it out. The anger seemed to slide right off his face and he actually gave me a small smile.

  "It's alright. But you seriously cannot let it happen again. Sarah will throw you out if you so much as breathe wrong. And I don't have any more chips to cash in for you."

  My curiosity was going to get me in serious trouble one day. I had accepted that fact about myself long ago. However, it never seemed to curb the questions that seemed to involuntarily pop out of my mouth.

  "What was the favor she owed you?"

  "That, little girl, is none of your business." Ouch. I didn't like the "little girl" reference. I wanted him to see me as a woman. Pointing out that it was none of my business didn't bother me. That was true enough.

  I tried for a little humor to lighten the mood.

  "I suppose next time Payton pisses me off I'll just have to settle for putting spiders in her bed or something."

  Caiden practically lunged toward me, grabbing me by my upper arms. I was so startled and then thoroughly embarrassed that a high pitched yelp slipped out of my mouth. He pulled me close to him and anger was all over his face again. My heart tripped with fear and...excitement? He may be angry but pleasurable goose bumps ran up my neck from the proximity of our bodies.

  He leaned his face down close to mine and snarled, "This isn't funny, Charlie. Sarah wants you out of here and she will use the barest excuse for it to happen. I can't be around to save you all the time."

  Yes. I was scared by his outburst. But I heard something else in his voice too. Caiden did not want me to get kicked out. He wanted me here and I had to wonder why. He definitely didn't need to impress me more about the situation. I got the fact that Sarah had it out for me. But because I didn't understand what I had done to displease her, I had no clue how to fix the situation.

  "Why does she want me gone so badly?" I cringed when I realized my voice sounded small and fragile. Come on, Charlie, I reproached myself. Your name and 'fragile" should never be uttered in the same sentence.

  Again, the anger seemed to seep out of him and he released his hold on me. He held his arms outward as if beckoning an answer to jump into his embrace. "I have no clue. But for some reason, she doesn't like you."

  Well, that didn't clear anything up. He came to the same conclusion I had. Sarah didn't like me but there was no telling why.

  Maybe this conversation wouldn't be a total bust. Perhaps I could figure out another mystery and couldn't stop myself from asking. "Why do you want me to stay? I mean...why did you stick up for me?"

  Caiden studied me for a moment, his eyes locked onto mine and then he stepped closer. Reaching out, he grabbed my chin gently and tilted my head up to him so I was forced to look up at him. "Because, Charlie...I do like you. A little too much."

  My breath caught in my throat and a shiver ran up my spine at those words. Caiden continued to stare at me for a few seconds then released his hold. "I've got to get home. I'll see you tomorrow in class."

  I watched, speechless, as Caiden walked away. He liked me? A little too much? I had no clue what that could possibly mean. Maybe he saw something in me that would make me a great Annihilator and just wanted to ensure he cultivated a great student. Or maybe he just wanted to be friends. Again, I was unsure of the politics of instructors having personal relationships with recruits but I was pretty sure it wouldn't be tolerated.

  I rubbed my chin thoughtfully as I headed back to my apartment. My skin was still tingling from Caiden's touch and my blood was still warmed by the tone of his words. They were said with wistfulness, as if there was something just within his reach yet ultimately was unattainable.

  As I came down the hallway, I saw someone sitting outside my door. It was the girl that I had defended in the cafeteria. As I approached, she pushed to her feet and wiped her hands on her jeans, as if she was nervous.

  "Hi," she said.


  "Did you get in trouble?" Her brow was furrowed with worry.

  "Nah. It's all cool." I noted she stood with her hands tucked in her back pocket, kicking nervously at the carpet with her shoes. Her eyes were downcast and her shyness pulled at my heartstrings. "Want to come in and hang out?"

  Her head popped up in surprise and she gave me a small nod. I unlocked the door and she followed me in. "I'm Charlie by the way."

  "I know. There were plenty of people talking about you after you punched Payton." She said it with a timid smile. "My name is Emerson...Potts. Emerson Potts that is."

  I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I held it up in a silent question to see if she wanted one, but she shook her head. "So, what's the scoop on me now? People calling me deranged?"

  Emerson giggled. She was a really pretty girl. She had amazing hazel eyes that popped against her dark skin and a glorious head full of curly hair that stood up in all directions.

  "Well. The polls are split. Some seem to think you are a super cool bad-ass. There are some factions though, that believe you are deranged."

  I snorted. "Well, I guess some reputation is better than no reputation." I took a drink of my water and eyed her. She was small and thin.

  "How old are you anyway?"

  Emerson stuck her chin out at me like I had just insulted her. "I'm fifteen. Well, just turned fifteen."

  My eyebrows raised in surprise. Caiden has said they sometimes let in recruits younger than sixteen, but looking at this waif of a girl, I had to wonder why. "I'm just surprised they let someone in that young." And small.

  Her face dropped and her eyes turned back to the floor. "I don't think they normally do...but they made an exception for me. They’re putting me through the classes and training right now, but I don't know if they’ll let me take the field trials. They said it depended on how well I did with weapons and hand-to-hand combat."

  I remembered something Payton had said in the cafeteria. "Were you living out on the streets?"

  Emerson hesitantly nodded but didn't say anything, keeping her eyes on the floor. My heart broke. That could have easily been me. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

  "Hey. That is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I'd say that makes you a super cool bad-ass like me, being able to survive on your own. So you keep that head held high."

  She looked up at me in surprise, a smile brightening her face. "You mean that?"
  "Sure I do. But just remember, I'm the numero uno super cool bad-ass around here. You come in second place."

  She giggled and I could literally see the tension leave her body. I knew then that Emerson Potts would be a friend for life. She and I had a lot in common but I knew there was probably a lot more to her story. I wouldn't press but wait until she was comfortable to talk to me.

  "Well...I really wanted to come by and just thank you for what you did. No one has ever stood up for me like that before."

  I blushed but she made my heart lift. "It was no biggie. Besides, the look on Payton's face was well worth it." She giggled again.

  There was a knock at my door so I went over and opened it. Justas walked in.

  "Are you in big trouble" he asked with a worried look.

  "Nope. It's all good."

  "Sweet. Give me a high five for knocking that nasty bitch on her ass." Justas held his hand up and I slapped it with a laugh. I then turned to make introductions.

  "Justas. This is Emerson."

  "I know. I met the lovely Miss Potts after Payton was helped to her feet and led away on wobbly legs. I told her where you lived because she wanted to say thank you." Justas gave Emerson a warm smile and she flushed. "So, looks like we are having a party, huh?"

  "As if," I scoffed. "Three people do not a party make."

  "What do you mean," Justas asked with incredulity. "I can have a party all by myself. Three people make this an absolute hootenanny."

  I laughed at Justas. He could say the most ridiculously funny things. "I don't even want to know about you and the party you would have by yourself."

  "As if I'd share that with you."

  "You so would."

  "You're right. I so would."

  We both burst into a fit of laughter.

  I looked over at Emerson and saw her watching me and Justas like she was watching a tennis match between two clowns. Her mouth was hanging slightly open.

  "That's just great, Justas. We've foolishly let Emerson in on the secret that we are both complete and utter dorks."

  Emerson closed her mouth and snickered. Justas gave her a sly wink.


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