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Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles)

Page 17

by Sawyer Bennett

  "I guess," I muttered.

  Caiden leaned in and gave me a kiss that started off as soft as a whisper then deepened to something that bordered on thermogenic. And just like that, my fears fled, along with every other coherent thought in my head. Such was the power this man held over me.

  Pulling back, I smiled at him and took a shaky breath. "Thanks."

  Caiden returned my smile and tapped my nose with his finger. "Come on. I have a surprise for you that is guaranteed to get your mind off of your worries."

  If that involved more kissing, I was all for that. That was guaranteed to push my fears away. The times that were the best in my life were when his lips were on mine. At those times, he consumed me and brought me to places I had never imagined. We did nothing more than ever kiss—well, maybe our hands roamed a bit—but I think Caiden respected my innocence more than I did and wanted to preserve it.

  It was getting harder and harder though for me to pull away from him at the end of the night. He never pushed me for anything more that my lips upon his, saying he just loved being in my presence, in whatever capacity I could give. In fact, more times than not, Caiden was the one that would stop our kissing before things could get too heavy. In those moments, he would gently pull back from me and lightly kiss my forehead. He would whisper goodnight to me, and leave me to my dreams...which were always filled with him.

  "I'm all yours. What are we doing?"

  "Uh, hello. It's a surprise! But go put on your bathing suit and grab a towel."

  After I was dressed, we walked out of my dorm and crossed the courtyard. Once we were away from any other students, Caiden pulled me up against him and shot into the air. We soared up and over the mountain behind the Academy and shot out across the lagoon. When we hit the ocean, Caiden banked right and flew along the coastline. The freedom of flight has no words that would do it justice. My heart had never felt so free and light as I flew in Caiden's arms. I hate to admit it but it was so much better than flying on my own. Can you say co-dependent?

  Before long, Caiden banked inland again to a small cove that was sheltered among large rocks where the waves crashed against them. He came to a gentle landing on a short stretch of sand.

  "What do you think?"

  I looked around and gave a low whistle. The water in this protected cove was crystal clear and I could see a small coral reef covered in marine life. The sand was pristine and swaying palm trees threw a smattering of shade across the sunny beach.

  "You sure know how to impress a girl, Mr. Gallagher."

  I walked up to him and put my arms around his neck. I placed a light kiss on his neck. He arms tightened around me and pulled me close. The feel of his body pressed against me caused chills to zing up my spine. However, it was short lived as Caiden released me and walked over to the base of a palm tree, retrieving a back pack.

  "I put this here earlier for us." Reaching inside, he pulled out snorkeling gear. "Wanna see some fish up close?"

  We spent a remarkable afternoon swimming among the coral. I didn't know any of the species of fish except Nemo and Dory. There seemed to be a gazillion in all different shapes, colors and sizes. They swam in huge schools, and as the late afternoon sunlight filtered through the water, it felt as if I was swimming in the middle of a rainbow.

  After a few hours of snorkeling, we laid out on the beach. Caiden was holding my hand and my eyes were closed, just reveling in how peaceful I felt. I apparently had needed something like this to take my mind off my upcoming battles. It meant a lot to me that Caiden knew that and helped me to achieve it.

  Before long, I heard Caiden's breathing slow and realized he'd fallen asleep. I tried myself to take a nap, but it wasn't happening so I gently removed my hand from his and walked to the water's edge. Gazing at the clear shallows, I thought I saw a flash of silver from the corner of my eye. I looked more closely and saw it again. It was a mermaid, about thirty feet away.

  After seeing that mermaid on my first day here, I had completely forgotten about her. Now as I saw the long tail shimmering in the water, I couldn't help myself but wade a few feet in to get a better look. I knew nothing about mermaids. They were the stuff of fiction, but then again, everything about Semper Terra bore no resemblance to the reality I knew.

  When the water reached my waist I stopped. I could see her more clearly now. It was the same mermaid I was sure. Her pale blond hair was as long as her waist and it floated hypnotically around her in the water as she swam in lazy circles.

  And then suddenly, she was swimming toward me. Really fast. I thought about backpedaling out of the water but decided to hold my ground. My curiosity was going to get me killed one day.

  When she was no more than five feet from me, her head and shoulders broke the surface in a spray of sea foam. The minute her hair hit the air, it was completely dry. She sat there, bobbing in front of me and I could tell she recognized me from that day Caiden and I flew over the lagoon. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Her irises were like liquid silver with just a hint of blue in them. They seemed to sparkle as if they were filled with starlight.

  "Hello, Charlotte Wright."

  Whoa! She knew my name. And her voice. It was so weird. It was light and airy, like an ocean breeze, but there was a faint sound of water in her voice. As if she was gargling while she was talking.


  She looked at me quizzically as if she expected me to say more. The power of verbosity, however, seemed to have been stricken from my existence so I just stared at her dumbly. Finally, she said, "I'm Nerissa."

  I blinked at her and then said the first thing that came to mind. "How did you know who I am?" At least my tongue had started working again.

  "My people know many things about you, Charlotte Wright. Your arrival in Semper Terra has been foretold. And very welcomed."

  I didn't bother to correct her misuse of my name. It seemed rude so I let it go. Instead, I asked for clarification. "Foretold?"

  Nerissa rose from the water and moved toward me. I was fascinated to see the scales on her tail disappear as her lower body left the water, leaving behind smooth, pale legs. She stood before me, absolutely naked although her long hair hung forward, covering her breasts.

  "Um...would you like a towel?"

  She cocked her head at me as if not understanding the question. "Why would I want a towel?"

  "Because you're naked."

  "I have no shame over my body." There was no anger in her watery voice. If anything, it was that same care free tone. It was as if nothing bothered her.

  "I'm sorry. I don't have any experience with mermaids."

  She smiled and I noted her teeth were straight and ultra-white. They must have good dental care in the deep blue sea.

  "Think nothing of it, Charlotte Wright."

  Okay. The Charlotte Wright thing was getting old but I held my tongue. Instead, I pointed her back toward answering my original question.

  "You said that my coming was foretold? What does that mean?"

  "I've dreamed of you as the future is my night lover. I fear for you and what is to come." That breezy tone never changed and now it sounded creepy. Her message was one of warning but her voice sounded like she didn't have a care in the world.

  "Charlie! Get away from her!" I heard the panic in Caiden's voice as he yelled from behind me. I didn't question the danger and immediately started running backward toward the shore, only to lose my footing and fall into the shallows. Quick as a flash, Caiden was there pulling me up and out of the water.

  Nerissa just gave a faint, accommodating smile and sunk back down into the water, until only her head was showing. Her hair was floating all around her shoulders. "Be well, Charlotte Wright. Only you can give us deliverance." And then she disappeared into the blue depths.

  As I stood there in Caiden's arms, I found that I was shaking. Caiden had given me quite a scare when he yelled at me to get away from Nerissa. I had no clue why she was dangerous but his voice had been fill
ed with panic when he yelled out to me so I knew to heed his warning.

  Caiden squeezed me in a hug. "Are you okay?"

  I gave a nervous laugh. "I think so. You scared the hell out of me."

  He released me and turned me toward him. "I'm sorry. But mermaids can be very dangerous. They can foresee the future and if they tell you what the future holds for you, it will inevitably come true."

  Oh crap! My mind raced to remember the exact things she had said to me. Unfortunately, I clearly remembered she did not tell me I was going to win the lottery.

  "She said she feared for me. For what was to come. And...I think she said I would give deliverance."

  My heart started racing again. Were those things now set in stone? If so, what in the hell was I going to deliver? Although it was a bit cryptic, I apparently now had something to fear in the future since Nerissa said she was afraid of what was to come.

  Caiden led me back to our towels and we sat down. He had me relay the entire conversation to him two more times before he was satisfied I remembered everything. Shaking his head, he looked at me with worry. "I don't like this, Charlie. Mermaids rarely talk to humans, and usually they don't care if they help or hurt you. I think we need to talk to the Elders about this."

  We packed up our gear and flew back to the Academy. Touching down in the courtyard, we unfortunately ran right into Sarah. Before she could even look at us with disdain, Caiden spoke up. "Sarah. Can you come with us to find Bashir? We have something important to discuss."

  Sarah's eyebrows shot up but she didn't argue. She just nodded and followed us into the building that housed the Elder apartments. Bashir opened his door after Caiden knocked, clearly surprised to see the three of us standing there. He invited us in and offered tea, which we all declined.

  After we were seated, I nervously recounted what Nerissa had told me, ignoring the way Sarah's eyes seemed to flash in anger. Was she mad about our snorkeling date or mad that a mermaid talked to me?

  "I don't understand what the fuss is about. It doesn't sound like much of a prediction to me." Sarah sounded bored and completely put out to waste her time on this.

  "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that," Bashir reprimanded. "It is extremely rare for a mermaid to talk to a human. I think the mere fact that Nerissa approached Charlie is more than enough proof that we should take this seriously."

  I cut in. "You sound like you know Nerissa?"

  "Not at all. But she is in our history books. She is a very ancient creature and extremely wise."

  Sarah snorted as she stood up from her chair. It was not an attractive sound. "Well, it seems ridiculous to me. And I have more important things to do."

  "Sarah!" Caiden practically barked at her. Bashir and I both jumped. "If a mermaid says she is afraid of what is to come, then you should be concerned."

  Sarah gave an effervescent laugh. "Lighten up, Caiden. She's probably afraid she will get hooked in a fisherman's net. Until you have something more definitive to tell me that will affect my school, I frankly don't want to hear any more about it." She walked out the door, without so much as a goodbye to Bashir.

  Well, that was awkward. But it didn't stop me from asking further questions. " accurate are mermaid's predictions?"

  Bashir picked up a pipe and held it up to us, inquiring if we minded if he smoked it. We both nodded it was okay. "Well, our historical texts say that mermaids can be very wily creatures. Some say they aren't to be trusted. But there are many—myself included—that believe their dreams of the future are fed to them directly by the Great Lady herself. It is a way that she can ensure to pass along helpful information to her warriors. The Great Lady is all-knowing but cannot or will not communicate directly with us. At least, no one in our known history has ever talked to the Great Lady."

  I thought about that. If the mermaids were a direct conduit to the being that provided our magic, then as far as I was concerned it should be taken seriously.

  "Any ideas why she told Charlie she would be our deliverance?" Caiden asked.

  Bashir puffed on his pipe and shook his head. "I have no clue. But first thing tomorrow I will convene with the rest of the Elders to discuss this. I'm starting to think that this also has something to do with the fact that Charlie could see daimons in the First Dimension. I'll let you know what I find out."

  After Caiden walked me home, I laid in my bed for what seemed like hours before I could fall asleep. I was sure my dreams would be filled with dark daimons, especially since I would be battling one in less than twenty-four hours. Instead, I dreamed of Nerissa. I was standing on the sandy shore of the lagoon, and she was calling out to me from the water. When I woke the next morning, her words were still fresh in my mind. "You're our savior, Charlotte. All hope rests with you."

  Chapter 22

  Morning dawned too quickly for me and I was exhausted when I got out of bed. My eyes felt heavy and gritty. I stumbled out to my kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I needed to get my head cleared and some energy going. I had a big night ahead of me in the First Dimension.

  After two cups of java, I was finally able to get in the shower which erased the rest of the cobwebs stuck to my brain. I had just finished dressing when someone knocked on my door. Opening it, my face broke into a huge smile. Caiden stood there holding up a breakfast bag. One good sniff and I could tell he brought me fresh bagels.

  "My girl needs lots of energy tonight so we need to start your day off right."

  I gave him a quick kiss and grabbed the bag from his hand. He followed me into the kitchen and sat on the bar stool while I laid the bagels and cream cheese out with plates. We ate our breakfast in relative silence until Caiden broke into my thoughts. "Are you still worried about tonight?"

  I popped my head up in surprise. Actually, I had been thinking about my dreams of Nerissa. I shook my head.

  "I'm more bothered by Nerissa and her predictions of my future."

  Caiden took a bite of his bagel and chewed it thoughtfully before swallowing. "It pisses me off how Sarah just discounted all of it. As head of this school, she should have more concern for these things."

  I scoffed. "I don't think Sarah is concerned about anything but herself." I hoped that didn't sound too bitchy but at this point, I think I liked Payton a hell of a lot more than I did Sarah.

  Caiden let out a loud sigh. "I think you may be right about her."

  Yea! Validation!

  Popping my last bite of bagel into my mouth, I put our dishes in the sink.

  "Well, let's get this show on the road. I'm revved to kick some daimon ass."

  Caiden and I walked to the auditorium which is where we would be given our assignments for our upcoming battle that evening. We were not allowed to pick our own teammates but rather they were randomly assigned. I hoped I got someone decent on my team. It would do a lot to help with my nerves.

  Once the auditorium was filled, Sarah stepped up to the podium. The students were all quietly talking and it appeared every instructor and mentor on the island was in attendance.

  "Attention. Everyone please settle down."

  When the chattering and whispers finally died down, Sarah continued. "Tonight, you will embark on your first battle against real daimons. Up until this point, you have trained against your instructors and fellow students.'s the real deal. Please pay attention to me when I say..." and here she paused to look directly at me, "you are not to take this exercise lightly. You will have an instructor or mentor present with you, but they will not interfere in your battle unless absolutely necessary. So while imminent death is probably not in the cards for you tonight, there is a very good chance that some of you could be seriously injured."

  I looked around the auditorium. Everyone was paying rapt attention to Sarah and I could feel the tension permeating the air. Sarah made a few more remarks that, in a nicer person, would probably amount to a good pep talk. Instead, she tried to instill fear in us as a method to motivate. I inwardly sighed in frustrati
on at her. She positively sucked as a leader and it made me miss Dr. Tinesdale.

  After Sarah was finished, another instructor stepped up to the podium to announce the teams. The list of names read out droned on and on. I was pleased to see that Justas and Emerson were on the same team with Huron as their instructor. They had another boy on their team who I didn't know too well except that he was pretty handy with his spell casting.

  "Joining mentor, Caiden Gallagher..." My ears perked up and I held my breath to see if I would get assigned to his team. "Michael Thompson, Gabby Hixon and Portis Haverstone." Darn. I wasn't counting on it but was hoping the forces of good would put me under Caiden's supervision for the night. I looked over at Caiden and he gave me a sympathetic smile. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

  And then things got worse.

  "Joining headmaster, Sarah Longchamp... Davis Maier, Payton Daugherty and Charlie Wright."

  I groaned inside. I was stuck with my two least favorite people in the world. This did not bode well for my success tonight. I snuck another glance at Caiden and he ratcheted up his sympathy look by a million percent. I grimaced in return.

  Justas leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "If you're lucky, you might accidentally kill Sarah and Payton tonight."

  I snickered. Not because I would ever wish that to happen, but because Justas knew me well enough to know I needed some humor for the situation.

  After all of the names were called out, we were told to meet with our teams and formulate a game plan.

  I filed out of the auditorium with the rest of the recruits and waited for Payton and Davis to come out. I knew Davis relatively well and he was a pretty nice guy. We often sparred together in Hand-to-Hand. He was large and stacked with muscle, which was always good in a fight. He was also an orphan, like me and Emerson, and plucked from the foster system in Utah. That brought a certain level of solidarity to our relationship.

  Davis found me first then Payton walked up right behind him. "This is just great. I get stuck with little orphan Charlie as my teammate. I might as well start planning my funeral arrangements."


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