Cobra- The Vigilante Box Set 1
Page 8
I released him and he took that opportunity to reach into his pocket, but I grabbed his wrist, stopping him from pulling whatever was in his pocket out.
“Let me go, motherfucker!” he growled, but I ignored him and looked inside his pocket. He had his hand wrapped around the grip of a nine millimeter.
“You were going to try to shoot me?” I asked him.
“Let me go,” he snapped.
“I might have before you tried to pull this bullshit. Now, I’m not.” I squeezed his wrist, making sure to shatter his bones, and he cried out. Normally, I might have covered his mouth, but I thought it was best to send a message. Why not let the neighborhood hear his pitiful wails? I grabbed his gun, taking it for myself. He tried to punch me with his free hand, but I dodged his weak blow and kneed him in his balls.
“Ahhh shit!” he groaned as he went down to one knee.
He didn’t know what to cradle first, his broken wrist or his no doubt swollen nuts. His good hand went for his nuts, cupping them. I guess they hurt the most. I mean, I really gave those bad boys a good whack. He gagged and I moved out of his way just in time to avoid him puking his dinner on my boots. Yeah, a good, swift blow to the gonads could do that. I, of course, had no problem hitting a man where it hurts. I never understood movies where two men were fighting but they always seemed to try to avoid the nutcracker. Like going for a man’s balls was taking the fight too far? Fuck that shit, I was looking to make a statement.
“You—you son of a bitch!” the man groaned as he still held onto his balls.
“Yeah, I’m not done with your bitch ass yet,” I sneered, then stepped behind him. I slapped my hands against his ears hard enough to shatter his ear drums but not crush his skull. He screamed and fell down in the puddle of his own vomit as he rolled around in agony. I wasn’t going to kill him, but I did want to leave him something to remember me by. The gift of deafness was a nice touch.
As he rolled around, I reached into all of his pockets, taking both the money and drugs he had on him. When I heard the sound of people approaching, I took that as my cue to get the hell out of dodge. I ran down the alley until I came to a fire escape ladder. I leaped up and grabbed it, then climbed my way to the rooftop. Now that I was clear of being seen, I peeked over the edge to see who had come to the dealer’s aid.
Two men approached the dealer as he lay there crying and holding one of his ears, which was still bleeding. One of the men searched the dealer’s pockets while the other kept a lookout. Well, what could I say, this was a dog-eat-dog world. I looked down at the drugs I held, there were at least twenty small plastic packages of crystal meth. Yeah, I would be flushing that shit down the toilet, preferably after I’d taken a literal shit on top of it.
Why couldn’t people just be satisfied with smoking weed when they wanted to get high? Shit, Jordan still puffs from time to time. I would do it more often if I could still enjoy it, but with my metabolism, the high didn’t stick around. By the time I got a good buzz going, five minutes later, I was sober. I might have gotten some amazing abilities, but there was always a price to pay.
I slipped the drugs back into a pouch on my belt and pulled out the wad of cash, then started counting. Pretty good hustle if I may say so, twelve hundred dollars. This would be added to the rest of the money I’d been collecting since becoming a vigilante. I didn’t rob from the poor, but what I did take, I kept for myself. Shit, I was out here risking—okay, I’d admit—very little, but still, I was putting in real hard work here. I deserved compensation. Besides, I was only taking from motherfuckers who deserved to be robbed, so my conscious was clear.
Also, with the money I’d accumulated, I made sure to put some of it aside for Jordan’s education. Now, instead of working, he was going back to college and finishing his degree. One of us should have a bright future. Plus, with the new shit he was learning regarding computers, he could help me out even more.
I checked the time on my cell phone, I’d been out there two hours already and had only taken down one drug dealer. Either it was a slow night or I was being lazy stalking the streets. I needed to make the most of the time before I turned in. I rolled the money up and put it back into one of my pouches. One addition I’d added to my sexy costume was a utility belt, and that damn thing was really coming in handy. I now had places to keep my garrote, flashlight, lock-picking tools, mace, and extra ammunition clips.
I truly felt and looked the part of a vigilante these days and I liked the feeling of being one. I leaped onto another rooftop, and then another one, until I was a mile away from where I’d taken out the drug dealer. I ended up in another shady area of the city where a lot of crimes seemed to happen. I made myself comfortable and kept my eyes and ears open for anything going down. I reached into one of my pouches and pulled out a stick of gum. I was thirsty but I didn’t have anything to drink, so gum would have to do.
I watched as people went about their day, and I couldn’t help but wonder just what kind of day they had. Were they happy? Pissed? Homicidal? Yeah, I was the curious sort. I sat on the rooftop for another forty minutes and, just when I rose to stretch my legs and possibly leave, I saw something suspicious. A guy was being followed by another shorter male and he was completely unaware he was being tailed because of his headphones and texting.
I kept my eyes on them and watched as the man following began to quicken his pace, closing the distance between the two. And just when the other man reached the alley by the building next to mine, he shoved him into it. I leaped onto the next building so I could get a better look at what was going on. My immediate thought was to jump down there and save the dumbass right away, but maybe this bit of fear he was experiencing was good for him. It would teach him to be more aware of his surroundings in the future.
“Give me your fucking money and that damn iphone, bitch!” his assailant demanded at gun point.
“Please, oh god, please don’t kill me. You can have whatever you want,” the guy whimpered as he handed over his phone with trembling hands.
“Yeah, up those Jordans, too, motherfucker,” the robber demanded with his greedy ass.
“Aww, come on, man, don’t take my fucking Jordans,” the victim pleaded.
Okay, I had to intervene. If Jordan ever found out I let an innocent person actually be robbed of the latest additions of the extremely popular sneaker, I’d never hear the end of it. As the guy was stepping out of his brand new Jordan shoes, I jumped down, striking the robber directly on his shoulder, which made him drop his gun.
“Oh shit!” the victim shouted and jumped back against the wall.
The robber fell to the ground, moaning as he was holding his sore arm. I reached down, grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie, and snatched his mask off, revealing an African American youth. The boy looked to be no more than sixteen years old; and by the look of his wide-eyed gaze, he was worried. What the fuck? He should be at home doing homework, not out at one in the fucking morning robbing people. Maybe I could scare him straight. I pulled out my very impressive Beretta, pointing it at his head to see if he liked the feeling.
“I normally kill people I see fucking with innocent people,” I told him.
He was the one trembling then as he looked up at me. “Please don’t kill me,” he begged in a shaky voice.
“Give me a reason not to,” I told him, then cocked my gun. That was when I saw a dark spot on his baggy blue jeans appear at his crotch, and then a puddle forming between his legs. “You’re just a little punk playing at being bad. Robbing people when you should be asleep, because don’t you have school in a few hours, or did you already drop out to pursue your illustrious life of crime?”
“No… I—I got school,” he said. He was shaking really hard now.
“Oh, so maybe you think school isn’t the way and robbing people at gunpoint will get you what you want out of life? A lifetime criminal in the making. Perhaps I should just spare your would-be future victims and put a bullet in your head now.”
“No!” he cried out and tried to pull away from me, but I hit him with my pistol hard enough to bust his nose and lip. I let him keep his teeth, but if he tried to get away again… a few of them might have to go. He moaned in pain as blood ran down his nose and chin from the injuries I had given him.
“Don’t try that shit again, boy,” I snapped in a pretty no-nonsense tone I could tell struck a chord with him.
“I—I don’t want to die. Please, I… I wasn’t really going to hurt him,” the kid whined.
“Oh, you were just going to rob me, you little fuck?” the man asked as he snatched up his cell phone that had fallen to the ground when I attacked the thief. He looked at it and cursed. “Son of a bitch, the screen is broke! You know how hard it’s going to be to replace this? I might as well get a new damn iphone. Awww, shit, now I have to go to the damn Apple store and deal with their bullshit.”
I had to chuckle at the guy, he seemed awfully relaxed after almost having been robbed. I guess he felt safe now that I was there. But how did he know that I wasn’t going to rob him next?
Anyway, I turned my attention back to the kid. “I’m still waiting to hear a reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet in your head.”
“I won’t ever rob anyone again, I swear! Please don’t kill me,” the kid begged.
I uncocked my gun and put it back into my holster. “You better not.” I held onto him as I searched his pockets, finding his wallet. I looked at it. “Darryl Harrison, sixteen years old and you live at forty-two fifty-Six Pinecone Drive,” I rattled off, then looked down at him. “Now I know who you are and where you live. Your victim knows, too. So I suggest you apologize for being a dick.”
Darryl looked at the guy he had been robbing and, with tears streaming from his eyes, he began to apologize. “I’m so fucking sorry, dawg. I swear, I won’t ever do it again.”
“I’m not your ‘dawg’ and you better not, because I’m taking your picture,” the man said, then snapped a photo. “I’ll post this shit online if you don’t keep your ass in school and put forth effort. Now that I know where you live, I’ll be keeping my eye on you to make sure you keep your shit straight.”
I had to stifle a laugh, because this situation, though sad in a way, was turning out to be hilarious. I looked at the kid. “Okay, get the fuck out of here and take your ass home.” I let him go, unharmed for the most part. He would surely have a big bruise on his shoulder where I’d struck him and a swollen nose and lip.
“Fucking punk ass kid,” the man grumbled as he tied his shoes back up.
I couldn’t help but check out his sweet, plump ass as he did. “Are you okay?” I asked him. He was one good-looking motherfucker. Brown eyes, nice fade, full, shapely lips, and dark chocolate skin that looked like it’d be sweet if I licked him.
He stood up and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good, thanks to you. So what are you, like one of those superhero guys?”
“Something like that,” I said. “I’m just someone out here trying to make a difference.”
“Well, you’re badass, that’s for sure. Hey, were you really going to kill that kid?”
I shook my head. “No, I just wanted to scare him… like he’d scared you. Give him a little taste of his own medicine. Now that you’re okay, I’m going to get back to work.” I turned and he reached out, grabbing my bicep. I looked at him over my shoulder. “What’s up?”
“I mean… do you have to run off right now? I’d like to… you know.”
I cocked an eyebrow and turned all the way around. “Why don’t you spell it out for me… exactly what you want,” I said with a seductive tone. I knew where this was going because I’d seen that look before. I took another step closer and could see the lust in his eyes as he soaked in all my sexy manliness.
“Do you have, like, special abilities and shit?” he asked as he ran his hands down my leather-clad torso. “Damn, you’re fucking hot and solid as a rock. Holy shit, would you look at these muscles.” He ran his hands down the length of my arms, enjoying the feel of my muscles as I flexed them for his benefit.
“Yeah, I’ve got all kinds of abilities. Even better, I’ve got a big, juicy cock that I know how to use like a stallion, too.” My cock was rock hard in my leather pants and this bastard was ripe for the fucking.
“I always wanted to fuck a superhero,” he said, then looked around. “And I can tell you’re fine as hell even under that mask.”
That made me smile. Who didn’t like their ego stroked a little? I looked around, too. Sure, it was a dark alley, but I was in my gear and didn’t want any extra eyes on us. There was a door leading to the inside of a building that didn’t look like it had any security alarms on it… at least, I hoped not. I stood back and kicked the door; and with my superpower strength, it flew open easily with minimal effort on my part. I peeked inside to see an abandoned store. The place was dark and dusty. Perfect.
I looked back at the hot dude who was eying me up and down. “Come on.”
We entered the store and I shut the door behind me as best as I could, considering the lock was shattered. Complete darkness surrounded us, but I reached into one of my pouches, pulling out my flashlight. I aimed it around the room and found a nice shelf to set it on which gave us enough light to get busy by. I turned back to him, unzipping my jacket and showing off my sexy shirt and chest underneath.
“Damn, you’re so fucking hot. You look better than Crimson Fury,” he flirted, licking his lips.
Damn right I did. Of course, that prick wore a mask that covered everything but his mouth. So, no one really knew what he looked like, but I’d take the compliment anyways. I reached down, grabbing my erection, and gave it a nice squeeze.
“You want some of this?” I asked, and he nodded. I didn’t even know the guy’s name and I really didn’t need to.
“Fuck yeah,” he said as he made his way over to me, dropping to his knees to do a little dick worshipping. My kind of worship. I watched as he unlaced my pants and pulled my thick, hard cock out. He wasted no time sucking me into his mouth, and I moaned in pleasure as I felt his tongue lapping at my flesh.
“Ahhh yeah… mmmm, feels good,” I moaned as I cradled the back of his neck. He really loved sucking cock, I could tell. He was sucking hard and stroking my shaft with a twist of his wrist. He really wanted to give me pleasure and that was the best kind of blowjob. He pulled back, flicking his tongue over my slit, and I quaked from the sensation. “Ohh, shit… yeah, just like that. I like a pretty boy who knows what he’s doing.”
“You have a gorgeous cock and it tastes so fucking good,” he said, then went back to licking and sucking.
“Ahhhh fuck!” I gasped as I held my head back, relishing the sensation of his sexy mouth. I was close to cumming, but wasn’t quite ready to shoot down his throat. I reached down, pulling my dick out of his mouth. I slapped him a few times on his cheek with my dick and he held his mouth open as if hoping I’d stick my dick back inside. He had another hole I wanted to play with. “I want that ass of yours I’ve been looking at.”
He smiled up at me and rose to his feet. “I can’t wait to feel what it’s like to fuck someone with superpowers,” he groaned as he unbuckled his pants and slid them down his thighs.
“I have stamina out of this world,” I bragged, mainly because I could back it up. My dick was already nice and wet, so I aimed it at his asshole.
“Wait, do you have a condom?” he asked.
“Not something I usually carrying around in my utility belt,” I said, with a bit of annoyance in my voice. I was ready to plunder his ass and it was looking like that might not happen.
“Shit, I don’t have one either,” he fussed.
To tempt him, I rubbed the head of my cock against his hole, teasing him just a little, and he moaned. “You sure you want me to stop? You won’t get this opportunity again.”
“Fuck!” he hissed under his breath. “Okay, just pull out before you cum.”
Well, I could work under those terms. �
I stuck my cock inside him and groaned in pleasure as I sunk deeper into his tight, hot hole. Sweet Jesus, I loved sinking my dick into the luscious asses of pretty boys. I gripped his hip and shoulder and rode him with just enough force to make him cry out in ecstasy. He was human, I couldn’t fully let loose, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t enjoying my every thrust into his slick ass. I pulled back, making sure I rubbed my cock along his prostate, and he purred like a fucking slut. I loved the sounds he was making.
“Oh shit… fuck… you’re a god,” he belted out.
Flattery, my dear. “Yeah, you’re going to remember my cock and how I felt inside you long after tonight,” I teased, pumping him over and over, hitting that spot just right.
“Ahhhh fuck… fuck… I’m cumming! Oh shit, I’m gonna cum!” he exclaimed, and I pulled him back against my chest to watch his cock spurt come on the dusty floor as he shook in pleasure from his hands-free orgasm. Yeah, I was just that good. I’d made Jordan cum a bunch of times without him touching his cock. My dick’s got sugar on it, baby, and I was the fucking candy man.
I pushed him back down on the counter and continued milking my cock inside him. I felt myself getting really close. “Where you want this nut?”
“On my face,” he panted.
I liked a freak. “Fuck yeah.” I pulled out and he turned around, kneeling before me with his mouth open, tongue extended.
“Give it to me,” he coaxed as I jerked my dick.
“Ahhhh, ahhhhh, fuck!”
“Yeah, come on… shoot it all over my face.”
I jerked harder and faster and then roared as my cum shot out of my slit, splattering his cheeks, mouth, and tongue. He closed his eyes as a few strings of my spunk continued to cover his face. I quaked as the last drops of spunk dripped out on his tongue, then I stuck my dick back into his mouth for that extra special treatment.
He sucked me down, running his tongue along my ridge. “Mmmm, yeah… looks like I’m not the only one with superpowers,” I flirted.