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Rafael's Woman

Page 12

by Fiona Murphy

  Just the words caused a shiver, estate planning. Just in case.

  The next morning she called Javier early to ask about meeting for lunch and he’d readily agreed. They both had said at almost the same time not to mention it to Rafael and then laughed. Carrie had little doubt Rafael had called Javier and let him know he didn’t like the lunches.

  “Hermana, you are looking well, but tired. Still missing Rafael, that is clear.”

  “Yes, it doesn’t seem fair so much is put on his shoulders to please your grandfather.”

  “I agree, but a lesson I’ve learned is not to say those words to Rafael. He will not appreciate them and for him, he thrives on business even if it leaves little room for anything else. You sounded worried this morning but not about Rafael, is it?”

  “Not really no. I was wondering if you could maybe refer me to a reputable lawyer for estate planning.”

  His normal animated featured went still and his jaw, so like Rafael’s went tight. Dark eyes became almost black. “What’s the matter, Carrie? Why are you asking about a lawyer for estate planning?”

  Her eyes went down, she didn’t want him to see the fear. “It’s nothing to get concerned about. I’ve just been thinking this is the best thing. The whole job loss and then everything after that kind of brought it into focus, what if something happened to me, what would happen with the twins? Now that I’m in a better place financially I just want to make sure they’ll be taken care of.”

  A frown made it clear he wasn’t buying it. “Are you okay? Are you feeling okay?”

  “Javier, it’s nothing. No big deal and I don’t want you talking to Rafael about this. This is family business, just in case.” Her words firm.

  Realizing he wasn’t going to get anything out of her, he gave in. Giving her the name and number of a firm downtown she wrote it down and they finished their lunch in a tense silence.

  “Whatever is going on, talk to Rafael. Sometimes just talking about it can help.”

  “I will, if there’s something to talk about. I promise.” It was a lie, no matter what, she wasn’t going to share this with Rafael.

  Chapter Twelve

  The plane landed with a less than gentle thud and Rafael bit back a sigh of relief. Finally, he was back in Dallas it had been three of the longest weeks of his life. After spending another late night in the office, pissed all to hell because he couldn’t get back to the hotel and call Carrie at a reasonable hour he’d promised himself this was it. He loved his grandfather but he couldn’t keep this up. When he’d texted Carrie, apologizing she had said it was fine, she understood but he knew she was just saying it. Then he’d had to have a very stiff and formal conversation where it had burned him to tell her there was no other woman in his life, she was the only woman he wanted. The fear had been clear in her voice, she hadn’t asked the question it had simply been there in her voice. It had pissed him off she could think about him with another woman. Hanging up he’d called Carl and told him to get his ass to work at seven the next morning.

  Out of all his people in Los Angeles, Carl was the post competent and had the experience needed to head the office. It hadn’t been Carl’s fault Rafael had kept him on such a tight leash he hadn’t stepped up. The plus was Carl was young but not too young and he was single and biting at the bit to show what he could do. Rafael was willing to let him and he’d made it clear if Carl showed how valuable he was then he’d head the Los Angeles office and answer only to Rafael. However, he would be answering to Rafael so he had to make sure they were very good answers. Rafael had been relieved at Carl’s quiet reassurance and had taken through Rafael where he saw the office going and how he’d make it happen. Their visions weren’t far off and meshed well, a three month trial had been agreed upon.

  Waiting for his luggage, he texted Carrie to let her know he was at the airport. Her response was immediate, she was glad and waiting. Instantly, his cock was painfully hard. Twenty minutes he texted back. Her response was a picture of her breasts with her nipples hard points of need. Damn it, spotting his luggage he grabbed it and practically jogged to his car.

  The drive took forever and he barely acknowledged his staff, he needed Carrie and he needed her now. He knocked and she opened the door, he didn’t think. Bending down, he slung her over his shoulder and went toward the back elevators, closest to the workout room and slipped in his card and hit his number.

  “Rafael, what in the world are you doing? Can you please let me down?”

  “No, I do to that and I fuck you here in the elevators where there are cameras.”

  “I missed you too.” Her laugh was restricted but clear.

  Rafael didn’t find it in the least bit funny. “Thirty more seconds, are you naked under this robe. Fuck, Carrie.”

  “You know I don’t like to waste time.”

  The door opened to what looked like a small foyer but he still had to unlock his door, kicking the door closed he let her slide down his body and the silky black robe opened from the friction. Fuck, she was beautiful and she was so wet the juices slicked her thighs. Without thought, because his brain had short circuited, he set her on the closest surface, the granite counter top and she gasped at the coldness. Shit, he picked her up and made it the few feet to his open living room and sat her down in a long leather lounger without arms and then he opened her wide and tongued the sweet pussy that had kept him up at night. The phone sex hadn’t nearly been enough, he needed to taste her.

  Her hands slid into his hair and held him there but he wasn’t going anywhere, not until he tasted her coming on his tongue. It had been too long though, there was no patience to take her slowly and make it last. She was also so slick she filled his mouth with her sweet juice, so fucking good, she tasted so fucking good. He needed to be inside her, now. Moving up to her tight, little clitoris he sucked hard. In only seconds she was screaming his name.

  Pulling back on his knees he tore off his clothes and watched her work to come down from her high. So damn beautiful, she opened her legs for him but he shook his head, watching the juices of her slide down to her ass, he was going to be there soon but he had to wear down this hunger. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

  “You’re safe, sweetheart?”

  “Hmm, yes, I can’t wait to feel you inside me without anything between us.”

  Christ the things she said, sweeping her up into his arms he took her place and sat her down on his cock as his mouth attached to a tight pretty little nipple. She moaned as she sank down and fuck she felt so damn good. Riding him for all she was worth, her tight pussy clenching around him, she was pushing him too fast. He’d be damned if he came before her, taking her hips in his hands, he bit down on the nipple in his mouth and she quivered. Begging for more, she was moaning his name in that breathy little way that always got to him. Moving to her other breast his breath hitched when she rocked forward and began to quiver all over again. Fucking harder up into her, Carrie moaned and then hit her climax with his second thrust and started crying with the third. Her pussy was tightening to almost pain and he let go and came inside her. She yelped and her head sunk on his neck and nipped at him as he let go. He could understand, it felt amazing to come inside her, nothing between them.

  Laying back on the lounge chair, Carrie on him, now he felt like he was home. The scent of her skin, of her pussy, the silk of her against him, the wet, tight heat of her pussy around his cock, this was home. Running his hands along her back, feeling her spine he loved the way she moaned and sighed at his touch.

  “Welcome home.” She whispered against his neck.

  It was odd she had said the words he had just been thinking of and he tried to brush his unease aside. Tightening his arm around her, he lifted her and took her through to his room. Setting her down on the bed she lay back, waiting for him, her eyes almost closed in languor. Opening the small bedside table he pulled out the lube, when she saw it her eyes widened and a flush came over her body, beautiful pink skin flooded bright in

  “Turn over, get on your stomach.” Smiling, she rolled over and her plump sweet ass rose invitingly but she wasn’t quite on her knees. Flipping open the lube a few drops were all he needed, he was already wet from the both of them but he knew it wouldn’t be enough for her. Carefully, he parted her cheeks and found the tight little rosebud, already winking at him. Slowly, he coated the rim of her and slipped gently inside. From the week of preparing her, she didn’t tense as he pushed two fingers deep inside and set an easy tempo for her. Her breath grew shallow and she moaned and began to push back against him. His other hand tweaked and twisted her tight nipples, he wanted all of her wanting his cock inside her ass. She moved then, onto her knees, opening wider for him. Slowly, he slid in another finger and she gasped his name but still she pushed back for more.

  “More, Rafael, I want you inside me. Please.” She begged.

  His cock was so hard he knew he was ready and then she pushed back taking his fingers until they disappeared all the way inside. Now she was ready for him. Moving behind her, his cock was slick from their mingled juices and she was coated well from the lube and he pushed in deeper than he had expected. He needed to go slow, his control tight, there was no guarantee she would come from this position. Knowing that, he moved her until she fit him and he could reach her clitoris to send her to her orgasm. His concentration on fitting her to him, he wasn’t aware she pushed back onto his cock until he was almost buried deep. Now she was fucking him and damn it felt so good. Grasping her hips, his jaw worked as he took control and began a slower and deeper rhythm. They were skin to skin now and they both groaned in time. Slow, he fought his body’s need to plunge harder and faster, she felt so damn good, hot and tight around his aching cock. Each time he went deep she moaned and soon she was tugging at her nipples and began to beg him to move faster.

  Tight as she was, her body accepted and was greedy for him. Just as she did with her pussy, her ass clenched and clung to his cock. Picking up speed, the cry she gave out was an urgent plea. Harder he pushed and she moaned and he couldn’t believe it but he felt her body begin to build to climax. Her climax pushed him on and he moved faster and harder into her. Soon she began shaking and her ass clenched him as she cried out, sobbing her climax. Her arms gave out as her climax overtook her whole body. So close, already, seeing her reaction had him spinning out of control. A few more strokes were all it took for him to follow her over the edge. Spilling into her, he felt her milking him, welcoming the feeling of him inside her. Hell, she was going to make him hard all over again. As much as he didn’t want to, he pulled out of her, then immediately pulled her back into his arms.

  They were both fighting for breath. For long minutes he felt content to simply hold her in his arms. After a few minutes she turned and laid her head on his chest, snuggling into him with a low moan. Running his hands through her hair, all the tension that had been inside him for the last few weeks was gone completely. He knew he shouldn’t be so damn happy to have her in his arms again but he couldn’t bring himself care.

  “Rafael, when we both can breathe easily again, can we do it again because I really like it a lot. If I weren’t so happy you were back I think I’d be mad at you for holding out on me.”

  Chuckling, he caught a hand in her hair and forced her eyes up, “Sweetheart, it doesn’t always feel good for everyone. And yes, as soon as you are ready, we’ll do whatever you want. Three weeks has been far too long.”

  “That’s too bad, I can’t imagine someone not feeling so good. I’m pretty sure it was more intense than all of the times so far. I hadn’t thought it was possible.” Her surprise clear and honest.

  “For some women it’s different and you did surprise me, happily so. I would have been happy to know you just weren’t in pain but knowing you can orgasm with my cock in your ass is a gift, mi dulce.”

  “Really? You like anal sex, Rafael?”

  “Carrie, I enjoy every way I can make you scream my name when you come.” Rolling her beneath him, he kissed her with all the longing that had been building up for the last three weeks. She met his kiss, stroke for stroke as hungry and greedy as he was. This was where he belonged, they both belonged, he’d worry about everything else tomorrow.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two weeks later

  Carrie fumbled with her phone. She was trying desperately to come up with an excuse but she couldn’t think of a good one. Twice already she had said she was busy and had been putting Manuel off but anything else would have just been downright rude. Not being able to think of anything, she simply texted, okay, see you in a few.

  She was pretty sure Manuel had made up the delivery and bringing over lunch for them to share. It wasn’t until she had gone into the restaurant to tell Manuel she was quitting to take the job Rafael offered she had figured out he did like her. His disappointment had been so clear it had embarrassed her. His family and he had been so good to her, the idea of not having one lunch with him seemed mean. She would make sure he understood it was just lunch and then she would tell him about Rafael and she was sure he would leave quietly.

  Her cell rang, it was Linda announcing Manuel. Carrie gave the okay to point him toward her apartment, only a few minutes later she opened the door to his soft knock.

  “Hey, stranger, we were getting worried about you at the restaurant. We hadn’t heard a peep out of you. Mom, wanted to make sure you were okay.” Manuel gave her a half-hug, because his other hand was full, she half-heartedly returned it.

  “I’m good, really good. Things are going great. I’m still sorry about just quitting on you guys like that. Considering how great everyone had been it wasn’t right.”

  “No worries, this is a great job. We understood, not going to say we don’t miss you. Why don’t you pull out some plates and I’ll get us served up.”

  Manuel was polite but a few times he made lingering comments she did her best to ignore. When she started talking about Rafael, he took the hint and limply smiled as he mumbled he hoped she was happy with him. The pounding that came on her door as they were finishing up startled her. Opening the door she was shocked to see Rafael looking very pissed off.


  “Who is he? Who the fuck is in your apartment?” Pushing past her, Carrie stepped back, stunned.

  “Who the hell are you?” Rafael demanded of Manuel.

  Manuel was smart enough to look scared, “I’m Manuel, we worked together. We were just having lunch. Nothing else.”

  “Then you can leave now.” It was an order and Manuel nodded.

  “Bye, Carrie.” He barely hesitated as he went out the door, giving Rafael a wide berth.

  “Rafael, what the fuck is the matter with you?” Shock was high, Rafael was scaring her. She had never known he could look so angry, was she also turned on? Holy shit, she was turned on.

  Slamming the door, he turned and backed her up against the island in the kitchen, “Why the fuck do you think it’s okay for you to be alone in your apartment with a man? What gave you the idea I would allow it? We’ve had this discussion, this pussy, mine, these breasts, mine. This body belongs to me and no one gets close enough to touch it.”

  “He didn’t, I don’t want him. Please, oh god.” His hands were rough as he spun her around and pushed her up onto the island, yanking down her panties and pants in one move. The button of her pants popped off but she couldn’t bring herself to care.

  “Remember, Carrie, you told me this was your cock. Yours to take care of when I need to come. This pussy, all of you, tell me now. Who do you belong to?”

  The sound of his zipper was loud to her, “You, I belong to you. Please, I need your cock. I’m sorry, never again.”

  “There we go, that’s what I want to hear. This cock sliding down the wet slit of your pussy, you want this inside you?”

  Now he was toying with her, driving her out of her mind, “Please!” She sobbed and he entered her hard and fast and that was how he fucked her unti
l they both exploded only minutes later.

  As she worked to take in air, his hand slid into her hair, using the handful of hair he pushed her down to her knees and toward his cock. She knew what he wanted and she sucked him deep to clean them off of him. When she was done she sat back on her heels and waited, looking up at him.

  “Never again.”

  “Yes, Rafael.”

  “Good now get up and kiss me goodbye, I’ve got to get back to work.” His kiss was a stamp of ownership and she gave herself willingly.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Slamming into his car, he leaned back, resting his head on the window. His body still felt out of control, his skin too damn tight and hot. What the hell had he just done? How the hell had Carrie just let him and not just let him, urged him on. When the call came through from Damon in security letting him know someone had gone into Carrie’s apartment Rafael hadn’t believed him. But he knew there would be no joke about an instruction he’d been explicit in leaving. If ever anyone went into Carrie’s apartment, he was to be notified immediately. He had a meeting in a half hour, he couldn’t leave and deal with it. He’d rake her over the coals that night.


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