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The Toy

Page 5

by Claire Thompson

  Gina was shaking her head; she would not swallow that nasty gray goo! She would rather be whipped. She didn't say anything though, as she crawled to her master. He hadn't noticed the head shake, as he was busy slipping entirely out of his jeans to allow her better access. Gina liked to look at his body. She silently admired the long firm muscles of his well-shaped arms and legs. She liked the curly line of hair from his belly button to his pubic bone. She liked his olive-toned skin and the little hollows below his hips.

  His cock was lying semi-erect, looking small now in its little nest of pubic curls. Gina stared at it uncertainly. What should she do? As if she had spoken aloud, Frank said, "Take it in your hand, gently. Like it's a delicate piece of china. There's time for a firmer grip later, but now you are going to tease it to life. You are going to give it butterfly wing kisses with your fingers and your mouth. You will slip in the side door, if you will, slide past the gate, when all defenses are down.

  He stopped talking, because she was doing as he had instructed, and she did indeed have a natural talent. Her fingers were long and cool against his flesh, and her mouth was hot and wet. She knelt over him, slowly teasing his cock into a full erection again. This time she had the use of her hands, and he didn't control her movements. She was more relaxed as a result, and was able to take him further into her throat without gagging.

  She liked the woodsy, musky scent of him, and she took a certain pride in getting his flaccid penis fully erect. It was harder to take into her throat when it was so big, but she did the best she could, moving up and down the shaft, her mouth followed by her deft fingers. When she gently cupped the heavy balls, Frank arched back with pleasure and shuddered. He was deep in her throat when this happened, but she pulled back in a panic, not wanting his sticky emission on her tongue. As a result, instead of it sliding harmlessly down her throat, the cum squirted in her mouth and dribbled down her chin onto her breasts. Gina gagged and shuddered, coughing and crying.

  Frank was annoyed. "Stupid girl. If you'd just stayed still you wouldn't have even tasted it! Now stop it; it isn't that bad! Jesus, you'd think I'd pissed in your mouth for God's sake. Stop it!" Gina continued to sputter, wiping her face on the sheet and making a terrible expression. As the endorphins of pleasure began to ebb, Frank became increasingly annoyed.

  "Ok, that's it, Gina. You disobeyed by pulling away, and then you make this ridiculous display. I know I usually save the punishment for Gordon, but this is just too much. Get over here. I'm going to give you a good old fashioned spanking. Come on. Over my knee. Now!" His voice was no longer playful, and there was a cruel glint in his eye.

  Gina crawled hesitantly over to him. "Please," she implored. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting it. It's so gross and–"

  "Enough!" He cut her off. "You're only making it worse by talking like that. Now, you've earned a spanking and you're going to get one. Get your ass over here now, Gina." His tone was cold and Gina felt her stomach tighten with fear. But she obeyed, knowing it would be worse for her if she didn't. She draped herself carefully over Frank's knees. He was sitting up on her mattress, and as she lay across him, he put a strong hand on her neck to keep her still.

  "Now, don't struggle, don't cry out. Lie here and take it. You know damn well you deserve it." With that, he began to slap her ample ass. Even as she had begun to lose weight and tone up, the shapely globes of her bottom were still large and round, perfect for a really good spanking. Frank was secretly delighted at this opportunity to smack her luscious bottom until it turned cherry red.

  And that's what he did, hitting first one cheek and then the other. Gina was quiet at first, but as the blows continued to fall and her skin turned to fire, she started to squirm and cry out. "Be still!" he hissed at her, punctuating the words with an especially hard smack on her tender flesh. He liked to watch the ass cheeks jiggle with each blow. The creamy white skin was flushing nicely with his hand print showing white for a second before it faded to hot pink.

  Gina was crying now, little hiccupping mews of pain, until Frank's hand was tired, and he let her up. She rolled away from him, her hands massaging the burning flesh of her ass. Seeing her tear streaked face, Frank snapped out of whatever dominant space he had been in and reverted to the caretaker he usually was.

  "Hush now, sweetheart. It's all over. You took your punishment well, and you know you needed it. If I don't knock that disobedience out of you, Gordon will do it. Better me than him. You know that." Wiping away a tear, he smiled, and then said, "Here, honey. Just lay on your tummy and I'll fix you right up."

  He left the room for a moment and returned with the soothing balm he used on her skin after shaving her pussy every morning. Now he massaged it gently into the abraded mottled flesh of her ass. His fingers hurt her even as they soothed, but Gina lay still, knowing the cream would speed healing. She relaxed, giving in to Frank's smooth fingers over her ass and thighs. Without knowing it, she slept, and Frank slipped out to prepare for his master's return.

  Chapter 4 – Metamorphosis

  Time lost meaning for Gina. No sunlight, no stars, no way to mark the passage of the hours, the days. Her life was spent waiting, sleeping, training, suffering and waiting again, with time measured by visits from her jailers and then blessed release. When the knob turned, the key causing the lock to click and scrape open, Gina's heart would pound while she waited to see who had come for her. Gordon meant fear and pain, though he did show an occasional spark of tenderness. Frank was more gentle. He still hurt her sometimes, but it was in a way that was increasingly confusing. The sweet rush of orgasm would be marred by a sudden smack or pull of her hair that made Gina's response uncertain. Pleasure and pain sometimes combined in a way that she didn't understand. Her body, it seemed, was being rewired to associate pleasure and suffering, agony and ecstasy.

  Time was also measured by meals, soups and fruit mostly, which always left Gina hungry for more. But Frank never asked her if she wanted more, and she didn't dare ask for it. She was secretly pleased at the idea that she might lose some weight. She had tried a few halfhearted diets before, but Dwayne had pretty much assuaged any fears as to her desirability. He assured her he liked her that way, and didn't want her to change. It occurred to her for the first time that maybe he wanted her a bit plump so she would be less attractive to other men.

  In her somber modest clothing, with her unruly hair usually pulled back in a tight bun, and no makeup, Gina hadn't exactly had to fend off the few men she came into contact with. Dwayne himself was rather heavy set, or big boned, as he liked to say. He would probably end up fat like his father, old at 42, spending his Sunday mornings in church and afternoons on the couch watching football, while his timid wife brought him beer and chips, making sure both were in plentiful supply. Gina felt guilty and surprised that she would have such thoughts. She had always considered herself a very loyal person. She was beginning, for the first time, to question some aspects of her life. For a young woman not at all used to introspection, her enforced leisure time gave her ample opportunity.

  Frank had also put Gina on an exercise regime, one which humiliated her terribly, since it was done with her still completely naked and in front of those horrible mirrors. He would lead her through aerobic exercises and then have her ride an exercycle till the sweat poured between her breasts, and she soaked the plastic seat. He was like her trainer, her coach, at these times. It was as if they were preparing for some type of sporting event. He would stand near her, counting, encouraging, offering her a drink of water from the sipper cup he kept handy.

  She was always slightly hungry, so she barely noticed it anymore. She did notice her body, the way it was slimming and changing. And her face was thinning as well, revealing cheekbones and setting off her full mouth and large eyes. As Gina's body began to strengthen and she built up a little stamina, she began to almost look forward to their sessions. At least no one was whipping her, or shaving her or forcing her into uncomfortable positions. And when it was over, she wa
s allowed to shower, with hot water! Gina had come to appreciate the slightest reward, and hot water was a big one. When she was free, she used to hurry in and out of the shower, washing quickly and efficiently, never lingering. Now she appreciated the delicious stream of liquid heat coursing over her. Sometimes it would sting where she had been freshly whipped, but even that felt good and ultimately soothed her.

  Because so much attention had now been paid to her body, though most of it was what she would consider negative attention, she was much more self-aware. She would notice now, for the first time in her life, how the water felt cascading down her breasts, splashing on and stimulating her nipples. Sometimes as she was washing herself, her fingers would brush her clit, and she'd feel arousal, something that had never happened to her before. If Frank hadn't been right there in the bathroom, watching her shower, she might have let her fingers linger at her bare pussy. She told herself she was just washing carefully, because Frank wanted her clean, but if she had probed her own motives, she would have known otherwise.

  She even found herself wondering what it would be like to be fucked by Frank. Neither of them had used her in that way, and while she had been relieved and thanked God for it, sometimes now she actually found herself wondering why not. Was she so repulsive to them? Gordon she understood, but Frank? Why didn't he have sex with her? Did he think she was still too fat? She was sure she'd dropped several dress sizes, if they ever let her put on a dress. Gordon just liked to use her, savagely and without regard to her sexuality. Gina was relieved to learn he was gay, as she assumed that meant he would leave her virtue intact. She was wrong about that, of course.


  One day while Gina was sitting up on the counter for their daily ritual, legs spread wide while Frank shaved her pussy to smooth silk, he said, "I wonder what you'd look like making yourself come." Gina colored and looked down, saying nothing. She rarely spoke these days, having given up any protest to be set free. She sometimes went whole days without even thinking of her family or Dwayne. They were like some past life that continued to recede in the face of constant physical stimulation and torture. Her world had shrunk dramatically to her room, and the bathroom, and the two men who used her constantly, with brute force or with surprising gentleness, depending on the man and the situation.

  "It isn't a sin, you know," he remarked as he expertly smoothed baby oil onto her denuded flesh. She looked at him then, startled. That very thought had in fact just inserted itself into her brain, a persistent, nagging reminder of the life she used to adhere to so rigorously. It was no longer her first thought, this focus on sin and redemption that had so controlled her conscious thought before the abduction. Now it snuck in the back door, taking second or third place behind what Gordon was going to do today, or if Frank would visit her. Whether she would be beaten or 'forced' to come, whether Frank would weigh her today, and reward her or punish her according to her progress.

  But his direct statement forced her to focus and she listened as he went on. "Sin is an offense, a reprehensible act against God. Touching your body, how can that be sinful? Giving yourself pleasure, where is the crime? It seems to me that if God created your body as a temple, what better way to worship him than to treat that temple with love, to make it feel good?"

  Gina didn't answer, but she ruminated over what he had said. Where was the harm? Why had her pastor railed so at them about the sins of the flesh? How did this compare to lying or stealing or worshipping false gods? Gina thought back to her confirmation, when the pastor had droned on about the body and spirit being diametrically opposed, and how the body was a repository of evil and filth, to be used only for procreation. She hadn't questioned it at the time, but she had been filled with shame, loathing even, about her then changing and maturing body. The soft hair sprouting under her arms and on her privates had disgusted her, and her budding breasts had embarrassed her. She realized now that that was when she had first turned to food for comfort. She felt safe, like the little girl she still longed to be. Her mother and later Dwayne had encouraged her in this, always plying her with goodies, and praising her for acting like a child.

  Why had it never bothered her before? Her thoughts were interrupted by Frank's words, which jerked her back to the present. "I want to watch you make yourself come, Gina. I'm going to teach you the art of self-stimulation. It's time we made a woman of you, and a proper slave slut girl. Gordon has told me he wants to watch, but I convinced him you need lessons first. He has little patience for the novice, and I don't think you'd be able to come yet from having your cunt caned, which is what would end up happening, if I know Gordon, and I do.

  Gina's eyes widened in horror. Frank went on, "No, I convinced him, and we'll begin our lessons today. You've already become such a cum-slut that it shouldn't be a problem." Frank grinned but Gina blushed anew. Yet even as he spoke, she felt her pussy tighten in anticipation. Always naked, stroked, aroused, beaten, humiliated, exposed, day after day, Gina's focus was, not surprisingly, on her body, on sensation, good or bad. Sometimes they blurred and she was confused, as a spanking became a massage, Frank's fingers trailing to her spread pussy, or a whipping softened to a caress.

  Not so with Gordon. With him she knew exactly where she stood, or more accurately where she knelt. He used her brutally, and there was rarely any sexual content to their sessions, though he did abuse her breasts, pussy and ass perhaps more than the rest of her always naked body. But his pleasure didn't depend on hers, as Frank's seemed to. It was almost as if Frank were her lover! Gina actually felt a twinge of pleasure at the thought, and at the same time a twinge of guilt, since she was betrothed to another, to Dwayne, though that life seemed like a dream now.

  "Ok, you're done. Let's go to your room and start our lesson." Frank led her down the hall that connected her world. He instructed her to sit in a corner and then he blindfolded her and told her to sit still. Gina did so, curious as to why, but silent as usual. She heard Frank leave the room, and then return. She heard him moving about the space. Finally he returned to her and took off the blindfold. Gina's eyes widened as she took in her transformed space. Instead of harsh light reflected off the mirrored walls, the room was illumined with softly burning candles, a myriad of them, and the floor was covered with several silk spreads, and large soft pillows scattered about. The mirrors caught the soft light and threw it back again, so the room was literally aglow.

  "It's lovely," she whispered, enchanted. Frank grinned, obviously pleased.

  "Thought this would help with the mood. Come and lie down here." He pointed to a cluster of pillows and silk and Gina came obediently, lying down where he indicated. He kissed and licked the fingers of her right hand and then directed her fingers down to her pussy. She looked up at him, embarrassed, but also curious. She had never dared to play with herself before, even during the long idle hours when she was left alone in her prison.

  But now she was being forced to; she had no choice. And so she began to touch herself, delicately at first, and then in imitation of the swirling massaging movements that Frank had used on her so many times. She felt pleasure begin to build and she stopped for a moment, confused and unsure.

  "Don't stop," Frank urged her, and for emphasis he slapped her face, not too hard, and jerked her head back by the hair. She began to touch herself again, her face stinging, the pain from his pulling her hair and the slap to her cheek mixing with the sharp pleasure she was producing in her belly. Every time she slowed he slapped her and jerked her head back, and she'd rub herself harder, faster, until her eyes would flutter closed and she was lost in the sensation.

  She was near to orgasm now, and having been well trained, she whispered, "May I?"

  "Yes." And she did.

  But the lesson wasn't over. "That was good," Frank said, his voice husky and low. "But once isn't enough for a slut like you. You have to do it again and again, for the pleasure of your master. So we start again." Gina didn't want to start again. She wanted to lean back and revel in the
endorphins coursing through her. She was delighted at having given herself such pleasure. She was amazed she had gone through her life never daring to do what she had just done so easily.

  "I said again!" Frank punctuated his words with a slap to each cheek. Gina cried out and quickly moved her hand back to her now engorged and sensitive pussy lips. Frank leaned over and kissed her full on the mouth as she began to massage and tease her own clit. She was surprised to realize she was aroused again. She found she liked his kiss. His breath smelled sweet and she could also smell his cologne, something lemony and spicy.

  He bit her lower lip gently, and then kissed her again. She kissed him back, hesitant at first, then with ardor. He didn't stop her. Her fingers forgot their dance as her arms encircled him. Frank pulled away suddenly, gruff. "Did I tell you to stop?" He looked disheveled, confused, almost afraid. Was the toy getting to him?

  Reluctantly Gina put her hand back to her pussy and closed her eyes, still feeling the imprint of his kiss on her mouth. She wanted to hate him, did hate him on an obvious level, for keeping her here, for letting Gordon hurt her, but a part of her now surfaced, still feeling the kiss, still wanting that kiss. Confused like he was, she shut down her mind and focused on her task.

  Again her whispered request and then the spasms of orgasm. The third time was harder; she didn't want to do it and her labia were getting sore. Frank squeezed some KY jelly across her pussy and pressed her fingers into the goo. It did make things easier, and again Gina worked on arousing herself. This time when she asked for permission to come Frank said, "No."

  Gina's eyes opened wide, and she tried to stop the tremors that had started in her. "I said no, Gina. No. Take your hand away." Gina did so, but it was too late, she was already caught in the throes of release, and he knew it. "Bad girl," he whispered, his eyes glinting in the flickering light. "Now you'll have to be punished." Another set up. She knew it, but what could she do? "I'm going to invite Gordon to this little show. He has told me he wants to see how I discipline you." In point of fact, Frank rarely disciplined Gina. She obeyed him and he didn't seem to favor whippings or spankings just for fun, as Gordon did.


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