Baseball Joe Around the World; or, Pitching on a Grand Tour
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12mo. Illustrated. Jacket in full colors. Price 50 cents per volume. Postage 10 cents additional.
Captain Ralph Bonehill is one of the best known and most popular writersfor young people. In this series he shows, as no other writer can, thejoy, glory and happiness of outdoor life.
FOUR BOY HUNTERS or The Outing of the Gun Club
A fine, breezy story of the woods and waters, of adventures in search ofgame, and of great times around the campfire, told in Captain Bonehill'sbest style. In the book are given full directions for camping out.
GUNS AND SNOWSHOES or The Winter Outing of the Young Hunters
In this volume the young hunters leave home for a winter outing on theshores of a small lake. They hunt and trap to their hearts' content andhave adventures in plenty, all calculated to make boys "sit up and takenotice." A good healthy book; one with the odor of the pine forests andthe glare of the welcome campfire in every chapter.
YOUNG HUNTERS OF THE LAKE or Out with Rod and Gun
Another tale of woods and waters, with some strong hunting scenes and agood deal of mystery. The three volumes make a splendid outdoor series.
OUT WITH GUN AND CAMERA or The Boy Hunters in the Mountains
Takes up the new fad of photographing wild animals as well as shootingthem. An escaped circus chimpanzee and an escaped lion add to the interestof the narrative.
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