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Page 10

by S F Draven

  I knew how my father was, and it wouldn’t take him long to see that I was in love with Stephan but I promised myself that no matter what happened, I would stay loyal to Stephan. He had done so much for me, so much that I can’t even comprehend because he had everything going for him.

  He was building an empire of his own, had a fun, exciting life with friends he’d known his entire life, and he threw it all away to protect me. I couldn’t understand it at first, but gazing into his eyes right then, I realized that I would’ve done the very same thing for him.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said, leaning in to kiss me, feeling his lips press into mine.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I replied, while he pulled me in closer. I could feel the heat of his skin while his legs tangled around mine, the lace of my underwear brushing against him while he ran his fingers through my hair.

  The room around us was hot, leaving our bodies sweating, while he helped me out of his button-up shirt that I’d been wearing. He glanced down at my bare chest, running his fingertips down my décolletage, over my nipples, while the tension began to explode like fireworks inside of me.

  I wanted to feel all of him, I wanted him to remind me how good we were together, what the spark felt like when he slipped inside me and judging from the look in his eyes, he felt the same way. He rose up, tossing the covers off us both so he could slip between my legs, pulling out his hard dick, while I got ready for what he’d do next. I bit my lip in anticipation, while he smiled down at me before he dove right in.

  “Let me see you, Annika,” he said, guiding my legs open while he glanced down at my already wet pussy. He ran his fingers along my pussy lips, my wetness coating his fingers as he started kissing the inside of my thighs.

  My breath quickened as he grew closer to my pussy, his kisses turning to bites, while he sucked on the lips a little longer, making me go absolutely insane. It dawned on me just how incredible it felt to be teased, how exuberant it was to feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter around, reminding me that our connection was unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

  He didn’t hesitate to start licking me up and down, his tongue moving in circles around my clit with perfect rhythm, as I let out a moan that grew in volume the more he went to town on me. He raised his eyebrows, and I caught him looking up at me, enjoying just how good of a job he was really doing.

  I was mesmerized by what he could do with his tongue alone, and I wanted nothing more than for him to drive his dick deep inside of me.

  I reached down to lift his head up, indicating that I was ready for him, but he smiled, shaking his head because he wasn’t quite finished with me yet.

  “I’m going to make sure you cum before I even fuck you, Annika,” he said, softly.

  He kept going, sucking on my clit, running his tongue along the entrance of my opening, until I just couldn’t take it anymore. I felt the orgasm erupt through me, and he held my legs steady, while my swollen pussy exploded with the kind of wetness neither of us was prepared for.

  “Now, that’s more like it,” he said, getting up, holding my legs open wide while he slipped his dick inside of my already sensitive pussy. The feeling was indescribable, and I was practically panting, shaking and quivering under him while he thrust slowly at first, picking up the pace with every movement until he was ramming me straight to another orgasm.

  He could read my body like an open book, and he knew exactly what I wanted at all times. It was a gift I was certainly grateful for, and he continued to thrust his dick inside of me, hitting the right spot at all of the right angles while I dug my fingernails into his back.

  “You like that, baby?”


  “What was that?” he asked, with a forceful thrust, knocking the words right out of me.

  “I love-I love it, Stephan,” I managed to get out and he smiled, lowering his head into my neck while he continued to thrust in and out, and I could feel his body tense just as he got ready to cum. I could feel his breath at my neck, reaching up to my ear, just as he whispered the one thing I’d been waiting quite a while to hear.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too.”

  I didn’t want the night to end, but we had fucked until the morning light had begun to stream in through the sheer motel-room curtains, telling us that it was time to get back to reality.

  I wanted another few moments with him, pretending like the outside world and all of our troubles didn’t exist, because it was the only way I thought I’d be able to get through it all.

  I knew how much danger we were in the moment we stepped foot outside the door, heading back out into civilization where there would be countless people waiting to take us out.

  It was finally the day my parents were supposed to be coming back into town, and I checked my cell phone on the nightstand, tapping through the cracked screen that managed to survive Natalia and everything she had pulled, to go through my most recent text messages.

  There was one from my mother telling me that they were going to be arriving later that night, and that gave me the entire day to prepare exactly what I was going to do, and how best to approach this with Stephan by my side.

  I knew he wasn’t any more excited to meet my parents than I was, and I could already tell that it was going to be a bit of a disaster, though I wasn’t going to let it cloud my judgment. At the end of the day, my parents had to remain on our side because we had a common goal. We both needed to make sure that the Chadov Family got nowhere near this painting, or follow through on the threats they made.

  I had wondered for a moment what Stephan planned to do with the painting because I knew from the moment my father learned that it was in his possession, he would want him to hand it over.

  I had to keep my head held high, stand firm by Stephan’s side because in my eyes, that painting was rightfully his and he could do with it whatever he pleased. My father was just going to have to see the bigger picture and understand that there were much more pressing issues at play.

  I would have to convince them to fight about it later, once we were able to get rid of Natalia and her family. I hated to think about it because I still remembered what it was like being friends with her, knowing that our parents hated each other, but it never came to physical violence.

  They seemed to have an agreement not to hurt one another, most likely put in place because we were still adamant about remaining close, but now all of that has changed.

  Natalia wanted nothing more to do with me, and she was very willing to sacrifice everything we had for the sake of making her family proud. I was curious whether I would take up the same offer or not if my parents had come to me with a similar idea. I didn’t have to think about it for very long, because I knew I never would.

  We have to be smart about this, otherwise, it’s going to go terribly wrong.

  Chapter Thirteen: Stephan

  I could feel the tension in the air when we left the motel, and we were both incredibly on edge, uneasy about what the night was going to bring.

  We still had quite a bit of time, and I knew that Annika needed to take her mind off of things, but we were operating on low funds and in need of a little pick-me-up. I didn’t have time to go back to my house and get my finances sorted, and I wasn’t in the mood to run into either Eduard or Feliks until I made sure that Annika was safe.

  That left only one other option, and that was to take on a small job before we ventured off to meet her parents tonight. I knew she was probably thinking something like that was going to happen, and it would be good training for her, especially because we weren’t sure how many people were after us at this point.

  I just had to make sure that I was being careful because once we started taking things from other criminals in the game, it would only make it that much harder for us to go undetected. I couldn’t take Annika out to a bank or to bust in on a drug deal because I didn’t want to expose her to any more eyes. If we were going to run a job, we
had to be quick about it, and make sure no one knew that she was there.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “We’re going to visit the friend of mine that saved your life, and I’m hoping he’s going to get us in touch with someone who can secure better weapons, because I want to make sure we’re ready if the time comes that we need to fight,” I explained.

  “Why do I feel like there’s more to the story that you’re not telling me?” she asked.

  “That’s because there is. I’ve been thinking about what we’re going to do to pass a bit of time before we have to see your parents, and collect a bit of cash to keep us going, especially if we’re caught out on the run again,” I said.

  “We’re going to run a job today, aren’t we?”

  “You guessed it,” I said, glancing over at her expecting an expression of fear, but all I saw in her eyes was determination.

  “Where do we start?” she asked, and I clued her in on everything she needed to know about the relationship I had with Ivan, as well as the promises I made to him in order to save her life. She listened attentively, hanging onto every word while I drove us down to the little pharmacy where I had brought Annika the night her life was barely hanging on by a thread.

  “So, stealing another car is out of the question, huh?”

  “Unfortunately, anything like that is going to take us way too long to process. I was thinking of a much more direct approach and something that will give you a little more practice when it comes to dealing with enemies.”

  “We’re going to steal cold hard cash, from where exactly?”

  “From the lion’s den.”

  My mind was flooded with memories of the times Eduard, Feliks, and I did a few small arms dealing jobs for a few high-profile crime bosses that quickly began to dictate every decision we made in our lives and with our money.

  We knew we had to get out of there before someone got too mad and one of us ended up dead, but now was the time I could finally assert my dominance, all while giving Annika and me what we both needed, a reintroduction into the crime world that was all our own.

  The only thing that made this fight so difficult was the fact that our enemies had the upper hand due to how much money they were rolling in.

  We may have had money lying around elsewhere, but there was no way we’d be able to get to it without alerting any watchful eyes to our location. I wanted to keep Annika hidden, making sure that she had protection anywhere she went, and I wasn’t going to be able to do that until I had some cash at my disposal.

  When we arrived at Ivan’s pharmacy, it was absolutely spotless. The floors were completely scrubbed of any traces of Annika’s blood when I took her into the back, but my mind couldn’t help but travel back to that night, reminding me how close Annika had been to losing her life. I didn’t know what I would’ve done in that position, because everything that has occurred between us happened so quickly, it was strange to even think that it all could’ve disappeared in an instant.

  “You look a lot better now,” Ivan said to Annika the minute we came trailing in through the door.

  “I didn’t get the chance to properly thank you for saving my life. Stephan and I are both eternally grateful,” she said, with a warm smile. I looked over at Ivan to see that he was smiling back at her, and I couldn’t remember the last time I saw such a genuine expression on his face.

  “It’s my pleasure, dear. I see that you two have done quite a bit of bonding over the last few days, huh?”

  “What gives you that impression?” I asked him.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get this way about a girl, Stephan. She must’ve done a number on you just as the other girls in your brothers’ lives that had made them put everything on the line. I suppose it is a good thing because at least you understand now what the consequences of your actions are,” he said.

  “I certainly do. I’m surprised you even took my call the second time,” I said.

  “I felt sorry for you now that you don’t have those two fools running around behind you every moment of every day.”

  “You didn’t like Eduard and Feliks much, did you?” Annika asked.

  “They had no potential for making it big, dear. They were always so caught up living extravagant lifestyles, drinking themselves sick, and sleeping with any woman that would pay them the slightest bit of attention. It was hard to watch Stephan get wrapped up in all of that after having helped so many of his brothers,” explained Ivan, and it was the first time I was able to really see how much better off I was without the two of them by my side.

  “Things change, and people move on, though we’re certainly not here to discuss me. We have a bigger problem at hand, Ivan. I filled you in on the phone, so you know how serious this is. I need you to get in touch with someone that could loan me some weapons until I have the chance to pay them back. If you have any on hand right now, that would be great too,” I said, cutting to the chase.

  “I’m a doctor, Stephan not an arms dealer.”

  “You’re a man of many talents, and I’m unfortunately very desperate,” I said, and Ivan sighed, leading Annika and I into the back room so he could let us into his weapon supply.

  “If I don’t see a return on these, Volkov I’m going to hunt you down and kill you myself, got it?”

  “I hear you loud and clear,” I replied, and he nodded, opening up his cabinets to reveal a variety of different guns, bullets, and knives that would all be useful for what we were about to do.

  “If I give you some of these things, and get you in touch with my contact, you have to make sure you do everything you can to keep this here lady safe, okay? She’s wrapped up in your mess, and the last thing I need right now is another innocent life lost.”

  “Yes, I know. You’re a doctor, and you hate seeing people go. I can assure you that no harm will come to Annika. She’s a strong girl, and we’re going to get through this,” I responded.

  “It’s going to be okay, Ivan. I’m ready for this. Stephan has trained me well enough, I believe. I just have to make sure I keep my head on straight.” Annika glanced over at me to share a comforting smile.

  “I’m hoping to see that, dear. You two better get going, if you really want to get a move on stealing from the men that are going to be spending their nights out at the strip club. Try not to ruffle too many feathers, and make sure you don’t go dropping my name. There are some men that you might hit tonight that are customers of mine,” said Ivan.

  “Don’t worry, Ivan. Your secret is safe with me.”

  I sat behind the wheel of my car, hoping that Annika was up for what we were about to walk into. I pulled up outside a small home that exuded European flair like it was stripped right out of a different century. It was a quaint space, one that made Annika even more confused as I put the car in park, glancing back at her while she tried to figure out what we were doing there.

  “Now, this is certainly not the place I had in mind,” she said, and I knew what she was thinking. For a moment, she was trying to convince herself that we weren’t going to face any real danger, but she would’ve been mistaken. The house may have looked quiet from the outside, but it was crawling with armed men waiting to take a shot at whoever tried to disrupt their peace.

  “I know it may not look like much, Annika but the men in there are as much a threat as anyone else that we’re going to have to deal with. They’re only here while their boss is out at a strip club somewhere, drinking himself sick, much like Ivan said. We’re going to have to be smart about getting in, grabbing as much cash as we can, and getting out. Thankfully, men like him want nothing more than to flaunt his wealth to anyone he comes into contact with, so it isn’t exactly hidden anywhere,” I said, and she stared back at me, wondering what the catch was.

  “Who are these people?” she asked.

  “These people work for a man by the name of Markov, and he’s someone I once borrowed money from when I had first left home, in need of a bit of cash to get my
self off the ground.

  “The thing about making deals with men like him is that they always find something to hold over your head, making it so you can’t leave even after you’ve paid them back in full. Eduard, Feliks, and I managed to get out a long time ago, but I always promised myself I would pay Markov a visit and take enough back to soften the blow of how much I suffered under his hand,” I explained, and she nodded, understanding that this was in some regard, rather personal for me.

  “I’m right by your side, Stephan. I just need you to tell me what to do,” she said.

  “I need you to stay close behind me, get your gun ready, and shoot at anyone who tries to come at you. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get in there without making a sound, but something tells me that isn’t going to happen,” I said.

  “These men aren’t the type to give up very easily, are they?” she asked.

  “Not in the slightest. They’d shoot before even taking a second look at you, and that’s why you always have to get the first shot. Are you sure you’re ready for this?

  “I’m ready, Stephan. Lead the way,” she replied, and I could see it on her face just how firm she was in her decision.

  It made me feel quite proud to see just how far she’d come, and all that she was willing to do to stand by my side, even while knowing that things were bound to get so much more complicated once she finally had the chance to introduce me to her parents.

  That is a problem for another time. Right now, I need to focus on getting us both in there, getting what we need, and making our escape before one of us ends up with our head blown off.

  Annika and I approached the house, peering into the porch window to see what we could about who was inside and what their positions were like.

  We were able to make out two men in the living room, bonding over hard liquor, trying to find something to pass the time while they swung their guns around, probably waiting for something exciting to happen, like us breaking in to take everything we could from their boss.


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