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Page 16

by S F Draven

  He didn’t think this through well enough. He didn’t think about what would happen if we actually got to him in time, and now I wouldn’t be surprised if he started begging for his life.

  He clutched the duffle bag to his chest, and I pulled out my gun, waving it at him so he’d drop it.

  “You really had us both fooled, Ivan. Here I thought you were the one that found the painting yourself, seeing as it was in the back of your building after all, but you just had to rope Eduard and Feliks in to do your dirty work for you, huh?” I asked.

  “Listen, Stephan, you have to understand. I didn’t start out with the intention of double-crossing you, but I couldn’t help myself when I learned that you hid the painting behind my pharmacy. I didn’t think that you would come back for it after everything that you two went through, but I see it means more to you than I originally thought,” he said, trying to save his ass, but we both knew that was bullshit.

  “Do you really expect me to believe that, Ivan?”

  “It’s the truth. I’m going to give you the painting back,” he said, eyeing the duffle bag.

  “You were about to flee the country with it if I’m not mistaken, but it’s a shame that things had to end this way. I know I haven’t always been the best to you, Ivan, but I never expected this. I never expected to be betrayed like this, and you had the audacity to use my old friends against me. Now, that is a new low,” I said, and I could see the fear settle behind his eyes as he tossed the duffle bag at me, and I unzipped it to find the painting safely inside.

  I actually thought I was never going to see it again, that Annika was never going to have the opportunity of seeing it hanging in her gallery where it belonged. She and I had been through enough, and all we wanted was to feel a sliver of peace again. We were finally going to get that chance, but I had to wrap up one last loose end before we left.

  “You’re going to get on that plane, and you’re going to get the fuck out of the country. If I hear that you step foot in here again, you will pay for what you did, just like your minions. I’m not going to tell you twice,” I said, warning him, and he heeded it without me having to say another word.

  He glanced into Annika’s eyes, seeing the disappointment that welled up behind them, but he knew he fucked up. It was just like he saw his entire business go up in flames because all of his best clients were right here in Russia.

  He was probably heading out to pawn the painting off on someone and return thinking I wouldn’t have even noticed. It’s quite a shame, but at least now we have what we were looking for, and no one else had to die as a result.

  Annika had seen a great deal of anger in me, and I was surprised that she wasn’t more worried that I was going to fly off the deep end knowing how much of a hard time I had dealing with betrayal. She stuck by my side, reminding me that we were in this together no matter what, and we finally had the one thing that was keeping us from truly moving on.

  “Can I have a look at it again?” she asked, inching closer to me.

  “Have a look at it? It’s all yours, Annika. This painting has caused enough trouble for the both of us, but it also serves as a reminder that we’ve come so far in such a short amount of time. We fell in love with each other, and this was the one thing we needed to start the rest of our lives together. I may have been angry that I was double-crossed by the people who were once loyal to me, but that never clouded how I felt about you, and how much I wanted to get this painting back so I could give it to you. I know you still dream of opening that gallery, and I want to stand right by your side, help you with whatever you need, and we can finally get started with the rest of our lives. I’m so sorry that this has been one wild goose chase looking for this thing, but it wasn’t until you told me that we should go after it that I realized how significant it was to us. I love you, Annika. This is just the beginning for us, it truly is,” I said, and she smiled at me, taking the duffle bag out of my hands, and resting it on the bathroom sink so she could fall into my arms.

  She caressed my cheek, kissing me hard, as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear, telling me about how glad she was to be here with me right now. It was just like that, the anger I had felt, that was boiling underneath my skin had begun to dissipate, and all I could feel was the love we had for each other, and everything we were going to accomplish together now that we were going off on our own.

  We didn’t have anything tying us down anymore, and we could go about the rest of our lives however we wanted. I needed Annika to know that I was always going to be there for her, that I was always going to put her first, and I wanted her to remember that every time she looked at that painting sitting on the wall of her precious collection.

  “I love you so much, Stephan. We’re about to start our future together, have a family, build a collection of wonderful pieces of art, all while maintaining a little danger along the way. I don’t think I could’ve asked for anything more. You truly did give me everything I ever wanted, and I’m so grateful to you, for not only protecting me, but for single handedly changing my life.”

  Chapter Twenty: Annika

  I never thought that we would finally be at a place where things have seemed to calm down again, but I was grateful for the ease I felt within me, trying to adjust to all the changes that’d come into in my life. I felt like we were operating on overdrive for such a long time, trying to get away from the chaos that ensued all because of a painting, the very painting that was now sitting proudly on the wall of my private collection which would only be viewed by a very specific clientele. I’ve never been happier in my entire life, and I’ve never been more content with the coming together of my family as well as Stephan’s, not only coexisting, but it seems that they had grown to like each other over the last few months.

  It felt like an entire lifetime ago that I was just a young, naive girl trying to find her footing in the world, trying to be normal even though I knew my family was anything but. I tried for a very long time to understand why they would’ve even chosen a life like that, but after meeting Stephan, I learned that there was so much more to it than I initially realized.

  I had a completely different perspective just a few months ago, and now I was gearing up for the start of the rest of my life with the man that had changed me, that had made me a better woman. I remembered the moment I first realized I had been falling for him when he had gone out of his way to make sure that I was safe when he barely even knew me. Our connection had been undeniable even then, and I knew that it would only be a matter of time before we started trying to figure out if we were truly meant to be together.

  We felt like we had lived a hundred lives, dealing with the massacre that happened in my very own home, nearly dying at the hands of a woman I used to call my friend, a woman that I used to share my entire life with even though our parents had their differences. I never thought that her family would retaliate against mine, against Stephan all because they learned that he had the painting that they so desperately wanted.

  It wasn’t long before I realized that they weren’t the only ones that were after it, and I had seen Stephan nearly fly off the trails trying to get it back just so he could give it to me. It boggled my mind just how different we’d become since then, now we managed to let go of that part of our lives to look toward the future, to embark on something that felt entirely new to us. There was a time I wanted nothing more than to be a part of Stephan’s life, to explore all that he could teach me, and now there were times where I enjoyed doing a little of the teaching myself.

  He had always been interested in art, but like he taught me how to be a proper criminal, I taught him how to spot fakes on the market, how to know which pieces were worth the highest prices, and how to hold some of the most coveted auctions that every crime boss was begging to be a part of.

  We quickly made our name in society, setting Stephan apart from anything his brothers had ever done, but I knew that he was proud of his achievements, and our businesses were still growing every si
ngle day. It amazed me how well he managed to stay on top of things, to keep me grounded whenever we were back out in the field trying to snag some of the best pieces for our own, and I knew that there would come a time where we found ourselves in hot water again.

  It was just part of the job, and I was prepared to face anything as long as Stephan remained by my side. I truly felt like there was nothing that we couldn’t do when we were together, because he knew exactly how to calm me down in a crisis, and we always were on the same page when it came to terrible situations.

  I sometimes felt like I was still processing all of the pain that I endured through the thick of Stephan and I’s relationship, but he never ceased to amaze me. It was especially amazing when it came to him helping me prepare for our next job. He was always one step ahead, making sure that I never got involved in anything that I couldn’t handle, and I was indebted to him for everything he’d done for me.

  If it hadn’t been for him, I never would’ve gotten close with my family again either. He helped bridge the gap that had widened over the course of my adult life, and there were a few moments where I thoroughly blamed my parents for everything that happened between us. I would say that if I had just been trained earlier in life that I would’ve been more prepared for what was coming, but I could see now that wasn’t true.

  Everything unfolded exactly the way it was meant to be, and Stephan still reminded me every day that we still had quite a bit of growing to do. We were learning more every day, but there truly was never a dull moment between us. He gave me everything I could ever ask for, helping me to embark on a dream that I never thought would ever be a reality, especially after the first break-in that I endured. For a time, I believed that would be the worst of my stress, but little did I know just how much I was capable of.

  It was finally the day of my opening, and I woke up extremely early to make sure that everything was in place. I had Stephan’s arms wrapped around me just as the sun had begun to come up, and his warmth alone made me want to stay curled up in bed for another few hours, abandoning all of my responsibilities, but I knew I’d been looking forward to this day for far too long to blow it now.

  I tried to slip out of bed without him noticing, but he pulled me in, lifting my chin so he could kiss me, and I’d never felt so loved as I did right there in that moment. It was one of the first times I got the opportunity to bask in it, to enjoy it in all of its glory, and from the sleepy look on his face, I knew that he was proud of me even if he had a strange way of showing it sometimes.

  “I’m pretty sure your gallery opening is happening when the sun goes down, right?” he asked, teasingly, trying to get me to stay in bed just for a few moments longer.

  “That may be so, but I have a lot of organizing to do. Are you forgetting that we’re kicking off the second half of the evening with an auction tailored specifically to the country's most notorious criminals? Doesn’t someone need to prepare for that sort of thing?” I asked, teasing him right back.

  “Alright, up we go,” he said, leaping out of bed to take me into his arms, kissing me fiercely as he led me into the shower where we could run a little late even though we were convincing ourselves we were just getting ready for the day. I enjoyed the steamy shower, feeling Stephan’s body pressed up against me, but I was far too sore from just a few hours prior to go at it again. He teased me, and I bit my lip playfully while we both wasted far too much time in there, hearing my cell phone begin to ring off the hook, and we realized it was time to get back to reality.

  Stephan and I headed down to the gallery, picking out the perfect pieces, setting everything up, checking in with catering to make sure that everything was set for my perfect night. He pulled me in close, pressing his lips up against mine again, and I felt my body explode with the kind of pleasure and contentment that made all of this worthwhile.

  He stayed there the entire day helping me get everything set up before we both headed home to change into our formal wear, and I couldn’t help but notice how dashing he looked in a suit. I knew the minute we returned back home that I would be tearing it right off of him. He smiled at me, and I could tell that we were both on the very same page again.

  The first half of the evening had been everything I could ever ask for, as the gallery had been open to a variety of guests, touring the art pieces, enjoying expensive champagne, and basking in how well I’d put together a collection that was nearly lost to the ages. Stephan and I had quite the time tracking down every single piece, making sure that they all fit together nicely so that they would appeal to a variety of audiences, but I could already tell that we were both far too excited about the rest of the night’s activities.

  “This is quite the collection you have here, Annika. I have to say that you’ve done a wonderful job. I will have to get in touch with you later about buying a few of your pieces,” said one of the wonderful women I’d invited to the event that shared the same love of art as I did.

  I was surrounded by art lovers, all waiting to get their hands on the perfect piece to complete their growing collections, and it just made me think about how incredible mine had been back at the house Stephan and I were moving into together. It was truly a new chapter in both of our lives, one for the books for sure, and I couldn’t wait to see what kind of mischief we were going to get up when things seemed to quiet down again. I interlocked my arm in his, leading him through the gallery while we enjoyed all the pieces together, and slowly my family, along with Stephan’s started to show up out of support, just as the rest of the crowd had begun to leave.

  It was nearly time for the real fun to begin, the kind that kept us all on the edge of our seats, trying to make sure that everyone was on their best behavior, even though that would be incredibly difficult seeing as we were going to invite in an entire room of criminals to bid on some of the country’s most coveted pieces.

  I headed into the back room where the auction was going to be held, gazing out into the large auditorium space that was hidden like a perfect little gem in the back of the gallery where no one would think to look. There were countless tables set up with white linen tablecloths and glasses, all awaiting the seats to be filled, and I knew that we were about to have yet another wild night.

  I glanced over at Stephan, who had been chatting with a few of his brothers, and I couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt to know that they had all put their differences aside and started to become a family again. I could’ve said the same for mine, feeling both my father’s and my mother’s hand on either one of my shoulders, telling me about the wonderful job I had done.

  It’s just the beginning, and there are certainly so many more surprises in store.

  Epilogue: Stephan

  I can’t believe how incredible she looks, how easily she was able to pull this all off in such a short amount of time. It feels like it was just yesterday that we were squatting in small, dingy hotel rooms, trying to track down some of the most coveted pieces of art imaginable.

  It’s so strange to see us here like this, in all this glitz and glamour, blending in with the rich like we didn’t spend our lives running crime, but that was the beauty of it all. I’m amazed at how willing Annika has been when it came to getting what she wanted and giving us the starting point for a business venture that was unlike anything my brothers have ever attempted to do.

  She’s the love of my life, and she has changed me in more ways than I could ever fathom. I never want this moment to end, but knowing us, it’s only going to be a matter of time before we find ourselves in trouble all over again. I never did mind, because it kept our lives incredibly interesting, and I liked a little danger every now and then.

  I looked out into the large space that Annika had hiding in the back of her gallery, a space perfect for this kind of event, something that was completely unheard of in the surrounding crime community, but it brought us all together, leaving our weapons at the door, apart from the security, so we could indulge in a little old-fashioned art collecting.
It was quite the sight to see, and even my brothers had been impressed by the mere fact that one woman managed to get every crime boss that we’d ever come into contact with in one place, to lay down their weapons, and play by her rules for the evening.

  I was so proud of her, seeing her command the room just like she had the first time I laid eyes on her. She and I were a team that was going to make waves amongst the crime world, and everyone that attended was certainly aware of that fact.

  There was no denying that something like this was going to come out of the chaos we dealt with, after seeing what we were capable of when we were together, even when we nearly lost our lives fighting for the ones we loved.

  Annika taught me to believe in myself, to see that I didn’t have to spend my life running small jobs just because I believed I wasn’t worth anything more, and she helped me gain the kind of power that set me apart from everyone else. Together, we were unstoppable, and I could tell that even my brothers were impressed by what we managed to accomplish, seeing how it truly added quite a bit of notoriety to the family business.

  Annika and I still had quite a bit of growing to do, but I already knew that once we managed to settle down, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I couldn’t imagine a life without her in it, because she was the very thing keeping me going, keeping my head above water when my anger and frustration got the best of me. She and I both were in such a good place, but there was still the part of me that feared the time that we were going to have to embark on a new journey, one that would be as difficult if not more than what we had to deal with when the Chadov family nearly ripped us apart.

  It was that very night that I realized there was something absolutely extraordinary about Annika, that she was unlike any other woman that I’d ever met and that she would do absolutely anything for the people she loved.


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