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Raiden: House of Storms: Dragon Guardians Book 7

Page 9

by Grove, Scarlett

  Without letting her come down, he sucked his fingers into his mouth, moistening them till they were soaking wet. He plunged them into her core as he licked her, pumping hard and fast, caressing her G spot. She arched her head back, her breasts tightening and swelling, her body relenting completely to his command. Her eyes were closed when his hands gripped her hips and pulled her down on the bed. When she looked up, she saw his face above her, his eyes sparkling with need as he angled the head of his cock into her pulsating entrance. He slipped inside her, his tongue darting in and out of her mouth. She held him around the waist, her lips parted in a silent groan. When he sank to the base of his cock, stretching her wide and rubbing against her inner desire, she finally released the moan that had been stuck in her throat. He gripped her chin and ran the pad of his thumb over her mouth. She sucked it in and nibbled. He pushed his tongue in and out of her mouth as she sucked it, and he began to pull back his hips. Running his wet finger over her cheek, he slammed his cock deep and hard into her core. The sensation was mind shattering as she came again, this time around his long, thick rod. Her pussy clenched him, milking him for his seed, begging to be filled with it. He thrust hard and fast into her body, his tongue sliding over her neck. He grazed her flesh with his sharp teeth as he pulled back and thrust again.

  Flora put her arms around him, running her fingers through his hair and licking his earlobe. "Claim me, Raiden. Make me yours. I can't wait any longer."

  As his teeth bit into her neck, he released the hot liquid magma of his seed into her core. It shot deep and hard, slamming into her cervix as he filled her completely with his love. She groaned as her body climaxed again, but the sound was cut off as his teeth gripped her neck in a mating bite. It was so all-consuming and intense that she became immediately lost in the moment of exquisite pleasure and pain. And then the room was gone, their bodies were gone, and the war between vampires and dragons was gone. All that was left were two souls entwined, dancing through the universe and time. She was dressed in a sheer white slip and he wore nothing but black shorts as he twirled and danced with her on moonbeams through the stars. It was as if all eternity existed in that pinpoint of time, and they felt and understood each other so completely and holistically that if they never spoke again for the rest of their lives, they would still know the depths of each other's souls. There would forever be a perfect bond of absolute adoration and understanding. The monumental clarity of her love for him consumed her, and as she looked into his eyes in the starlight, she was filled with nothing short of ecstatic bliss.

  "I didn't know it would be like this." She was whispering, but the words rang like a clear bell on a silent day.

  "It will always be like this."

  "Now I know why this is all anyone can talk about."

  "It makes sense, doesn't it? And now we know. Now we share it with each other and with them."

  "This love is too big to be kept to ourselves," Flora whispered.

  "And that is why we are here: to share it with the world."

  Back in her bed, Flora gasped as Raiden's teeth withdrew from her body. His tongue slid over the wound, closing it up so not a single drop of blood remained. He kissed her cheek and rolled away, pulling her onto his chest. He embraced her, stroking her hair as he panted and his heart beat like a freight train in his chest. She could feel the wild beat under her cheek.

  She took a deep, gasping breath and let it out. "I don't know how or what I did to deserve this. It's more than I have ever dreamed of. It doesn't seem fair to anyone else who doesn't feel the same thing."

  "There is no reason to feel guilty for loving. Hanish says the more love we share, the more love exists in the world. It's there for everyone, no matter what, just by the fact that it exists. By loving each other, we make the world a little bit better every day."

  "That's beautiful."

  "There is so much pain and suffering, but when we give each other love, the energy goes out into the world, and the light absorbs the darkness. It always will."

  "I believe you. I feel in my bones that it's true."

  "I am the luckiest man alive to have you as my mate, my dear, dear Flora, my beautiful Dragon Soul. You are who I’ve being waiting for these last million years."

  "You make it sound so intense," Flora said.

  "It is. I waited in stasis until you arrived, and now is when my life can begin."

  "And now my life can begin with you, Raiden. Before you, I had happy times. I had achievements and the love of my sister, who is so special and important to me. But now I feel like the world has opened up and a whole other dimension of myself is possible. It was so close before, but I couldn't quite see it, like a shadow in the corner of my eye. But now I can look at it and examine it, and I know that it's the rest of myself—it's you, Raiden."

  He pulled her toward him and kissed her mouth, wrapping her in his arms. She had never felt so safe and so complete. She could feel the mating venom changing her, running through her blood, giving her immunity against the vampires, a longer life, greater strength, and more control of her physiology. It was a wash of vitality and power like she'd never known, almost as if she were high on drugs. But it was not a destructive high. It was like walking to the top of a tall mountain, her heart beating, her mind open, and the world at her feet. It was all so beautiful and right that she wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

  Then Raiden pulled her on top of him, and she straddled his waist, sinking over his already thick, hard shaft. She slid over him, her slip up around her hips. Sinking onto him inch by inch, she looked into the eyes of her lover and mate as they made love for the first time with this intense bond between them. She felt his pleasure as her body gripped his shaft, and he felt hers as he filled her. Each movement of her hips and each caress of his hand circulated between them, taking the pleasure higher and higher, deeper and wider, and as she rocked on his lap, every limitation and preconceived notion about herself shattered like a glass broken on the pavement, and all that was left was the purity of her soul and her absolute perfect potential.

  She leaned down to kiss him as they came together again, hot and sweaty and coiled in each other's embrace, sharing each other's breath, sharing their bodies, their minds, their souls. And when she rolled away and lay on her back, panting and spent and sweaty, no words were necessary. They held hands and stared at the ceiling, their whole beings sharing that moment of contented bliss. Nothing else mattered, and nothing would ever come between them again.

  Raiden pulled the blanket up over their bodies when they had cooled off, and they quickly fell asleep. Flora descended into dreams of her future filled with love and light and peace and with every accomplishment she could ever hope to achieve. And all the while, her beautiful prince and warrior was by her side, loving her, protecting her, and cheering her on as she cheered him on. She saw their children, their holidays together as a family, and the world that they would share as they grew old together—a world of peace and prosperity and love for all.

  When she woke again in the night, Flora knew exactly what she needed to do. She slipped out of bed, wrapped a bathrobe around her shoulders, and hurried downstairs to the basement laboratory. She had work to do.

  Chapter 17

  Down in the lab, a flash of insight burst in Flora’s mind. She suddenly knew exactly what she had to do. She sat down at the dashboard and retrieved a syringe from a container. After tying off her arm and finding a vein, she drew a large sample of blood. She was so excited and sure it would work that her hands shook while she removed the needle. With the syringe, she began to apply drops to the analysis plate.

  "Azure, I want you to synthesize the antibodies in my blood into our latest iteration of the vaccine."

  "Synthesis commencing," Azure said.

  "I know this is going to work," Flora said. "It has to."

  "What are you doing?" Zephyr said, walking into the laboratory.

  "Working. Why?” she asked.

  "I got a notification fro
m Azure, telling me that you were doing an analysis down here. I have her automatically notify me anytime there is an update or an advancement with the vaccine."

  "Raiden and I have been mated."

  "I could tell there was a change in you," Zephyr said. "Congratulations."

  "Thank you."

  "So what are you doing here?"

  "I am trying the latest vaccine iterations on a sample of my blood," Flora said.

  "Why do you think it would be different from any other mated Dragon Soul blood?"

  "Because, Zephyr, I was transformed into a vampire, and then I was brought back."

  "I never thought of that," he said thoughtfully.

  "The antibodies in my blood will have an unforeseen variable."

  "What makes you think that?"

  “When I felt the mating venom changing me and entering my blood, I had the strongest impression, and I knew exactly what to do."

  "Synthesis complete," Azure said. "Here are samples of the last iteration of the vaccine recipe using Flora's blood as a base."

  "Now we can get to testing. We still have the blood samples from the blood bank," she said, typing the commands on the computer.

  "Why don't we start with a computer simulation?" Zephyr said. "We don't want to waste any of the blood samples."

  "But that could take too long."

  "Better safe than sorry if a little bit of tweaking will get us the result we need. It will expedite the process to do the simulations first."

  "I can understand your reasoning," Flora said, switching her commands to initiate several rounds of simulations using the latest vaccine based on her blood. "You can go back to bed if you want."

  "I think I'll stay down here. This could be the breakthrough we've been looking for."

  They sat at the computer and watched the data stream across the screen as Azure ran the simulations. Zephyr was more adept than Flora at reading the incomplete data as it scrolled, and he gave her updates on what was happening. When the first simulation was completed, they read through the results together.

  "This simulation is using the new vaccine on standardized Dragon Soul blood," she mused.

  They watched the animation of the vaccine taking root in the simulated blood. Flora prepared herself for the moment that occurred in every other simulation she had witnessed, when the vaccine turned into a cancer and began to eat the host. But it didn't happen. Instead, the antibodies began to grow and flourish, making the standardized computer simulation of a Dragon Soul stronger and healthier, as if all of the immune markers were representing an endurance athlete with an extreme health regimen. Flora's mouth dropped open.

  "I can't believe it," she said in complete awe of what she had just witnessed.

  "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It could be an isolated fluke or error."

  The second simulation finished, and they watched the process of the vaccine entering the blood system of a normal, average human. Again, as they neared the point where the previous vaccines had failed, Flora braced herself for disappointment. But the vaccine had the same effect as it had the previous time. The individual's genetic and immune markers showed signs of extreme health, and the antibodies present in mated Dragon Soul blood flowed throughout the system.

  "That's two for two," Flora said with a laugh."

  They sat and watched as simulation after simulation of the vaccine was successful in samples of human and Dragon Soul blood. Every iteration of the vaccine compound worked with Flora's blood as the basis, and it worked with every synthesized physiological system—young, old, male, female, Dragon Soul, and human. It even worked on baby dragons—Flora had figured that out by the time the sun was rising.

  "This is remarkable," Zephyr said. "I propose we move on to testing the human blood samples."

  "I agree," Flora said, unable to contain her excitement.

  They ran tests on the human blood with the most promising iteration of the vaccine—the one with the quickest and strongest effect overall—and waited for the computer to complete the analysis.

  "This might really be it," she said, her hands shaking. "I'll run upstairs and get us some breakfast and coffee."

  She needed some sustenance to continue. Flora hurried upstairs with more energy in her step than someone who'd been up all night should have been allowed to have and made her way to the kitchen. She found Raiden pouring himself a cup of coffee, bleary-eyed and surprised to see her.

  "Where did you go last night?" he asked. "I woke up and found you not there."

  "I had an inspiration. I had to go down to the lab and test it right away. Raiden, you won't believe it. I think we found the vaccine."

  "Really? How?"

  "I used my blood after we mated last night. There is a variable in the antibody because I was turned into a vampire and then turned back. It's working across every simulation—Dragon Souls, humans, men, women, and children. Even baby dragons. It's working for everyone."

  "Oh, Flora, I'm so proud of you," he said, taking her into his arms. "We need to celebrate."

  "There's not time for that now. I have to get back down to the lab. We need to run more analyses on the blood samples we got from the blood bank the other day."

  "Have you eaten?" Raiden asked.

  "Oh yeah—that's why I came up here. I was going to get breakfast and coffee for Zephyr and me."

  "Let me make you something. You look tired," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  Raiden began to prepare eggs and bacon while Flora poured two huge mugs of coffee for her and Zephyr. When the breakfast was done, Raiden helped her carry everything downstairs, where they found Zephyr staring at the computer screen with a shocked expression on his face.

  "These results are too good to disregard," he said. "I can say with some confidence that we may very well have found the missing ingredient in our vampire vaccine."

  "I knew you could do it," Raiden said as she threw herself into his arms.

  "All I needed was you," she said. They began to kiss passionately and lovingly as the results of the tests flashed across the screen.

  Zephyr cleared his throat and stood. "Perhaps you two would like to be alone."

  "We're sorry," Flora said, stepping back from Raiden.

  "There's no reason to be. You two really have created something special."

  "Warning," Azure's robotic voice said over the loudspeakers throughout the house. A siren began to blare. "Warning. Vampire presence. We are under attack. We are under attack."

  Flora and Raiden looked at each other, and he took her hand. They hurried out of the lab and down the hall. They stopped at the safe room.

  Raiden opened the door. "You need to get inside."

  "But I'm immune now. And now everyone else can be too."

  Chapter 18

  JoJo ran into the safe room with Tor in her arms and closed the door behind her.

  "What are you doing?" Zephyr asked Flora, who hadn't gone in yet.

  "Going back to the lab. I have an idea of how to win this battle once and for all," she said. "But you'd better get upstairs."

  "We are on our way."

  Raiden and Zephyr hurried upstairs, leaving Flora behind. They met Hanish outside on the back lawn. Azure narrated to them where the vampires were attacking their shields.

  "External shields at ninety-nine percent," Azure said.

  "We're being attacked from every side," Hanish said. "Take your positions from the last battle."

  Raiden was still full of excitement from what had happened in the basement. His love had found the vaccine, and now they could protect humanity and Dragon Souls from the vampires. This was a real turn for the better for the entire world, and his heart was fuller than it had ever been. As he faced the onslaught, he noticed that the thousands of vampires attacking them had a disproportionate number of elder vampires among them.

  "Damn," he swore. "This is going to be rough."

  "Battle stations," Hanish said. "There are at least a hundred elder
s surrounding the compound."

  Raiden went into his half-shift form, extending his two laser swords from his arms. He began to charge through the shields into the battle, swinging and slashing and decapitating vampires at every turn. They fell before his swords, piling up in masses of broken, bloodied bodies oozing black slime from their wounds. But when three elders of monumental strength approached him, he was taken off guard. Two women in slinky ball gowns and a man in a top hat and sunglasses came at him, the women approaching from the front and the man from the back, so quickly he barely had time to react. The males' fangs brushed his neck right before Raiden retracted his swords and shifted into full-dragon form. He screamed, breathing lightning across the field, igniting the weaker foe before him.

  The elder vampires scrambled on his back, their sharp teeth sliding over his hard scales. They were much stronger than the others, with a more powerful attack. Their magic pulsed around him as their teeth pushed at his scales.

  "Are you all right, Raiden?" Hanish yelled over the mental link.

  Raiden flapped his wings, attempting to take off, but the vampires held tight to his back. One of them jumped onto his wing and tried to bite into it. The distraction was too much, and he couldn't take off. He fell to the ground and rolled on his back, dislodging one of them. The other two clung to him with their claws and teeth gripping at the very edge of his scales. But when he flipped back over on his feet, he threw the vampire from his wing and was able to launch himself into the air. He shot upward like a rocket, pumping his wings with all of his strength.

  As he reversed course and approached the ground, he went into a spinning dive. The centrifugal force and the gravity shook the last elder vampire free. He flipped around and slit them with his swords, wounding two of them before he did a back flip and landed again on his feet. As they fell, he thrust out his swords on either side, cutting off their heads.

  The third elder watched him from across the battlefield, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes glowed with maniacal hatred. She sneered at him. "That wasn't very nice."


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