Luminescence Trilogy: Complete Collection
Page 19
The timing couldn’t have sucked any more. Just as things between Gavin and I were getting hotter, Lukas showed up. As much as we were seen together at school, everyone assumed we were a couple. And that was just fine by me. In fact, I preferred it.
I wasn’t entirely sure why we weren’t dating, and it was an issue I’d been thinking lately to rectify, meaning I was going to ask what the heck was going on between us. I was—until yesterday—prior to Lukas being real. Now, I wasn’t sure of anything, except that Gavin still made my heart race and my breath catch.
He smirked at my approach, and I couldn’t help but smile in return. I took the hand he offered. Even with the mixture of fireflies and anxiety, when I was with him, he was the only one I wanted to be with. Lukas seemed like a tiny blip in my life as Gavin’s fingers caressed the skin over my pulse.
The flitting thought of Lukas brought all those doubts and nerves bubbling to the forefront of my mind, and I was glad Sophie wasn’t around to see my aura fly all over the place.
“How was Lunar last night?” Gavin asked, his dark and sinful voice filling me with warmth and making the fireflies dance.
Lunar was like the devil on speed. “He was very bad. Kept me up half the night playing with my hair and knotting it.”
He laughed, and the sound was bliss. “What a lucky kitty.”
I rolled my eyes.
He played with our fingers as we walked toward school. “You look better.” His eyes roamed over me in a way that had me flushing.
I glanced down at my feet. “I am better.” If you discredit the crazy insane predicament I was in.
“Good, because we need to talk after school.”
I gulped. Oh no, I thought. He knows.
He lowered his voice, and leaned close, his soft breath tickling my ear as we walked into school. “About what happened in your dream with Morgana,” he clarified.
I let out a sigh of relief. “Right, the whole dreamscape thingy.” This was a good and way overdue conversation. Hopefully, it would answer some questions I had about Lukas. “One problem, though. I have to work tonight.”
He shrugged. “No biggie. I’ll just come by when you get home tonight. Your aunt will never know.” He gave me that troublesome grin of his.
“Great,” I muttered and pasted on a smile. I was horrible at lying and keeping secrets. The deception was already getting out of hand. Fast. And this was only the beginning.
I was doomed.
Usually the idea of having Gavin in my room was exactly what I longed for. Now, being alone with him made me nervous. I might slip up and mention Lukas. I wasn’t sure I could hold off until Saturday, after I talked with Lukas.
The bell rang through the halls.
I swear he pouted. He wasn’t a fan of school. We were so yin and yang. “Ugh. Guess that means we have to get to class. See you in chem,” he grumbled, squeezing my hand.
I nodded, my skin still tingling from his touch.
Since the afternoon we met, any contact we had always brought this incredible zing. It was supposed to be from our magic, because we were witches, but with him, everything was always…more.
Austin grinned at me when I took my seat in English. Mrs. Schwab began her lecture, chalk scribbling over the chalkboard, yet my mind was anywhere but on congruent verbs. It was worrying about getting through the rest of the day.
After class Austin walked out with me. “Hey, babygirl, we missed you.” He looked so cute in his Guess jeans and gel-styled hair. Plus, he smelled incredible. Austin swung for the same team, and he took a ton of shit from idiots like Rianne at Holly Ridge High. Rianne was the absolute worst.
We’d gotten into an altercation a few months ago, and I sort of zapped her with magic, leaving some nasty cherry welts on her. In my defense, I didn’t know at the time I was a witch or that I was doing magic. Not that it mattered. Rianne deserved it for being a bitch.
“Believe it or not, I missed you too. Anything happen?” I asked as we walked side-by-side down the hall, pretty much in our own little bubble.
He lightly bumped my shoulder. “Nah, just the same crap every day. I do think I heard that Rianne was dropped from the top of the pyramid during practice yesterday. Would have paid to have seen that.”
“No kidding. Would it be too much to hope it knocked some sense into her?” She was definitely not one of my favorite people. The feeling was mutual.
“You sure you’re feeling better?” he asked, lines of concern creasing his manicured brows.
Leave it to one of my best friends to see through my ruse. Neither Tori nor Austin knew I was a witch, or that witches were a thing. For now, it was best that the truth stayed hidden, regardless that it was killing me having to keep something this huge from them. They were, after all, the only friends I had besides Sophie and Gavin…and I guess Lukas. I wasn’t sure where I stood with him, but I would find out this weekend.
I nodded. “Yeah. Just stressed.” That was an understatement, but at least the truth.
“You got this,” he encouraged, thinking I meant catching up in my classes. If he only knew. His confidence was bittersweet.
“Thanks,” I mumbled. “Catch you at lunch,” I replied, before we split off in different directions.
Our high school was like a giant octopus. All the halls stemmed off from a circular hub like tentacles. The approach of third period crumbled any confidence I might have gained from the comforts of routine.
Lost in my own my head, I never heard anyone sneak up behind me, not until his hands spanned my waist, and then I jumped like a fool in front of half my class.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I shrieked, smacking Gavin on the chest.
He laughed in my ear behind me. “Wasn’t hard. You were a million miles away.” I hadn’t been just a million miles away; I’d been in another galaxy. “What’s on your mind, beautiful?”
It always embarrassed when he gave me compliments, especially ones that weren’t true. “Nothing,” I shrugged. “Just the usual.” For Gavin, the “usual” meant witchcraft and all the baggage that came with it. Or in my case, the strange and unexplainable happenings that occurred only to me. Any other witch my age didn’t have to deal with half the crap I did.
His sapphire eyes were sparkling like stars, and the corners of his lips smirked. Lips I was well familiar with. Gavin was a good kind of distraction, and boy did I need to be distracted.
My heart constricted as I thought about what I was eventually going to have to tell him. With Gavin, I didn’t want there to be anything between us.
No lies.
No hiding.
No secrets.
I have had enough of being left in the dark. From now on, I was going to take charge of my life. How else was I going to protect those I loved? And Gavin was at the very top of the list.
“I’ve just got a lot on my mind,” I said, trying to convince him as much as myself. Every moment we were together, my guilt magnified. And that frightened me, maybe more than my unexplainable dreams.
Gavin and I took our seats at our table, and he scooted his chair closer to me. Warm tingles skated across the nape of my neck. Our legs brushed under the table, and I felt the flash of energy. It made my insides sing.
“I can’t wait to see you tonight.” His words hinted that there would be way more than just talking going on.
Lord help me. My pulse jumped. All too well I could recall the feel of his lips on mine, the cool steel of his hoop on my burning mouth.
As if he could read my mind, his eyes darkened to midnight, and I watched him twirl the ring at his lip. The class around me disappeared, and I leaned forward, bringing our lips even closer. He was like the most addictive drug. The closer we were, the more I needed him.
My brain was consumed with thoughts of how much I wanted to sink into him—how much I wanted him to make me forget my problems.
He wiggled his brow at me. “It’s probably best if you wait until after class to devour me.” Eve
n his smirk was becoming irresistible.
His words were like a splash of cold water, shaking me out of the haze of desire. Being near him caused me to lose my head, my emotions going haywire every time.
I gave him a look of exasperation, putting some needed distance between us. His grin only widened.
I rolled my eyes.
By lunch, I was ready to call it a day. Tori, Austin, and Sophie were waiting at our usual table as I approached.
“Eeee! I’m so glad you are back.” Tori’s high-pitched voice was over-exaggerated, drawing way too much attention.
You’d think I had just come back from a year abroad. I had only been gone a few days, for goodness’ sake, but I appreciated their concern nonetheless.
“You look better,” Sophie whispered as she gave me a quick hug. “How are you feeling?” We both knew there was an underlying question.
I nodded. “Fine. It feels great to be out of the house. I was literally going stir crazy at home.”
“Where is that reckless brother of mine? I am surprised he isn’t glued to your side.” Sophie asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t know, actually. He was here for third period.”
She pursed her lips. “You know, you’re the only reason he shows for third period anyway.”
“Speaking of smexy and gorgeous, have you guys made it official?” Austin asked with a sly grin.
Everyone at the table was staring my way, waiting for me to dish some dirt on our relationship status. “I hate to disappoint you, but…”
Tori snorted. “You guys just need to get it on already.” Sex—her answer to everything.
Sophie snickered beside me.
“I second that,” Austin commented, adding his two-cents.
If I’d had food in front of me, I would have tossed it at the three of them. They were lucky my appetite was on the fritz. I took a sip through the straw of my chocolate shake, ignoring them.
Chocolate cured everything.
Most of the time.
“Should I give that bonehead brother of mine a nudge?” Sophie asked with just a bit too much enthusiasm.
I choked on the smooth shake. “Sophie! Don’t you dare!”
She smiled in response, and I wasn’t reassured.
“Sophie, I am serious,” I warned.
“Fine. I won’t say anything, but seriously, one of you needs to make the first move. Honestly, I’m a little floored he hasn’t. Gavin isn’t usually so cautious with girls. He must really like you.”
It was like twisting a knife in an open wound. Her intentions were good; it was my guilt that was panging me.
After lunch, Sophie caught up with me in the hall as I headed to my locker. “Hey, I noticed your aura is off. It’s a weird mixture of brown and pink. You know you can talk to me if something is bothering you, right?”
I could feel beads of sweat lining my brow. There wasn’t much you could hide from magic. “I know.” I was almost afraid to ask what the colors meant. I needed was an aura reference guide or something. “What does that mean?”
“Auras aren’t always clear. Each color tends to have multiple feelings attached to it. In your case, brown can be confusion or deception and pink can be guilt or love. So what’s going on in the pretty head of yours?”
“More than I think I can handle.”
“Hey.” She laid a gentle hand on my arm. “You’re not alone.”
I didn’t have it in me to tell her this was more than self-esteem issues or coping with being a witch. This time it went outside my own personal demons.
Chapter 3
ON MY DRIVE HOME AFTER WORK, I was filled with a concoction of emotions: excitement, anticipation, and anxiety. There was nothing I wanted more than to be alone with Gavin, doing all the wicked things my mind imagined, but I knew the moment he found about my secret, we would lose something. The longer I stalled, the bigger the damage to our relationship, and I so wanted a relationship with Gavin.
Didn’t I?
Then there was that, the purple elephant in the room. What were my feelings about Lukas? Did I want something more than friendship from him?
I was so frustrated with myself.
How could I possibly be so sure I loved Gavin, then turn around and doubt those feelings?
I was a mess.
With my hip, I bumped open the door to my bedroom, and my heart sighed like a sappy love song. Gavin was spread out on my bed, a purring, blissful Lunar curled against his side. He looked like he should be on the cover of Rolling Stones. Dark. Edgy. Killer eyes. The two of them together looked like trouble and more trouble. He aimed a downright sinister grin my way, as if he could see the naughty images conjuring in my head. They would have made the devil himself blush.
I was drawn to him. Not just drawn—compelled might be a better word.
Just staring at him, I was filled with a boost of confidence. When it came to boys, I was more than a little inexperienced; I was downright clueless. It wasn’t like there was a step-by-step manual on dating, or a guide to teenage love. If there was, I probably would have memorized it.
Our gazes locked, and a surge of empowerment ribboned within me.
Maybe some part of me was tapping into my magic, or maybe it was because Gavin made me feel beautiful. Wherever my newfound confidence stemmed from, I wasn’t about to let it slip through my fingers. I was going to take full advantage of it while it lasted. Meaning, I was going to take full advantage of Gavin.
I tossed the keys on my dresser and crawled into bed alongside him, propping my head on my hand. His eyes hadn’t left mine since I entered the room. Neither of us said a word. Words weren’t needed for what I had in mind.
We had at least an hour before my aunt came home, and I wasn’t about to waste any more time. Without a second thought, I started what I had wanted since chemistry class.
Our lips met in one quick, fluid motion. The spark of our magic ignited as soon as our mouths touched. It was a fine line between pleasure and pain. For some insane reason, it felt like we hadn’t kissed in years. I was starved for him—for his touch.
He fisted a hand into my hair, tugging me closer to him. I could feel the waves of heat coming off of him as our bodies collided. This was…crazy and wonderful, at the same time.
As if he wasn’t satisfied with our closeness, I abruptly found myself lying on my back and Gavin’s glorious weight sinking into me. Our lips never lost contact. Talk about skill. He tasted of summer nights as he deepened the kiss, smoldering and heady.
I slipped my hand under his shirt, running my fingers over the planes of his back. I was beyond thinking rationally. Beyond thinking at all. It was all need. Lust. Hormones gone wild.
Holy hot moonbeams.
Bunching my fingers at the hem of his shirt, I pushed it up and in a swift movement it landed on the bedroom floor. My fingers couldn’t have been happier. I traced patterns on his back and dark stormy eyes locked onto mine, holding me prisoner.
A strangled groan escaped before he took possession of my lips again, more potent than before, blowing off the hotness radar. My fingers dug into his already messy hair, and my lips greedily ravished his. I loved the texture and feel of him.
His knee shifted between my legs as I soared to yet another dimension. Nuzzling my neck, his lip ring left a cool trail behind the scorching heat. His body contoured to mine in all the right places. Inside me, there was a feeling I couldn’t yet identify. Magic-y, I guess, a strand of energy that pulled us together. Being with him like this was beyond words.
It was unworldly.
I never wanted it to end.
When had I become such a hussy?
I loved the tingling sensation his hands left on my skin. It made me wonder if these were normal teenage reactions, or if our touch and feelings were heightened because of what we were—witches. I had to believe the latter. Being a witch changed the rules.
More than ever, I wanted to tap into my magic. It radiated under my skin, ready to be unleas
hed. The tingles launched from the center of my chest, splintering everywhere—building with each kiss.
If I could ever think intelligently again, I wanted to ask him about it. Right now, all I could think about was how heavenly Gavin’s lips were. I was floating on a mystical cloud.
We shifted positions on the bed, and a very loud and angry hiss sounded through the room. Neither of us was prepared for the abrupt interruption.
Lunar was standing on the bed on all fours, with his fur spiked like an arched bow. He looked like a tiny panther. Ears low, he stared into the air, hissing at nothing.
I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. Rascally cat. What has gotten into him?
Gavin was still hovering above me and indecision ran through the depth of his ocean eyes. I could see the choice swimming in them. Did he kiss me again as he clearly wanted to, or do the sensible thing and stop things before they went too far.
Then he closed his eyes briefly, and I knew what choice had won.
My body was still humming like a live wire, but he was right. We needed to slow down.
I sat up as he reached down and grabbed his discarded shirt. My heart was racing, so I took a deep breath and hugged my knees.
Gavin settled back down beside me, both of us staring straight ahead. “Well, that was intense.” His voice was gruff.
Boy was it ever. Intense might not be a strong enough description. “I’ll say,” I muttered under my breath, brushing my hair back into place as best I could. I wasn’t sure how we were going to just talk, when my body was thinking about anything but talking. “So…” I said lamely, breaking the sexual tension still vibrating in the air.
He leaned back against the bed beside me, leaving just enough space so our bodies didn’t touch. A wise choice. “So…” he echoed, making me grin.
I turned my head toward him. “I missed you at lunch. Where were you?”
“I had some stuff to take care of,” he replied nonchalantly.
“What kind of stuff?” I hated that I was being so nosey. It was not like I expected him to never leave my side. Or that I needed to know where he was at every second of the day. But, I had this inkling he’d been up to no good.