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Page 17

by Terri Reed

  “Hmmm,” Blake considered his words. His heartbeat sped up. He felt as if he was on the top of an iceberg and any second he’d fall off. “How long did that take?”

  “Not long.” Jeff sat back. “Not long at all.”

  They were interrupted by the arrival of the others. Nathanial took the seat next to him.

  Jeff leaned forward to say. “What do you think of the mighty Fallon falling in love?”

  Blake groaned. Great. Nathanial would have a field day with this information.

  Nathanial grinned from ear to ear. “Well, well. This is news. Have to say I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses.”

  Had he come to his senses? It was either that or he’d lost his mind.

  All through the meeting, Blake had to force himself to concentrate on the proceedings. Questions rolled around inside his head and his heart. Could he live without Liz? Did he want to?

  Would loving her make him weak? Or would she be a source of strength like nothing else in his life?

  By the time the meeting concluded, he’d come to a decision. He booked himself on the next flight out of Washington Dulles International Airport for South Carolina and to the resort island home of the woman he loved.

  * * *

  Nervous flutters danced in the pit of Liz’s tummy as she waited inside Hilton Head Island’s most posh restaurant. The hostess had seated her ten minutes ago. It would be another ten minutes before the time she’d told Blake to arrive. Would he show up? Or would she sit here alone, making a fool of herself?

  She wiped her damp palms on the white napkin covering her lap. The red velvet dress Jillian had insisted on buying her hugged her like a second skin. Jillian had worked her wonders on Liz’s limp hair, making the strands shine and adding a touch of bling in the form of clips holding her hair back from her face. Liz had allowed her sister to do her makeup with instructions to go light and was surprised when she’d looked in the mirror. Jillian really was good with makeup.

  But was it all for nothing?

  She took a drink of water to soothe the ache in her throat.

  The glow of the votive candle on the table danced as someone came up to the table. Expecting the waitress wanting to take her order again, Liz glanced up. Her breath stalled at the sight of the handsome man regarding her with a tender smile.

  “You’re here,” she breathed out, hardly daring to believe Blake had actually showed. He’d received her card and accepted her invitation to dinner.

  “I’m here.” He held out his hand. He looked sharp in a navy pinstripe suit with a red tie. Though he was dressed much as he’d been when they’d first met, she didn’t view him the same at all. Back then he’d been imposing, striking fear in her. A cold threat blocking her rescue of her sister.

  Now he was a man who represented respect and trust and honor. A man she admired and loved. A man who’d kept his promises. Gone was the hard and intimidating man she’d been afraid of. Now he was everything good and right in her world.

  She was powerless not to slip her hand into his. Setting aside her napkin, she allowed him to draw her to her feet.

  From behind his back, he produced her mother’s inlaid cedar jewelry box.

  She gasped in delight.

  “The CI guys picked it up in the tunnel and after they cleared it in evidence, I convinced them to let me take it. I know how important it is to you.”

  She reverently took the box and clutched it to her heart. “I thought it was lost forever.” Tears of gratitude filled her eyes. “How can I ever thank you?”

  A slow grin spread across his face. “I’ll think of something. May I tell you how beautiful you are?” he murmured with an admiring gleam in his eyes.

  A blush flamed in her cheeks. “Yes, please.”

  “You’re stunning.” He pulled her close.

  It felt amazing to be in his embrace. A place she never wanted to leave.

  “Thank you,” she dropped her gaze. “You’re very kind.” She peered up at him through her lashes. “And handsome in your suit.”

  He lifted her chin with the crook of his finger. “Thank you for reaching out. I’m really happy you did.”

  Elated to hear his words she thought for sure her feet must be floating ten inches above the ground. “You are?”

  He nodded and dipped his head for a tender kiss. His lips were soft, warm, like home. When he pulled away she leaned toward him wanting more.

  “We should order,” he said, making her aware of the curious stares of the other restaurant patrons.

  Heat climbing up her neck, she nodded and sat back in her seat. He sat down across from her and immediately took her hand across the table. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Giddy with delight, she gazed into the eyes of the man she loved and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too.”

  He lifted his water goblet. “To us.”

  She tilted her head as she lifted her glass with her free hand. What did this mean? “Is there an ‘us’?”

  He set his glass down. Then took her glass and placed it on the table before gathering both of her hands in his.

  “I very much want for there to be an ‘us.’ Don’t you?”

  The uncertainty in his eyes tugged at her heart. He was as scared of his feelings as she was of her own. Tenderness and affection flooded her. Love overflowed her heart. She leaned toward him. “Yes, I do.”

  She swallowed back the fear that threatened to keep her words from coming out. Pushing forward she had to jump in with both feet. “These past few weeks without you have been agonizing. Every moment of every day I’ve wanted to see you, to touch you, to be with you. I don’t think I can go on without you because I love you, Blake Fallon.”

  The admission dislodged something inside of her. She suddenly felt so free, so light without the burden of fear. She didn’t have to worry about losing herself to love. With Blake she’d found herself. “I hope that one day maybe you can love me, too.”

  A slow smile spread across his handsome face, and his eyes filled with joy. “You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that.”

  He mirrored her move and leaned closer. Their lips were inches apart. Their gazes locked. “I haven’t been able to concentrate or even think from the moment you left me at the airport. I don’t want to live without you. I can’t live without you. I love you, Liz Cantrell. And I hope one day you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife.”

  Euphoria, like she’d never known before, had her closing the distance between them for a kiss that she knew cemented their love for each other.

  When the kiss ended, she saw the love she felt reflected there in his warm, chocolate gaze. Her heart melted within her chest. “I would be honored to be your wife. To love you, honor you and cherish you all the days of my life.

  His boyish grin curled her toes. “Excellent.”

  She squeezed his hands. “I will live wherever you need to live.”

  “I only need to be where there’s an airport close by.”

  “There’s one close by here,” she couldn’t keep the lift of hope out of her tone.

  He wagged his eyebrows. “I know. When should we do this?”

  She grinned back at him. “As soon as we can?”

  “Yes, please.” He captured her lips again and the world faded to only them and their love.


  Liz dug her toes into the warm sand and stared out at the beautiful azure blue of Caribbean sea, the water stretching for miles in all directions. The white masts of sailboats provided perspective to delineate the blue-green water from the cloudless blue sky. A salty breeze tickled across her skin and the sun’s rays kissed her back, bathing her in a warm glow.

  Peace like she’d never known made her muscles languid and her mind free to
appreciate the turn of events that had lead her to this moment. As difficult as the ordeal in Niagara Falls had been, what with Jillian being kidnapped and held for ransom, Liz traveling north and working with the IBETs team to rescue her sister and to bring down the criminal mastermind behind the illegal smuggling of contraband between several countries, some really good things had resulted.

  Her sister was free and studying business and taking a real interest and responsibility in the antique store. Jillian had even set up a section of the store to display and sell her artwork. She’d decided to honor her marriage vows to Travis and awaited his time in prison to end. Twice a week she made the trek to Edgefield, South Carolina, where Travis was incarcerated in the state’s federal penitentiary. Thanks to Blake, the courts had granted Travis’s request to do his time as close to Jillian as he could get. In three years he’d be released. Jillian was counting off the days.

  Santini and Ken were both in federal prisons in other states. If Liz never saw either of the two men again as long as she lived she’d die happy. And the man who had told Ken the police didn’t have the necklace had been arrested as well, along with the dirty Niagara Regional Police officer. A cousin who’d been feeding him information.

  Then there was Blake.

  Who would have guessed that a stolen necklace of uncut diamonds would bring the most wonderful man into her life? A man more valuable than any jewel could ever be.

  That Valentine’s Day dinner six months ago had been the beginning of a new life. A life more wondrous than she could ever have imagined. Blake had become a constant in her life and two days ago they’d married before their family and friends. The little community church on Hilton Head Island had been filled to the brim. On his side were his parents, his sister and her family and a whole slew of agents and officers from both the United States and Canada. So many that several had spilled over to her side of the aisle to claim the few remaining seats.

  It had seemed as if the whole town had turned out for her wedding. Sheriff Ward had given her away in her father’s stead. Jillian had been the perfect matron of honor and Nathanial the best man. The reception had lasted well into the evening, almost making her and Blake late for the flight to their island honeymoon destination.

  A shadow passed over her, drawing her attention. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she stared up at the man whom she’d pledged her undying love to.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.


  He plopped down in the sand beside her and kissed her bare shoulder. “Happy thoughts, I hope.”

  “Yes, very happy.”

  He stretched out his tanned legs. “You’re not worrying about Jillian and the shop are you?”

  She laughed. “No. She’ll do just fine without me there.”

  Twirling his fingers into her hair, he said, “Good. Because I don’t want to share you with anyone.”


  He wagged his eyebrows at her. “Well, at least until we have kids.”

  She giggled at the prospect of filling the cottage they’d purchased on Hilton Head Island, just a few blocks from the shop, with children. Since now Blake was working from home and traveling only when he was on a case, he’d be there to help raise their kids. “I like the sound of that.”

  “I like this place.” He leaned back onto his elbows, turning his handsome face to the sun. “I could get used to the sunshine.”

  She followed his lead by leaning back and then shifted onto one elbow to face him. “I think we should do this every year.”

  “Do what?”

  She grinned and bumped her shoulder to his. “A yearly honeymoon.”

  He rolled toward her and propped himself on his elbow. With his finger he drew little circles on her arm. “Our first married tradition.”

  Love for this man filled her heart to near bursting. “The first of many traditions.”

  As they kissed, Liz could feel God’s smile surround them and she knew without a doubt that their lives, their futures, were in His hands.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from PLAIN DANGER by Debby Giusti.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed the journey to Niagara Falls with Liz and Blake. When I first brought ICE agent Blake Fallon onto the page in my July 2015 book Joint Investigation, I knew he needed a story of his own. It took me a while to get to know Blake and the pain that he carried. Pairing him with a woman who was also closed off meant they both needed to grow and I’m happy they did.

  They had many obstacles to overcome before they could have their happily-ever-after ending. Both had allowed the past to shape their present. Liz had to relinquish her need to always be the one helping and allow Blake and his team to help her rescue her sister. While Blake needed to learn to trust both Liz and God. Together they made a formidable team.

  I’m busy now writing my next book that will be released in April 2016. The first in a new continuities series from Love Inspired Suspense set in a fictional town in Arizona and revolving around the training center of a Rookie K-9 Unit. My heroine trains puppies to be placed with officers. What could be cuter than puppies!

  Blessings to you and yours,

  We hope you enjoyed this Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense story.

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  Plain Danger

  by Debby Giusti


  Bailey’s plaintive howl snapped Carrie York awake with a start. The Irish setter had whined at the door earlier. After letting him out, she must have fallen back to sleep.

  Raking her hand through her hair, Carrie rose from the guest room bed and peered out the window into the night. Streams of moonlight cascaded over the field behind her father’s house and draped the freestanding kitchen house, barn and chicken coop in shadows. In the distance, she spotted the dog, seemingly agitated as he sniffed at something hidden in the tall grass.

  “Hush,” she moaned as his wail continued. The neighbors on each side of her father’s property—one Amish, the other a military guy from nearby Fort Rickman—wouldn’t appreciate having their slumber disturbed by a rambunctious pup who was too inquisitive for his own good.

  Still groggy with sleep, she pulled on her clothes, stumbled into the kitchen and flicked on the overhead light. Her coat hung on a hook in the anteroom. Slipping it on, she opened the back door and stepped into the cold night.

  “Bailey, come here, boy.”

  Black clouds rolled overhead, blocking the light from the moon. Narrowing her eyes, she squinted into the darkness and started off through the thick grass, following the sound of the dog’s howls.

  She’d have to hire someone to mow the field and care for the few head of cattle her dad raised, along with his chickens. Too much for one person to maintain, especially a woman who knew nothing about farming.

  Again the dog’s cry cut through the night.

  Anxiety tingled her neck. “Come, boy. Now.”

  The dog sniffed at something that lay at his feet. A dead animal perhaps? Maybe a deer?

  “Bailey, come.”

  The dog glanced at her, then turned back to the downed prey.

  A stiff breeze blew across the field. She shivered and wrapped the coat tightly around her neck, feeling vulnerable and exposed, as if someone were watching...and wa

  Letting out a deep breath to ease her anxiety, she slapped her leg and called to the dog, “Come, boy. We need to go inside.”

  Reluctantly, Bailey trotted back to where she stood.

  “Good dog.” She patted his head and scratched under his neck. Feeling his wet fur, she raised her hand and stared at the tacky substance that darkened her fingers.

  She gasped. Even with the lack of adequate light, the stain looked like blood.

  “Are you hurt?”

  The dog barked twice.

  Bending down, she wiped her hand on the dew-damp grass, then stepped closer to inspect the carcass of the fallen animal.

  A gust of wind whipped through the clearing and tangled her hair across her eyes so she couldn’t see. Using her unsoiled hand, she shoved the wayward strands back from her face, and holding her breath to ward off the cloying odor, she stared down at the pile of fabric that lay at Bailey’s feet.

  Her heart pounded in her chest. A deafening roar sounded in her ears. She whimpered, wanting to run. Instead she held her gaze.

  Not a deer.

  But a man.

  She stepped closer, seeing combat boots and a digital-patterned uniform covering long legs and a muscular trunk.

  Goose bumps pimpled her arms as she glanced higher. For half a heartbeat, her mind refused to accept what her eyes saw.

  A scream caught in her throat. She turned away, unable to process the ghastly sight, and ran toward the house, needing the protection of four walls and locked doors.

  The setter followed behind her, barking. Between his yelps, she heard a branch snap, then another. Straining, she recognized a different sound. Her chest tightened.


  Heart skittering in her chest, she increased her pace, all too aware that someone, other than Bailey, was running after her.


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