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Through the Storm (Bellingwood Book 8)

Page 10

by Diane Greenwood Muir

Polly went through the drive-thru and when they had their food, she pulled into a parking place under a tree. She had just unwrapped her sandwich when her phone rang. She was so glad to see that the call was from Henry.

  "Hi there, husband of mine," she said. "Rebecca and I are trying to relax a little in the McDonalds parking lot before we go up to see her mom at the hospital. What are you planning to do?"

  "Polly, are you parked?" His voice was low and quiet.

  "Oh no, what's wrong."

  "When I got here, Obiwan was sitting in front of the back door. Andrew is gone."

  "You've checked everywhere? Upstairs? The barn?"

  "Polly," his tone was measured.

  "Of course you have. And Aaron and Ken? Are they there?"

  "They're here."

  "Have you guys talked to Sylvie?"

  "Aaron is taking Lydia out to Eliseo's house."

  "She can't take anymore."

  "I needed you to hear this from me. Can you deal with what you have to deal with or do you want Jeff to bring me down?"

  "I'm empty right now. It's like there's a black hole in my mind."

  "You're in the McDonalds parking lot?"

  Polly looked around, having completely forgotten where she was. "I think so."

  "Don't move. Don't go anywhere. Do you promise?"

  "I can't breathe." The sandwich fell out of her hand and on to the floor of the truck.


  "Come get me," she squeaked and started to cry.


  Polly was shaken back to reality by a small, soft voice asking, "What happened?"

  She shut her eyes and tried to get her bearings. Andrew had to be okay. God wouldn't do this to Sylvie. He just wouldn't.


  "What?" she responded and then realized that she wasn't alone in the truck. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rebecca. I went away for a moment."

  "What happened?"

  The little girl had enough to deal with right now. But Polly couldn't lie to her. It would be worse later.

  "Andrew's missing."

  "What do you mean, missing? He was just at your house."

  "I know, but when Henry got there, Obiwan was sitting in front of the back door and Andrew was gone."

  "Was he upstairs? Maybe he fell down in the creek. Maybe Obiwan just got away from him?"

  "I'm sure they've checked the creek. They've been through the house and the barn."

  "Where would he go and why wouldn't he take Obiwan?"

  Polly turned in her seat and reached over to take Rebecca's hand. "I don't know where he is. We're afraid that someone has taken him."

  The little girl's eyes grew big.

  It hadn't been that long ago that she had been the victim of a kidnapping. Why in the world did people think it was appropriate to involve children in their conflicts?

  "Someone crazy like that woman who kidnapped me?"

  "I hope not, sweetie."

  Rebecca pointed to the floor. "You dropped your sandwich."

  "I really did, didn't I." Polly bent over and picked it up and then dropped it in the empty sack.

  "Do you want some of mine?" Rebecca started to pull her sandwich apart.

  "No, no, no. That's fine. I'm really not hungry right now."

  "Neither am I." She tucked the wrapper back around the sandwich and dropped it in the sack on top of Polly's. "If you hadn't brought me down here, would Andrew still be safe? Is this my fault?"

  "It's no one's fault except for the person who took him."

  "It's his dad, isn't it?" Rebecca looked Polly squarely in the eye. "He's a bad man, isn't he?"

  "We don't know that for sure."

  Rebecca pulled her hands into her lap and sat quietly, then turned back to Polly and said, "I'm going to be strong for you now. You have too many people to worry about. Jessie ran away and Andrew is missing. My mom is going to be okay this time and I'm not going to be mean any more. You can count on me."

  "Come here," Polly unbuckled Rebecca's belt, pushed the backpack to the floor and pulled the girl across the seat and into her arms. "I'm so glad you're here with me," Polly sobbed into Rebecca's hair. While they held each other, Polly looked out the front windshield to see sun peeking through the clouds.

  Rebecca held on to her for a while and then backed up and said, "This is becoming a thing."

  Polly chuckled. "A thing?"

  "Yeah. You and me crying in the front seat of your truck in Boone. Is it always going to be like this?"

  "Ummm," Polly laughed from her belly. "Oh, Rebecca. You're wonderful. Thank you."

  "They're here," Rebecca scooted back across the seat.

  "Who?" Polly asked.

  "Jeff and Henry." Rebecca touched Polly's shoulder and pointed across her.

  Sure enough Jeff's car was parked in the next space and Henry got out, looking very worried. Polly brushed away her tears and gave him a weak grin, then opened the truck door and climbed down into his arms.

  "You've had a lot happen in one day," he whispered into her ear. "Mom told me about Jessie. I'm guessing you've risen above it all."

  "Until now." She leaned back enough to kiss him. "I'm sorry I'm so sloppy. If you had just given me some time, I would have processed it all and managed."

  "I don't know when you're going to figure out that you don't have to manage this all by yourself. I'm here now."

  Polly rested her head on his chest and let him hold her.

  "I'm so sorry, Polly. Andrew told me he was going outside. I checked the time. He wasn't gone five minutes before Henry came in with Obiwan," Jeff said.

  "It isn't your fault, Jeff."

  "Rachel and I both feel horrible. We should have gone out with him. I just can't believe this happened."

  "Stop it." She gave him a sly grin. "Tell me you didn't unhook the cameras around the building."

  "Well, Polly Giller, whatever do you mean? I thought you hated that invasion of privacy."

  Polly pulled away from Henry and put her hands on her hips. "Jeff Lyndsay, you are a brat. Did you or did you not get this on video?"

  "We did. And Aaron has it. It was Anthony Donovan. He didn't hurt Andrew or anything, just opened his car door and said something to the boy. Andrew sent Obiwan to the back door and got in. Polly, it was in your driveway."

  "Of course it was. Where else would it be? At least I know he didn't dump Andrew in the creek."

  "Polly," Henry scolded, nodding his head toward Rebecca.

  "What? She's the one who thought of it."

  Jeff took Polly's arm and drew her aside. "If you want to go back to Bellingwood, I can take Rebecca to the hospital. I'll bring her back later this evening."

  Polly glanced into the cab of her truck. Rebecca was watching them intently. "No, that's okay. If Henry doesn't mind spending some time up there with us, we'll stop in and see Sarah, then head back to town. I think I need to be with her right now. Sylvie has Lydia and Eliseo. They'll take care of her."

  "Call me if you need anything tonight, then," he said. "Anything. I can be back in Bellingwood in a half hour. And when Andrew is found, call me with that, too."

  "I promise." Polly pulled him into a hug. "Do not feel guilty about this. It was going to happen. I'm sorry that it happened on your watch, but it was going to happen."

  "Okay. I'll call Rachel and let her know. She's pretty upset."

  "Thanks, Jeff. I'll see you in the morning."

  Henry held the truck door open so Polly could get back in. She slid into the middle and pulled the lap belt on while he shifted the seat back and turned the truck on. Polly put her arm around Rebecca's shoulder. "How are you doing, sweetie? I know you've waited a long time to get to see your mom."

  "That's okay. They're probably running tests and junk." Rebecca craned her neck around Polly. "We don't have to stay too long, Henry."

  "We'll stay as long as it takes, Rebecca. Don't you worry." He drove out of the parking lot and headed down the street for the hospital. "You de
finitely need a new vehicle, Polly."

  "I've never sat on the hump before." She looked down at Rebecca. "Why didn't you tell me it was so uncomfortable to sit here?"

  "I dunno. Didn't think about it."

  "Well you're getting taller - this is not fun. My legs don't fit here, my butt doesn't fit."

  Rebecca giggled. "I'm still a little girl."

  "Yeah. Whatever. I'm changing things this week."

  "What are you going to do with the truck?" Rebecca asked.

  "Nothing yet. It was my dad's and I can't get rid of it. But it's not practical any longer. We need comfort."

  Henry pulled up in front of the hospital. "I'll be in the main waiting room when you come down. I have some calls to make and work to do. Don't worry about me."

  "Thanks, Henry." Polly kissed his cheek. "Thank you for rescuing me and for being patient."

  "Both of those things come standard with being married to you," he said, smiling. "Now go, take care of Rebecca and her mom."

  They asked questions at the front desk and found that Sarah was still in the emergency room. When they got down there, the receptionist told them that it would be several hours until she would be in a room.

  "Can her daughter see her quickly and tell her goodnight? We'll come back tomorrow," Polly asked.

  "Let me check."

  In a few moments, a nurse came out to get Rebecca. "It will have to be quick. We're doing more tests to see what is wrong with your mother. But, if you want to say hello and give her a hug, let's do that first."

  Polly nodded her thanks and sat down to wait. She called Henry.

  "Is everything okay?" he asked tentatively.

  "Don't get too comfortable. We aren't going to stay long. She's still down here in emergency and it's going to be a while before they put her in a room. Rebecca is telling her good night and then we'll be ready to go home."

  "Cool. I'm still in the truck. I'll drive around to the emergency room parking area. Come on out when you're ready."

  "How did you know that I needed you to come down?"

  "Because I wouldn't want to deal with everything you've faced today by myself. You're an amazing woman, but you should only have to handle so much."

  "I thought I was going to be sick when you told me Andrew was gone."

  "You know he won't hurt his own son, right?"

  "I don't know that. He threatened Jason once and Sylvie said that he got worse after Andrew was born. Who knows what he's thinking?"

  "Anthony Donovan is a bully and a jackass, but he's not stupid. He's trying to get Sylvie's attention and if he hurts one of her sons, that will only make things very bad for him."

  "I hope you're right."

  "Andrew is a smart little boy."

  "But he's so danged innocent. He isn't even aware when people are bullying him."

  "We'll hope that he treats his dad like he does everyone else and then he'll be just fine."

  "He has to be so scared right now."

  "Don't borrow trouble, sweet thing. You don't know what's going on."

  Polly shuddered. "You're right. I just wanted to let you know where we were. I'll be out soon."

  "I love you, Polly."

  "I love you too."

  Rebecca came through the large white swinging doors. She looked so small with that cavernous space behind her. Polly stood and walked to greet her. Rebecca reached up and took her hand.

  "Mom's going to sleep tonight, but they said she'll start getting better tomorrow. She has to start giving herself shots."

  "What?" Polly stopped as they were crossing the threshold of the building. "Shots? Why?"

  "She has diabetes."

  "After all of this, she has diabetes too?"

  "That's what she said. But she smiled at me and told me this wouldn't kill her." Rebecca looked up at Polly in all seriousness. "My mom's weird."

  "It's a good weird, right?"


  They got back in the truck and Henry asked, "Anything else while we're here?"

  "Are you hungry, Rebecca?"

  "Not really."

  "Me either. Let's just go back to Bellingwood."

  Polly took her phone out and typed in a text to Lydia. "Leaving the hospital. How's our girl? Has Aaron heard anything yet about Andrew?"

  "She's completely finished with victim-Sylvie and is on the warpath. I think Anthony Donovan better run for the hills ... after he drops Andrew off."

  "Ask if she needs me tonight."

  "She says that everything is fine here and she'll be in tomorrow morning. You're supposed to sleep well."

  "Tell her I love her."

  "Done. She loves you back. And sweetheart, I love you too. The sun rises tomorrow and we get another chance at it. Remember that."

  "Thanks, Lydia. I love you back."

  "Okay," Polly announced. "Sylvie is back to normal. That's one stressor off my back."

  "Nothing about Andrew?" Henry asked.

  "Not yet. But Sylvie is pissed off." Polly glanced down at Rebecca and said, "Oops, sorry."

  "Yeah. Because no one has ever said that in front of me before."

  "Well, I shouldn't."

  "Polly, I have a serious question," Rebecca said.

  "Okay, ask away."

  "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"

  Polly looked at Henry. He nodded.

  "Well, I think you should get a day off. Between your mom in the hospital and your best friend in trouble, it makes sense that you want to stay close. I'll email your teacher when we get home."

  They fell silent during the rest of the trip to Bellingwood. When it became uncomfortable, Polly finally spoke up, "I feel like we should be doing something more to find Andrew tonight."

  "Me too," Henry said. "But what?"

  "Do you know who any of Anthony's old buddies in town were? Maybe they'd know where he is."

  "We already went through that list with Aaron. He was going to reach out to them."

  "Oh. Okay."

  "Everyone is really trying, Polly."

  "I know. I just think that I should be too."

  Henry turned onto the road leading into Bellingwood. "Let law enforcement do their thing tonight and tomorrow you can stir them up and drive 'em crazy. But first, some supper and a good night's sleep for both of you girls."

  "That's Andrew!" Rebecca shouted, pointing to someone walking along the side of the highway.

  "What?" With dusk approaching, the figure was still too far away for Polly to see clearly.

  "That's his walk. Hurry, Henry."

  Henry pulled over just behind Andrew, and Rebecca jumped out of the truck as soon as it stopped, with Polly right behind her.

  "Andrew! Are you okay?"

  The boy turned around and a big grin split his face. "I knew someone would find me," he said and ran back to them.

  Polly caught him up and lifted him in a hug. "We've been so worried about you."

  "Oomph," he said. "You're squeezing me. I can't breathe."

  "Darn right," she responded and gave another squeeze before putting him down.

  "I was just going to walk to Sycamore House. It wasn't very much farther. I'm just glad the rain stopped."

  "How long have you been walking?"

  "I don't know. He dropped me off at the corner. Maybe fifteen minutes." They'd just turned that corner. It was a two mile walk into Bellingwood and they were right on the edge of town.

  "Come back to the truck," Henry said. "You need to call your mom right away. I'll call Aaron."

  Andrew climbed into the truck and Polly swiped her phone to Sylvie's number, then handed it to him.

  "No Mom, it's me. I'm with Polly," Andrew said.

  He waited a moment and gave a sly grin to Polly and Rebecca. "I'm fine. No, I'm not hurt at all. We just talked."

  Another moment passed and Polly could hear the sound of Sylvie's voice in the background, but not with enough clarity to distinguish words.

  "I'm really fine, Mom. I pr
omise." A few more sounds from Sylvie and Andrew pushed the phone at Polly. "She doesn't believe me and wants to talk to you."

  "Hi Sylvie, I think he's fine."

  "Are you at Sycamore House?"

  "No, we were coming back from the hospital with Rebecca and saw him walking down the highway. Apparently, Anthony dropped him out at the Boone corner."

  "What a jackass, making him walk. Was he afraid of being caught?"

  "I know, right?"

  "Did you hug him?"

  "I squeezed him pretty tight."

  "Will you bring him out here?"

  "We're going to Sycamore House to change vehicles and then we'll be out. He's in good shape, Sylvie."

  "You know I won't believe that until I see him. What happened today? I feel like everything is spinning out of control."

  "It does feel that way. But you're about to have all of your chicks back in one nest."

  "I'm so glad it was you who found him. Polly, what if something awful had happened?"

  Polly knew where this could spiral. "Lydia told me earlier that tough Sylvie was back. Don't let her go. We'll be out in just a few minutes." She climbed into the passenger seat beside Rebecca and then pulled the girl onto her lap. They were within two blocks of her driveway. Tomorrow she was getting a new vehicle. This was ridiculous.

  Henry stopped in front of the garage and everyone piled out of the truck.

  "Can we take Obiwan with us?" Andrew asked. "He didn't get a very long walk."

  The two adults looked at each other. "I don't see why not," Polly said.

  "I'll get him." Andrew ran inside and Rebecca was close behind him.

  "Kids are more resilient than we are," Henry said, shaking his head. "I wonder what happened."

  "I want to ask, but his mom should probably hear the story first. What did Aaron say?"

  "He's going back out to Eliseo's house and will meet us there."

  The kids and dog came rushing out of the back door and Obiwan ran for Polly. She knelt down to hug him. "You're a good boy. Next time, bite the guy's ankle or something, okay?"

  "Everyone in," Henry called, opening the back door of his truck.

  Polly waited for the kids to belt in, smiled at them chattering at the dog and each other, then climbed into the passenger seat. She pulled her belt on and held her hand out for Henry, winking at him as he squeezed it.


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