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Revenge - A Second Chance, First Time Romance

Page 10

by Piper Phoenix

  “I should go,” I said abruptly. I stood up but Stone quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me back down on the bed. He’d pulled so hard I flopped forward and my chest was pressed down against his. Our faces only inches apart.

  My hand rested on his solid chest and I wanted more than anything to glide it up and down his silky skin. I wanted to feel his muscles with my fingertips. The feeling was so powerful I didn’t know if I’d be able to push it back down. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to deny my desire.

  “I don’t want you to go,” he breathed as he looked directly into my eyes. The intensity of his gaze was nearly too much for me to handle.

  “But I really….” I couldn’t think. Why was I denying myself time with him again? My dad didn’t ever need to know.

  “Josie,” he said and paused. He didn’t say anything else. My name had been all he wanted to say. I took a deep breath and watched my hand as it slid across his chest. His skin was so soft and the muscles underneath so solid… it was perfect. Being here with him felt like I was doing something wrong, but I couldn’t stop.

  Stone put his finger under my chin and forced me to look up at him. My heart pounded so loudly in my chest I was sure he could hear it. Even though it probably caused him pain, he moved forward and pulled me closer to him. He held my face so I wouldn’t pull away as he pressed his lips to mine.

  At first I knew I should pull away, stop things… but when his tongue slipped inside my mouth to find mine, I melted into him. In that moment I was his, and he was mine. I could feel his passion… desire… his need in his kiss, and it matched mine completely.

  It was like something took over when I carefully climbed up on top of him. My fingers were on his chin, in his hair, and down his abs towards the waistband of his boxers. I kissed him as if he were my oxygen. He was the only thing keeping me alive.

  I wanted him.

  I need him.

  I craved him. Every fucking inch of his rock hard body.

  Stone’s fingertips glided down my neck and then over my shoulders. I shivered lightly under his touch. When he moved his fingers down towards my breast, I couldn’t help but gasp. My head tipped back as if it weighed a hundred pounds. My whole body came alive as he lightly ran felt around the curve of my breast.

  He pulled his head away from mine ever so slightly and looked into my eyes as he firmly cupped my breast. His thumb grazed my nipple lightly and when I parted my lips he thumbed it again, never taking his off of mine.

  Stone watched me as he stroked my nipple and moved his other hand down and around to grab my ass. His hand kept moving forward until I was sure he could feel my wetness. I moaned and closed my eyes when his fingers found my clothing covered folds.

  “Oh God,” I purred and my body jerked as he rubbed against the clothing.

  “No, it’s just me baby,” he said in his cool, confident voice.

  When he spoke it was as if I remembered where I was and who I was with. I should have moved away, thought things through, but he held me closer and stroked me again and again as his thumb repeatedly harassed my nipple. I felt dizzy under his touch.

  “Stone,” I moaned as I rolled my hips into his hand, but then I tried to pull away. It wouldn’t take long, at this rate he was going to bring to my body to the edge. I wanted his touch to last forever. He knew how to touch me in all the right ways.

  “Yeah, baby?” he said softly as he pressed his fingers into me. I could feel his eyes watching my every reaction.

  “This… shouldn’t… happen,” I said between heavy breaths but I still hadn’t been able to pull away from him.

  He stared at me as if he was trying to decide if I was telling the truth or not. After a long moment, he sighed and looked down into the small space between us.

  I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to pull myself away from him. I backed away from him to the far side of his bed so our bodies were no longer touching. The look on his face was almost tortured, but it also had a hint of understanding. My expression probably matched his identically.

  “I’m sorry,” I said shaking my head. “It’s just my dad… and stuff.”

  “I get it,” he said as he shifted eyes towards me. “But the things I’d do to you. Mmm, baby, I’ll be thinking about all those things the minute you are out the front door and there’s nothing your dad can do about that.”

  It took everything I had not to rip my clothes off and jump on top of him. I forced myself to stand up and straighten my clothes. “Well, I really should get going.”

  I paused in the doorway as if I have expected him to beg me to stay. But he didn’t. I waved at him awkwardly and turned to leave. But I only made it one step before he called after me. If he asked me to stay… I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to make my legs work.

  “Josie,” he said sharply. I took a step back so he could see me waiting, but I couldn’t look up at him. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, I did, but if I saw him, I wouldn’t be able to stay strong.

  I could do whatever I wanted and take whatever my dad dished out, but it wouldn’t be fair of me to do that to Stone. Because what my dad would dish out to him would be far worse than anything he’d do to me.

  “Yes?” I said softly.

  “Will you keep me posted on the Stretch situation? Since no one else in the fucking club is bothering to tell me anything.”

  I wanted to tell him I couldn’t. Because that would mean I’d have to talk to him again… see him again, and then all of this would just start up again. I needed a long time to gather my thoughts to make sense of everything. The last thing I wanted was to be in this position, and of course it was the exact position I had put myself in.

  “Sure thing,” I said, and I wanted to smack myself. Instead, I forced my legs to move forward and take me out of his house.

  Chapter 8

  I was sitting in the office trying to force myself not to think about Stone while working on organizing the files on my dad’s computer. What I couldn’t figure out was why my dad wanted me of all people to work on these things. I was going to be honest and fix anything that looked misleading.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have assumed my dad would have wanted a shady bookkeeper, but I did. He gave me the job because he wanted to help me out, or at least feel as though he was helping me out. It wasn’t actually about the bookkeeping.

  It was great to work on things and keep my mind off of my ex, which honestly was pretty easy considering everything that happened with Stone. I didn’t care about my ex but I was still worried he’d come for me, although it was probably less likely after what happened the first time he tried.

  If only working for my dad had been enough to keep my mind off of Stone and his perfectly sculpted body. If I closed my eyes, I could still imagine what he felt like.

  I ran my fingers along the top of the desk thinking about how the hardness of it reminded me of him. The varnished wood was silky and smooth. I jumped about thirty feet, or that’s what it felt like, into the air when the phone on the desk rang.

  “Yes? What is it? I mean, hello?” I said flabbergasted.


  It was Stone. I pictured him laying there in only his boxers. After a pause, I coughed and remembered how to breathe.

  “Yes, this is she,” I said pretending I didn’t recognize his voice. Of course, there was no way I couldn’t possible recognize his voice. Just hearing him was enough to send heat coursing through my body. It was like I could still feel his fingers touching me all over.

  I was distracted from my daydream when I realized how strange it was that he was calling me. The club was in a meeting. They had one every day at this exact same time. He must have known that… why was he calling me?

  “Hey, it’s Stone,” he said, and paused as if he was waiting for me to say something. But I didn’t know what he wanted me to say. There was a long pause before he started talking. “Listen, Josie, I need help with a few things.”

  “The club is having—”

  “It’s important,” Stone said cutting me off. It was as if he had expected me to come up with a reason why I couldn’t help him. I stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help him, I just knew what would happen if I went to his house again.

  I looked around while I tried to think of someone else I could send. But everyone was busy. My mom was out and I could probably go and interrupt the club meeting, but my dad would have been both pissed at me, and at Stone.

  “I guess I can stop by,” I offered and closed my eyes. I would have to keep myself in check. All I’d do is go there and help him with whatever he needed and then leave. He could have just as his ex for help, I’m sure she could have handled whatever it was he needed.

  Then again it didn’t seem as though he really liked his ex all that much. Maybe he preferred to keep his distance from her. For all I knew she was the last person he’d want to call.

  “That’s great Josie, thanks a lot. Much appreciated,” he said using his version of enthusiasm, which seemed forced but I was pretty sure that was just how he was. I heard the click of the phone as he hung up without even waiting for a response or saying goodbye.

  I stared at the phone. It was as though I was trying to decide if that had actually happened or not. Maybe I had just imagined the call. But I wasn’t that infatuated with him that I would start hallucinating.

  I locked the computer and put away the papers I had been working on. Right as I was about to walk out of the house I heard something that sounded very familiar. I ran to the window almost sure I knew exactly what I’d see.

  It was my ex in his noisy old pickup truck. He was driving down my road, and he seemed to slow down as he got closer to our house. I jumped up and checked to make sure the front door was locked. When I got back to peek out the window, I saw him turning the corner and driving away.

  My heart was beating so fast I thought for sure I was having a heart attack. What was he doing? He was lucky my dad was in a meeting. If my dad would have seen him go by who knows what he would have done. But maybe that’s why Troy went past… maybe he knew when the club had meetings. Had I told him?

  “What are you doing?” my mom asked, and I screamed.

  “Oh Jesus Christ mom you scared the shit out of me!” I said grabbing at my chest as if I was trying to shove my heart back inside.

  She narrowed her eyes and pointed at me. I realized my body was in a weird scrunched up kneeling behind the couch position.

  “What’s going on?” she said suddenly looking very suspicious.


  “He’s here?” she said, anger washing over her face.

  “No… he drove by,” I said wringing my hands together.

  My mom crossed her arms, “Your dad is going to kill that stupid fucker.”

  I pulled myself out from behind the couch and stepped over to the door. Stone was waiting for me, but I didn’t want to go outside. My body felt frozen as I stood there looking at the doorknob.

  “Where are you going?” my mom said taking a step towards me.

  “I have to go out for a bit.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “I’m not sure, mom.” My fingers were shaking. If Troy was brave enough to drive past after what had happened to, maybe I was wrong about what he would or wouldn’t do.

  All I had to do was get to Stone’s house and come back home. I didn’t have to stop anywhere in between.

  “Maybe you should take this,” she said as she opened her purse and fished out a pistol.

  I put my hand up, “No way. If I’m not back in an hour or two tell dad.”

  I said as I quickly opened the door and shut it. She shouted after me asking where I was going but I was too busy jogging to my car to go back and answer. Not that I would have told her the truth anyway.

  As I drove to Stone’s house, my phone rang. It was my mom, and I knew she was going to ask where I was going. I stuffed my cell back into my purse so I could focus on my driving. I wanted to be completely aware of my surroundings. Maybe I should have asked to take my mom’s car. Maybe I should have just sent my mom.

  I hit every single red light on the way to Stone’s house. At each light I debated whether or not I should turn around and go back home. I’d just call him and make up some kind of excuse. Surely he could find someone else to help him after the club meeting was over.

  I hated the fact that Troy still had control over me even though I had removed him from my life. And I hated the fact that I had to feel this way. I should be able to leave my house without stress and fear. Maybe I’d have to move far away. A different state. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about any of this. I could just start fresh.

  When I got to his house, I parked across the street and ran up his driveway. I knew I hadn’t been followed, but I still wanted to get inside. I knocked twice and waited.

  “Come in,” he shouted and he didn’t sound happy. It didn’t sound as if he had called me over to finish what we had started.

  I opened the door and peeked my head inside but of course he wasn’t in the living room. They house looked the same as it had when I left yesterday. It didn’t seem like had left his bedroom at all. Which was probably a good thing, after all, he needed the rest so his body could heal.

  “Stone?” I called out even though I was pretty sure where I’d find him.

  “In here,” he shouted back without bothering to tell me where here was. Not that it mattered. I knew.

  I stepped in front of his bedroom door and looked inside to find him standing there trying to get himself dressed.

  “Ugh, I can’t get this fucking thing on,” he said refusing to meet my eyes as he struggled with his shirt.

  “Here,” I said walking over to him. I pulled the shirt down over his head and paused. “Why are you getting dressed? And why are you out of bed?”

  “Eighteen more to go,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Sorry?” I said shaking my head. I wasn’t following.

  “Twenty questions… minus two. Never mind.”

  I stared at him and crossed my arms. I’d help him get dressed after he answered my questions.

  “Need to get to the clubhouse,” he said trying to stuff his good arm into the shirt by himself.

  My lips curled upwards, and I shook my head. I placed my hands on top of his arms with the intention of stopping him before he went to too much trouble.

  He looked down at me and I couldn’t read the soft look on his face. His eyes were serious, almost angry. The mood in the room shifted.

  I became pleasantly and somewhat painfully aware of how close to his bed we were standing. Had this been his plan all along? To get me here and get me into his bed again? I walked right into it like a deer in headlights.

  I cleared my throat and stepped back to get fresh oxygen to my brain. When I was too close to him all I could smell was his intoxicating masculine scent of soap and deodorant.

  My breathing was so erratic I hoped he wouldn’t notice. Because if he had he would know he was the one causing it.

  “Don’t worry about it. You won’t make it in time… I think they were either finished or almost finished when I left the house,” I said, not really sure if that had been true or not. I remembered hearing rowdy laughter when I had run to my car. It made me think they were sitting at the bar, not in the back having their secret discussions. “I’m sure someone will get you up to speed soon. Maybe someone is on their way right now.”

  “Come on, darlin’ we both know that ain’t true. No one is on their way,” he said with his sexy smirk. His blue eyes twinkling as they looked me up and down. The way he looked at me wasn’t something I don’t think I could ever get used to. He looked at me as if I was the only thing that mattered.

  “They might… when they are finished at the bar,” I said returning the smile. Of course, who knew how long they’d be at the bar.

  He reached over his head with his good
arm and yanked his shirt the rest of the way off with a couple of rough tugs. And then there he was again. Standing in front of me shirtless.

  “Ain’t no one coming to see me.”

  I wanted to drag my fingertips all over his luscious skin. There wasn’t anything I wanted more in that moment. I could have been offered a million dollars and I would have turned it down just to feel Stone’s sexy body.

  Our eyes locked. He flashed me his perfect smile, and I bit my lip. I had no idea how I wasn’t yanking his boxers down and tasting him while my hands touched every single one of his tattoos.

  He wasn’t keeping it a secret that he wanted me too. His hardness was already stabbing at the thin fabric of his underwear. Maybe he wanted to rip my clothes off too. Maybe he wanted to taste me.

  “Stone I, ah—”

  “Darlin’,” he said taking a step towards me, I think we just have to give in, baby. We can’t fight it forever.”

  I shook my head and looked away. If he took another step towards me, I wouldn’t be able to stay strong. But I had to, I had to do it for both of us.

  “I can’t… we can’t. And you know why we can’t.”

  “He doesn’t have to know. I won’t tell him… will you?” he whispered wearing a grin that was both sexy and sinister. “I need you… look how much I need you.”

  And I knew exactly what he was talking about. The room started to spin, and I knew it was a lost cause. I wanted him. No, it was worse than that… I needed him.

  Chapter 9

  Stone took two large steps and had his arms wrapped around me in less than a second. He seemed to need me just as badly as I needed him.

  “Aw fuck,” he whispered as he pressed his cock against my hip. “That’s because of you. You’re doing this to me. It’s been like this since I saw you. You don’t even realize what you’ve been doing to me do you?”

  I knew exactly what he meant but I couldn’t verbalize it was well as he could. It wasn’t like my dad could control every aspect of my life. I didn’t want to marry Stone or have his babies, I just wanted one night of passion. Why shouldn’t I be allowed that? After everything crappy in my life with Troy why couldn’t I just allow myself the one amazing night I needed. The night I already knew I would never be able to forget.


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