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Love Isn't Always Easy: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 3)

Page 4

by Lydia Rose

  Erin picked up her fork as Jane sat down with her. “Yeah, you did warn me. I mean you told me.”

  Erin took a bite of the salad that was filled with fresh vegetables and a curly lettuce. She had to admit to herself that the dressing was out of this world. As she took the last bite of her salad, she said, “I have to tell you that this was the best salad I ever had, but I’m ready for the scrumptious portion of the meal.” Her smile opened wide.

  Jane picked up the empty plates and walked away. “Maybe that was the entire meal,” she said over her shoulder before she disappeared. A few minutes later, Jane returned with two bowls.

  Erin could smell the fish that was in the bowl as Jane approached. “If that tastes half as good as it smells I am in for a treat.”

  Jane put the two bowls down and walked away. Erin, not wanting to be rude, just bent over and smelled the wonderful food that was put in front of her. The dish was some type of fish stew. Crab, scallops, shrimp and some other type of fish was swimming in a broth with vegetables.

  Jane returned with a flat bread that was covered in fresh herbs. “Go ahead and eat before it cools down.”

  Erin picked up her spoon and went for a scallop first. Her eyes closed as the food hit her tongue. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Erin said going back for another spoonful. “This is better than scrumptious, Jane. There are no words for what you have created here,” she said pointing at the meal.

  “Try the bread, Erin.”

  Erin broke a piece off and stuck it into the broth. The sounds coming out of Erin’s mouth weren’t words, but moans of pleasure. Once Erin had emptied her bowl, she sat up and looked at her hostess.

  “I can see why your place is such a success. You and Denny are very lucky.”

  “I do love what I do, but we’re both working six days a week. It doesn’t leave time for a life outside of work,” Jane said quietly, but up until recently she didn’t care about a life outside of work. Since she met Erin, she wanted a life. Not necessarily a love life, but a life.

  Erin nodded understanding as she watched Jane pick up the empty bowls. She now watched as Jane opened the refrigerator and took out two dessert bowls.

  “Chocolate mousse?” Erin asked with wide eyes.

  Jane giggled. “Yep.”

  “I thought you said your shop doesn’t carry this.” Erin pointed to the bowl.

  “It doesn’t. I made this for our meal tonight.”

  Erin finished her bowl before Jane was halfway through hers.

  “I guess you enjoyed that?”

  “Jane, you can give me a salad any day if the rest of the meal is as good as what you just served me.” Her hand gravitated over to Jane and rested on one of the brunette’s hands. “I can’t thank you enough for you doing this for me.” Erin’s hand remained in place until Jane slid her hand off the table. “Sorry,” she said, knowing she made Jane uncomfortable.

  Jane waved her hand. “No worries.”

  The two women began to clean up the kitchen. Erin was lost in her thoughts as she thought about the spark she had felt when she touched Jane’s hand.

  “Are you okay?” Jane asked surprised by how quiet Erin had become.

  Erin shook her head. “I’m just in a food coma right now.” She put the napkin down on the table. “Do you ever get to the beach?”

  “Not really,” Jane said, drying her hands. “Who has time?” she chuckled.

  “How old are you, Jane, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “Thirty three.”

  “Then it’s time you start to make time for yourself. I know the summer has got to be your busiest season, but you have to take time once in a while,” Erin insisted.

  “I know I do, but I don’t want to jeopardize my business either.”

  “I’m sure Denny would love to spend some time out of the store, too.”

  Jane nodded. Denny had been saying that same thing more and more lately. Maybe it was time to give their weekend chef more hours. She realized it was time to have a sit down with Denny.

  Erin ended the evening with a quick hug before she stepped away.


  In the morning while Jane and Denny were prepping the morning and lunch specials, she brought up the subject. “What would you think if we gave Rebecca more hours?”

  Denny looked up from his chopping and stared at Jane. “Why?”

  “I just thought maybe you would like to spend some time off this summer. You know, live like the rest of the world.” Jane never looked up from chopping as she made her suggestion. She never saw Denny walk over and put his hand on her forehead. “What are you doing?” Jane asked, putting down the knife.

  “You must be ill to suggest something like that.” Denny began to laugh hysterically.

  Jane didn’t see the smirk on Denny’s face. “Okay, forget it.”

  “No. You can’t take it back now. I would love to spend some time on the beach with friends.” He moved closer. “And my man.” His eyebrows wiggled.

  “You’re dating someone?” Jane asked surprised.

  “Yes. I’ve told you about Ron, but you never listen when I am talking about my love life.”

  “Love life,” Jane chuckled. “You mean your one night stands.”

  “It’s different with Ron. I want a relationship with him.” Denny’s eyes glazed over as he spoke about Ron.

  “I thought you had no interest in relationships?” Jane asked surprised.

  “I didn’t, but Ron is different. We’re having a good time. That is when I get to see him.” Denny smiled. “So when do we start this?”

  “First, we have to talk to Rebecca and see if she’s interested in more hours. If she is, then we can see what we can work out.” Jane was hoping that Rebecca would gladly accept more hours.


  Jane and Denny spoke with Rebecca when she came in to work the weekend. “Rebecca, can we speak with you before we begin prep?” Jane asked, pointing to a stool.

  “Are you firing me?” Rebecca asked nervously.

  “No, of course, not. Denny and I wanted to know if you have any interest in more hours.”

  “Really?” Rebecca was now smiling as Denny shook his head up and down. “Yes, I would. Sam’s hours have been cut back and we could use the money. What were you thinking?”

  “Well, you’ll still work Saturday and Sunday, but we’d like you to work a couple of days during the week.” Denny explained. “Jane and I are looking to have some time off this summer.”

  Rebecca was smiling from ear to ear. “I would love to work any time you need me.”

  Both Denny and Jane hugged the older woman.

  Over the next two weeks, Denny or Jane worked with Rebecca getting her used to what would be required of her.


  For the first time Jane had two days in a row off. Sunday morning she packed her beach bag, grabbed a chair and umbrella. “Gran, I’ll see you at lunchtime.”

  “Don’t you want to call your friend Erin to go with you?” Abby asked eyeing Jane over her reading glasses.

  “No. I’m bringing up my Kindle to read and enjoy the peace.”

  “You can still do that if she’s with you.”

  Jane was already walking toward the door. “I’ll see you later, Gran.” She walked the two short blocks to the beach and got herself situated on the sand. After an hour of sitting by herself, she decided to send a text to Erin. What are you doing? Jane sat there waiting for a response.

  Hey, getting ready to go to my friend Susan’s barbecue. Do you want to go with me and save me from all the single women that will be there? Erin figured that Jane was working and would automatically refuse. She read Jane’s response. No thank you. I’m sitting on the beach enjoying the view. Erin read Jane’s response and dialed her number.

  “Hi,” Jane said answering the phone.

  “You mean to tell me you are off and I have this barbecue to go to?”

  Jane chuckled. “Sorry.”

/>   “Come with me, Jane. You can sit on the beach for a while. I won’t have to pick you up until one.”

  “Erin, how are you going to meet any single women if I’m there with you?”

  “Jane, they have been trying to fix me up for years. No one has ever gotten it right.”

  “Maybe today will be the day,” Jane insisted.

  “Yeah, if you are with me,” Erin said with a giggle. “I guess you want to rest up because six am comes very quickly?” Erin used Jane’s normal answer.

  Jane laughed. “I’m off tomorrow too.”

  “What? How did you manage that?”

  “Denny and I decided we wanted to enjoy the summer. Our helper Rebecca is working more hours in the store,” Jane explained cheerfully.

  “Great. That means you have to come with me today.”

  “I can’t, Erin.” Jane wanted to go, but she didn’t want anyone to think that she and Erin were a couple.

  “I’ll introduce you as just a friend if that’s what you’re worried about.” Erin paused before continuing. “Maybe you’ll meet someone you like at the barbecue.”

  “I’m not interested in dating anyone, Erin,” Jane quickly answered. “Suppose there is someone you like at the party?”

  Erin laughed out loud. “Okay, I’ll bite. If I do, I won’t ignore you the whole time. I promise.”

  “Call your friend first and see if she minds if I come. Then call me back.”

  “Call you right back.” Erin hung up the phone and dialed Susan’s number.

  “You are not backing out of the barbecue again,” Susan said as she answered the phone.

  Erin chuckled. “No. I’m calling to see if I can bring a friend.”

  “A friend or a girlfriend?” Susan asked.

  “Just a friend,” Erin answered rolling her eyes.

  “Is this someone you wish was a girlfriend? Like some straight girl that you have a crush on?” Susan kept probing knowing there was more to this story then Erin was letting on.

  “Jane is not interested in dating me, Susan. Okay?”

  “I know there’s more to this story, but I’ll let it go for now. Bring her. I want to meet this friend of yours.”

  “So how many single women have you and your wife invited to this thing?”

  “None,” Susan answered.

  “Yeah, right,” Erin answered, not believing her friend.

  “It’s true. Carol said we should give you a break today.”

  “I knew I loved that woman of yours.” Erin was now smiling.

  “It will only be couples at the barbecue. Of course, Casey is bringing her latest girlfriend, but everyone else is married.”

  “I’ll see you around one then.”

  “You better,” Susan said laughing.

  Erin now called Jane back. “We’re all set.”

  “Your friend doesn’t mind you bringing me?”

  “Nope.” Erin smiled into the phone. “I’ll pick you up at twelve forty five.”

  “Make it twelve thirty. I want to stop at the store and pick up dessert.”

  “You don’t have to bring anything, Jane.”

  “Pick me up at twelve thirty,” Jane ordered before she disconnected the call.

  “I’m crazy about that woman,” Erin said to the empty room. Then her mind wandered to Jane and wanting so much to date her. She wanted to kiss those lips that were always moist and the eyes that looked as if they could see into Erin’s soul. Yeah, today was going to be a great day.


  Erin pulled into Jane’s driveway and before she could even get her car door opened, Jane was already down the front steps. Her sandals clapped against her feet as she rushed over.

  “Hi. Please take me to my store,” Jane said already putting on her seatbelt.

  “Sure.” Erin backed out of the driveway following Jane’s instructions. As they drove over to the store, Erin glanced at Jane. She had on a pair of white shorts and a button down white flowing shirt which was open, but covered her red tank top. Her painted red nails matched her toe nails. Jane had just enough make-up on to bring out her features.

  A spot opened right in front of the store and Jane stepped out of the car. “I’ll be right back.” Before she left the car she asked, “How many people are they expecting?”

  “I’m not really sure. I think only six or eight of us.” Erin answered with a shrug of her shoulders. Jane rolled her eyes as she closed the car door. Erin didn’t dare leave the vehicle and waited for Jane’s return.

  “Hi, Jane,” a surprised Rita said when she walked in. “Didn’t expect to see you today.”

  “I just stopped to pick something up.” Jane headed for the kitchen.

  “Jane?” Denny questioned.

  “Hi. Do we still have that chocolate cheese cake in the refrigerator?”

  “I think so,” Denny answered. “Why?”

  “I’m going to a barbecue and I don’t want to show up empty-handed.” Jane removed the cake from the refrigerator and reached for a box.

  “Are you going with Erin?” Denny asked moving closer to her.

  Jane nodded as she packed the cheese cake. “How is it going here?” she asked glancing around the kitchen.

  “Fine, Rebecca is doing a marvelous job. Go have fun, Jane.” Denny was now pushing Jane toward the front of the store.

  “Have a good day you two,” she said leaving the kitchen.

  Jane came out of the store and got back into the car. Erin started the car and drove to Susan and Carol’s house.

  “What have you got there?” Erin asked pointing at the box.

  “Chocolate cheesecake.”

  “Susan is going to love you. She is a chocolate freak, too.”

  “What about you?” Jane asked glancing at Erin.

  “I like chocolate too. You know I loved your mousse.” Erin smiled remembering that scrumptious dessert.

  Jane now took notice of what Erin was wearing. Her tan cargo shorts came to just above her knees. Jane knew that the blue t-shirt would bring out Erin’s eyes, but a pair of sunglasses sat on her face. Her blond hair was pulled back into a neat pony tail.

  “So you don’t know how many women they have invited for you to meet?” Jane asked.

  “They didn’t invite anyone this time. Susan said it’s only couples. They decided to give me a break today,” Erin said shrugging and grinning at Jane.

  “Is Susan with someone?” Jane asked.

  “Yes. She’s been married to Carol for two years, but they’ve been together for ten years. Casey, my best friend, is bringing her girlfriend. They haven’t been together long. Not sure who else is coming over.” Erin scratched her head. “Sorry, I didn’t ask.”

  They got to Susan and Carol’s house and parked in the long driveway along with the other cars already there. Jane opened her car door before Erin could get to the door. They walked to the door together.

  “Erin,” Susan said when she opened the door. She pulled Erin into a tight hug. Now she looked at Jane. “Hi, I’m Susan.” Her hand came out in greeting.

  “Jane Simmons,” she said taking Susan’s hand. “Thank you for allowing me to come today.”

  “Any friend of Erin is always welcome here. Come inside. What have you got there?” Susan asked.

  “Chocolate cheesecake.”

  “Ooh, I like this girl,” Susan said squeezing Jane to her side.

  Erin held her arm out for Jane to go first. As Erin passed Susan in the foyer she leaned into her ear.

  “She’s very pretty,” Susan whispered.

  Erin just nodded, but didn’t comment.

  Carol came into the house from the patio door. “Erin,” she screeched. “I’m so glad you came today.”

  Erin made the introductions this time. Carol pulled Jane into a similar hug that she had given Erin.

  “Let’s go outside so we can introduce Jane to the rest of the group,” Susan said leading them into the back yard.

  As soon as Jane step
ped outside, someone called her name. She looked up and recognized two of the women.

  “Sandy and Ginger, it’s good to see you both again.” She walked over to them and gave them a hug. These women were older than she, but you’d never know it when you were in their company.

  “Are you catering today’s barbecue?” Sandy asked looking at Jane and then to Erin.

  “No, today I’m just a guest,” she answered smiling.

  “Hey, Erin, I guess Jane is with you?” Carol asked.

  “Yes. We’re friends. How do you know Jane?” Erin asked.

  “Jane catered Ginger’s birthday party last winter. The food was out of this world,” Sandy explained. “Remember, you had to work and couldn’t attend.”

  Erin nodded and thought that if she had been at the party she would have met Jane last winter. Just her luck that she used work as an excuse not to attend the birthday party.

  Casey and her date joined the group. She put her arm around Erin and kissed her cheek. “So this is Jane?”

  “Casey, this is Jane. Jane, my best friend Casey.”

  “This is Ellie,” Casey said turning to her date.

  “What can I get you two to drink?” Carol asked.

  “Beer,” Erin said.

  Jane looked at the wine glasses around the seating area. “White wine, please.”

  “Coming right up,” Carol said before walking away.

  “So how did you two meet?” Susan asked Erin and Jane.

  “Erin is a regular at my store. I’ve been trying to get her to eat healthier.” Jane chuckled. “It hasn’t been easy. Erin seemed to have a desire to eat a breakfast burrito every morning. I’ve been trying to get her to eat some fruit and yogurt a few days a week.” Jane smiled looking at Erin and touched her hand.

  The move wasn’t missed by Susan who watched them closely. “Well, today is going to be unhealthy. We’re having hamburgers and all the fattening side dishes.”

  “Great,” Jane said laughing. “You have to let loose once and a while. Besides, I brought a chocolate cheesecake from the store.”

  “What Jane isn’t telling you is that we actually met when she had a car accident.” Erin moved closer to Jane.


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