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Love Isn't Always Easy: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 3)

Page 9

by Lydia Rose

  “Wait,” Jane said as Erin stood up. “What time do you take your lunch?”

  “Usually around one.”

  “Come to the house and I’ll have lunch ready for you.”

  “Honey, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I know I don’t, but I want to.” Jane got up on her knees. “Let me do this for you.”

  “Okay.” Erin’s arms went around the naked Jane as she kissed her deeply.

  “If you don’t stop that, I won’t let you leave the apartment,” Jane said with a giggle.

  Erin stepped away. “Have fun with your mother today.”

  Jane rolled her eyes. “I’ll try. You make sure you are careful out there today.”

  “I always am,” Erin said with a wink and added another kiss to Jane’s lips.

  As the apartment door closed, Jane realized that she wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep. She headed for the shower.

  Jane walked into the house at eight thirty to find her family in the kitchen having breakfast.

  “I didn’t think we’d see you this early,” Helen said. “Sit down and I’ll get you something to eat.”

  “Thanks,” Jane said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. “Where’s dad?”

  “Fishing,” Abby answered. “I was sad to hear about Erin’s family.”

  “It is very sad.” Jane took a sip of coffee not saying anything more because she didn’t know much more than what Erin had said. They were spending so much time making love, that Jane learning more about Erin had been put on the back burner. Helen placed a plate of pancakes in front of Jane and sat down again. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Honey, we don’t have to go to the beach. If you want, we can sit in the backyard.”

  “It’s up to you, Mom. I asked Erin to come to lunch today. So maybe it will be better if we’re close to the house so I can make something.”

  “What are you going to make?” Abby asked.

  “I was thinking of making chili. That can sit simmering for hours.”

  “Does Erin like chili?” Helen asked.

  Abby jumped in. “That girl eats anything that is put in front of her,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Gran is right. Erin loves everything.”

  “Does Erin have a nice apartment?” Helen asked.

  “She does. It’s furnished tastefully and Erin is very neat and clean.” Jane told the women with a smile.

  “Is there enough room for the two of you?” Abby asked.

  “Mom, Jane is not about to leave you all alone,” Helen said looking at her mother.

  “Helen, Jane has her own life to lead. When she is ready to move in with Erin, I will be thrilled for her.”

  “But, Mom…”

  “Don’t but Mom me. If you’re worried about me being all alone, move back to New Jersey,” Abby said with a wink in Jane’s direction.

  “Um,” Helen stammered.

  “Don’t worry, Helen. I’m not asking you to move back here. Just as I won’t make my granddaughter stay with me,” Abby sighed. “I’m very capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Don’t worry, Gran, I won’t abandon you if I move out.”

  “I know you won’t, Jane.” Abby patted Jane’s hand.

  “If you ever get to that point,” Helen said as she looked at Jane. “I wouldn’t mind spending our summers here in New Jersey.”

  “See, it’s all worked out. Now leave your daughter alone.”

  Helen and Jane spent the morning putting the chili together. By ten o’clock it was simmering on the stove.

  “Let’s go relax on the porch,” Abby said already walking toward the door. “It’s cloudy out so the heat isn’t bad.”

  Helen and Jane followed with glasses of iced tea in their hands.

  “This is nice,” Abby said as they all sat rocking in a rocking chair.

  “I miss being here on days like today,” Helen added. “Mom tells me that you and Denny are taking more time for yourselves these days.”

  “Yeah, we were getting a little burnt out.”

  “I’m sure you wanting to spend time with Erin had a lot to do with it,” Helen laughed.

  “It did, but Rebecca needed more hours and the business has been doing well. We also had a lot of catering jobs last winter. We hope to continue doing that this winter during the slower months in the store,” Jane explained. “I’m going to check the chili. Anyone want more iced tea or something else?”

  “We’re fine, Jane,” Abby answered. As soon as Jane was in the house, she said, “Go easy on her.”

  “I am, Mom.”

  Abby rolled her eyes. “Jane is a woman in love. Please let her enjoy this time. You remember when you fell in love with Bill. I remember when I fell in love with your father. There is no better feeling in the world.” Abby sighed loudly. “Your daughter has been alone her whole life and finally she’s found someone to love, someone who loves her very much. Jane couldn’t have found a better mate.”

  “Do you think they’ll get married?”

  “Since legally they can now, I would say someday.” Abby touched her daughter’s hand. “Don’t alienate yourself from your daughter. You’ll lose out to Erin in a heartbeat.”

  “I know that, Mom.” Helen turned in her chair. “So you don’t think she should date other women to be sure?”

  “I was introduced to your father and we were married six months later. I wasn’t allowed to date, but I still believe I ended up with the best man possible for me.” Abby looked at her daughter. “How many men did you have to go through before you found Bill?”

  “Too many,” Helen answered.

  “If you met Bill at eighteen years old, would you have dated other men after you met him?”

  “No, the moment I met him, I knew he was the man for me.” Helen rolled her eyes. She knew what her mother had just done. “You think you are so smart, don’t you?”

  “It’s not a matter of being smart, but being around a long time. Leave your daughter alone and welcome Erin into the family.”

  “I’ll try, Mom.”

  “You better.”

  Jane came out the door and took her seat again.

  “How’s the chili doing?” Abby asked.

  “It smells wonderful. Erin is going to love it.”

  “Even if she doesn’t, you’ll never know,” Helen said with a laugh.

  Abby laughed, too. “She’s right, Jane. That girl loves everything that you do.”

  Jane laughed with the two women, finally relaxing in her mother’s company.

  At one o’clock Erin knocked on the front door. Jane ran to open the door.

  “Right on time,” Jane said going in for a brief kiss.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” Erin hugged her lightly. “It smells wonderful in here.”

  “I hope you like chili?” Jane asked anxious to hear her answer.

  “Love it.” She stepped further into the house. “Would it be okay if I took my belt off while I eat?”

  “Of course.”

  Erin took off the belt and placed it on the foyer table gently. “I’m going to wash my hands.” She pointed to the hall bathroom.

  “Take your time. We will eat when you’re ready. Dad should be back from fishing any minute, too.”

  Bill walked in a few minutes later carrying his pole. “No fish tonight,” he said as he walked into the kitchen. Bill leaned over and kissed his wife. “Sorry.”

  “That’s okay. We didn’t plan on you catching anything.”

  Erin came out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen. “Hello, everyone.”

  “Erin,” Abby said. “Have a seat and we will get you a bowl.”

  “No luck?” Erin asked Bill.


  “I have a friend who has a boat. I can get her to take us out one day in the ocean if you’d like?”

  “That would be great, Erin,” Bill said smiling.

  Erin felt Jane squeeze her thigh.

  Erin now began adding to
ppings to her chili. “This is such a nice treat. I usually just grab a sandwich or some fast food.”

  “Jane is a wonderful chef, isn’t she Erin?” Helen asked smiling.

  “She is, Mrs. Simmons.” Erin put another spoonful of the chili into her mouth.

  “Erin, please call me Helen, and he is Bill,” she said pointing to her husband.

  Erin was surprised by Helen’s offer. “Thank you.”

  After lunch, Erin and Jane were sent to the porch to relax while the rest of the family cleaned up the kitchen.

  “Am I in the Twilight Zone?” Erin asked when they were alone.

  “I felt the same way this morning. It’s going better with my mother. I think my grandmother has a lot to do with it.”

  “Thank you for going to the work of making me such a nice lunch on your day off.”

  Jane grabbed Erin’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “I love cooking for you. It doesn’t feel like work.”

  “I guess you’ll be staying here tonight?”

  Jane nodded. “I have work early tomorrow morning. I don’t want to wake you up at five when I get up.”

  “I don’t care if that’s what you’re worried about,” Erin added a wide smile. “When are you off again?”

  “Sunday and Monday,” Jane answered.

  “I’ll take a vacation day on Monday. This way we can spend two days together, if you want me to?”

  “I would love it.”

  Erin stood up. “I’m sorry, but I have to get back to work.”

  Jane took Erin’s arm and followed her into the house. “Will I see you tonight?”

  “I’m supposed to have dinner with Casey tonight.” Erin saw the disappointment on Jane’s face. “Why don’t you come with us?”

  Jane smiled. “You two go catch up and I’ll entertain the parents.”

  “Maybe I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Count on it,” Jane said watching Erin return her belt to her waist. She now looked over her shoulder and then pulled Erin in for a deep kiss. “I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you, too. I’ll give you a call before I meet up with Casey.” Her lips found the pouting lips of her partner.

  “Be careful,” Jane called out as Erin opened the door.

  “Always,” she said with a wink.


  Casey sat in the restaurant waiting for Erin. It was unusual for Erin to be late. She was just about to text her when she saw her walking toward the table.

  “Hi,” Erin said giving Casey a hug.

  “You’re late. Is everything okay?”

  “Sorry. Everything is fine. I was on the phone with Jane.”

  “Why didn’t you bring her with you?”

  “I asked, but her parents are in town and she’s hanging out with them.”

  “So how are they, her parents?” Casey asked leaning toward Erin.

  “They started out very cold, but they’re coming around.”

  “Are they shocked that Jane is dating a woman?”

  “No. They knew she was gay without her telling them. They are pretty cool in that respect. It’s just…” Erin didn’t finish.

  “It’s just what?”

  “They think Jane is rushing this relationship.”

  “Do you think Jane is rushing the relationship?” Casey asked concerned for her friend.

  “Not at all. I would ask her to move in with me tomorrow if I thought she would accept.” Erin smiled at the thought.

  “Are you in love with her?”

  Erin nodded firmly. “Head over heels in love with this woman. She’s everything I’ve looked for in a woman. Jane is smart, funny and so affectionate.” Erin turned to Casey. “What about you and Ellie?”

  “Oh, that’s over.” Casey answered picking up her drink.

  “What happened? You two seemed so happy at the barbecue.”

  “We got along fine, but we weren’t compatible in the bedroom.”

  Erin laughed. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you say that. Usually the sex is great, but outside the bedroom the women have always failed to meet your expectations.”

  “Yeah, it’s a first for me,” Casey chuckled, trying to hide her sadness.

  “Was she that bad?”

  “It wasn’t that. Ellie was rarely in the mood for sex. She was always tired or had a headache.”

  “Ouch,” Erin said softly.

  “Yeah, and if it’s like that in the beginning…” Casey exhaled. “It would only get worse. I guess you aren’t having that problem?”

  Erin shook her head. “We are very compatible in the bedroom department.”

  “I hate you,” Casey said chuckling. “You really are crazy about this woman?”

  “I am and I’m going to marry her someday,” Erin answered, allowing her thoughts to drift to Jane’s smiling face. “I know how lucky I am, Casey.”

  “I’m happy for you, Erin.”

  They finished their meals and went their separate ways. Erin sent a text to Jane. Are you still awake?

  Jane picked up her phone at the announcement of a text. She smiled when she read the message. I’m up and missing you.

  Erin quickly typed an answer. Do you want to see me?

  Yes, Yes, Yes. Jane typed.

  Erin laughed and drove over to the house. Jane was waiting for her in the darkness of the porch. Their bodies met instantly and they kissed as if their lives depended on it. When they finally broke away from each other, Jane kept her hands on Erin’s arms.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You are out of my sight for a few hours and I feel as though I’m dying.”

  Erin’s fingers brushed Jane’s cheek. “I feel the same way.” She brushed her lips across hers. “Casey said to say hello.”

  “How is she?”

  “She and Ellie broke up.”

  “Sit down and tell me what happened.” Jane led them to the love seat so they could talk and be close.

  “Ellie wasn’t too interested in having sex with Casey.”

  “Oh,” Jane said embarrassed. “Did Ellie tell her why?”

  “I don’t think Casey gave Ellie the chance to say anything. Casey figured if it wasn’t good in the beginning, it wouldn’t get better with time.” Erin sighed. “It’s a shame because Casey said she enjoyed Ellie’s company.”

  Jane leaned closer to Erin. “We’re okay in that department, right?” She was happy for the darkness of the porch so Erin couldn’t see the blush on her face.

  “We are fantastic in that department. I wish I could taste you right now.” Erin whispered in her ear.

  “Me, too.” Jane squeezed her hand. “Spend the night with me.”

  “Jane, I don’t have my things.”

  “I have to get up at five. You can leave early and still get an hour sleep before you have to get ready for work.” Jane sucked on Erin’s earlobe.

  Erin moaned. “Yes.”

  Jane stood up and took her hand.

  “Your parents?”

  “I don’t care if you don’t.” Jane led them into the house and poked her head into the living room. “Good night,” she said and pulled Erin toward the stairs.

  “Good night.” Erin called before Jane dragged her away.

  Helen and Bill shared a look.

  “Jane is thirty three years old, Helen. She’s not a teenager sneaking her girlfriend upstairs,” Abby said shaking her finger at her daughter.

  “So you are okay with this?”

  Abby shook her head. “I don’t have a problem.” She pointed her finger. “So you shouldn’t.”

  “She’s not your daughter,” Bill said huffing.

  In the bedroom upstairs, Jane was quickly stripping Erin of her clothing. “Your dad could have killed me with the daggers he was throwing my way.”

  Jane pushed Erin onto the bed. “You’ll forget all about that in a few seconds,” she said giggling.

  Jane could hear Erin’s even breathing as she lay awake thinking. She alw
ays thought she would never be happy unless she had her own business. Now that didn’t mean anything unless she had Erin’s love in her life. Erin reached out for her in her sleep and Jane’s heart melted. Even sleeping this wonderful woman needed her. Jane moved closer and finally fell asleep.


  “Good morning.” Hazel called out to a gentleman who walked into the store. He approached her with a smile. “Couldn’t stay away?”

  “The food is wonderful. My wife wants to live here year round because of the food from here and we live in New York City.”

  “Jane and Denny are wonderful chefs, but it’s Jane’s recipes that make everything come together.”

  “Are the owners here today?”

  Hazel raised an eyebrow. “Yes, they’re in the kitchen cooking.”

  The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. “Would you give my card to them and ask if they would give me a call at their convenience?”

  Hazel read the card and her eyes opened wide and nodded.

  The man took his bag of muffins and left.

  “Who was that man?” Rita asked Hazel

  “David Archer from the Food Network.”


  Hazel nodded.

  “Well, go give his card to them,” Rita said motioning for Hazel to move.

  Hazel walked into the kitchen grinning.

  “What’s up?” Jane asked.

  She handed the card to her. Jane read the card and handed it to Denny.

  “What did he say?” Jane asked not knowing what this was about.

  “He asked you to give him a call at your convenience.” Hazel mimicked his voice.

  Rita poked her head into the kitchen. “Hazel, we’ve got customers out here.”

  “Do you think this is for real?” Denny asked still looking at the card.

  Jane shrugged. “I guess we will never know until we call him. Unless you don’t want us to call?”

  “No. I think we should at least find out what this is all about.”

  As the afternoon slowed down, Jane picked up her phone and called the number on the card.

  “David Archer.”

  “Hello. This is Jane Simmons of the Fresh Market.”

  “Oh, hello, Ms. Simmons. I’d like to sit with you and your partner to discuss a business venture.”


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