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Playing Hardball, Part 2 (A Baseball Romance Serial) (Playing Hardball (A Baseball Romance Serial))

Page 6

by Sharon Cummin

  “When the camera zoomed in on your face, you had the most intense look I'd ever seen. I had to turn it off,” she whispered. “It was like I could feel it.”

  I smiled at her innocent comment. It said more than she wanted it to. I ripped her panties from her, grabbed her knees, and spread her legs. The rumble that came from my chest couldn't be helped. She was fucking perfect. Without warning, I buried my face between her legs and thrust my tongue into her. Her hands grabbed the sheets hard, and she was crying out my name in seconds. It had been two long weeks since I'd driven away from her. I don't know what it was, but she drove me crazy in every way possible. I made sure to lick, suck, and kiss every single bit of her. When I pulled her clit between my teeth and thrust two fingers deep into her soaked pussy, her back arched high off the bed, she screamed my name, and she came so damn hard.

  When her back finally fell back onto the bed and her hips quit bucking against my hand, I got up from my knees and stood looking down at her. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at me. I leaned over and held my fingers in front of her mouth.

  “Suck,” I said.

  She opened her mouth and kept her eyes on mine. Then she picked her head up from the bed, wrapped her lips around my fingers, and sucked hard, the entire time keeping our eyes connected. My cock was so damn hard, I felt like my jeans were going to rip open. I wouldn't break our connection either, there was no way. I looked into her beautiful, dark eyes, as I reached down, undid my jeans, and grabbed something from my pocket before sliding them with my boxers to the floor. She licked her lips never looking away from my eyes. I ripped that packet open and covered myself before crawling over her. My knee moved between her legs to spread them wide, and I lined myself up.

  “Two long weeks,” was all I said before slamming into her.

  Her loud cry out to me only made me harder. I pulled out and slammed back in again. With each thrust, she moved higher up the bed. I grabbed onto her hips to keep her with me. When I slammed in again, her arms wrapped around my neck. I could feel her nails cut into my back and moaned.

  “Firecracker,” I warned in a rough tone.

  She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down. When her teeth scraped across my lip, I almost lost my shit. I shook my head no and felt her smile against my lips. It took all I had not to smile back. I grabbed her lip between my teeth and pulled to open her mouth to me. Then my tongue thrust in and took control.

  One hand wrapped around and grabbed her ass while the other held me above her. I drove my cock in so damn deep. Her moans mixed with mine, as I fucked her harder than I had before. Two weeks I'd waited to be inside of her again. Her hips were thrusting forward in rhythm with mine. My fingers wrapped around her waist and I fucked her deep and hard. It was like my mind was gone. I couldn't think enough to string one sentence together.

  “Fuck, Lucy,” I moaned. “So fucking good.”

  “Lance,” she cried out over and over.

  I thrust in hard and stilled. Her grip on my neck tightened, and she came around my dick. I growled out her name, as I came harder than I could remember ever coming. My breathing was so rough, I had to work to catch my breath. When I came down on top of her, I could feel her heart pounding. She still hadn't opened her eyes. When I got up and walked to the bathroom, she turned on her side. When I came back, she didn't say a word. I crawled in bed behind her, wrapped my arm around her, and pulled her body across the bed against mine.

  I was just starting to close my eyes, when I heard a phone ring. She let out a sigh before moving in my hold.

  “Move your big arm, Ballplayer,” she snapped, as she tried to get up. “That must be the one you jack off with. That shit is heavy.”

  “No,” I said with a laugh. “It's not the one.”

  She hurried out of the room and came back with her finger over her mouth to quiet me. I hated when she did that. It was like she was embarrassed for someone to know I was there with her.

  “We're getting married tomorrow,” I heard through the phone when Lucy sat down.

  It was Carrie's voice on the other end of the line. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They were planning the wedding, I'd heard that from Scott. What the hell was she talking about getting married tomorrow, I wondered?

  “I'll be there,” Lucy squealed into the phone. “Tell Scott I will kill him if it happens without me. It was bad enough I missed the proposal and baby announcement. If he ruins this for me, I will rip him to shreds.”

  I heard someone on the other end but couldn't tell what they were saying.

  “What?” Lucky asked.

  “Don't what my ass,” I heard Scott say through the phone. “He's right there with you.”

  “Shit,” Lucy whispered.

  Carrie and Lucy went back and forth for a few minutes before I heard Scott again.

  “Now hang up,” he said.

  A minute or so later, I heard Scott even more clear than before.

  “We will see the two of you tomorrow. I have a woman I need to be buried balls deep inside of. Goodnight.”

  Then the phone went dead. Lucy looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

  “They're getting married tomorrow and want us both there,” she said. “I need to get ready. We need to go.”

  I grabbed her phone and put it down on the night stand. Then I pulled her down against me.

  “We can't drive there right now. They'll be asleep. We'll get up early and go.”

  She looked over at me.

  “You need to go. We can meet in the morning,” she said.

  I shook my head no and pulled her closer.

  “Two long weeks,” I said. “We will get up early, woman. Go to sleep.”

  We'd only been asleep a few hours when I felt her thrash and shake against me. It wasn't the first time it had happened. I don't think she realized it before. I pulled her closer and rubbed her arm.

  “You're okay,” I whispered. “I've got you. Everything is okay.”

  She instantly settled down. I had one leg over hers and kissed her neck over and over until I felt her relax completely. I couldn't help but want to know what demons she was fighting, but I knew if I ever asked her, she'd cut me off completely. If she ever wanted me to know, she'd tell me. Until then, all I could do was sooth her and let her know I was there and wouldn't let anything happen to her. When I thought about it happening without me there, I felt so damn sad for her. She needed to know people cared about her and would never make her fight it alone. That was when her parents popped into my mind. Why would they let her be alone? Didn't they care? I wasn't close to my parents, but for her it was different. A woman needs her parents. I held her even tighter and finally fell back to sleep.

  The minute the alarm went off, she was out of that bed and running. She showered faster than I thought possible and got dressed. Then she packed a bag and was ready. I made sure everything was shut off and put away. When she came out with her bag on her arm, she gasped.

  “You did the dishes?” she asked.

  “I can do more than throw a ball, Firecracker,” I said with a laugh.

  She looked around to make sure I'd remembered everything and was at the door waiting.

  “Hurry your ass up, Ballplayer,” she said. “I am not missing this wedding.”

  We got in my car and headed toward my house. When I pulled up my drive, she gasped and her hands covered her mouth.

  “Fuck,” she whispered. “It's beautiful.”

  I parked my car and hurried around to get her door. She got out and stood still as she looked around.

  “We need to move, woman,” I said. “I will not be blamed if you miss this wedding. Move it.”

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the house.

  “Look around, snoop, or whatever you want,” I said. “I need to shower.”

  I ran up the stairs, showered, dressed in a suit, and packed a bag. When I came down the stairs, she was in the living room looking out over my backyard.

sp; “This is absolutely beautiful,” she said.

  My yard was pretty awesome, even though I never took the time to enjoy it. There were trees lining the property. In the center was an in-ground pool that I barely used but kept anyway. There was a rock thing with a waterfall going into the pool that you could sit under. There was a table with chairs and an awning to shade it. I had a deck off the back of the house that had a nice place to barbecue with brick walls around it. Then on the other side was a huge place to have a fire at night.

  “We need to go,” I said.

  She turned around and her mouth dropped open. Her feet didn't move. She just stood there looking at me. I took quick steps toward her with a smile on my face. Then I leaned in close to her ear.

  “Pick your mouth up off the floor, Firecracker,” I said. “You've already seen what's underneath.”

  “I just,” she began but stopped. “You look really good in that suit.”

  “You look pretty damn good yourself. If you behave, maybe I'll let you take me out of this suit later tonight. Get that sweet ass moving and quit eye fucking me, or you are never going to get there in time for that wedding. My dick is about to burst through these damn pants.”

  When her smile covered her face and she opened her mouth to say something, I knew for sure it would end with me carrying her over my shoulder to my room like a caveman and fucking her senseless. I grabbed her hand and pulled it down to cover my cock.

  “Not a word, Firecracker,” I said sternly. “I'm holding on by a thread here.”

  Then I grabbed that same hand before she did something stupid, made sure I had everything, and pulled her out of my house behind me. We got in the car and were on our way. I got on the phone and made reservations at a hotel by Carrie's parents' house for the night. Lucy looked over at me.

  “Don't give me that look,” I said. “We'll head back home tomorrow. There is no way you are going to want to leave Carrie, James, and her parents tonight.”

  She nodded without a word coming out of that smart mouth of hers. The drive was nice. We talked the entire time without pissing each other off. Lucy kept fucking with my radio. She was damn lucky we had someplace to be, but I did plan to have my palm across that ass later that night. I was keeping track of everything she was doing to fuck with me. I'd be dealing with it later.

  We pulled into Carrie's mom and dad's driveway with twenty minutes to spare. I looked over at the smile on Lucy's face and felt the weirdest feeling in my chest. Knock that shit off, I scolded myself in my head. Behind that smile is something totally different. Then I had to laugh to myself. She looked over and gave me the strangest look.

  “Come on,” I said, as I got out. “We've got a wedding to attend.”

  Chapter 7


  I knew he'd have a nice house. Why wouldn't he, I thought? He made millions as a star pitcher. For some reason, when I actually saw it, I was completely surprised. I couldn't tell you why, I just was. I'm not sure if I expected him to live in a really nice apartment on some top floor or in a house. I just didn't expect it to be the way it was. Looking out into that backyard was something else. The pool alone had my eyes wide. There was a damn waterfall in it. I could only imagine sitting beneath it as the water came down in front of me. He was a bachelor, but his home was decorated nicely. It looked like a family could have been living there. I'm not sure why I expected there to be way more black and baseball shit everywhere. It was a pleasant surprise actually. Never once did I think he'd live where he did.

  Then I thought about my apartment. It made me laugh inside. My place would probably fit in his damn bathroom. He hadn't complained at all while he was there. I thought about him looking around my place and could only imagine the things that had to have been going through his mind. He could have been at his place the night before, but he was at mine instead. Why, was my only thought? It made no sense to me.

  When he came into the room and I turned to see him wearing that suit, every thought of his house was forgotten. He looked so damn good. I'd seen him in jeans, shorts, and his baseball uniform, but that suit put him on a whole different level of fucking hot. The way those pants covered his legs and snugged his ass had my mouth watering. His dress shirt only made his chest and abs look better. He had his tie tied perfectly. It was a dark purple. That color had never looked so good on a man. I stood frozen thinking about undoing that tie and using it to pull him closer to me. I must have looked him up and down at least five times before he told me my mouth was on the floor. It was indeed.

  When he told me to behave, it took all I had not to say something and he knew it. When he took my hand and placed it over his pants, his cock was rock hard. I wanted him more than I wanted to be on time for the wedding, but I knew I'd regret it if I wasn't there. He saved me when he pulled my hand away, and I planned on taking him up on the offer of removing that suit later.

  I was shocked when he called to reserve a room. When he said it was because he knew I wouldn't want to leave, I felt a strange feeling in my stomach. I knew better than to think it was anything other than him not wanting to drive back that late. He'd made it clear to me and to Scott that we were in it for fun, and when he was done he would end it. That was good. It kept me aware and reminded me that I needed to stay true to Brad. I'd never love again.

  The drive was actually really nice. Lance didn't say a word when I messed with his radio. We actually had normal conversation. I didn't feel like fucking with him. I was going to see Carrie and James, and I was super excited that she was getting her love back for life.

  There was an intense feeling filling the air in the car when we first got there, but Lance quickly broke it. I couldn't wait to watch my friend promise forever to her one true love. Not everyone's happily ever after gets taken from them. Her's did for a bit, but they found their way back to each other.

  The front door opened, and Carrie's mom was standing there with the biggest smile on her face. I ran for her the moment she opened her arms to me. She would never know how much her taking me into her family meant to me. I looked forward to talking to her as often as I could. I loved making dinner with a recipe she sent and sending her pictures when I was done. I was quickly feeling safe and found myself opening up a little bit with her. She wrapped me in her arms, and I held her tight.

  “Where's my lasagna picture?” she whispered into my ear.

  I let out a laugh and turned to look at Lance who was already shaking hands and diving into a conversation with Carrie's dad. It made me wonder how he felt about being welcomed into their family.

  “Well,” I said with a smile.

  “I thought you two weren't talking anymore,” she said.

  “We weren't,” I said. “He showed up at my door yesterday. I guess he was bored. I saw his house today. It made me realize just how different our lives are.”

  I laughed, but deep down I meant what I said. Lance was on a whole different level than me. I had no idea why he was even bothering with someone like me when he could spend his time with a woman more his caliber.

  “He had a game yesterday and showed up at your house after,” she said. “I don't think it had anything to do with being bored.”

  “I'm sure he just had nothing better to do,” I said. “We talked about what happened when we were here and decided to still meet up for some stress relief.”

  “Is that so?” she asked. “It's all about stress relief. How was the lasagna?”

  “He said it was better than what he had here that day. Can you believe that?”

  “What?” she asked. “I'm proud of you, Lucy.”

  Lance and Carrie's dad walked up right then.

  “So,” Carrie's mom said, as she wrapped Lance in a hug. “I hear you think my lasagna sucks compared to Lucy's.”

  I let out a gasp. Had she really just done that? She said the word sucks. I couldn't believe it, and I loved her even more.

  “I never said that,” Lance mumbled. “I said it was really good. She watched base

  Lance looked between Carrie's mom, dad, and me with the most nervous look covering his face. He'd just thrown me out there with him.

  “No way,” Carrie's dad shouted. “I knew there was hope for you. You're a part of the family. This family lives baseball.”

  He pulled me into a hug, and I couldn't help but feel a warm, comforting feeling at how happy he seemed with what he'd heard.

  “I only watched one inning,” I said with a smile.

  “How many innings are there?” he asked.

  The look on his face told me he thought he was going to stump me. I pulled back from his hug and smiled.

  “Nine,” I said.

  His eyes widened. Carrie's mom burst into laughter. When I looked up at Lance, there was something there, but I couldn't tell what it was. It almost seemed like a look of pride, but I couldn't be certain.

  “That's my girl,” Carrie's dad said. “Now we just have to get you to a game.”

  “The first time she goes,” Lance piped in. “It will be to see me play.”

  “Hold on,” I said, as I held up my hands. “I have no intention of going to a game. Do not think if I did that it would be to see you.”

  Lance growled from deep in his chest, and Carrie's mom grabbed my hand to pull me away from the two men.

  “We have a wedding to get ready for,” she said.

  “Thank you,” I said, as we walked out of earshot of the guys. “He found my notebook with the questions I was asking. He made it clear that any questions about the game should be asked to him.”

  “Only stress relief,” Carrie's mom mumbled under her breath. “That is one wedding I will definitely attend.”

  I felt my body stiffen. She stopped and turned to me as she squeezed my hand.

  “That will never happen,” I told her.

  “I'm sorry, Lucy,” she said. “I was just kidding. There is definitely more to the two of you than just stress relief. He has feelings for you.”

  “No,” I said with a shake of my head. “He does not. We talked about it again last night. Neither of us wants any kind of commitment. He's a great guy, but he's not my guy. I would never let happen.”


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