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The edge of life: Official cover - coming soon

Page 16

by Rachael Tonks

  I hear a faint tap at the door, and my head immediately turns to see who’s there. Jax stands in the small gap smiling.

  “Ready to go? I think Ryder’s going a little crazy waiting for us.” He laughs nervously.

  “Sure, I’m ready,” I say, replacing my bag on the side and sliding from the bed. I grab my purse and walk over to him where he’s leaning on the frame of the door.

  “You look so damn good,” he says with a grin. “You and me later,” he says, encasing me in his arms. “It’s happening, right?” His eyes sparkle with excitement, and I know what he’s insinuating.

  “Maybe,” I say coyly, lifting onto my tiptoes and kissing him lightly on the lips. Jax and I haven’t gone all the way yet, and for as much as I want to, I know he’s holding back until I’m old enough.

  “Urgh,” he says, releasing me and wiping his mouth with his arm.

  “Lip-gloss,” I say with a lift of my brow.

  “Oh jeez, I’m going to be the only guy at the fight with sparkly pink lips.” He belly laughs.

  “Suits you,” I tease, pressing my hand flat on his back. “Let’s go before your brother turns crazy and causes some Hulk-like damage,” I prompt.

  We laugh as we walk out of the trailer; Ryder’s pacing back and forth in front of the trailer.

  “About fucking time,” he snarls, dropping his cigarette to the ground and stomping the tip of his toes against it.

  “Chill, bro. We have plenty of time; the fight doesn’t start until ten thirty,” Jax assures him, walking over and placing his hands on his shoulders, giving them a little squeeze.

  “I have to meet with Marco. Can we just get going?” I can sense by his tone he’s wound up. I race down the steps, pulling my keys from my purse and unlocking the car.

  “Sure.” I smile widely at him, jumping into the driver’s seat of my new car. I have to say it’s gorgeous and nicer than anything I could ever have expected. Jax and Eric say my dad wired them money toward the cost, but I have no idea whether that’s true. I still haven’t heard from him, just messages passed through Eric. But there’s no denying this is an impressive car. It sticks out like a sore thumb at this trailer park.

  Getting in, I buckle up and push the key in the engine. To my surprise, I turn to see Ryder sitting beside me instead of Jax.

  “Hey, bro,” Jax protests, banging his fist against the passenger window. “Wrong seat,” he says, lifting an eyebrow. Ryder turns to him, giving him the bird. Jax laughs before reluctantly climbing into the back.

  I drive the short distance to the venue of Ryder’s fight. I wasn’t sure we’d make it in one piece after all the last-minute directions Ryder kept snapping at me.

  My headlights are on high beam as we drive down a dark road in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t even know this place existed, yet it’s not that far from where I’ve lived all my life. I crane my neck as we drive slowly, careful to keep to the narrow track.

  “Jesus Christ!” Ryder bellows, causing me to jump a little at the harshness of his voice.

  “What?” I snap my head to the side then back again, careful not to take my eyes off the road for more than just a millisecond.

  “If we go any slower, we’re gonna come to a fucking stop,” he says, his nostrils flaring as he lets out a huge sigh. Jax is laughing in the back, and I glare at him through the rearview mirror. He smiles back at me, the kind of smile that tugs at the corner of his mouth. I let out an audible tut and sigh as I ignore Ryder’s stupid comment.

  “I’m getting you there safely. Don’t like it? Then get out and walk,” I say a little tongue in cheek. Ryder’s eyes are glued to me.

  “It would probably be faster,” he says dryly, and I can’t help but let out a chuckle myself. I playfully tap him with the back of my hand.

  “Hey, I think we are here,” I say, pointing just in front of us where I can now see lights appearing. As I continue down the narrow track, I finally emerge into a clearing and what looks like a warehouse of some sort, the perimeter secured with metal gates. Two guys, both big in stature, stand in front of the gates, holding radios in their hands. I pull the car to a gradual stop, and Ryder indicates for me to roll down the window. I press the button, and the bald scary looking guy’s head appears right next to my window. Ryder leans across me.

  “Hey, man,” he says with a nod of his head. The burly guy reciprocates the nod, reaching over me and shaking Ryder’s hand.

  “Let’s get you in there, man.” He steps back, turning away from us as the gates start to open slowly. He speaks into the black radio he holds in his hand.

  “Good to go.” Jax leans forward, his head between the two front seats. I drive inside as instructed. We drive around the back of the old building; a huge parking lot holds hundreds of cars.

  “Why so many cars?” I quiz, drawing my brows together as I look back and forth between the pair.

  “This is a big fight, Kailee. Draws in a good crowd,” Jax answers with a loose shrug of his shoulders. The boys both eagerly step from the car, and I fumble with my belt and key, trying to catch up with them. I step from the car, pressing the key fob to lock the door. I slowly turn on the spot; Jax has walked over to a crowd of equally scary looking men, and they chat and laugh loudly. My eyes are snapped away as Ryder’s face comes into focus and his body appears right in front of me.

  “I don’t know why Jax was so insistent you came here tonight,” he says in a low husky voice. “This isn’t a place a girl like you should be,” he says, his face closer to mine than ever. “You need to be careful, REAL careful,” he emphasizes the word.

  “Why?” I say quietly, swallowing down hard as my eyes try to focus on him.

  “This place” —his hand flies back, pointing at the old warehouse— “is full of the worst kinds of people imaginable. Bringing you here is like feeding you to the fucking dogs.” I shudder as a cold rush of air brushes against my skin. My eyes scan Ryder’s face. His jaw is tense, and his eyes are wide. “I don’t know how the fuck I’m going to be able to concentrate on this fight when all I’m going to be thinking about is you.”

  My stomach sinks, and I instantly feel sick. Why would he worry about me?

  “Well, don’t,” I whisper, “I’m here with Jax, remember.” I hope he listens to my unspoken warning; his body too close for comfort. “Good luck,” I say, rolling my lips together and hoping he’ll step back. I need space to breathe. I feel like he’s just knocked the wind out of my lungs.

  “Stay with him at all times. Do not leave his side.”

  “Got it,” I say with a slight smile.

  “Good,” he murmurs before quickly turning and sprinting off into the distance. I walk until I’m standing just behind Jax. I wait quietly, not wanting to interrupt him and the group of men who are talking. One of the men in the group notices me. Lifting his head, he addresses Jax.

  “Who’s the girl?” he says with a creepy looking smile on his face. Jax whips his head, his eyes widening as they land on me. He holds out his arm, and I walk into his embrace. His strong arm wraps around my waist.

  “Gentlemen, this is Kailee,” he introduces me to the group. “The girl I told you about.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip, a little excited that he thinks enough about me to tell his friends. I hold up my hand and give a loose wave, feeling nervous as I take in all the eyes focused on me.

  “Wow, really?” one guy remarks.

  “Stunner, right.” Jax pulls me a little closer, squeezing my waist a little, causing me to flinch and giggle a little. “We should get inside.” He leans in, his warm breath tickling my ear.

  I nod, leaning against his arm as we walk closer to the metal door. The cold night air, combined with the smell of this place, is one I doubt I’ll ever forget. I cling to Jax for dear life as Ryder’s warning goes over and over in my mind. He could be overreacting, but what if he’s not. That would mean Jax brought me here, knowing it’s dangerous. I tilt my head to the side until I’m looking at him. He
wouldn’t do that to me, would he?

  We walk down a small hallway, following the group of men from outside. Their words become whispers, and I can’t help but notice how they keep turning to look at us. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I’m starting to overthink everything.

  “What’s wrong?” Jax asks, leaning down to me.

  “Uh, nothing,” I reply, “I’m just not sure I should be here.”

  “I told you before; I’m not leaving you at the trailer park on your own. Besides, it’s your birthday tomorrow. I didn’t want to miss being with you when the clock strikes. But you know, I have to be here for Ryder too, even though I’m not in his corner tonight.”

  “What does that mean?” I quiz.

  “I’m usually the one in his corner, but I don’t want to take my eyes off you all night,” he says with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

  “Oh,” I reply, “I would never expect you to miss your brother’s fight.”

  “I know, baby. Let’s go find him.” He reaches for my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. He throws a quick goodbye to the guys as he pulls me in a different direction. “He’ll be warming up in a room down here.”

  He pushes his hand against the door. The corridor is dark, and so is the room we walk into.

  “It’s so dark,” I croak out, blinking as I desperately try to adjust my eyes. The door we just walked through slams shut. The metal sound as it’s bolted is deafening in this eerily quiet room. “Jax,” I cry out, digging my nails into his hand as I hold on tighter than before, the fear coursing through me.

  “Let go.” He snaps his hand away from mine, and I’m somehow knocked to the floor. I feel a sudden sense of relief as a small amount of light appears in the dark room. I stand from the floor, but my heart pounds ferociously as I try to work out what is happening. I can just about make out Jax’s face as he stands with his back against the wall. Another face appears in the light. I shudder at the sight of Eric as he steps closer to me.

  “It’s time,” he hisses.

  My mind hurts as I try to work out what’s happening. I can’t fight back the tears, and the room blurs as I freeze before him.


  “Yes, Kailee. Time is up.”

  “Jax?” I look over at him. “What’s happening? Why have you brought me here?”

  Eric’s hand suddenly covers my mouth, and I can no longer speak. One hand is around my throat, and the other is pressing against my mouth. I open my mouth a little, biting down as hard as I can. He loosens his grip momentarily, allowing me to slip from his hold. I race over, banging against the metallic door as I reach up and search for some way to open the damn thing. I have to get out of here. I just have to.

  “Kailee,” Jax roars, causing me to snap my head in his direction. “It’s no use. There is only one way out.” His voice becomes a nauseating drone.

  “I trusted you,” I yell back, tears finally streaming down my face as I realize something terrible is about to happen. “I actually thought you cared for me.”

  His booming laughter fills the small room. “Did you hear that, Eric?” he chokes out between laughs. “She actually thought I was into her. Stupid, naïve little bitch.” He slurs his words.

  “Don’t you get it,” Eric goads. “That’s exactly what he wanted you to believe.”

  “Why?” I scream until my throat hurts. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because if you were with me, you couldn’t be with anyone else,” Jax answers.

  “That doesn’t make sense…” My words trail off as I try to make sense of what little information I have. “Whatever it is, just drop the act and tell me what’s going on,” I demand.

  “I’m in charge here, not you,” Eric growls, striking me across the face, so unexpectedly that I land on the floor for the second time. I cry out as my hip crashes against the cold concrete floor. Before I get a chance to step up this time, something is forced over my head, and hands grab my arms, pulling them behind me.

  “Help…” my voice croaks out, but it’s no use. My whole body is lifted from the floor, my hands are bound, and I have no idea where I’m going. I try to fight. The movement suddenly stops, and I’m hit hard over the head. Darkness steals over me, and I fight to stay conscious, but I just can’t fight it any longer.


  I fucking did it. I won the fight.

  “Damn, you’re a machine!” Marco yells over the crowd as I make my way from the ring and back to the makeshift dressing room. My whole body shakes, and every muscle in my body fucking kills.

  “It was fucking hard, man. He was a tough opponent.”

  “I never had any doubt you would win.” Marco throws his arm around my shoulder. “You totally dominated him.”

  “Where’s Jax?” I crane my sore neck, looking back at the crowd. “Where the fuck is Kailee?” I ask, my voice growing taut as the anxiety grows. “I didn’t see either one of them, man.”

  “Me either,” shrugs Marco. “They’re here, though, right?”

  “Yeah,” I snap unintentionally. “We all arrived together.” I let out a growl of frustration. Something about this doesn’t feel right. I pick up my speed, pushing open the door to the small room where I have my stuff stashed. I grab a fresh towel, removing all the excess sweat from my body. My heart hammers in my chest as I rush to change.

  “Hey, man,” Marco peeks around the door. “I’m sure they are here somewhere. Don’t fucking stress.”

  “You’re right,” I say, rubbing the towel against the nape of my neck. I desperately need to relieve some of this goddamn tension.

  “I’ll get my men on it,” he says, flopping his hand toward me. I smile but shake my head at the same time.

  He has his phone against his ear before I can even respond. Marco is clever. He never leaves his house without his men by his side. He paces in front of me while I change out of my sweat soaked clothes. My chest still heaves as I try to steady my breathing.

  He grunts down the phone.

  He slowly turns on the spot, his eyes narrowing on me.

  “Security say that both Jax and Eric left before the fight started. No sign of the girl.”

  “What the fuck,” I growl, my hands tensing as I hold them rigidly by my side.

  “I know. I know,” he says with a step back, hands held up in the air. His eyes drop to the floor as if he’s thinking. He taps the cell phone against his hand.

  “Maybe she’s still here…” his words trail off. He holds the phone to his ear; his hums and grunts continue.

  “Right. So she must be here.” He sighs then looks pointedly at me, widening his eyes. “She has to be here,” he says, matter-of-factly. “She hasn’t left the premises.”

  “Get him on the phone,” I order.

  “Who?” he quizzes. “If you’re talking about Jax, I already tried him.”

  “Fuck,” I growl, letting out an audible sign of my frustration. My mind is pounding as I try to work out what the fuck is going on. “This makes no fucking sense at all. He should never have brought her here.”

  “I have my men searching for her. If she’s here, we’ll find her.” He rests his hand on my shoulder, giving me his promise.

  “I have to do something,” I say, rushing toward the door and dragging it open with force. The thought of anything happening to her cuts into me like a motherfucking blunt knife. How could I let this happen? I look over my shoulder for a second. “Get my money. Meet me out front in fifteen minutes.”

  I step out, forcing my way through the crowd that screams and cheers for the fighters in the ring. I rush through, my eyes frantically scanning the room for signs of either Kailee or Jax.

  I check the corridors, the empty rooms, and the makeshift restrooms, but there’s no sign of either of them. With every second, my anxiety grows. The more my anxiety grows, the harder it is to control the rage I feel growing deep in the pit of my stomach. I feel uneasy about this whole fucking thing. You don’t leave a g
irl like Kailee here. Scrap that. You don’t bring a girl like Kailee to somewhere like this. Fucking Jax. I exhale heavily.

  I race out of the entrance, allowing the metal door to slam behind me. I see Marco’s blond hair as I look over at a group of guys standing just a few feet away.

  “Ryder,” he yells at me, signaling with his hand for me to come over. I reach into my pocket and pull out my cigarettes, desperate for something to help calm me down because right now, I’m like a fucking bomb waiting to explode. I take a drag on the cigarette and don’t stop until I feel the hit I’m looking for. I close my eyes, letting my head drop back as I exhale the smoke.

  “Dude, she’s not here. The guys have searched every fucking inch of this place.”

  “So she left with Jax and Eric. Maybe she was sick or something,” I say in a calmer voice.

  “No Ry, she definitely didn’t leave with them. I’ve had them check the surveillance camera footage. No sign of her.”

  “The fuck…” I cut off midsentence. “We need to find out what’s going on. But first, I need to find my brother.”

  “Then let’s go,” Marco sings, pushing his wide framed glasses up his nose with his index finger.


  Taking in sharp breaths, I suck in the material covering my head. I’m in total darkness, and I’m fairly sure I’ve been unconscious. I try to move my stiffened body, to feel around me, but I can’t. The binding around my wrists is wrapped so tightly I can barely move them. The thick rope feels like it’s cutting my skin every time I move. I feel the pain in my chest as it tightens; my breathing becomes erratic, and I’m not sure what the hell to do. I close my eyes tightly, counting slowly to steady my breathing and the thoughts in my mind. One, two, three… but I’m thrust against something hard as the motion of what must be some sort of vehicle throws me back like some rag doll. I’m in a car. I try to listen beyond the sound of the tires humming against the ground, but it’s useless. The humming and thudding are the only sounds I can make out. Where the fuck are they taking me? Tears sting my already sore eyes. I suck in my bottom lip, biting it in a poor attempt at fighting back the emotion. But I can’t. I’m scared. Terrified that something bad is going to happen to me. Only, I have no idea what.


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