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Page 5

by Shay Violet

  They were swollen and pulsing, aching in a way only his mouth could cure.

  But he wouldn’t give me the relief I needed so badly. He flicked his tongue all around the bases of the erect nubs, and they began to painfully throb in a way I’d never felt before.

  I tried to speak but could only gurgle something incomprehensible from the back of my throat.

  Aras positioned himself between my thighs, kneeling at the foot of the bed and easing my hips down so that my legs were draped over his broad shoulders.

  He kissed the wet crotch of my panties, pressing his lips against mine just hard enough to stimulate me further but not allow me to find the climax I desired.

  He kissed around the edges and then returned to kissing the center more forcefully before flattening his tongue, giving me maddeningly long, slow licks through the silky material.

  My hands could no longer be denied. I grabbed the top of my panties and forced them down, and he leaned back just far enough to allow my left leg to join my right and kick them off before I revealed my treasure to him again.

  He wasted no time, lavishing me with licks and kisses, using his mouth to take me across the threshold into a climax that shattered my soul. I pulled the comforter across my face and screamed into it as my thighs tried to close involuntarily to regain some control over the intense pleasure that consumed me.

  He’d have none of it, as he drank my sexual nectar and worshipped my pussy with his entire face.

  I frantically pushed his face away as I was too sensitive for him to continue orally stimulating me. He rose to his feet and licked his lips, savoring the flavor of my orgasm.

  His belt and pants opened and fell to the floor. Boxer briefs hugged his heavily muscled thighs, between which his hard dick rested in an expanding pool of his precum.

  He climbed back up onto me, this time going directly for my nipples. He captured them between his teeth, flicking them with the tip of his tongue, my hands wadding up the blanket beneath me as I groaned with pleasure.

  He found the space between my legs, the slab of granite his cock had come to rest at my opening, separated from me only his boxers. I pulled him up to my face, kissing him deeply, tasting my ecstasy in his mouth.

  I moaned and rolled my hips, my empty core starving to be filled by Aras.

  His hardness mashed against my clit as we kissed, grinding and rubbing… and I tensed as a second climax washed over me. I undulated below him, and he whispered “good girl” in my ear as my eyes rolled back from the intensity of the orgasm.

  I regained my senses just in time to realize he’d shimmied his boxers down and was poised to enter me. He held himself at the base, running the head of his dick up and down my opening maddeningly. I struggled to lift my hips, to engulf him, but he pulled back just enough to make it impossible.

  “Beg for it, Zee,” he said through gritted teeth. This game of teasing was evidently as difficult for him as it was for me.

  There was only one way it was going to end, however, and he knew it. I had to have it. To have him. I’d do anything to feel him fill me and stretch me. Debasing myself was a small price to pay.

  “Please fuck me, Aras! I need your cock so fucking bad, baby. Please!” I gave it all I had, but my lust-glazed eyes, churning hips, and the scent of my lust wafting through the air said more than any words I could muster.

  He gave me a slow, searing thrust, his wide dick stuffing me with pleasure.

  My ankles crossed behind his ass, fighting to keep him right there, throbbing inside me, but he withdrew halfway and plunged in again, a bit harder. I yelped as the speed and power of his thrusts increased, again and again, each time, battering me toward my third release.

  “You feel so fucking good, Zaliya,” Aras growled. “So tight.”

  I thrust up to meet him each time he drove down into me. I couldn’t get enough. I reverted to a primal state, completely consumed by desire. Desire to keep coming. Desire to please this wild, amazing man. Desire to do nothing but fuck. For forever.


  We stayed in that bed for hours, and he had me in every position I knew, plus a few I didn’t. He came inside me not once, but twice, and I lost count of my climaxes after the eighth one. It was a life-changing afternoon, against which all other sexual encounters would forever be measured. Hell, against which all other life experiences would be compared. My life would consist of two parts. BA (Before Aras) and after.

  He held me and kissed the back of my neck and shoulders as we lay in that cloud of a bed, and I couldn’t wipe the silly smile off my face. I’d never felt such total relaxation, peace, or happiness.

  Until a pounding on the door broke our reverie.

  “Devil!” a voice called out. German-accented English. “Devil, are you in there? You’re not answering your phone. We’re supposed to go to dinner.”

  “Ugh,” Aras groaned. “Just a minute,” he called out, and he climbed slowly from the bed and grabbed a towel from the bathroom to obscure his nakedness. I was facing away from the door, but I rolled over and pulled a sheet up to cover my breasts.

  “Hey Bastian, Reg, what’s up lads?”

  “Been calling and texting you for hours, yo, our reservations are in fifteen minutes,” Reggie said. I couldn’t see him, but I knew his voice.

  “I’m starving, but I’m a bit, ah, indisposed at the moment,” Aras said, and he reached his sculpted left arm behind his head to stretch and scratch his upper back. His body was fucking perfect. And I’ve barely mentioned his legs, which looked like they belonged on a statue. Or a stallion.

  “Do you know how tough it was to get a table at that place?” Bastian asked. “Supposed to be one of the best steakhouses in America.”

  “You boys enjoy it,” Aras replied. “I have a feeling I may become a frequent visitor to Charleston. I’ll get another chance.”

  His two teammates objected, but Aras shut the door and locked it over their voices.

  He let the towel floor and returned to bed with me, kissing me deeply.

  “Where was dinner supposed to be?” I asked.

  “Crowley’s on King,” Aras answered. It’s the most expensive 5-star steakhouse in town.

  “If I’d known that, I’d have insisted you go!”

  “Have you eaten there?” He asked.

  “No, never, I couldn’t afford a place like that. Their menu doesn’t even have prices. I’ve heard for just a couple, if you have dinner, a couple glasses of wine and split a dessert, you’re talking at least $500, and that’s before tip. If you have a chance to eat there, you have to go. Seriously. You can still make it, call the guys.”

  “Why would I want to eat that when I can eat this?” He asked, and reached his hand across my hip and took hold of my ass, giving it an ample squeeze and lift before letting it fall back.

  “I mean, be my guest, but there’s no way you’re still horny, right? And after everything we did, I haven’t showered or anything.”

  “Zaliya, I’ve been horny for you ever since I walked into Sadie’s yesterday. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.

  And the next thing I knew, he knelt behind me and lifted me up halfway onto my knees, his strong arms wrapped around my thighs.

  I tried to talk him out of it, but admittedly my protest was half-hearted. He started kissing all over my ass, getting closer and closer to my center.

  “Aras, nobody has ever… I mean… it’s not…I… Oh!”

  When he reached his goal and dragged his tongue as deep in the cleft of my ass as he could. It was like every nerve ending in my body caught fire all at once.

  My face fell into the oversized pillows, and I began to curse and babble and praise God for this man who was doing things to my body, giving me pleasure I never could have imagined. My muscles trembled all over as something like climaxes shot through my body. But they were different from regular orgasms. My pussy clenched violently around nothing, and my clit pulsed and ached. He kept going, deeper and faster, making out
with… my ass. That tongue that kissed so well and ate my pussy so divinely was sending me to heaven and beyond via my most private little place.

  And I was instantly addicted. If this was something he preferred over the best steak in South Carolina, bless his heart, his tongue, his cock, every inch of him. He could get back there whenever he wanted. I only hoped he’d do it whenever I wanted.

  But as my mind wandered to having his face back there again and again and again… I realized that in just a few short hours, he’d be heading to Florida, then back to Germany, maybe Australia. As indescribably perfect as this day had been, it might be the one and only time I was ever with Aras Cahill. And I began to cry.

  Poor Aras. In retrospect, I feel terrible for him. There he was, performing one of the most intimately sensual acts one person can do for another, giving me pleasure beyond bliss, past ecstasy, more than the English language can come close to describing, and what was my reaction? Tears. Come on, Zee!

  “What’s wrong, Zaliya?” A concerned Aras asked, climbing back up next to me as I stretched out to my full length, his hand rubbing the small of my back. “I thought you were enjoying that, luv. I’m sorry, I was too aggressive.”

  “No, no, no, that’s not it at all,” I responded. “I loved it. Couldn’t you tell the way my body was responding? That’s not it, I promise. It’s so stupid. You’re going to think I’m so weird.”

  “Hey,” Aras said, placing his hand on my chin and turning my eyes to meet his. “Talk to me. Please.”

  I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and decided the truth was my best out of a terribly awkward moment.

  “It’s just… Aras, I have never… it’s never been like this for me. I’ve never had anything like this. These past few hours. It’s overwhelming, what I feel inside; what you’ve been making me feel. And so unexpected…”

  Aras interrupted when I paused to gather my thought. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean sorry, exactly, as that would imply regret, but I hope this all hasn’t happened too quickly is what I mean. I didn’t expect this either, it just sort of-”

  I placed my index finger on his delicious lips.

  “Let me finish, baby,” I said. “What I mean is that I know you’re leaving tomorrow. You have to be with your team. I get that. And then back to Germany, I guess, and after that Australia is home for you, right? But Charleston is home for me. I’ll be here, you’ll be there… It’s like I’ve had a glimpse, a taste of heaven, and then the gates are being shut. I thought of that, and it made me cry.”

  He looked into my eyes with a puzzling expression on his face. It seemed to indicate deep thought and bemusement all at once.

  Aras kissed the tip of my nose, my forehead, and then, softly, each of my eyelids.

  “Zaliya, when I walked into that restaurant yesterday, I was expecting to be wowed by the food. I’d never had authentic American barbecue, real Southern American food, direct from the source. And believe me, the meal more than lived up to its reputation. I was blown away.

  “What I didn’t expect was to walk in there and lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life. And then to have her turn out to be sweet and smart and funny and so bloody sexy it made my heart race just to watch you walk by the table? And then somehow, I convince you to spend a day with me, and we see that tree, and we wind up kissing and then all of this?

  “Do you think I ever want to leave this town? Or this bloody bed? Hell no. But the sad truth of it all is that I’ve got a contract, and a team that pays me quite well to do a job, to play a game I love, and yeah, come morning, I have to head to Orlando, rejoin my mates, and get on with training. There’s no way around that. But it doesn’t mean that it’s the end of us, of you and me. There’s a way to make this work if that’s what you want.”

  “Is it what you want?” I countered. “A famous athlete like you with fame and money, and you’re so handsome. You must have a girlfriend, or if you’re anything like professional athletes here in America, a different girlfriend in every city you visit.”

  “Did these past few hours feel to you like I’m just trying to get my rocks off?” Aras asked. “Like you’re just some throwaway to me? Because if they did, I’ve done you a tremendous disservice.”

  “Never for a moment have I felt like that,” I confessed. “Like I said, it’s been the most beautiful, hottest, most passionate thing I’ve ever experienced.”

  He smiled warmly. “For me, too, Zee. For me, too. It’s like our bodies were crafted just to fit perfectly with each other. To give and receive maximum pleasure. I never want to stop kissing you and making you come. I want to be the only one who gets to make you moan and scream. I get off on it. It drives me insane. There is nothing better than this body of yours. Except maybe that smile.”

  I grinned at him. I couldn’t help myself.

  “In that case,” I said, shimmying back up onto my knees and sliding the sheet I’d wrapped around myself off my body, “I’d very much love for you to make me ‘moan and scream’ some more.”

  “You wicked minx,” Aras said in that drop-dead sexy accent of his. “It would be my absolute pleasure.”


  We never did leave his room that night, making slow, exquisite love until we were utterly exhausted and ordering exquisite room service.

  The next morning, we rose early, showered together, and had breakfast with Bastian and Reggie, who seemed surprised when we strolled into the restaurant hand in hand to join them.

  Their dinner at Crowley’s had been good, but they both admitted that they enjoyed their meal at Sadie’s more.

  “What did you… or you two do for dinner last night, Devil?” Reggie asked between bites of his pancakes.

  “Room service, mate,” Aras replied. “A surf and turf combo. Quite good.”

  “Okay,” Reggie replied, “But I thought you two were going to see that tree. You ditched our trip out to Fort Sumter and then dinner. You didn’t con her into spending the whole day and… night with you, did you?”

  “Zaliya is a lady,” Aras said. “And I a gentleman. And our doing would be a conversation for grown folks. Maybe when you’re older.”

  Bastian shrugged and pointed his empty fork at himself.

  “Use your imagination, mate,” Aras answered. “We went up on the roof, looked at the stars, and recited poetry. It was lovely.”

  Aras squeezed my hand below the table.

  “Are you coming to Atlanta?” Reggie asked, referring to their team’s exhibition game a week down the road.

  “If I’m lucky,” Aras said with a grin. “I mean, I hope so. Zee?”

  We’d discussed it the night before, between him making me come umpteen times. I didn’t know the first thing about soccer besides that you can’t use your hands and that the best players come from Brazil. But I wanted to make every effort to see Aras play.

  “Yes,” I confirmed. “I’ll be there. One way or another.”

  I didn’t know if I could take off work or not or how I’d get there or where I’d stay, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world. My answer seemed to please all of them.

  After breakfast, we returned to Aras’s room, where he finished packing. His local rental car got picked up, and the three teammates piled into the SUV they’d rented in Orlando, Bastian behind the wheel, and they prepared to set out for Florida.

  Aras put his hands on my hips and made my insides turn to butter by giving me a hard squint into the sunshine with those gorgeous eyes of his. “This is goodbye, but just for now, sweet Zee,” he said. I wiped a tear from my cheek and sniffled. “Now, now, none of that. We’ll see each other soon. In Atlanta, right?”

  I nodded and closed my eyes. My body didn’t want him more than an arm’s length away. Ever.

  He took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply. “Zaliya, this is going to sound crazy I know it is, but hey, we Aussies aren’t known for being the rational, logical types, right? But if I don’t say it now, face to face, I know I’ll regret
it. Zaliya, I love you.”

  With that, he kissed me again, and I threw my arms around his neck. We’d have stayed right there in front of Wentworth Mansion, kissing like lovesick teenagers on the sidewalk in the sunshine, if Bastian hadn’t honked the horn.

  “I don’t want to be late and piss off the gaffer,” Bastian complained.

  Aras flipped him off and kissed me again before climbing into the SUV and rolling away down Smith Street.

  “I love you too, Aras,” I whispered as they disappeared into traffic.


  "Enjoy the day off?" Mya asked when we arrived at work a few hours later. "You didn't miss too much. Kinda slow."

  "Girl," I said, stretching the "I" for about ten seconds.

  "Okay, hel-lo," Mya said, setting her bag down on the table in back and snapping her fingers. "Spill the tea, Zee."

  "I…" I began but broke into a fit of giggling.

  Mya put her hand on her hip and cocked her head. "Seriously?"

  "Sorry," I wheezed. "It's just… okay. I'm okay. Remember the soccer guys?"

  "Did you think I'd forget them?" Mya asked. "What was the one guy's name? Reggie? He looked like Shemar Moore, girl. I'm not gonna forget him anytime soon."

  "Not Reggie. I mean yeah, his name is Reggie, but the other guy. The Australian guy. Aras."

  Mya's mouth fell open. "What about him?"

  "I spent the day with him." I covered my face with my work apron. "And the night."

  "Zaliya!" She exclaimed. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

  "That and more. Yes."

  "And judging by how you're acting and walking, I'm guessing it wasn't terrible?"

  "If you told me today that I never got to have sex again, I think I could be okay with it, knowing that was my last time," I admitted. "Beyond belief."

  Mya looked at me a while before asking "Did he-"

  I cut her off. "He did everything. Things I didn't even know two people could do. So, so good. Crazy insane. I can't even…"


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