Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2)

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Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2) Page 3

by Dana Arden

  Once I cool off, I’ll go apologize. I don’t ever apologize, especially not to some broad I don’t even know and could care less about, but the expression on her face went from mocking smile to no expression at all as she turned and practically ran to the kitchen.

  I put my dick back in my pants and look to Becca who’s still on her knees on the floor. “You better get going.”

  “But, baby,” she coos, “I don’t mind staying here with you and then after everything heats up tonight, we can sneak off and finish what we started.”

  “You know the rules, Becca. You can’t be here when the families are here.”

  “Yeah, but I just thought…” She looks up at me expectantly, twirling a piece of her brown hair between her fingers.

  “You thought wrong. Now get going.” She scrambles from the floor and runs for the door. As she’s about to open it, Jake, Rory and Tate run through.

  “Dad!” He screams and I meet him halfway.

  I pick him up and he hugs me tight. “What’s going on, little man?”

  “Nothing. Where’s Ms. Lily? I saw her car out there.” I look at him confused. How does he know Lily?

  “She’s in the kitchen.” He squirms so I set him down on his feet and he takes off. I walk over to the opening for the kitchen and lean against the wall unseen, so I can hear them.

  “Ms. Lily, are you okay.” Jake asks with sadness in his voice.

  “Yeah, buddy. I’m just fine now that you’re here. Thank you for the hug. I really needed it. Your hugs are the best.” She says softly.

  “I like making you feel better, Ms. Lily.”

  “Ouch, you little booger.” Lily screeches.

  What the hell did he do to her? Before I can find out, Jake comes barreling out of the kitchen laughing. I watch as he heads to the couch I was just attempting to get head and jumps down beside Tate. He whispers something in Tate’s ear and they high-five.

  I enjoy seeing Jake this carefree, but I really want to know how he knows Lily. He’s never seen her when I was around and if he has, I’ve never seen him talk to her and vice versa.

  I turn and press my shoulder against the door frame to the kitchen, watching Lily move around preparing what looks to be some sort of salad. She looks up at me and immediately back down to her task, but not quick enough for me to miss the redness of her eyes which makes me feel like an even bigger prick.

  I clear my throat. “I wanted to apologize for what…”

  She cuts me off, but not in a rude way. She puts her hands up surrendering. “No need. I know my place in this world and you’re completely correct. I’ll stick to cooking and cleaning because apparently that’s all anyone thinks I’m good at.”

  Well, fuck. Instead of trying to dig a bigger hole for myself, I back out of the doorway and out to the yard for a smoke contemplating how the hell I can make this right and why the hell I care.


  The barbeque is winding down and an impromptu bonfire’s beginning. Most of the ol’ ladies and kids have gone home, including Jake who went with Dani’s mom, Hope, to have a sleep over with Rory, Tate and Lyla who came later after Sadie signed her up for Fall t-ball.

  My ass is sore from parking it at the picnic table most of the day watching Lily like a hawk. She has avoided any kind of interaction with me. She even sat with the kids at a table far away from me.

  What really got my attention was the way Jake was with her. When she first sat down with them, Jake was on the opposite side of the table from her and then he slid his plate across the table and sat next to her. They were in their own little world, whispering and laughing. He seems to be more comfortable with her than he is with Dani and Sadie who have been around him since he came to live with us three months ago. I even broke down and asked Dani and Sadie.

  “How does Jake know Lily?”

  Dani stops talking to Trigger and turns to me. “Lily comes over and uses the workout room and the pool. Most of the time she’s there, the kids are there. Jake took right to her. Why?” She looks at me skeptically.

  “I didn’t know they’d met. You know how I am with him and women, Dani.” I chastise.

  “Well excuse the hell out of me for allowing him to interact with a good woman. She isn’t one of the hoodrats that hang at the bar or here. Do you even know why she moved here? Do you even know whose daughter she is?” She practically yells at me and Ryker takes that moment to pull her onto his lap attempting to calm her down.

  “No, I don’t know and I doubt it’ll change my thoughts of her.” I bellow back.

  Dani stands up leans across the table getting as close to my face as she can. “She’s Wiz’s daughter.” My shoulders slump. I’ve heard all the stories about Wiz. “She moved here four months ago because she caught her scumbag husband of nine years fucking a woman on their kitchen table and do you know what he told her?” She questions quietly. I shake my head no. “That it was her fault he had stepped out on their marriage after six months of being married and that if she left him no one would ever want her because the only thing she was worth was cooking and cleaning.” I feel sick to my stomach after the shit I said to her.

  “I’m sorry, Dani, but that isn’t my problem and it still doesn’t mean she should be around my son. How do you know everything she’s telling you is true?”

  “Motherfucker!” She screams at me and Ryker stands and pulls her to him while glowering at me, taking her into the clubhouse.

  I turn to survey my company and they’re all glaring at me. “What?”

  Sadie’s the only one to hold my stare. “What she just told you is only a little bit of what Lily has been through. Have you even watched her with Jake?” I nod. “Then you see how at ease he is with her. He isn’t that relaxed with me and Dani. I suggest you get to know her before you judge her.”

  “That bitch judged me today, so why the fuck am I going to give her the benefit of proving herself.”

  “What made her judge you?” Sadie whispers.

  “She was trying to give me parenting advice, but I don’t see any kids here that are hers.”

  Sadie shakes her head. “Why would she do that? Lily doesn’t usually talk too many of the brothers, so explain how she gave you parenting advice.”

  “She was being a sarcastic bitch. She walked in when Becca was sucking me off and told us we better hurry before Jake walked in.” Sadie and the brothers around the table bust out laughing.

  “Damn, Chase,” Trigger speaks through his laugh, “that wasn’t parenting advice that was her looking out for Jake. Shit, you’re a dumbass.” I look around the table and almost all of my brothers are nodding.

  “Fuck!” I grunt. “I really fucked up after that, but I did try to apologize, but she wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “What did you say?” Sadie questions as the light leaves her eyes.

  I tell them what I can remember and when I’m done, every one of them gets up from the table and walks away. I guess I did fuck up worse than I thought.

  Now here I am still sitting at the same damn table by myself watching everyone circle around the fire. Dani, Sadie, Lily and a couple of the club whores are chatting and laughing. Lily’s swaying slightly, so I’m guessing she decided to hit the bottle once the kids left. My brothers aren’t far from the girls and keeping an eye on them.

  Spook comes out of the side door of the clubhouse and surveys the yard and beelines it to Lily. I take in how relaxed she is with him and it’s the complete opposite of the way she is with me. It pisses me off that she’ll give him her full attention and I can’t even apologize.

  I stand and walk into the clubhouse. I go behind the bar and steal the bottle of Crown and make my way back out to the fire sitting in a lounge chair.

  It doesn’t take long before the club whores make their presence known and crowd around the brothers who are sitting. Becca comes to sit on the edge of my chair, running her fingers through my hair.

  Normally, just a touch from her would make my cock rock hard
, but at this moment, my cock isn’t having anything to do with her. It’s like he’s pissed off at me too.

  She leans down to whisper in my ear. “How ‘bout we go behind the garage and I finish you off from earlier or I could finish you off right here.” She slowly stands and pouts when I don’t confirm her plans.

  I look up at her and wonder why the fuck I’ve been sticking my dick in her used up pussy and mouth for so many years. She’s pretty, but it isn’t natural. Her face is caked with makeup, eyes surrounded with thick eyeliner and fake eyelashes, fake tits and she’s nothing but bones.

  I take my eyes from Becca and look across the fire at Lily who is shoulder to shoulder with Spook, deep in conversation. Lily is all woman. She’s real. She barely has any makeup on. She didn’t get dressed up like she was going to a nightclub. She dressed for comfort in the Georgia heat. The only outrageous item she has on is the sandals that look like platforms. She may be curvy, but I can see the appeal.

  “Chase.” Becca whines, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Maybe later.” I tell her and she huffs, turning on her heel. She’ll be fine. There are plenty of single brothers here for her to entertain.

  I turn my attention back to where Lily was and she’s no longer there. I look around the yard, but still no Lily. I walk over to Dani and Ryker.

  “Where’d Lily go?”

  “Spook’s escorting her to the bathroom since she isn’t patched and there are a few brothers from Florida here.” Ryker replies.

  “Oh, okay.” I continue to watch the door to the clubhouse.

  “I don’t think you should worry about apologizing to her, Chase.” Dani states firmly.

  “Why not?” I ask confused. You would think they’d want me to make this right.

  “Because she doesn’t need it. Honestly, if you have no intention of befriending her or wanting her around Jake, there’s no reason to play nice to make yourself feel better.”

  “You know what Dani, I tried to apologize and yes I was a stupid motherfucker for taking my frustrations out on her because I can’t trust most women, but it isn’t my job to pacify her if she can’t handle getting told off even if some of it wasn’t completely the truth. All she had to do was walk the fuck away and not open her mouth at all.” I basically yell at her. But when I focus on Dani, she isn’t looking at me. She’s staring behind me. I turn my head over my shoulder and see Lily as she runs to the parking lot.

  “Fuck!” I start chasing after her, but Spook stops me.

  “Leave her alone, Chase. You’ve done enough damage today. Get a whore and go about your business.” Spook mutters.

  “No. Just let me attempt to fix this.” I plead with him.

  “You make another step towards her before you’ve had a few days to get your mind straight and I’ll make sure Prez puts you on a long run.” He glares at me. “Is that what you want?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I’ll leave her alone.” He nods and releases me.

  Chapter 6


  It’s been a month since the barbeque at the clubhouse and to say I’ve been incognito is an understatement. I still work at Dani’s and run in the other direction when I see Chase coming anywhere near me. I’m not scared of confrontation. I just don’t want to be bothered. I already allowed one man to drag me down knowingly, but this time, I won’t allow it.

  I’ve only gone to Dani’s house when Jake and the kids aren’t there. I miss my interactions with Jake, but after everything that Chase said about me, I’d rather sit on the sidelines and stay out of the way.

  Three weeks ago, I started getting gifts and odd little notes. The first was a purple rose sitting on the Welcome mat on my porch. No note, just the flower. Then a few days later, I got a card in the mail. It had a picture of the ocean on the front and then the inside contained a handwritten quote.

  Weakness is a great thing, and strength is nothing. When a man is just born, he is weak and flexible. When he dies, he is hard and insensitive. When a tree is growing, it's tender and pliant. But when it's dry and hard, it dies. Hardness and strength are death's companions. Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being. Because what has hardened will never win. ~Stalker

  I’m dying inside; therefore, I’m hard and insensitive until we meet again.

  Last week, I received another lone purple rose and a locket with pictures of me taken at the bar with a red X over my face.

  Today, walking out to my car to leave for Dani’s, I find another lone purple rose and I’m done. I should’ve done this last week, but I blew it off. Not today. I’m going to have a few words with Rudy, the club Prez, to see what he thinks I should do.

  When I arrive at the club, the parking lot only dawns a few bikes and Dani’s SUV. I walk into the side door and allow my eyes to adjust.

  When the haze is finally clear, I look around the main room and none other than Chase with Ginger straddling and grinding him on the couch along with Spook who has Becca in the same position. They really need a buzzer that goes off when someone opens the door.

  Neither man acknowledges me and I’m fine with that. I’m getting pretty tired of walking into these situations and made to feel shitty because I don’t condone them.

  I quickly walk to Rudy’s office and knock softly.

  “Come in.” He growls.

  I open the door and his expression goes from hard to soft when he realizes it’s me. Rudy is an attractive fifties-something man with rugged features and long gray hair. He’s fit, not muscular like most of the other brothers, but he hasn’t let himself go with age.

  “Hey, Rudy. Can I have a moment of your time? It won’t take long.”

  “Sure, Lil.” He points to the chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat.” I sit. “What’s going on?”

  “Um…” I mumble softly. “I think I have a stalker and at first, I wasn’t too worried about it, but now things are getting creepy.” He remains quiet as I start pulling out two dead roses, one fresh rose, one card and a locket, setting them on his desk.

  He picks the card up and reads it. He shifts the roses to the side and takes the locket in his hand. After opening and inspecting the pictures inside, he looks at me.

  “How long have you been getting these?” He picks up the roses.

  “I’ve got one every Monday for the past three weeks. The fresh one is from this morning.”

  “And the rest of it?”

  “I got the card on a Thursday the first week and then the locket was on my front porch when I came home from work last Friday night.”

  “Do you have any idea who it might be from?”

  I shake my head no. “I don’t try to draw attention to myself. I go to work and do my job. I don’t flaunt myself like most of the girls or at least I don’t intend to be.” I mutter pointing at the items on his desk. “What do you think I should do?”

  “Let me think on it, but for the time being, I’m going to put someone on you.”

  “I don’t need to be followed, Rudy. I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but I didn’t come here for that. I just want advice on what my next action should be.” I huff.

  “No arguing, Lil. We need to take this seriously. I’m going to talk to the brothers, Dani and Sadie and see if they’ve seen anything strange going on at the bar or have any inkling of who it could be.”

  “Okay.” I nod my head in agreement.

  “Let me walk you out.” He stands from his seat and walks over to help me out of mine. We make our way out of his office and into the main room.

  Surprise, Surprise! Chase and Spook are still at it except now the women are completely naked.

  “Church in an hour. I want every brother that’s available here.” Rudy shouts making me jump, interrupting Chase and Spook whose eyes land on me.

  “Toby!” Ruby bellows at the prospect. “Your Lil’s shadow until I tell you otherwise.” The Prospect gives him a chin lift.

  I walk over to Toby who’s standing by the door.
Toby probably isn’t a day over nineteen, buzzed black hair, tall and lanky, baby face with bright blue eyes that haven’t been tainted with life. He hasn’t filled out his biker body with muscles and tats yet. “Let’s go, bud. You can help me clean house before work.” I laugh at his expression and pat his cheek, then walk out the door to my car.



  Well, fuck! I can’t win for losing with this woman. Every damn time I see her I’ve got a bitch attached to me. Spook actually looks embarrassed by being caught by Lily. I probably should be, but she isn’t mine and I could care less if she gets an eye full. That’s a lie. Lily’s under my skin and I’ve burned through more pussy in the last month trying to get her off my mind. Every-fucking-time I have a bitch on her knees with my cock in her mouth or on their back with legs spread, the only face I see is Lily’s.

  Rudy called Church and most of the brothers were able to get here. With my balled up fist tapping on the table, impatient waiting to find out what’s going on, I look around the table and my brothers have the same confused look on their faces. We are a clean club, so we aren’t involved in anything that could cause blowback.

  Rudy finally walks in. “Have a seat, fuckers.” He takes his seat and bangs the gavel on the table. We all turn our attention to him. “I know most of ya’ll are regulars at Dani’s.” Most of us nod. “Have ya seen anything strange or anyone new?”

  Spook’s the first to speak. “I haven’t seen anything strange, but there was a guy in there a few weeks ago. He was out of place but that was only because he was wearing sunglasses in an already dark bar. I haven’t seen him anymore when I’ve been in there. What’s going on, Prez?”

  Rudy opens up a box he brought in and starts unloading flowers, paper and a necklace. “Lily has been getting a purple rose every Monday for the past three weeks. The first week she also got this card.” He passes it around. “Then Friday night she came home from work to find this necklace on her porch.” He passes around the necklace as I’m getting the card.


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