Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2)

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Major Conflict (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 2) Page 4

by Dana Arden

  “What the fuck does this card even mean?” I roar.

  “Let me see it.” Marc sticks his hand out for me to pass it over. He reads it and then reads it again. “I don’t think the quote means anything, but it’s from a movie called Stalker from the seventies. Let me see the necklace.” Spook has the necklace inspecting it.

  “This is some fucked up shit.” Spook says as he holds the necklace up. “These are pictures of Lily at work. Their blurry but I can tell it’s her.” He hands it over to Marc.

  Marc looks it over and opens it up. “Yeah, the card isn’t shit other than a calling card basically telling her what he is, a stalker. The locket on the other hand is something to worry about. He X’d her out and from my experience in the military, when terrorist had someone in their sights and got rid of them, they would X out their faces with red. Now the purple roses, I’ve got nothing.”

  Professor has his phone out and begins to quote whatever he’s found. “ Purple roses primarily stand for enchantment. The giver of the purple rose seeks to convey that he or she has fallen in love with the recipient at the very first sight. A deep magnetism and charm that makes the recipient almost irresistible is what the purple rose seeks to convey.” He turns to Marc to see what he thinks.

  “Ah!” Marc exhales nosily. “So what we have is either someone who knows her or someone who doesn’t know her other than by seeing her at the bar and has become attached. I don’t know much about Lily’s past other than the shithead husband she left. I don’t think it would be him because he was more interested in fucking around on her than making her happy for almost ten years. Has there been anyone at the bar that has shown any extreme interest in her.” He glances at Rudy who’s shaking his head.

  “I don’t have a clue. I’m barely in there. When I talked to Lil earlier, she told me she doesn’t try to drawl attention to herself and I believe her.” Ruby states.

  “She doesn’t have to try to get attention, Prez.” Spook draws. “Lil is sexy in her own way. She doesn’t even know how attractive she is and for some men that’s a major turn on.”

  The table bursts with several ‘yeah’s’ and ‘true.’ I’m starting to get even more pissed. I haven’t paid any mind to Lily before a month ago, but sure as fuck my brothers have. It makes me wonder what I’m missing that she didn’t catch my attention beforehand.

  Rudy digs out his phone from his pocket, dials, puts it on speaker and places it on the table.

  “Hey, Uncle Rudy. How’s it hanging today?” Gotta love Dani.

  “Hey, Angel. It’s hanging a little to the left today, maybe tomorrow it’ll be high and to the right.” There are several chuckles around the table.

  “Hmmm, you might want to get that checked out. Ryker’s…”

  “Baby girl, now’s not the time to make my Prez jealous of my dick.” Ryker cuts her off before she can speak. He’s sitting across the table from me shaking his head.

  “Fine.” She huffs. “Whatcha need?”

  “Has anyone shown a particular interest in Lily since she started working at the bar?” Rudy questions.

  “Not that I can think of. Although, there was that one guy who came in and sat in the corner. He was strange. He wore sunglasses.”

  “Yep, that’s the guy I was talking about.” Spook states.

  “I haven’t seen him since. I’ll ask around. Should I be worried?” Dani whispers.

  “Not yet. We’ll up security and club presence at the bar until we can figure it out. Just give the girls a heads up to be alert. Lily will have a shadow until we can figure out who this dumbass is.” Rudy affirms.

  “Okay, well keep me posted and I’ll do my part at the bar.” With that, Dani hangs up.

  The table is quiet as everyone takes in the situation.

  Finally, the silence is broken by Trigger. “I’ll get a schedule of who’s available to shadow Lily. Anybody have any issues with that.” My brothers shake their heads or grunt. “Chase, you should probably be at the bottom of the list or not on it at all.”

  “Why’s that? Shouldn’t all of us be helping out?” I ask confused.

  “We have plenty to cover Lily when she isn’t at the bar. Your relationship with her is shaky. You don’t care too much to be around her and the feeling’s mutual on her side. It’d be best if you just sit this out.”

  “What-the-fuck-ever!” I bellow. “What’s so special about her that everyone’s on her side and no one is backing me?” I glance around the table.

  “It isn’t about being special. She’s been family to a lot of us since she was a little girl.” Buzzard, one of the original members who barely interferes, growls. “Her momma might have moved her to Florida after Wiz’s death, but we still kept in contact with her. Dallas made sure we knew everything that was going on with Lil. I know you’ve seen the pictures of Lil on the wall in the main room. We even have her fucking wedding picture out there. This has nothing to do with picking sides. This has everything to do with taking care of our family. I suggest you get with the fucking program. All of us stepped up for your ass and all of us are going to step up for her. She needs us at her back and from what I’ve seen and heard about the way you two are around each other, I believe Trigger’s right on you sitting this one out until you two can come to some sort of common ground. I’ve seen Lily with your boy and for the past month, they’ve both been moping around. Lily stopped going around Dani’s house or the club when she knew either you or Jake would be there out of respect for you. Have you given her the same respect and stayed out of the bar?” I stare at him and shake my head no. “I didn’t think so. You’ve got no clue what a good woman she is because instead of getting to know her, you’re too worried about when you’re gonna get your next pussy fix. I understand she may not be your cup of sexy and that goes for many of your brothers, but you don’t see them giving her shit or making her feel uncomfortable at the clubhouse when this was her family way before it was ever yours.” He gets up from his chair, face beet red and looks to Rudy. “Put me on the list. Are we done here? I need to get the fuck out of this room before I put my hands on a brother out of anger.”

  “Yeah, Buzzard.” Rudy nods his head. “If anything changes one of us will let ya know.” Buzzard gives him a chin lift and stomps out the door. “Chase, there are some times you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut. A lot of the ol’ timers aren’t gonna let your mouth slip when it comes to Lil. You got me?”

  I nod. “I’ll sit this one out and I’ll stay away from Lily.”

  “Alright then.” Rudy knocks the gavel to the table. “Church is done unless anyone else has something to add. Toby’s with Lily now until she goes to work and hopefully by then Trigger’ll have a schedule for the rest of ya.”

  We all get up and leave the table. I go straight to the bar and grab a beer. I need to get my head on right. I’ve got a feeling Lily and I are far from finished battling it out and Buzzard was right, I need to stay the fuck away from her as much as possible or I might lose my brothers over a bitch. Or I need to keep my dick in my pants and try to get to know her the way my brothers do.

  Chapter 7


  It’s been two weeks since the meeting with Rudy at the club. I’m still receiving purple roses on Monday’s but no more gifts. I’ve had a tail every day and when I leave the bar, a brother follows me and either stays out on my porch or sleeps on my couch.

  I’ve been blessed not to have to face Chase anymore. He has either been keeping his indiscretions at the clubhouse or he comes in when I’m not at work. He hasn’t had to shadow me either.

  Out of this whole ordeal, I miss Jake. He can lift my spirits like no one else. That little boy has had a rough beginning, but he still manages to make sure that the ones close to him are always happy. I’m not completely sure why I’ve attached myself to him or him to me, but I can only imagine it’s because abused souls notice other abused souls. I may not have been physically abused like Jake, but my psyche took a hit just like his d

  I make sure to ask Dani and Sadie about him almost everytime I see them. They keep me updated. The kids went back to school a few weeks ago and Jake’s having a hard time adjusting.

  He’s a smart boy, but when he was placed in a class with neither Rory nor Tate in it, he had a meltdown. Dani told me that Chase went down to the school and filled the principal in on Jake’s situation and they were able to get him in the same class with Tate.

  Since that change, it’s been a little better. He still isolates himself to only the MC kids. He doesn’t attempt to mingle with the other kids even if they’re friends with Tate or Rory.

  Dani thinks that Jake needs a counselor to talk to about what happen to him, but Chase won’t allow it to happen. I feel for Chase not wanting to put Jake in that position to have to relive everything he went through. Jake probably lives it in his dreams every night. I know I live with the constant dream of living alone or being involved with a man just like David. They may not be your normal nightmares, but I can’t help fear my life will end up like that.

  I’ve been living in Georgia almost six months and most the men surrounding me are friendly. The brothers in the club are family and the men outside of the club are either scared of my affiliation with the club or are my infamous stalker.

  Since all has been somewhat quiet with Mr. Purple Rose, Dani asked Rudy if we could have a girl’s night in Atlanta before she was too far along with the twins. He agreed as long as we took two Prospects with us. Poor Toby has had to put up with me enough, but instead of despising me, our relationship has turned into a big sister-little brother connection.

  Toby’s several years younger than me and his heart hasn’t yet been damaged by life to harden. He talks with me about his mom and dad who’ve been together for almost thirty years. He’s an only child and wanting to be apart of the MC was just something that he felt he needed to do. I cook him dinner and he has become quite acquainted with my couch. He claims he isn’t sick of being my babysitter, because he gets a good meal and doesn’t have to do the menial task that the other Prospect has to do.

  It’s Sunday night and the only night all the girls can get together since the bar is closed. The girls will be here in another fifteen minutes to pick me up. I’m nervous. I haven’t had much experience with nightclubs, as David left me at home rather than take me out to party with his friends. So, this is an experience I want to embrace.

  Dani told me to pack a bag, because Rudy’s putting up in a couple of suites at the Regency Suites Hotel and we’re getting ready there. Apparently, Ryker has a hard time letting Dani out of his sight and it has nothing to do with her being pregnant. He’s your typical possessive, jealous alpha. Dani figured it’d be easier for her to wear what she wants getting ready at the hotel than getting ready at home and having to argue over her outfit with Ryker.

  “Lil, the girls are here.” Toby yells from the living room to my bedroom where I’m finishing packing my stuff.

  I come out of the bathroom to Sadie, Ginger, Razz, Winter who’s Marc’s girlfriend and Dani who is our DD. The girls are steadily chatting until they notice I’m in the room.

  “You ready for this?” Dani hoots.

  1“I guess we’ll find out. I’m nervous and excited at the same time.” I murmur.

  Dani laughs. “Well, we have rules even with the Prospects with us.” I look to Benny the other Prospect who doesn’t look too happy to be here, then to Toby who is just as excited as the girls if the smile on his face and the light in his eyes are any indication. “We stay in a group and if any of us has to go to the bathroom, we go in pairs.” She glances around at us.

  “Got it.” We shout enthusiastically.

  It takes us about an hour to get to Atlanta and situated in our suites. Sadie, Dani and I are in one and Razz, Winter and Ginger are in the other.

  Dani’s wearing a red halter top that flares just under her breasts with black leather pants and flat black sandals. Sadie’s in a tight royal blue tube top showing off her flat stomach and a short jean skirt with heeled sandals.

  For the first time, I’m wearing a dress that accentuates my curves. It’s a tight black leather dress that dips low in the front showing off my impressive cleavage with thick straps that go over my shoulders and criss-cross down my back. It ends a few of inches above my knees and I just had to wear my hot pink strappy high-heeled sandals that wrap up to mid-calf.

  I come out of the bathroom after doing my hair, which I left down in long waves down my back and pinned my bangs away from my face. I went a little heavy on the makeup with thick eyeliner around my eyes, mascara and bright pink lips. I’m turning from side to side when Ginger walks through our room door.

  “Damn, Lily. Where’ve you been hiding all that?” Ginger says as she points from my toes to my face. I feel no resentment towards her for my issues with Chase. It isn’t her fault.

  “I’ve always had curves, Ginger. I just don’t flaunt them. I don’t particularly care for all the attention they bring, but tonight I decided to say ‘fuck it’ and live a little.”

  She giggles. “Good for you. Your girls need the appreciation they deserve. I’d have to pay big money for tits that beautiful.”

  “Yeah, wouldn’t we all.” Dani says behind me as Sadie comes out of the bathroom.

  “Well fuck me!” Sadie exclaims. “We should’ve brought more babysitters to fend the dick off of you tonight.”

  I blush. “Is it that bad? Should I change into something else?” I glance at the girls. They’re shaking their heads no.

  “No, ma’am. I’m going to enjoy the look on the Prospects’ faces when we walk through that door.” Sadie looks at Ginger. “Are Winter and Razz ready?” Just then Razz and Winter stumble in giggling. “Just answered my own question. Someone’s been hitting the refreshments.”

  We strut out of our room to the Prospects, who look like they are going to fall over. Toby has a shit-eating grin on his face as he takes us all in. Benny’s mouth is wide open catching flies.

  “Shit, Lil.” Toby proclaims. “I knew you were fine, but damn girl you’re fat.” My face falls. He must notice because he continues. “With a ph, you know pretty hot and tempting.”

  I smile brightly at him. “Thanks, Toby. You look dapper yourself.” I say softly. His smile widens. Toby and Benny are in the trademark well-worn jeans, black t-shirts, kuttes and motorcycle boots.

  “Okay, ladies. I need you all to get together so I can take a picture to send back to the club.”

  “What the fuck, Toby!” Dani says angrily.

  “Hey don’t shoot the messenger. I was told I had to take a pic and send it to them before we left. Come on, what can they do from Cumming. Just take the pic and we’ll be on our way.”

  The girls position around me and we pose with our middle fingers saluting Toby’s phone. He sends the pic and the whole way down the elevator and few blocks down from the hotel to the club, his phone is steady pinging and he’s chuckling.


  We’ve been at the club for a couple of hours. I’m beyond feeling good and have graduated to the ‘don’t give a fuck’ stage of my alcohol intoxication. I’ve grinded on all the girls, even Dani’s pregnant ass and quite a few men that I’d normally would’ve shied away from.

  I dance back to the curved booth the girls and I claimed when we first got here. Benny and Toby have stationed themselves near us but have kept their distance only coming up to us when we need more drinks or to make sure were good.

  Once I reach the booth, I lean over the table, grab a shot of Tequila and slam it back. “I’ve got to pee.” I yell to the table.

  Ginger stands. “I’ll go with ya.” She turns to the table. “We’ll be right back.

  We enter the bathroom, which is surprisingly empty. Ginger stands in front of the sinks fixing her hair and makeup. I go take care of my business, singing as I pee, wipe and rearrange my dress back down my thighs.

  As I’m humming and walking out of the stall, Ginger’s
nowhere to be found. As I’m looking around the bathroom, the door opens and none other than David is coming through with a sadistic grin on his face.

  “What…what’re you doing here?” I stammer.

  “I came for you, baby. I let you have your fun with the biker trash and their women for longer than I wanted, but in the end, I still get what I want.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere with you. Why the fuck do you think I left?”

  As he takes steps forward, I take steps backwards until I’m trapped with my back to the wall. He’s in front of me now. His breath is hot and rancid on my face.

  He speaks slowly. “I don’t really give a fuck why you left, all I know is you won’t be leaving again.” He moves his arm down and around to his back where he pulls out a black handgun. “Either you go willingly or I make my way back out to where I left your little friend and finish her off.”

  I stare in his eyes to see if he’s lying and see he’s speaking the truth. “Fine, but don’t hurt her or anyone and I’ll go with you no problem.”

  He nods, turns to the side to let me pass and once I do, he places the gun to the small of my back. He leads me out the backdoor of the club and through a short alley to a waiting car. Instead of putting me in the car, he opens the trunk and pushes me in. I hit my temple on the metal frame of the trunk and its lights out.



  The girls have been in the bathroom going on twenty minutes now. I stand and scan the club. They shouldn’t be hard to miss especially with Ginger’s bright red hair, but I don’t see them.

  I walk over to Benny. “Hey, have you seen Lily and Ginger? They went to the bathroom a while ago and haven’t come back.” He shakes his head and pulls out his phone texting Toby who shows up at our side a few minutes later.

  “Go get the girls and all of us will walk towards the bathroom and look around.” Toby states nervously.

  I go get the girls from the booth and we all make our way to the bathroom. Once at the bathroom, I go in to see if anyone’s in there, only to find a few girls but no Lily or Ginger. I come out of the bathroom.


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