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A Voyage Interrupted

Page 4

by Apollos Rivoire, Jr

  We have heard about these issues and many, many more over the past eight years. There are hordes of Americans and even foreigners on both sides of each controversy and some in the middle who don’t know or, quite frankly, don’t care. It appears that the debate will continue unabated, and probably never reach a terminus. That is exactly the purpose. Anesthetize the populace with endless debate, controversy, confusion, and scandal to the point of indifference or even hopelessness.

  I do not wish to engage in the never-ending altercation. It has become futile. I am old, tired, broke, drained, in poor health, and dispirited. I feel old. At this point in my life, I regret I have only the energy to work my brain, blink my eyes, move my fingers on this keyboard, and hopefully move your spirits and hearts and get you off your collective butts and your heads out of the sand. I was going to be a little more vulgar, but there may be a lady or two reading this. Oh, hell, get your heads out of your collective asses.

  The debate is a distraction and misdirection by a clever magician. Did I say a “clever magician?” The falsehoods and illogic utilized in our governance are amateurish and comical to objective and honest thinkers. But to the meager but gullible and detached audience that exists they are sadly most convincing and effective.

  Once a rapscallion is placed in office, those who put him there will defend their choice tenaciously at the peril of themselves, their progeny and to the death of our republic – not unlike going down with the Titanic while fiddling – exactly like going down with the Titanic while fiddling. What a wonderful analogy. Do you think the Titanic sank as a warning to us this many years later? Is it a coincidence that we just marked the one-hundredth anniversary of the tragedy? Hm.

  The future practitioners of the study of human behavior will have copious fodder for several lifetimes to study and explain this most inexplicable phenomenon of our times. I am so sorry; I am assuming we will still have a viable and functioning academic community in the future. Hm, again, maybe it might not be such a bad idea if we do not have one. Nah, there are still a few useful scholars functioning. But, it is difficult to find them cowering under their desks suckling off the never-ending supply of federal grant money. Oh, look, there’s one who looks “enlightened” by the water cooler. Oh, sorry again, he’s drinking “Cool Aide.”

  Each camp is firmly ensconced in its thinking and none of the entities is interested in an intelligent debate. Such is the status of the public discourse today. We are forced to become mad dogs chasing our tails in a circle but never catching it. Even if we catch it, we don’t even know what to do with it when we do? There are no winners in the debates. The only winners are those cunning power brokers that started the contrived altercation in the first place – the bully who starts the fight in the school yard and then with a cunning smile disappears into the crowd when the principal arrives.

  Everything is “fair and balanced.” Someone who is honest, civic-minded, and knowledgeable, an expert and patriot is countered by a lying political hack such as James Carvel, who was dusted off and propped up from the “Bill Clinton lying political hack closet,” who shouts down logic and fact rather than present cogent argument and presents deceptive or no responses to meaningful queries. It is distraction and misdirection, my friends. The playbook is tried and true. It works every time it’s tried. Is it any wonder it is used over and over again?

  When the “debate” is over, everyone shakes hands, self-gratified, and leaves as friends with friendly smiles on their faces to have a cup of java and a gluten-free doughnut before the next interview. The time segment is filled, the ratings go up, and the show fades to a commercial (usually a despicable law firm bleeding the health care system with a class action suit of billions for some contrived ailment).

  Awaiting the next segment, we Americans take a pee, express a generous red, white, and blue yawn, stuff another hand-full of “Doritos” in our mouths, doze off only to be awakened by a militarized swat-team to take our weapons and rob us of the few freedoms we have left as America the Beautiful plays in the background. What a vision of a great night of adventure and excitement.

  In just a few short years, we have been convinced that our life-time and only ally in the Middle East is our enemy and the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism is a friend that needs job training and nuclear power while drowning in a sea of crude oil. Those of the Jewish faith are not without complicity in this reversal of ally and enemy. What is wrong with them? What is wrong with us? Where are the cries of “Never Again” from the holocaust? It appears that the duration implied by the word “NEVER” seems to have been substantially abbreviated when we weren’t looking.

  Even the echoes of those poor souls that were incinerated have been silenced in as little as a generation. The flood of their collective sorrow and tears must have inundated heaven to think they died in vain. It appears that they did die in vain. How quickly we have forgotten . . . “They came for the Jews, but I did not speak out because I was not a Jew” . . . “but then when there was no one left, they came for me.”

  The current conflicts are grey areas? Never in my lifetime has there been such a clear distinction between good and evil and its perpetrators as this conflict presents. And, here we are on the wrong side of history, and all that is human. We are on the wrong side of our own survival. Forget the nuances of who got there first, or who controls what, or who is occupying what, or who started what, or who is a messiah and who is not. This is all controlled by the puppeteers and we are the puppets. This is for our survival. And, the most frightening part is that the biggest threat; the biggest enemy is in our camp, leading our camp. He didn’t need to even build a “Trojan Horse.” He walked right through the gate in full battle garb and was welcomed with open arms. Shame on us, again.

  Do you think our country could survive if one city were to be annihilated by a nuclear blast? Two buildings fell in one city and we have not recovered in 14 years. It took all that time, political correctness, and bickering to construct one building. We had to contrive a 414 foot antenna to make it the tallest building in America. We stand back and look so proud. The Empire State Building, a few blocks from the site, in 1931, with relatively primitive technology and in the height of the Depression was built in one year – ground breaking to completion.

  A nuclear blast will not be a “See, I told you so, I was right,” moment. It will be “the end of everything we know” moment. Our president is not stupid. Negotiating with a country who has never honored one provision of any treaty is not insane.

  The act is treasonous, and it is purposeful. It is consorting with the enemy. Let us just admit it and say it. Stop with the, “I am sure he knows what he is doing and has our best interests in mind.” Are we that blind? Don’t dare look at your neighbor for the answer. He, or she, (let’s be fair) is as clueless as you are if you believe that for one moment. What will it take?

  What will you tell your children and grandchildren when they ask you why you were so gullible and stupid not to protect their future and avoid its destruction? Compose the answer carefully, because they will ask you. If I had children, I would just say, “My dears, I tried, but not nearly hard enough. I am so sorry.” You won’t even be able to say that without lying.

  Perhaps sidelining myself is cowardly, but at least I admit it. I don’t know what else I can do. I have no more rabbits in my hat. I don’t even have a hat anymore. All I am left with is rabbit shit. I am an empty vessel dispensing the last few drops of my life blood in a desolate wasteland of complacent, incompetent, pointless, and lazy academic exercises. I feel I am screaming until my vocal chords explode to a crowd of people with no brains and no ears.

  As a nation we did accomplish destroying the privacy and freedom or our entire population. What progress? Think seriously, who really won?

  The war has just started. He’s dead but he will win, if we let him.

  One smelly guy picking his nose and wip
ing his ass with leaves in a cave with no army and no weapons defeated the greatest, freest, most powerful nation in the history of mankind with the complicity of its government and the complacency of its people. He then caused us to engage in unending bickering among ourselves, spend trillions of worthless dollars on so-called “defense and security,” and instigated our government to take away our freedoms in the name of security. The result was we irretrievably lost our freedoms and paid for but never did get the security.

  This “gem of humanity” then evaded justice, out-maneuvered three administrations for two decades, and inspired the rise of a global, evil empire and caliphate from the nothingness of the sands of the desert. What achievements! If I were a disgruntled teenager in the Middle East with nothing to lose, I would sign up with this guy in a minute. He was a bigger-than-life Marvel Comic Book hero, spreading his evil even beyond death. Sadly, he was no fictional, imaginary character and no hero. No author could contrive the sick unbelievable tale.

  The purveyor of death helped bring about the placement of his partner in crime as our leader to thwart our efforts to circumvent his attacks, and stop our demise. And, this is just the beginning of their evil legacy. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  In the fiery bowels of Hell with his collaborator, this disciple waits for the earth to open, sucking us into his boiling world to burn with him as accomplices who neglected to preserve our country and the world. Our Lord is crying, “Is this what I created when I gave man free will?” If it were not so tragic, it would be laughable. Remarkably, this will provide more fodder for the future academics to ponder. They will have their hands full.

  The angels cry for the souls of the brave men and women who died and were maimed for life so we could luxuriate in comfort, pontificate, and contemplate our collective navels. Doesn’t that boil your blood? I know it does mine.

  I most sadly apologize to the gold star families who gave up their precious flesh and blood for such a mostly unappreciative and despicable population we have become. We have spit on their graves. May God forgive us. But, even God dispenses no forgiveness without remorse. From where I am, I see little remorse.

  We actually select our president, our commander in chief, the guardian of our freedom, security, and our lives and the lives of our progeny based on biased “news” reports filled with distorted sound bites and a rigged vaudeville beauty pageant we try to dignify by calling it a “Presidential Debate.” We truly have lost our minds. We are reaping what we have sown, and we will continue to reap what we have sown until there is nothing left to reap.


  There is no logic for participating in a “fair and balanced,” “merry-go-round” shouting match or debate. Wherever you begin, you return right back to where you started only a little older, poorer, and less free only to repeat the process endlessly. While you are being distracted and misdirected on the spinning fantasy of the carousel playing with your grinning plaster “horsey,” the world whisks by as a blur. The goal for you is to catch the golden ring, but there is no golden ring for you to catch. You, your possessions, your body, your labor and, yes, even your soul and those of your children and their children are the golden ring for the operator to grab, and grab he does.

  When the carousel halts, the music stops, and the lights are extinguished, we buffoons get off in the haze and darkness of the night, dizzy and disoriented from the ride and don’t recognize the world we left when the ride began.

  Neither side was even aware of what happened outside the fantasy of the carousel. Except for the clever guys and gals running the carousel, everyone is a loser. The ride, the distraction, the political farce, is over. And, we poor slobs even paid for the ride to nowhere and our oblivion. How lovely is that?

  The words to remember folks are distraction and misdirection. Don’t think that misdirection and distraction are always trivial matters. Magicians base their livelihood on them.

  Surely, it is monumentally important to know what claims were true and which were false on the political stage. But, the only things that are of utmost importance are what happen in the real world outside the contrived delusion in which we were placed and willingly and mindlessly resided.

  This is the big picture, the macrocosm that Caitlin and Robert missed while they were focused on the details within their microcosm. The situation in which Cassidy was placed nearly negated all the good that they had toiled over and accomplished all their lives because they ignored the big picture. We are ignoring the big picture not just at our peril, but at the peril of our loved ones.

  Open your eyes, and wake up to the real world. Emerge from your cocoon, your self-induced coma. It may be too late to prepare for the calamity. I know I am too tired to prepare any longer. After a lifetime of trying to sound the alarm, I barely have the energy to see this screen and press these keys.

  Maybe the best we can hope for now is to know the reason there are flames all around us as we burn in Hell. In deciding your course, remember:

  An Optimist is one who has hope when there is little hope.

  A Pessimist is one who has fear when there is little fear.

  A Delusionist is one who has hope and fear when there are neither.

  A Realist is one who has hope and fear when there are both and has the courage to take action to embrace one and defeat the other. Be a Realist.

  I fear that the only hope for us to leave a bright future to the next generation is to become realists and act accordingly. There is so little time left. We barely have a republic, if we dare keep it.

  How did we get here?

  A frightening prophesy from the past

  “If I were the devil, I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree—Thee. So I’d set about, however necessary, to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first—I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” “Do as you please.” To the young, I would whisper, “The Bible is a myth.”

  I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to pray after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington …’ And, then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors on how to lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could.

  I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil I’d soon have families that war with themselves, churches that war with themselves, and nations that war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flame.

  If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, and neglect to discipline emotions—just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door. Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography—soon I could evict God from the courthouse, and then the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.

  And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money. If I were the devil I’d make the symbols of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle. If I were the devil I’d take from those, and who have, and give to those (who) wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

  What do you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I would question against extremes and hard work, and Patriotism, and moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging more fun, that what you see on the TV is the way to be. And thus
I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the devil I’d keep on doing on what he’s doing.

  Broadcast by Paul Harvey, radio announcer 51 years ago before the war on religion, the scourge of drugs, the knowledge of AIDS, before the destruction of our educational system, before the dismantling of our morals, and the destruction of our country. We were warned. We didn’t listen then and now that it is too late still are not listening. What a pity. “The only thing that evil needs to flourish is that good men do nothing.”

  President Vice President

  Our Sincere Hope for America

  We hope for power and riches and influence for us

  We hope for prosperity to our” friends” (our definition) foreign and domestic

  We hope for misfortune to our “enemies” (our definition) foreign and domestic

  We hope that the poor will become just a little less poor and some of the rich will become poorer

  We hope that there will be no need for a middle class


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