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Handcuffs and Roses

Page 5

by Laura Hammond

  While a hint of a smile played about her lips at the way he creatively transposed the Miranda to suit the situation, wordlessly, she shook her head and obeyed. She chose not to tune in to see what James was like as a dominant. Therefore, she had no clue except that he seemed very creative so far. Her last Dom had expected total silence and head bowed kind of respect once he issued the first command of a D&S session. She had been trained as such and therefore, her response was now automatic, silent obedience.

  The cold crispness of the night and the chill that shot though her hands as she momentarily rested them on the car roof, along with the humiliation of being on the receiving end of the cop treatment, produced a not unexpected feeling of eroticism within her. Oh dear, was she ever ready at this point as her groin was beginning to tingle and her nipples hardened under her the leather corset which she wore under her silk dress, as he pulled her hands down behind her and slapped his handcuffs on, locking them a little more tightly than usual so that the metal fit securely against her wrists. Lisa thought that she was going to orgasm at that moment when she felt the cold steel on her wrists. She couldn't help wondering then if the people she arrested often felt just a touch of that same erotic thrill when she slapped the handcuffs on them.

  James then gently pushed her down into the passenger seat, closed the car door then walked around the front, all the while his eyes smoldering intently on her sitting imprisoned in the passenger seat. As he got into the driver's seat, Lisa sensed that Master James the Dom, was fully present now and she thought that he wanted her to be quiet. However, he didn't say so as he started the car and pulled away from the curb.

  In the review mirror on the door Lisa spied a dark coated figure move to the spot the car had just vacated, and placed two orange pylons in it. Blushing in the dark, she wondered with sinful delight if the faceless dark coated figure had been an unseen witness to the start of her bondage night games with Detective James McGuinn.

  "They can be such a pain in the ass sometimes when they're securing those parking spots.” He commented dryly also seeing the figure placing the pylons. “But they're just trying to make a living like everybody else, and really, I've got a soft spot for them. And yes, he or she more than likely witnessed our little role play back there.” In the flash of light from a car coming in the opposite direction, Lisa noticed a nefarious smile on his face as she glanced at him.

  "What? No response? I didn't say you couldn't speak. You just need to remember to address me correctly when you do.” James said softly, but the tone of command was still there in his voice as well as in his total manner and posture now.

  "I wasn't sure Master James, if I was allowed to speak..."

  "Good girl. You do learn fast. Anyway, I'm not like your last Dom, who I suspect, expected total acquiescence and silence. However, you'll do well to know up front, not to test my patience. When I issue a command, I like it followed immediately to the tee."

  "Very well, I'll remember that Master James.” She responded, but her slave training was too deeply ingrained and she found that she found herself remaining silent for the rest of the trip to which she assumed was his place, as he turned left on Richmond Street after going north on Jarvis, and proceeding westbound.

  JAMES’ PLACE WAS one of the impressive two story loft-style condominiums in a building just east of Spadina Avenue on Richmond near the Entertainment District. He didn't remove the handcuffs from her wrists for the ride up the elevator. Instead as he helped her out of the car in the underground garage, he just placed her coat around her and put his arm around her waist holding her close as another person got in on the main floor. To anyone, they just looked like an ordinary couple standing close and no one would have guessed she was on her way to becoming his bondage slave for the night. The sheer daring of the position she was in without any strangers being the wiser, caused a conspiratorial and sinful little smile to play about Lisa's lips, and she couldn't help but laugh as elevator slid shut after the other person got off at his floor. James shared her laughter, but it was a little reserved now as he was fully into Dom headspace.

  His loft was a virtual glass house on the top floor with a spectacular south facing view of the waterfront with the CN Tower and the Sky Dome which had been renamed the Rogers Centre after being purchased by Canadian media mogul Ted Rogers. The snow was coming down more heavily now, coating the terrace outside the sliding glass doors of his living room and the city beyond in a thicker blanket of white, while the sky was aglow with a pearly dark orange from the reflection of the city lights.

  The suite, however, didn't have the exposed brick walls and pipes of traditional lofts. No this was designer's showpiece finished in earth tones with accents of maroon and muted gold. There was even an electric fireplace over which hung what looked an original Franklin Carmichael of the famous Group of Seven, painting. It served to create a warmer and more welcoming ambience that would have been totally lacking had the fireplace not been present. However, there was no mistaking that this was indeed a bachelor pad. Off the south wall in a short hallway, a floating shallow staircase flanked by a chrome and glass banister rose majestically to the second floor landing.

  James removed Lisa's coat off her shoulders and removed the handcuffs, and Lisa forced herself not to wonder if he had changed his mind about tonight as he momentarily became more relaxed. She couldn't help being disappointed, but soon she would see the reason why.

  His place certainly looked lived-in though with empty glasses left on the glass-topped cherry wood coffee table and cushions carelessly placed on the russet coloured sofa, where a fat Russian Blue cat looking like it had to weigh at least sixteen pounds, was contentedly curled up. The large widescreen television had been left on The Food Channel: obviously for the cat. The animal swiftly jumped off the sofa and marched to the kitchen, looking up expectantly at its owner as it parked regally in front one of the cupboards.

  "This is Arthur James. He rules the roost fifty one percent of the time, gives the word ‘mooch’ a whole new meaning. And as you can tell from his size, he lives to nosh..” James chortled as he followed the cat to the surprisingly large kitchen that was every woman's dream with its gleaming mahogany cupboards, ceramic tile floor that was a dream to keep clean and stainless steel appliances and a culinary island in the middle. He opened one of the cupboards beneath the granite counter top and took out a bag of dry cat food, while the cat kept up a steady one cat chorus of continuous meowing alternately purring and rubbing against his master's legs. Obviously any games that his master wanted to play with the lovely lady he brought home, would have to wait until Arthur James was properly fed and watered as James also checked the pet water dispenser beside the cat's dish to make sure it was still full.

  "Either you're joking, or you've got to be a most conceited man. You actually gave the cat your name?” Lisa laughed, feeling a definite break in the way the night was supposed to have proceeded after they left the gelateria, and she wondered how long it was going to last.

  "Not guilty ... he came to me already named and yours truly thought it was rather amusing really, and decided not to change it. I adopted him from the Humane Society after his last owner moved into a retirement home. Besides, I doubt he'd answer to anything else at this point. Considering his breed you'd think that he'd come with a name like Mikhail or Ivanoff or Nikolai or something else Russian.” He opened the stainless steel fridge and took out a bottle of Pinot Noir which he opened and poured into two cobalt bottomed wine glasses, and gave one to her. “Cheers,” he touched his glass to hers.

  "Cheers,” she echoed taking a small sip. “Oh, to change the topic, when this place was being built, before I inherited my house I checked it out with the possibility of buying in here myself, so I know that this pad is close to the million dollar range. How do you afford that as a detective? You can tell me to mind my own business if you don't wish to answer...” She added quickly, taking another sip of the wine. While Lisa would have preferred a nice cup of coffee ins
tead, she didn't say so. After all, once she took the rose at the restaurant, she had agreed to whatever James decided for the night. He was running the show now despite the fact she knew that the submissive technically had all the control in any play session.

  James wasn't offended by her question. If anything he seemed proud and only too thrilled to answer. “Believe it or not quite a bit of my mortgage has been paid off by various movie productions.” He chortled. “I listed it as available for film shoots with the Ontario Media Development Corporation. The payments, depending on the production's budget even for a weekend of filming can be more than what I make in a week as a detective. Plus they'll generally put us up in a hotel, or A.J. and I'll just crash at my parents. I know a lot of people in the city complain about the productions taking up precious parking spaces on the streets and generally inconveniencing them, but trust me, like I said earlier, have a soft spot for them, especially when they've knocked at least a couple years of payments off my mortgage. Not going to look a gift horse in the mouth sweetheart. That, plus I inherited some property up north in Muskoka from my grandmother when she passed away. I sold it and had more than enough for a decent down payment on this pad. You should consider having your house listed for movie shoots once you get it renovated.” He suggested.

  "I'll probably get run out of the neighbourhood. I don't think the residents in the Beaches will take too kindly to production units clogging up the streets. You've seen how narrow they are and for a lot of people particularly in the lower Beaches, the streets are their only parking spots.” Lisa said, a trifle regretful, because it sure sounded like lucrative idea especially with the movie industry booming like it was in the last few years, thus earning Toronto the moniker of Hollywood North. And it would probably cover the renovation costs on her home without her having to dig too deeply into her savings.

  "You've a point there ... well you could always crash on my couch if you find yourself without hearth or home.” James joked, while Arthur came and rubbed against his leg again seeking attention. “Not right now ol’ boy, I've got serious business with this lovely lady. You go back and feast your eyes on all the goodies that the Iron Chef is cooking up okay?” He picked up the cat and took it back to the sofa and set gently set it down.

  "Thanks I'll remember that...” Lisa said in response to his statement about crashing at his place. Their eyes locked as he moved back towards her. Then with slow deliberation his hands teased her nipples though the silk of her dress while he claimed her lips.

  While Lisa returned his kiss with a hungry intensity that she hadn't quite expected to feel ... an intensity and hunger that went straight to the very core of her soul, she still felt a little disappointed, wondering if the night was just going to be vanilla after all, while his hands just kept teasing and exploring.

  Just then she decided that maybe vanilla with Detective James McGuinn wouldn't be so bad after all, as she was indeed already attracted to him. He suddenly drew back ever so slightly as he felt the leather corset she had worn under her dress. In his eyes was that darkened, smoldering look that she had seen earlier, as he stood apart and stared at her, a look that heightened the tension of anticipation in her. Before she had received her slave training she would have been inclined to impatiently plead with him to get on with it, not that she didn't feel impatient now. She just had better control. Yet, somehow with James it still felt like the first time.

  Heavens no, I can't be falling for him. I just want to play ... I just want...

  She didn't get a chance to finish that thought.

  "Down the hall, the left door under the staircase, I want you to go into that room, remove your dress and everything else except the corset and high heels and stockings then kneel in the middle of the room ... sub posture, facing the window. Even when you hear me enter, do not look around. Now go.” James abruptly commanded her. He didn't even have to put any kind of physical restraint on her now, as his voice and manner already held her more captive than any handcuffs or ropes could have done now.

  "Yes Master James.” She answered in a properly meek submissive voice, eyes now downcast, before leaving the room to as he commanded.


  LISA ENTERED THE ROOM, and noticed right away that it was what might have been a guest room but was converted to a BDSM playroom. Even the wall of glass that was the window was blocked in by a removable black panel shutting out most of the light except for the middle that left a panel of glass uncovered and therefore a view of outside visible. Hanging on two of the walls painted red, were a neat assortment of whips, paddles and crops neatly arranged, along with various wrists and ankle cuffs, shackles, collars and spreader bars. There was mirrored sliding door closet in the room that gave it extra dimension. However, she also noticed that the door was held shut by a padlock and couldn't help being naturally curious about it. Why would he wan to have a padlock on a closet door, unless maybe inside that closet was where he kept all his important stuff, like documents etc.

  A red leather divan stood against one wall next to a night table with a single fat red pillar candle and incense holder on it. The faint scent of sandalwood incense lingered in the air from the last burnt of stick still in the holder. As she looked more closely at the divan, Lisa noticed that there were strategically placed iron rings at its corners and she didn't have to wonder what it was used for besides sitting. On the floor where he wanted her to kneel and wait for him was a white combed sheepskin shag rug designed for a sub's comfort she assumed. Overhead in the ceiling as well as on the floor were iron rings affixed with bolts and clamps. The rings in the ceiling were suspended on short lengths of chain.

  Lisa proceeded to remove her clothing as James had commanded, leaving only the corset, stockings and her shoes on, and knelt on the rug facing the window through which she could see only the top quarter of the CN Tower, the pearly wintry sky surrounding it and the snowflakes coming down and landing against the window. Every nerve end in her body was alive and tingling now, and she couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before James entered the room. The room was cooler than the rest of the suite, causing her nipples to harden and stand out in perky defiance. Suddenly, a most disturbing thought occurred to her, what if they ended up being called back to work because there was suddenly another break in the case before she even had a chance to experience James as a Master tonight. Oh no, chief wouldn't do that to them would he? Far as she knew James had turned his cell phone off as had she with hers. However, there was still his land line that Willard could ring if he was if he was going to do so.

  Tension wound itself into a coil at the pit of her stomach as she waited and time seemed to slow down to an interminable crawl. It must have been about ten minutes before she heard James’ footsteps as he entered the room. As much as she wanted to turn around and look at him, she didn't dare. Lisa heard his intake of breath and felt his eyes burning upon her, while anticipation kept building within to the point where she wasn't sure she could stand it any longer.

  Then he walked across the room to face her, and although she kept her eyes down and remained firmly in slave posture, Lisa could tell that he had changed his attire, and along with the cologne he wore, the scent of his now leather clad body was wreaking positively delicious and wicked havoc on her senses.

  "Stand,” James ordered her. He stood there by the window, arms folded, critically taking in her appearance, his expression giving nothing away as she dared to glance at him now. It was hard not to do so since she stood almost as tall as him in her stiletto heels. He had changed into his leather winter cop jacket with the Force's insignia, and he was now sporting his police hat which he had been allowed to keep from his early uniformed street cop days. Lisa couldn't but gasp at the sight of him, thinking that every blood vessel was going to burst within her as her blood pressure soared. Involuntarily, she licked her lips, and drew a hissing breath to calm her excitement.

  Oh lord he can stop me and slap the handcuffs on any day, dressed like th

  "I want to say that I'm very pleased with your appearance.” He complimented her, but his tone and manner were more authoritarian master, than lover. “You shall be richly rewarded for taking the extra step tonight. The first time I saw you in that leather corset, I knew that I had to have you for my own plaything. However, I wasn't going to lure you away while you were still with Paul. So I waited and bided my time. I dare say you do look utterly spectacular in it, and those breasts ... ahhh, the words fail me my sweet ... Small breasted women have never appealed to me. I'd almost feel like I was making love to a boy...” James approached her now, taking both her breasts in his hands, looking down at them as though they were precious jewels. “Yes, perfect for adornments, my sweet, but first your reward. What would you have me do with you first?"

  During one of their off days since they had been working together, James, being a fairly good acquaintance Lisa's past Dom, had taken the initiative to call him, first to ensure that Lisa and him were no longer in a relationship, and to learn more about her likes and dislikes as a submissive. Paul, an older English gentleman to the core, respected James’ move, and had been graciously forthcoming. James had learned that the reason the two had parted ways amicably was because Paul's needs had changed and he wanted a 24/7 live in slave which Lisa couldn't oblige because of her career. James had also learned that Lisa loved to be spanked but she didn't seem to favour heavy bondage, so it was his starting point. He intended push her to her limits in that area at least tonight. And if it went well and they agreed to see each other in this capacity he wanted to introduce her to new BDSM experiences that she had been reluctant to try in the past with Paul.


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