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Handcuffs and Roses

Page 9

by Laura Hammond

  "We'll go and take a look around now."

  "Sure, you're probably going to need this.” The guard handed James a flashlight."

  "Good idea. Thanks again."


  "I DON'T THINK we're going to find anything else.” Lisa said after fifteen minutes of looking around in the cold, dark and dusty warehouse.

  "I think you're right, besides all this damn dust is getting to m ... atchoo..", he sneezed.

  "Come on let's get out of here, before you have a sneezing fit. Besides, the phone will be enough for me to see if I can get a fix on her. I just need some proper rest, and a bit of time in meditation to completely clear my mind."

  "What time did Chief say that Sandra Levenson would be available?"

  "He didn't actually give me a time, only that we should go after six."

  Lisa glanced at her watch. “It's almost two now, so why don't you drop me off at my place. I can catch a couple hours sleep..."

  "Better yet, since my place is closer why don't I take you back there? You can crash in my bed instead and I solemnly promise not to tempt you or disturb you in anyway."

  "You really mean that, not to tempt me, that is?"

  "I swear on my mother's life.” He promised mock solemnly, hand on his heart. “In fact, I could use a couple hours myself."

  "All right, it is after all the most practical solution right now.” Lisa agreed. But if you break your word McGuinn, I'll be the one tying you up the next time and caning your gorgeous ass from here to kingdom come.” She threatened, even though topping wasn't her forte.

  "Not on your life sweetheart. It's not like I've never switched before, but for some reason it leaves me very nervous and anxiety ridden, no matter how much I may trust the person topping.” He admitted.

  "Well then, that's why you better keep your promise and let me get some zzzzz's okay?” She mocked threatened, not that she would ever really do it to him after what he just admitted.

  "I'm a man of my word, you'll see."

  BACK AT HIS condo half hour later, James proved to be very much a man of his word. Lisa had reminded him that he had promised Sara a jumbo Mocchacino latte, so they had stopped at the nearest Second Cup on the way to his place, purchased it and took it back to the station to the grateful secretary, who gushed that their timing couldn't have been better. He also had to collect his expensive and fancy Lexus, as Chief had told him to use it when they went to see Sandra Levenson.

  She lived in the Bridle Path, an upscale residential neighbourhood in the Bayview Avenue and Leslie Street area, characterized by large multi-million dollar mansions and often referred to as ‘Millionaires’ Row'. The Bridle Path was also home to media moguls Moses Znaimer and Conrad Black. And most recently, the singer, Prince, had purchased a home in the neighbourhood for $5.5 million.

  After giving Lisa one of his shirts to sleep in and setting the alarm clock on the night table for four thirty, James laid down beside her on the bed not touching her.

  "I didn't say you couldn't hold me.” Lisa breathed softly and reached out for him.

  "Are you sure?"

  "I wouldn't have said it if I weren't. I'd say this is where we test our endurance, but I suspect we...” she didn't finish her sentence as she swiftly dozed off with James holding her. James watched her sleeping so peacefully, almost with a sense of envy wishing he was able to just nod off like that at the drop of a hat. He again felt that surge of protectiveness towards her that he had experienced yesterday, as she lay there in his arms, so serene, so vulnerable. The light of a watery winter afternoon sun shining on her light olive complexioned face, the coppery highlights in her hair and the outline of her magnificent breasts under the material of his shirt that she wore, was enough to make him almost forget his promise. However, he knew no matter how much his desire might have protested otherwise, he wouldn't cross the line and break his word to her. He prided himself on his strength and will, as well finding that the tender feelings growing within him for Lisa, gave him the strength and willpower to hold himself in check. Oddly enough, as he watched her sleeping, he soon found himself growing drowsy.

  TWO AND A HOURS LATER they both awoke feeling refreshed from the nap. Arthur James was curled up at the foot of the bed, looking expectantly at them as though he had been just waiting for them to awaken and head straight to kitchen to feed him. It was dusk outside and a most splendid winter evening sky reflected its deep hues of orange, rose and purple in the room, throwing shadows across the polished hardwood floor. Lisa stretched and yawned, which the cat echoed.

  "Feel better now?” James asked her.

  "Oh yes, much better, thank you. Okay, who gets the bathroom first?"

  "Neither of us has to wait. There are two. You can take the one upstairs, I'll go downstairs, unless you'd like to save hot water and we both share the one upstairs.” James suggested, with a look of pure white hot desire.

  "Mmmm, sounds like a plan.” Lisa purred answering to the hot look in his eyes. Meanwhile, Arthur rubbed up against her legs, purring and meowing expectantly. Lisa bent down and scooped up the cat, planting a kiss on its head and gently stroking it, but Arthur whose mind was on food, struggled to be put down again.

  "Why don't you just go in start, while I go and feed him? That's why he was sucking up to you. I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone.” James hurried downstairs while Lisa entered the large luxurious five piece bathroom that was finished in tan marble and gold plated fixtures. With no time for a long luxuriating bath, she entered the shower stall after divesting herself of her panties and James’ shirt and hanging them up on the towel rack.

  Before too long, as she breathed a sigh of pleasure while the warm water cascaded over her body, she felt James enter the cubicle behind her. His lips tantalized her wet shoulders for a few brief moments, before he took both her wrists and tied them together with a with a piece of nylon rope which he then attached to the highly curved shower head, after turning off the water.

  Lisa breathed hard, trying to hold herself from climaxing as he proceeded to soap her body with vanilla scented shower gel, slowly, tantalizingly working every part of it with magical fingers until each nerve end was alive and quivering with desire. Satisfied that he had covered every part of her with the deliciously fragrant gel, James turned on the shower again to wash it off again, leaving her whole body feeling silky smooth and exhilarated. Then he went to work with his mouth and hands simultaneously, leaving no part untouched and Lisa thought she was going to explode from the myriad of sensations that had her body singing and craving to be joined fully with him again.

  Somehow, she managed to turn around to face him, arching her back and willing him to give sustenance to her already sensitive nipples. James obliged her before entering her, gently at first then thrusting hard and hungrily into her while his fingers continued to work their magic on her swollen breasts and nipples, until they both exploded in intense, writhing spasms of pleasure, both trembling and weakened from the sheer intensity of their coming together.

  James just held on to her, until he caught breath and his legs stopped feeling like they were going to buckle under him. Lisa felt glad at that moment that she was tied upright as she doubted that could have remained standing, much less supporting him as he stood half slumped while he held on to her.

  Later as she was getting dressed, fully refreshed and clear-headed now, but rather languorous from their lovemaking in the shower, James had another surprise for Lisa. Just as she slipped on the expensive pale pink angora sweater she had worn earlier, he stepped over to her as he finished blow-drying his hair and shaving in the bathroom. Looking at how his shaggy mane of dark blonde hair seemed to fall naturally in that rakish style with its pale blonde highlights that some people paid a fortune to get at a salon, Lisa wondered enviously if he ever had any bad hair days. And thinking back she remembered that no matter how cold it might be outside, he never covered it up with a toque or hat, except for last night when he donned hi
s police hat for their first BDSM play session.

  "Not yet,” he breathed in a low raspy voice, pulling the sweater back over her head and removing it completely, after which he unhooked her bra and removed it as well, freeing her breasts which still looked swollen, full and utterly inviting, her dusky rose coloured nipples pert, standing out like twin beacons.

  "But we don't have the time...” Lisa protested, feeling the heat of desire rise in her again, as his hand brushed against her right breast, while the clean male scent of him mingled with CK One, threatened to weaken her resolve. Yet by sheer will she managed, “Surely you can wait till we've finished questioning Sandra Levenson."

  "Yes, I can wait but there is something I would like you do for me as a symbol of your acceptance of wearing my training collar ... and you have accepted haven't you, love slave Callisto?” He asked softly, but his manner was pure dominant right now.

  "Yes.” Lisa breathed, nodding the affirmative.

  "I should have covered this last night I know, but as you know we were both distraught by the turn of events with little Shira. So I'll lay my cards on the table now. Because of the precarious nature of our job and the case we are presently working on, time to play will be at a premium ... being slipped in where and when we can, well at least until you go on vacation."

  "I agree.” Lisa concurred, deliberately willing herself not to tune into see where he was going.

  "So, I would like you to wear the training collar for one month, only when we play of course. I figure that should give us enough time to determine how well we click as lovers/master and slave, and if we come to a decision sooner, all the better. At the time, if your answer is yes, then you will be formally collared by me in small ceremony with a few friends of mine from the community present. How does that sound to you?"

  "Agreeable.” Lisa answered, knowing that she wouldn't need a month to make her decision. She was ready to do so. However, out of consideration for him to be sure that it was what he wanted, she would go along with the waiting period.

  "Now that that's settled, we'll proceed.” James said with a smile gently kissing her on the forehead like a father would a daughter.

  He then opened the drawer of the night table and took out a studded quarter cup leather strap bra that was held together at the back with a small padlock instead of hooks. With just a look from him Lisa knew to hold out her arms while he put it on her and locked it at the back. It was very snug and caused her breasts to be prominently thrust forward, but then again that was the intention, she knew. Afterwards, James took a pair of nipple shields that were adjustable by small screws and attached one to each of her nipples. He adjusted them tightly enough to just pinch her and keep her aware of their presence and in perpetual state of arousal, but not numb her nipples they way the clamps had done when she had worn them last night.

  "There now, that's much better, and it will remind you of your submission to me. You're not too uncomfortable are you?” He asked, with concern."

  "I'll get used to them Master James.” She said, automatically slipping into sub mode.

  "You don't need to address me as such until we return. I do know that although you and Paul were together for a while, that he never really pushed you to your limits as a submissive."

  "That's true."

  "Well, I'm going to change that. Far as I'm concerned you're very much a novice who has a lot to learn. Do you trust me enough to let me take you on a journey of such incredible heights of agony and ecstasy, of domination and complete surrender?"

  "Yes.” Lisa's crotch and whole pelvic area was throbbing and the fresh pair of underwear she had quickly nipped into a dollar store to buy earlier while James was buying Sarah's Moccachino Latte were already feeling wet. She wondered if she would be able to concentrate on her job this evening. This was something she only had dreamed and fantasized about; going out while wearing accoutrements of her bondage and submission to a master/lover she whom found utterly enthralling. Yes, definitely a true soul mate in more ways than one, she thought again as she had that day when they first worked together. I guess it really true after all, the Universe does grant you want you want if you really want it. And boy do I ever want it! Wherever you choose to take me James McGuinn, I'll follow!

  "Very well, this will be your first test. To be able to conduct your duties as a police detective while acutely aware of the role you'll play with me from now on. And I can't express just how much I am looking forward to it.” James lightly caressed her breasts with his lips then held them in his hands looking as though he couldn't get enough of admiring them. “All mine,” he breathed possessively before picking up her sweater from the bed and sliding it over her head again. “What a crying shame to cover up such wonderful handiwork, come here.” He led her over the mirrored closet door. “Look how the bra makes your tits stand out even under such opaque material. They were made to be shown off in bondage sweetheart."

  "Yes, but I'm not that much of an exhibitionist."

  "Oh, I think you are much more of one than you realize, but we'll find out in time won't we?"

  "We'll see."


  "THAT LOOKS LIKE MY HALF-SISTER Sylvie, but she always hated that name and insisted on being called Darlene.” Sandra Levenson informed James and Lisa after they showed her the sketch. She looked like hell, and her eyes were reddened from grief of losing her child, whom she'd had rather late in life after having almost given up hope of being able to conceive.

  "Do you know of any reason why she would want to hurt you?” Lisa asked, amazed that she was able to carry on with the investigation despite the throbbing in her vagina and erotic tingling in her breasts. Despite the warmth of the palatial house she kept leather coat buttoned even though she was beginning to feel very hot. This was certainly a test as James had said it was; a test of her endurance, but she intended to master it.

  "It goes back to when we were kids.” Sandra Levenson said in response to Lisa's question. “She is the daughter of my father's mistress who just deserted the child one day and disappeared. My mother, being the saintly creature that she is, felt sorry for Darlene who was eight at the time, two years younger than me. So she allowed my father to bring Darlene home to live with us, rather than going to Children's Aid. That was big mistake.” Bitterness laced her voice now. “Almost from the start I sensed that she hated me for being the one that my father loved more.

  "Then the neighbours’ pets started turning up tortured and killed. It was a big mystery at first, then one day I my own cat turned up dead, and she laughed and said, ‘what's all the fuss about? It's only a dumb animal.” She had this really evil, almost soulless look in her eyes that really gave me the chills. I suspected that she had killed Busby but I couldn't prove it. I told my mother what I suspected, but she just thought I was being over imaginative ... she always said I was, as I always liked to make up stories and role play. ‘Besides, she's practically an orphan dear, so we just can't turn her out and let her go into the foster care system.’ Mother reasoned. She was always helping out lost souls, and volunteered at an endless number of charities."

  "What about your father?” Lisa asked. “Did you talk to him about your suspicions?"

  "He was hardly ever around ... too busy making money to keep us living in here in the Bridle Path, and too busy complaining that neither wife nor mistress was able to give him a son.” The bitterness was still there in Sandra Levenson's voice.

  That kind of touched a nerve in Lisa, as deep within she had always felt her father would have preferred a son instead. It was one of reasons she had decided to go to the police academy, hoping she would win his complete approval by following in his footsteps. Of course Derek Mayne had been proud of her when she graduated, but Lisa always felt that reserve there within him, something she couldn't quite break through. ‘That's just the way he is cara mia, but he's a good man and he provides well for us,’ her mother had rationalized. In time she had gown to accept it; then Chief had taken her
under his wing after her father was killed when she was just a rookie, and in time he had filled that void that had always secretly gnawed at her heart.

  "Excuse us a second will you Ms. Levenson?” James said.

  "Are you all right?” He whispered as he pulled Lisa aside, noticing her faraway expression.

  "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

  "You just seem to drift off there for a moment in the middle of an investigation, I was just concerned.” He looked speculatively at her. “You haven't had one of your visions again have you?"

  "No, now can we go back and continue this investigation?"

  "As you wish,"

  Lisa sensed a slight note of patronization in his voice but chose to ignore it, suddenly anxious to get this questioning over and done with. Ms. Levenson certainly had a lot of family skeletons in the closet, and the last one just seemed touch a little to close to home for her comfort reminding her of something that she'd rather not think about.

  "Sorry about that Ms. Levenson,” James apologized. “Can we continue from where we left off? Did you ever get a chance to voice your suspicions about Darlene to your father?” He asked, picking up the questioning where Lisa had left off, and suddenly Lisa found that she was glad that he was doing so and wanted him to finish it so they could get out of there. She was growing extremely hot in her coat but she dared not open it, although she knew that her sweater was thick and opaque, enough to conceal the bondage accoutrements she wore under it. She was made acutely aware of the imprisonment of her nipples in the shields, as their sensitivity increased every time she moved and the fabric of her sweater rubbed against their exposed tips, craving to be teased and played with.

  Part of her suddenly felt like a failure that she couldn't concentrate on her job while in secret bondage. Then suddenly, something stronger; the survivor in her just kicked in and she decided that there was no way she intended to fail this test. Yet, because of her former slave training, with the accoutrements on, her whole body and mind seemed determined to be in sub space. Nevertheless, with sheer willpower Lisa momentarily went inward, took a few deep breaths to calm herself and transcend what her body and mind insisted on, forcing herself to concentrate on the more serious matters at hand.


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