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Cadence of Love

Page 4

by Willow Brooke

  He offered a half smile, letting the left corner of his mouth tilt ever so slightly. In an almost whisper, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  She responded with a hesitated slight nod, realizing for the first time that she was okay, for the very first time since Brian had left. Stability, money, loneliness….none of that mattered at the moment. She mouthed “Thank you” back and dropped her eyes to her fingers to fidget. When he took her hand, she almost died in her chair.

  He lowered his eyes and leaned over the table making her meet his eyes. “No. Thank you, Alaina.” She yanked her hand away out of reflex the second Elizabeth turned.

  “Huh, Mommy?”

  “Huh what? I am sorry, I didn’t catch the question.” Alaina’s face flushed pink.

  “I said that you promised me we would go horseback riding some day because you love horses, and Mr. Leland said we should go to Montana and ride their horses. I said we would go now if you didn’t have to work all the time, huh?”

  “Oh yes, sweetheart. Some day.”

  Before the girl could start another endless chatter, their food arrived. Flo sat their dishes in front of them, and turned to let them eat.


  Brody wanted to faint the second the two walked into the diner. Clad in a normal pair of jeans and a purple top that accented her hair, Alaina took his breath away. She was gorgeous. The darling little girl at her side was a mini version of Alaina and the most precious thing he had ever seen. Her uncertainty and shyness only added to her natural, radiating beauty. He had sat back and listened, observing her and Elizabeth since they had arrived. The reactions Alaina had to him touching her or being close made it evident that something in her past had her skittish. He could see the want and hunger swimming in her sexy cat eyes, but the reservations that held her down in a dark, secluded hole screamed of pain and fear. She was lost, and at that exact moment, he made it his duty to find her and help these two amazing girls.

  He watched closely while she ate, looking almost guilty for the food that sat on her plate. By the sound of things, she busted her ass and was still having major financial problems. Elizabeth gave pieces to the puzzle—to her mother’s dismay—but it gave him a little bit to go on. Through half chewed bites and slurps of pop, Elizabeth managed to inform them both that it was just her and her mom, and had been for some time. Alaina worked, a lot, and Mrs. Sanders sat with the girl at night. There was a friend named Vince, but from the excitement of getting to play ponies, and do hair and make-up put him out of the threat zone. Twelve years in the Special Forces had taught him many interrogation techniques. But it also taught him how to read people and listen without appearing to hear. By the way Leland engaged the kid, he was doing the same. Leland had stopped and directed the conversation at Alaina a few times, only for her to shy away and go back to eating her food as if it was the best meal she had ever eaten. From the looks of her, she hadn’t eaten well in quite some time. Her features were slightly hollowed, and her clothing fit loosely. Either she liked to be comfortable, or she had lost weight. If she was fighting finances, chances were the latter. Anger bubbled in the pit of his stomach at the idea of her doing without.

  Leland turned and addressed her directly. “So, Alaina. Tell us about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do besides the hotel, all that good stuff.” He grinned and stuck his tongue out at Elizabeth, making her giggle around her mouth full of fries.

  “Oh…uh, there isn’t a lot to tell. I work days at the hotel and wait tables at night. I grew up here, but both of my parents passed away a few years ago. My father died from an accident at work, and my mother from a broken heart. It’s okay though, we have Mrs. Sanders, don’t we, Lizzy?”

  “Yep! And Mrs. Sanders bakes me cookies and reads me bedtime stories. She is the sweetest old lady in the world.” Elizabeth finished her burger and drink and sat back, cheesing like a cheetah.

  “It looks like someone is ready for dessert. So, what’s it going to be, little darlin’? You can get anything you want tonight. I made a deal with your mommy that if she let you have any sweets you wanted, we would make sure she got to have a relaxing night off.” Brody smiled, watching out of the corner of his eyes as Alaina’s eyes bug out of her head.

  “I have to be at the bar by eight. That is very sweet though. Liz, go ahead and get your blueberry surprise.” She kissed her on the cheek.

  “Yay! I will share with you. I know you love it too.” Elizabeth leaned over and rested her head on Alaina’s shoulder.

  “You go ahead. I am full, baby.” Alaina rubbed her hand over the girl’s cheek and kissed the top of her head.

  The waitress appeared again and took their order, laughing at the two men who seemed more excited about the desert menu than the kid at the table. She scribbled them down and left to go prepare their treats.

  The conversation flowed easily, bringing lots of laughs and a light air around them. When everyone was finished eating, Flo brought the ticket and sat it down. Alaina grabbed it and almost fainted at the total. Fifty-seven dollars and ninety-six cents. This is more than I made in tips last night. Her heart lodged in her throat, making it hard to swallow. She let out a raspy breath trying to hide the sudden illness that washed over her.

  “Are you okay, Alaina? You look ill.” Brody immediately picked up her change in disposition.

  “Yeah I am fine, sorry. I just hate having to leave such a great time to go to work, again. Liz baby, are you ready to go play with Uncle Vince?”

  “Yes. I have a whole night planned!” Elizabeth beamed.

  All three chuckled, knowing the poor man was in for a long night. Alaina reached for her wallet and took out sixty bucks, reaching over to put it on the bill. “Oh no you don’t. We invited you.” Leland stopped her hand and gently moved it back to her purse.

  “Plus, we are gentlemen. Our mothers raised us right. I just wish we could spend the rest of the evening watching movies or something. Do you get any nights off, Alaina?” Brody asked inquisitively.

  “Mommy works every night, and every day. She used to stay home with me but when dad left she had to start working all the time instead,” Lizzy said, disgruntled.

  “Elizabeth! That is not something strangers want to know, baby. Hush,” Alaina scolded. “I am so sorry, she doesn’t have a filter sometimes. Thank you so much for an amazing dinner. It was the most fun we have had in a long time.” Her heart ached at the thought.

  “The pleasure was all ours. We will walk you two lovely ladies out.” Leland stood first, and waited for Elizabeth and Alaina to slide out of the booth. They thanked Flo on the way and escorted them to their car.

  Elizabeth hugged them both. “It was really nice to meet you both. I hope we get to see you again.” She turned and got in the car, latching her seatbelt across her body.

  “Thank you both again. Liz needed some fun for once, and it was a huge change for us both. I still don’t feel right about you paying that much for our meals. Are you sure you won’t reconsider letting me cover ours?”

  “Absolutely not. You have no idea how much it meant to us both. I guess we will see you later, Alaina.” Brody’s voice was low and quiet, matching the intensity that painted his eyes.

  “I hope so. Thank you again. Bye.” She turned reluctantly and slid into the driver’s side door. Her heart sank at the idea of never seeing them again. She had only booked them for one night, and chances were they would be heading to Montana first thing in the morning.

  “You will, love. That I promise you.” Leland’s tone suggested more than just a casual run in or quick chat. The smallest sliver of hope sparked inside her. She glanced one last time at both of the gargantuan men and waved, backing out of the parking spot and away from them forever…Or so she thought.

  “Are we following her?” Leland asked with a smirk.

  “Do you have to even ask? I want to make sure she gets there safe, and then go get a brew. How about you?”

  “Isn’t this called stalking in the civi world

  “Nah. We are being kind gentlemen watching after a girl who has obviously not slept in days, looks like she is about to faint at any moment, and is now behind the wheel of a car with a precious little girl inside. Stay out of sight, but it would be wrong of us to not see her to safety.” Brody’s tone was matter of fact, leaving no room for argument.

  Chapter Four

  Leland was more excited about life than he had ever been. Stepping away from the Army was the hardest decision he had ever had to make. Brody and the rest of their team had an agreement—they walked together. Being Green Berets, they had traveled and been thrown into a lot of hairy situations. Over the past few years, the government had gotten strict on following the mission and only the mission. After seeing whole towns ran by insurgents who killed, pillaged, and raped with strict orders not to intervene, it became harder and harder for them to do their job. It ate at them all to the point they couldn’t stand it. They had come across a really bad village one day, and refused to sit by and watch. A group of men were opening fire on a school house. The young girls were beaten half to death and sexually violated in front of everyone, dishonoring their name and banishing them from the community. Most were praying to die, knowing if they survived the hell they were going through would be nothing compared to the life that waited ahead. Breaking protocol, they stepped in and blasted the bastards. The team managed to capture the leader of the insurgents, and gathered enough information to know he was low on the totem poll. With enough ‘encouragement’, they could have easily gathered enough intel to find out who was behind it all. After they radioed it in, they had been instructed to release the prisoner. No explanation had been given, just release him without further action and return to base. Either they were trying to cover up something, had bigger plans that needed this man free, or maybe the higher ups didn’t think it was worth their time to take down the militia groups. Whatever the case, it was bullshit.

  It cost them a major ass chewing and four months of shit detail, or having to shovel and burn the contents of the porta johns that had been sitting in over one hundred ten degree temps for a week but had been worth every gagging moment. Article 15 threats had been made, and it was clear that if their actions were repeated the brig held a reserved cell for them. Each one had verbalized the heaping amount of bullshit it was to let that warlord go, and they all regretted it still to this day. The Army had become more about politics than bringing justice. Everything they stood for seemed to clash with the military’s ideas of productivity. Refusing to kneel and suck it, or take it in the ass, they all walked away as a family…of brothers and sister.

  When they arrived back on U.S. soil, the group had come to an agreement and all stepped away from the only thing they knew how to do. The civilian world had been harder than they thought. Doubts and regrets had already started slipping into their heads, until they had stumbled on these two little women who were now driving away.

  Their two dinner guests gave him a sense of meaning and family, and he was infatuated by them both. They had planned to haul ass to Montana to start work and get a jump on fixing the farm up, but this detour was going to take longer, and was well worth it. “Okay, she turned left. Let’s go.” He hopped in and fired up the huge motor, rattling the windows of the diner they had just enjoyed. Brody was sitting shot gun and buckled faster than he could crank it and put it into gear, ready for the covert chase as much as he. It wasn’t long before they spotted her ahead, so he slowed and waited to see where she turned. She drove out of town and down a twisty mountain road, speeding a little too fast for his liking.

  “Why is she going so fast? Whether she knows this road or not, she is too tired to be able to react in time if something happens!” Brody’s voice shook with irritation and fear.

  “She is doing the speed limit, bro. I agree she shouldn’t be allowed to walk right now given the information we gathered tonight, much less behind a wheel. This is what makes what we are doing justified. We are going to have to have a conversation about the future soon, Brody.”

  “I think we are on the same page, but we will. I see the look in your eyes when you look at her, and it mirrors my feelings. After meeting Elizabeth tonight, this is more than us helping her. This is a lot bigger than that.”

  “Yes, it is. I think she likes us too… Did you see her squirm a few times when we invaded her space? I went from wanting her for one night to just wanting her. She is special, and we need to tread lightly. We just met her, and need to take things slow obviously, but this could possibly lead somewhere. They have been through more than she leads on I think.” Leland went silent, watching the taillights closely. Headlights peaked around one of the harder curves ahead and his knuckles went white. It was a semi-truck, taking the corner faster than he should have and veering into their lane to compensate.

  “Fuck! Leland, she is going to get hit!” Brody leaned forward and gripped the dash, sitting on the edge of his seat both literally and figuratively.

  “Son of a bitch that fucking truck isn’t getting over! Hold on!” Leland punched the gas and sped ahead, closing the gap between them and the girls. They were still a ways ahead, and brake lights signaled their worst fear. Alaina had locked them up, causing her to fishtail and swerve all over the road. The semi-truck clipped her bumper and set her into a fast spin. The car pivoted at least ten times before sliding off the shoulder and disappearing.

  “Mother fucker!” Brody and Leland both went verbal, slinging every cuss word known to man around the cab and even adding their own artistic alterations to some. The eighteen-wheeler slowed and drove to a dirt road to stop. Leland screeched to a halt where her car went off and threw it in park, jumping out at the same time. Brody was right behind him, running down the slope that led to a river. The top of her white car was barely visible in the dark, but both dove in toward it without a second thought. When they got to the middle, the car was totally submerged. Both went under at record speed, swimming with all their might. It was hard to see in water to begin with, much less the murky creeks and rivers of Oklahoma. It was almost impossible to see in the underwater in the dark. They both searched and searched, going up for air twice before they narrowed the area where the car was pushed from the raging current.

  Brody’s heart thrashed in his chest, scared and amped up on every ounce of adrenaline his body could make. He felt the slick surface of the roof and followed it down, palming the window. There they are. Hang on just a few more seconds. We will have you out in no time. His inner dialog continued, running every scenario possible in this situation and the best way to handle it. They had done training exercises like this, only with a load full of soldiers in full battle gear in a Humvee under water. It had been his least favorite, but today he was more than thankful for the knowledge he had learned than any other.

  He could see the girls through the window. They had the interior light on, showing that only a small pocket of oxygen still remained. Determination kicked in. His lungs burned from lack of air, driving him that much faster. Fumbling in a hurry, he managed to get his buck knife out of the pocket of his jeans and motioned for them to plug their nose and scoot back. He spotted Leland through the other window doing the same, thankful his battle buddy and best friend was at his side in this situation.

  It took a few whacks, cracking only small amounts at a time with each bash, but both men managed to break the older car’s actual glass windows. Water rushed in on the girls, making both squeeze their eyes shut and hold each other tight. Leland reached in and grabbed Elizabeth, having to pry her off Alaina. She reluctantly let go at her mother’s shoves and nods, allowing Leland to get her out of the vehicle and rising back toward surface. Brody did the same, guiding Alaina out the hole and dragging her through what seemed to be never ending water. By the time they surfaced, he was gasping for breath. He looked around and found Leland with a very scared and crying Elizabeth wrapped around his neck, kicking to the shore. Alaina shouted to her to swim, reassuring her that she was goin
g to be okay. “Kick, Liz! Kick, baby! I am right behind you! Keep going, you are almost there!”

  Brody grabbed Alaina and wrapped her arms around his neck in the same fashion even after her protests that she could make it and got them to the edge safely. Leland had already carried the young girl back up to the truck and was digging behind the seat for their stash of clothes and blankets. Brody carried Alaina all the way up and set her down on the road. Her knees buckled, sending her hurling to the ground. Brody caught her before impact and cradled her, realizing that shock, fear, and the swim probably sucked every last drop of energy out of her. She was totally unconscious and limp in his arms.

  It wasn’t but maybe a couple minutes before sirens could be heard in the distance. Leland handed Brody a sleeping bag before turning to the still crying Elizabeth to wrap her up. He held her tight, soothing her whimpers and reassuring her that mommy would be okay.

  When the ambulances, cops, and fire truck showed up, Elizabeth freaked. She was beyond terrified. Leland held her tight, letting her hide in the crook of his neck while the paramedics checked her out. Alaina was placed on a stretcher and given an immediate I.V. followed by a round of smelling salts. When she came to, her first concern was her daughter. “Oh my God, Elizabeth! You have to get my daughter now! Elizabeth!”

  “She is right here, Alaina, calm down we got her. Here, see? She is wrapped up like a burrito.” Leland rushed to her side, allowing her to see with her own eyes that her baby was safe and sound.

  “Oh thank heavens. Thank you two so much. I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t showed up. You saved our lives,” her voice shook as the event’s emotions slammed into her at once. Tears erupted in a bout of heavy heaves, making her evaluation take longer. Brody reached over and held her tight, keeping her still for the medics, and safe and secure in his arms.


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