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Cadence of Love

Page 16

by Willow Brooke

  Instead of allowing her to walk, Brody lifted her into the strong bands of his arms and carried her outside. The air was still smoldering, offering the remaining heat waves from the long summer. A couple more weeks and this wouldn’t have been an option. Winters come with a vengeance in Montana, giving only a few days to separate each season. Spring and Fall were more thoughts than seasons.

  The moment they exited the shielding confinements of the barn, the sharp stings of each raindrop left an exotic nip on Alaina’s hypersensitive flesh. The water was cool, but didn’t do much to cool the heat that radiated through her pores. Brody stood her on her feet against the rough siding of the barn, pressing into her, pinning her body and rendering her captive. His mouth met hers, staking a claim for the world to see. When he moved down to her neck, she caught sight of Leland who stood fisting himself in the strobing light of the storm. With each flash of light across the sky, the idea and scene before her was enough to send her over the edge. In the distance, the silhouette of a person leaned against the side of the porch, watching intently. Alaina gasped, shocked that they were being caught in the act, but more turned on by the discovery than she ever imagined she would be. Brody still covered her body with his, guarding her modesty but allowing the spectator to watch. Leland smiled in a knowing look, turning to follow her vision. With the simple nod of his head, the figure disappeared. “Bring her to me, Brody. I can’t fucking stand it any longer.”

  “Me either. Alaina, we are going to fuck you together, out here for the world to see that you are ours.” His voice was a predatory alpha male growl, breaking the last of her sanity.

  “Please! I want you both. I need you both, like I have never wanted anything in my life!”

  “Come here now.”

  Leland’s order put a jump in her step, bringing her to his side in a blur. While he kissed her deeper into a frenzy, Brody smashed up behind her and trailed the head of his cock up and down her crack. The slick juices from her portal coated her asshole, slipping his dick easily along the tight ring. Instead of easing in with extra precaution like they had before, he pushed past and seated himself fully in her in three strokes, dragging a scream from her raspy throat. The burn and pain felt amazing. His demanding force sent her into the full clouds of wonderful subspace she had never experienced. With each clap of the thunder, her heart accelerated. Leland hiked her leg around his hip and lined up with her pussy, shoving in to the hilt in one shove. The instant stretching and adjusting her body endured rocked her into a mini orgasm, causing her nails to dig into Leland’s shoulders and unrelenting begs and moans to escape her. The sounds all seemed to come from a distance. Her head was deliciously numb. Someone tweaked her nipples, rippling another surge of pre-orgasmic flutters to land in her cunt. The duo started moving slowly, talking and humming their approval beside each ear. Every so often, one of them would nip her skin to rock her off balance and make her bare down on both dicks that impaled her. No feeling in the world compared to this. Out in the broad night with the flashing storm above while the two men she loved more than she had ever loved before, see-sawing in and out of her body, took her up and over the walls of pure ecstasy. She felt it coming and had to brace herself for the unworldly climatic explosion that hit. Unable to stand still, she ground down on both of them, shoving deep and hard with each bounce. Brody and Leland stopped moving, allowing her to ride the storm that hit, in the storm they were in. Alaina’s eyes flashed with something feral, mirroring the jolting electric strobes around them. They resumed their movements when she eased her desperate slams, keeping her on the orgasm train until they both joined her. Brody was first, sinking his fingers into her hips for leverage before blowing deep in her ass in four slams. “Mine!” he roared.

  The combination of Alaina’s clenching and Brody’s pulsating was too much. Leland followed, squeezing around her ribs for support while he bounced off her cervix. Alaina came again, or still, she wasn’t sure. Together, the three of them flew on the wings of a euphoric meteor burning their way back into the earth’s atmosphere. Time didn’t exist. Gravity didn’t exist. All that did was the sex drunk trio, consummating a branding ritual under the universe’s baptism.

  After they all floated back to earth, kisses were exchanged and words of love were whispered. They led her back into the barn and held her, wrapping together on the horse blanket in a protective casing. Alaina knew this was the time, and waited no longer.

  “I want you both to know that I love you. I am madly, deeply, eternally in love with you both. I have never loved so strongly in my life.” Her voice was small, but held more power than either man had ever heard. Each man raised to look at her smiling softly. The big bad soldier exterior had been removed, leaving only the vulnerable, bare emotions of their hearts.

  “I love you, Alaina Nicole Bradford. I have loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you.” Leland’s genuine confession overloaded her senses. Tears of joy burned the back of her eyes. He kissed her, as if to seal it in her thoughts eternally.

  “Alaina Nicole, I have never been in love like I am with you. You are mine, forever.” Brody replayed Leland’s actions, lingering longer and deepening the kiss enough that her libido jumped back to life even after the thorough fucking she had just received. Between the two, they sparked her internal heat straight back into need. There on the barn floor, they made sweet, soft love to her over and over until the morning sun climbed over the horizon. Wrapping her in the silk robe, they carried her back into the house and put her to bed, snuggling down tight around her.


  The next morning Alaina woke up in mid leap from the bed. The bedside alarm clock read ten o’clock, and she had slept through her morning wake-up call to get Lizzy off to school. The sudden jerk woke Brody who sat up ready for attack. “What’s wrong!” he yelled.

  “I overslept! I didn’t get Lizzy up and now she is late!” She put on a pair of sweats and was in the process of pulling a t-shirt over her head when he stopped her.

  “Slow down, baby. Elizabeth is at school. Vice got her ready and Kodiak drove her hours ago.” He rubbed his eyes lazily, still groggy and in slow motion.

  “How did Alex get her up? Why did Kodiak take her? She didn’t get up on her own and rush around did she?” Her heart leapt in her chest at the idea of Elizabeth thinking she was getting ready alone.

  “No, sweetheart, calm down. We asked Vice to stay in one of the spare rooms last night so she could get her up, fed, dressed, and off to school. Kodiak drove her because he refused to let her ride the bus. He said a princess should have her own chariot and not have to ride with no air conditioning. Between you and I, I think the man had some kind of traumatic experience on a school bus when he was little. He has been complaining every day about her riding “that dirty, stupid thing”.” He motioned the quotes with his fingers, rolling his eyes.

  Alaina released a deep sigh, releasing some of the endorphins and adrenaline that jumping from a dead sleep created. Her heart still raced against her chest, giving her an instant head rush. “Thank you for making sure she was tended to. You two always think of everything.”

  “I am sure we forget the small stuff, but when it comes to you and that little girl, we will never forget. Taking care of you girls is what we live for. I love you, baby.”

  The question that lingered in his eyes made Alaina smile. Without skipping a beat, she answered, “I love you too, Brody Lee, with all of my heart.”

  A voice sounded from the other side of the bed, turning both their heads to the sprawled out Leland. “You better save room in that heart for me, baby. He can’t have all of you.”

  Alaina giggled, four wheeling over his back to land facing him. “Don’t worry you big baby. There is plenty to go around. I love you too, Leland Michael.” She babied him like a disgruntled child, dropping a rain of kisses over his face, creating a string of mock grumps and whines to escape his pouty lips.

  “Why are we awake again? Did you two not get the memo that a
fter a night of lustful activities, sleeping in is mandatory?”

  Brody laughed with Alaina, scooting up to a sitting position. “I guess this means I am on coffee duty. Alaina, take care of satin over there until I bring caffeine. I think we are all going to need it today.” He playfully punched Leland in the ass, leaning over to kiss Alaina.

  “What the fuck, dude. Don’t make me kill you this early in the morning.”

  “First off, it is not early. It is ten o’ clock for shits sake. Second, you wouldn’t stand a chance against my super ninja speed.”

  “Psssht! Ninja speed. More like death by morning breath. Do us all a favor and eat shit. It would be a hell of an improvement.” This time Alaina smacked his arm, stinging her hand and getting laughed at by them both. Brody turned and left, leaving her and Leland alone.

  “Get your cute little ass back down here and snuggle. We have at least ten minutes alone until the coffee is done brewing and I am not ready to get up.” He held his arms open, waiting for her to climb in.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Alaina slid under the covers and wrapped herself in his warmth, inhaling a deep breath of contentment. His earthy scent, mixed with the remnants of yesterday’s cologne, teased her nostrils in a comforting embrace.

  Instead of him rubbing her sexually as she had expected, he only held her tight and just loved her. No ulterior motive, no hinting or coaxing, just pure one hundred percent snuggles. She had almost drifted off to sleep when Brody walked in.

  “Okay you lazy bums, here. Coffee is served. One of the others cooked breakfast, so I have you both a plate ready.” He handed them each a cup made to their liking and sat beside them on the edge of the bed.

  “Thank you so much, sweetie. You even added cream and sugar for me.” She smiled and sipped the steamy goodness, unable to prevent the soft little moan that escaped. Both men turned to stare, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Well, it seems that we aren’t the only ones that make those sounds come from her. Maybe next time we will just buy her a cappuccino and go straight for the money shot,” Leland joked, earning an evil squint over the top of her mug.

  “Or maybe you will get a round of all foreplay, no action, mister.” Her little snappy comment got both of their attention, and in a hurry.

  “Excuse me?” Brody’s Dom voice vibrated through her, heating her immediately. Smirking and burying herself back into her cup, he roared in laughter, watching the pretty apples of her cheeks turn a gorgeous shade of blush. The duo wrapped an arm around each side of her, snickering.

  After a hot triple shower and a little fun, they all finally emerged and found the kitchen. Alaina ate two plates of eggs and sausage, famished from the marathon sex the last twenty-four hours had brought. Both men kept shoving food at her, insisting she wasn’t eating enough. It was crazy. All of those years Brian had hounded her with comments about her weight and questioning everything she ate, here she sat today with the polar opposite. Fate was awesome.

  The rest of the day was spent helping them with chores around the farm, stopping periodically for a quick make out session or silly playfulness. Bedtime arrived before she knew it, and her heart sank from the ticking clock that haunted from the back of her mind. She had two days left with the men she had just confessed her love for. It just wasn’t enough… but would it ever be? The heaviness of the situation weighed on her, making it hard to mask with a poker face and fake smile. When bedtime came, the three all seemed to be feeling it. Most of the night was spent cuddling, with only an hour or so reserved for the more intimate lovin’. Even then, it was sensual and heartfelt instead of being a repeat of the wild ride in the storm. They reassured her with their actions instead of words. It had to be hard on them too…not knowing what they were walking into and what the outcome would be. There were so many different scenarios and any one of them could go wrong, from the U.S. Army stepping in and imprisoning them—to death. They all seemed to settle and quiet the last few days, which only alarmed Alaina more.

  Saturday was devoted to Elizabeth. The entire group had all loaded up for a day of fun with their favorite girl, visiting the aquarium, the zoo, a two hour long lunch at Chuck E Cheese complete with an endless supply of tokens and a huge Chuck E Cheese stuffed animal on their departure, and an evening at the skating rink. Everyone had eagerly slapped on skates and fell on their asses just to watch her smile. After an amazing dinner at a buffet style restaurant that was known for its dessert buffet and chocolate fountain, they slowly dragged their way home.

  Nick, Wesley, and Drake had all argued like five year olds over who would carry the sleeping sugar gorged princess in. Brody had stepped in and put an end to it in a hurry. Before they could get around to her door, he had scooped her up and had padded inside, tucking her in tight. He spent over twenty minutes posing the mound of stuffed animals around her in case she woke up. When Alaina went in to check what the holdup was, he was perched in the rocking chair and reciting his favorite childhood story. After the Three Bears found Goldie Locks, she had to stop him from going into another tale. He kissed her cheek and finally left with crocodile tears in his eyes. Once the door was shut, he hugged Alaina.

  “Please reassure her that we will be coming back. I can’t stand the idea of her thinking we are skipping out on her like that fuckwad did. We are her dads, and will always be here for her.”

  “She knows you will. It will be hard for her to get used to you guys coming and going, but after the first time of you returning home, she will understand. You worry about getting everyone home safe and sound. If one hair is split on anyone, I am going to kick your ass, do you hear?”

  The corners of his mouth tilted slightly. “Yes, ma’am.” He dropped his arm around her shoulders and walked back into the living room, sitting her on his lap to join the others. Instead of their normal movie time, they all kicked back and talked, steering clear of the event that plagued them all. In an unspoken agreement, no one brought up their deployment but instead focused on warm conversation and quality time together. Alaina was in the center of it all, looking around in wonder as to how she got so lucky. From rags to riches—this was the best family a girl could ever have.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sunday was spent packing and organizing the final preparations for the early morning departure. Alaina busied herself helping stuff the rucksacks and duffle bags with gear, tossing in extra clothing with candy treats hidden in their pockets. Little notes were added to Brody’s and Leland’s, complete with x’s and o’s at the bottom of each one. She wanted to make sure that where ever they were or whatever they were doing, they would find a little love from home to help them through. This was a mission with no timeframe. The idea of anything over a couple weeks made her want to vomit. Instead, she focused all of the mounting anxiety into her goodie packing. Every sock for every person contained some sort of ‘extra’ whether a drawing by Elizabeth or a simple Jolly Rancher. Elizabeth had also insisted that they sneak out and buy a small stuffed bear for each of them. Concealing those undetected took skill and was their ‘special ops’ mission.

  Dinner was sullenly quiet. The meal prayer was extended, allowing each member at the table to speak their own peace. Michael had dressed in his nice jeans and a button up shirt, shocking them all. Instead of running to the safe haven of his room directly after, he stayed and engaged in conversation, showing more emotion than ever before. As everyone started to meander to their cabins for a good night’s rest, he pulled Leland off to the side and into the kitchen. Alaina and Brody both smiled, hoping that the two could make amends before their morning flight.

  Leland dreaded whatever negativity he was about to get. Time and time again, his father was consistent on one thing—speaking his disapproval of everything he chose to do. I don’t have the fucking patience for this tonight. Please Lord, keep me from flying off the handle.

  “Son, I want you to know that I love you. I always have, boy. I know I haven’t been the dad you deserved, but I am trying
to learn how to be now. You be careful out there, and hurry home to these two girls. You boys have something special. Don’t go getting shot up and ruin it, you hear?”

  Leland almost fell over dead. Ironic…but somehow suiting. His father had just done three things in one statement he had never witnessed in his life—an apology, saying he loved him, and speaking without yelling or being negative. Miracles did happen. And for once, he was utterly speechless. When Michael took his silence as a cue to continue, he hugged him. An awkward, stiff, half golf tap half bro hug. Leland hugged him back, not wanting to ruin the probably once in a lifetime event. When his dad pulled away, he patted his shoulder again and added, “I am proud of you, boy. Go out there and give them some of that Reynolds toughness. They won’t stand a damn chance.”

  “I love you too, Dad. Thank you.” Unable to think of anything else to say, and not wanting to ruin their moment, he kept it simple. After a nod of his head Michael walked away, leaving Leland to wade through everything that had just happened. He plunked his butt on a bar stool and sat, staring out the window. The softness of a gentle touch grazed against his back, offering reassurance and support if he wanted it. Instead of sitting beside him, she climbed up on the counter and reached to the top cabinet over the stove. The reach was so far she was dangling on the very tips of her toes, making him wonder if she had ever taken ballet or some other dance classes as a youth. He all but jumped over to put himself between her and the hard tile floor, just in case. Her reputation of outstanding clumsiness carried with her everywhere. When she started teeter-tottering on the ledge, he braced himself for the brunt of it. Before she tumbled backwards into his arms, the little tightrope walker had scored a new box of double stuffed Oreos and dismounted beside him. “Six years of ballet, except my balance was always bad so I sucked. I can jump off a counter like it’s nobody’s business though.” She smiled and thrust the package into his hands and turned to pour two cups of milk. If he wanted to talk, fine. If not, no biggie. Oreos were the best therapy for any situation, and she wanted to share her age old secret with her love.


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