Book Read Free

Rip It

Page 12

by A. D. Herrick

  Chapter Sixteen


  The exhaustion from the past week took its toll on the flight. My eyes were closed the moment we began to taxi down the runway. I awoke hours later feeling much more rested as we landed in NYC. I hailed a cab to the hospital. I had called the man back on the phone and let him know I had landed.

  I found out that the man who had called me was Sam’s doctor. He still wouldn’t tell me anything about Sam. He cited some laws about doctor-patient confidentiality. It made me want to strangle him. I just wanted to know if Sam was okay.

  The cab pulled up to a large hospital. It took me almost forty-five minutes to locate Sam’s wing of the hospital. The building was large and spanned across several roads. It was the largest hospital I have ever seen before. I let the nurse know who I was there to see. Instead of giving me his room number she directed me to a waiting room. My nerves were getting the better of me as I paced the crowded room.

  It took another hour before a man came in and called my name. I recognized his voice as that of the man I had spoken to over the phone.

  “Ms. Gray?” He asked.

  His eyes traveled the length of my body. It wasn’t as though he was checking me out. Instead, he was assessing and judging me. I gave him a thorough once over of my own.

  He was a young attractive rail of a man. He was tall and thin. His hair was cut short and laid flat on the top of his head. His eyes were a warm brown that reminded me of whiskey. I could see the kindness that rested in them despite his rough and stoic demeanor. He had a small narrow nose and tight thin pink lips. His chin was covered in day old stubble giving him an attractive five o’clock shadow.

  He was dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a dark blue polo shirt. His long white lab coat hung open. He had a stethoscope around his neck and his name tag and ID were clipped to his lapel. Dr. Evan Reed M.D.

  “Where’s Sam?” I asked forgoing any greeting.

  Dr. Reed turned on his heels.

  “Follow me,” He called over his shoulder as he briskly walked away.

  I followed him down the long corridor. We made several sharp turns before we stopped at a room on the left down a quiet hallway. Dr. Reed gave a quick knock then walked into the room. I followed behind him hot on his trail.

  My jaw dropped when I saw Sam sitting on the side of the hospital bed. The left side of his face was black and blue with tinges of green and yellow. It looked like someone had taken a sledgehammer to the side of his face.

  I dropped my bag and rushed over to him throwing my hands around his neck. Sam winced in pain but hugged me back. His arms wrapped around me firmly in a warm embrace. I peppered the good side of his face with kisses.

  Dr. Reed cleared his throat. Only then did I remember that we weren’t alone. I released Sam but didn’t step away from him.

  “What the hell happened to you, babe?” I asked in shock.

  “Jessie,” He said.

  That one word was all I needed. I knew Jessie was a worthless waste of garbage. I was seething with rage.

  “He did this to you?” I shrieked.

  I was ready to beat the hell out of him with my bare hands. I was fuming mad.

  “No, He started a fight and I got jumped by his new boyfriend.” He said as though that explained everything.

  “Sam you have only been gone a little over a week. How did all of this happen?” I asked shocked and confused.

  “Everything was fine, well as fine as things go with Jessie. He said we were going out to a club.” He sighed.

  “Jessie started drinking and trying to push me to drink but I wouldn’t.” His eyes shot to mine.

  We had made a pledge to never drink alcohol. Sam’s mom was killed by a drunk driver and mine was an alcoholic. It was a no-brainer for us.

  “Jessie started to get drunk and tried to…” Sam looked down in shame.

  I know that once I got my hands on Jessie I would be going to prison, but I didn’t care.

  “You can tell me, Sam. You know I won’t judge you.” I encouraged him.

  “He tried to grope me and he kept trying to kiss me.” He said softly his voice wavering.

  “I kept pushing him off me. I know I’m gay, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready for all of that yet, ya know.” His voice cracked.

  I could tell he was fighting to stay strong and keep from breaking down. I wrapped my arm around him and tried to soothe him.

  “I’m so sorry, babe,” I whispered in his ear.

  Sam buried his face against my chest. I felt his body shudder as he wept silently.

  “He just wouldn’t stop.” He said between sobs.

  I rubbed his back in soothing strokes. I tried to comfort my best friend but I was trembling with rage and hate. No one hurts my best friend and I mean NO ONE.

  “I was finally able to get away from him and he started screaming that we were over. I just walked away from him, I didn’t care.” His voice was hoarse and just above a whisper.

  “I went to his house aunt’s house and packed up my stuff. I had hailed a cab and was going to head home. When I got outside Jessie was there with some other guy.” He paused to regain his breathing.

  “I tried to just ignore them but before I knew it the other guy was on me. I didn’t even see it coming. It took one hit and I was TKO. The guy just kept wailing on me. I woke up in the hospital. Someone had called the police and the officer was kind enough to make sure my bags were brought with me.” He said. His voice was still weak.

  Sam’s face was streaked with tears. It broke my heart to see him this way. I gently wiped away his tears and peppered his face with kisses as I embraced him.

  “Dr. Reed has been great. He patched me up and called you for me. My phone is dead and I left my charger at Jessie’s.” I could hear the admiration in Sam’s voice.

  Whatever Dr. Reed had said and done for him must have really helped. I was glad that someone had been there to take care of him when I wasn’t.

  I had never known Sam to break down. I know that whatever had happened was more than what he was saying and that pissed me off beyond words. I hope Jessie knew that he was a dead man walking.

  “Sam, why don’t you get cleaned up and ready to go while I take Ms. Gray out to finish up paperwork.” Dr. Reed suggested.

  “Doc. Haven is my best friend, she is practically my sister. You have my permission to speak freely with her.” Sam reassured the doctor.

  Dr. Reed gave Sam a firm smile and a curt nod then led me out of the room.

  It was hard to leave Sam in there but I knew he needed the time to put his self together.

  Dr. Reed led me to a small empty room and shut the door behind us.

  “I’m going to give it to you straight.” He said frankly.

  I stood there waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “Sam may experience some mental and emotional lapses and he may not. He has told me some of what had occurred at the club but I am going to let him tell you when he feels ready. He is going to have a long road to full recovery mentally but I think he is strong enough to make it through this. The injuries to his face are all superficial. I believe it is mostly his pride that is injured in that instance. I am releasing him into your care with the condition that you file a restraining order against the ex and have the police document the incident.” His voice was autoreactive and unwavering.

  “Consider it done,” I said.

  Dr. Reed handed me a sealed yellow manila envelope and a stack of papers to sign.

  “If you will sign on all of the X’s we can release Sam. Take the envelope to the police station with you. Please do not open it. Inside I have attached my card with my work and cell number. If you need me for any reason, you have my number. Do not hesitate to call.” He said.

  I knew that this was beyond standard procedure. Dr. Reed seemed to be going above and beyond. I saw the size of this hospital and the amount of people waiting in the waiting rooms. This was not standard practice and I appreciate
d Dr. Reed all the more for it.

  “Why are you doing all of this I asked?” looking into his eyes.

  “I know first-hand how hard it is to be gay. On top of that, I know first-hand how hard it is to get anyone to listen to you when you are a gay man who has been assaulted.” He said curtly then turned away.

  “Sam is free to go. Take care of him.” Dr. Reed called over his shoulder before exiting the room.

  I carried the papers into Sam’s room. Sam was waiting on his bed. He had changed his shirt, washed his face and combed his hair. Aside from the colorful bruises on the side of his face, he looked almost normal.

  “Grab your bags so we can bust this popsicle stand,” I said giving him a small smile.

  I stuffed the paperwork in my bag then slung it over my shoulder. Sam grabbed his bags and followed me out of the hospital.

  “Do you know where you’re going?” Sam asked me after we had passed the nurses station for the second time.

  “Not a clue, babe,” I said laughing.

  It took a while but we eventually found our way out of the hospital. On the cab ride to the airport, I purchased our tickets home. With any luck, we would only have to hang out in the airport for an hour before we could board our flight.

  Chapter Seventeen


  "So, tell me what you have been up to the past week,” Sam asked as we took our seats on the plane.

  I had not realized traffic was so bad in New York. We had made it to the airport with enough time to grab our tickets and check our bags before we had to rush to the gate.

  “Let’s see,” I said tapping my index finger against my chin.

  “I met a boy, took a spill that put me out of commission for a few days, on flat ground mind you.”

  “Seriously? What happened?” He asked concerned.

  I explained to him about my fall and the injuries I had suffered.

  “I leave you alone for a week and you end up hurting yourself on flat ground.” He said exasperatedly in jest.

  “What else happened this past week?” He asked

  “I’ve spent the past week stuck in work. I had thirty-seven orders come on the day after you left. I have a boyfriend…” I cut my eyes to Sam.

  His eyes grew wide when I mentioned a boyfriend.

  “That Tristin guy?” He asked excitedly.

  I nodded my head.

  “You never sent a picture.” He reminded me.

  “I don’t have one.”

  “How do you not have a picture of your boyfriend?” He asked perplexed.

  “It was just made official today and he is out at a demo in Huntington with Jeremy, Cindy, and the guys,” I replied in my defense.

  “How is Jeremy?” Sam asked softly.

  “He misses you,” I told him honestly.

  We didn’t speak for a while after that.

  “I’m glad to hear you have been busy. I knew it would only be a matter of time before your designs really started to take off.” He said proudly, breaking the silence.


  I pulled out my phone and text Tristin asking for a photo.

  Tris: I haven’t heard from you all day and now you want a picture? You must really miss me.

  Me: I’m just now flying home and I do miss you.

  Tris: Flying from where?

  Me: NYC

  Tris: Why?

  Me: Please send me a pic :’(

  I knew the cry face would get me a picture. It didn’t take long for Tristin to send me a photo. Once the picture came in I showed it to Sam. It was a picture of Tristin smiling lying back against the pillows on the hotel bed. His smile was wide and genuine. I could see the happiness in his eyes. I could only hope that I was the reason for it. My heart hurt with how much I missed him. I wished I was there with him now snuggled up in the crook of his arm.

  “This is your boyfriend?” He asked in surprise.

  “Yeah, why?” I asked confused.

  “He is hot, that’s all,” Sam replied hesitantly.

  I could tell that he was holding something back. That wasn’t like him. I didn’t want to push him after everything he had been through so I decided to let it rest, for now.

  “How long is the demo?” Sam asked.

  “It ends on Sunday.”

  “Want to go?” He asked with a hopeful lit to his voice.

  I was surprised that he would want to go. I had told him that Jeremy was there, but I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  “Yeah, when we land we can get a room and grab a cab or a bus there in the morning,” I told him excitedly.

  It would be close to three in the morning by the time we landed in San Diego. The buses wouldn’t be running and it would be pointless to try and make it home then take off to Huntington.

  My stomach growled loudly. I couldn’t wait to grab some food. I was planning on getting a bite at one of the restaurants in the airport but that plan was thwarted by the crazy traffic we had been stuck in New York.

  Once our plane landed, Sam and I grabbed a quick meal at a local fast food joint that was open and headed to the airport hotel. The rooms were pricy but I didn’t care. I had the money and I was dead on my feet. I could tell that the day had weighed heavily on Sam too. He had been quiet most of the way home and through our quick meal.

  I didn’t want to push him. I knew that if and when he was ready, he would talk.

  When we got to the hotel we both grabbed a bed and called it a night. I took the bed closer to the door and allowed Sam to take the one near the window. Once our heads hit the pillow we were both out. Exhaustion had taken over our bodies with zero remorse.

  I was woken up a couple hours later by crying noises coming from the bed Sam was sleeping on. I crept out of my bed and slid in behind him, wrapping my arms around him. I whispered soothing words against his ear until his cried died down to whimpers and eventually ceased completely. Once Sam had been calmed I fell asleep cuddled up to him.

  My alarm going off an hour later woke me up. It was eight in the morning and I felt like shit. I jostled Sam awake and crawled out of bed. A quick shower and a couple cups of hotel coffee later and I was ready to go.

  Since Tristin didn’t know we were coming I decided to dress up for the surprise. I wore my hair down in long cascading waves that hit the middle of my back. I slipped on a pair of short white shorts, much like the black ones Tristin was so fond of. They made my legs look longer which I enjoyed. Being five-two I took every opportunity I could to look taller or at least make my legs look less short and stumpy.

  I pulled out the one and only push up bra I owned. I hadn’t even realized I had packed it when I was throwing clothes in my bag. I put on a bright pink tank top over a lime green one. The bright colors and white shorts made my skin glow and look tanned.

  I slipped on a pair of white chucks that had rainbows over the toe and even applied a little pink lipstick, black eyeliner, and mascara. I gave myself a once over in the mirror and declared myself sexy.

  “Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?” Sam asked as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom.

  His eyes scanned my body from head to toe. I knew he would be surprised. I had never really dressed up or put on makeup before. I had purchased some and played with it a few times at home but I never wore it out. I always felt weird when I had it on. Today I was making an exception. I wanted to surprise Tristin and if I could, make him drool.

  “Shut up. Does it look that bad?” I asked assessing myself again in the mirror nervously.

  “Not at all. You almost make me wish I was straight.” He said wagging his brows at me seductively in jest.

  “Shut up.” I cried embarrassed my eyes wide with mock shock.

  I sometimes wondered if Sam really was gay or if he was just confused. It didn’t matter to me what his sexual orientation was. I loved him all the same. But a little part of me did wonder.

  I shoved at his shoulder playfully. I noticed that
I wasn’t the only one dressing up. Sam was wearing a pair of dark blue relax fit jeans, a fitted black Spitfire t-shirt, that showed off his muscles and flat toned stomach, and a red and blue plaid button up over shirt that was opened at the front. He was wearing his red and blue DC’s and his hair was styled neatly.

  “Who you lookin’ good for?” I asked him coyly, giving him a once over.

  “Baby, I always look good.” He shot me an arrogant wink.

  I just shook my head. Sam dressed up as much as I did, which meant he never dressed up.

  We gathered our things throwing them into our bags and checked out of the hotel. Before we left we stopped at the hotel restaurant and had a quick breakfast, then hailed a cab to Huntington.

  It would cost a fortune and a half to take a cab to Huntington but I didn’t care. I missed Tristin and I didn’t want to be stuck on a bus all day stopping at every corner all the way to Huntington. Maybe I was being a bit dramatic, I didn’t care.

  “Does your boyfriend know we’re coming?” Sam asked once we hit the interstate.

  “Nah, I wanted to surprise him. Did you tell anyone?” I asked hoping my surprise hadn’t been ruined.

  “Nah, I wanted it to be a surprise.” He echoed my words back to me giving me a wry smile.

  I was thrilled that he hadn’t told anyone. I wasn’t sure who Sam still spoke to in our group of friends. But I knew if he had told any of them that word would get around to Jeremy and Tristin.

  It was a couple hour drive to Huntington, so Sam and I used that time to catch up on our sleep. We were both still wore out from the day before and the few hours of sleep that we did get was just enough to take the edge off but not enough to fill fully rested.

  I was glad that Tristin had told me the demo was a charity one being held for autism awareness. There were several demos going on this weekend and each of them had their own theme. It would have been like finding a needle in a haystack without letting on that we were coming.


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