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Horse Charmer

Page 16

by Angelia Almos

  Pakelika's face reddened, but he turned to his father. "I'm going to ride with them to the caravan."

  "You have chores here." Alrik cast a glare at Cassia.

  She ignored his disgruntled look and with awkwardness climbed into the saddle. She was so used to Kali's smooth back that she had to concentrate to avoid hooking her leg or foot on some item or loop. Luki checked her girth one last time, before swinging easily up into his saddle.

  "Show-off," she muttered.

  Luki shot her a grin.

  Pakelika clenched his jaw looking from his father to Cassia. She wasn't going to interfere he would have to make the choice on his own

  "I'll be back!" Pakelika called.

  Cassia only had to think of moving for Kali to spin and leap into a ground-covering gallop sweeping her through the gate in less than a second. As they raced down the hill and away from the tree line, Kali began to slow and Cassia glanced over her shoulder as Luki and Pakelika caught up with her.

  Letting Kali set the pace, she followed Pakelika's shout and gesture, turning off the road to cross the wide open spaces in the general direction of Vespera. Any shortcut that allowed them to cut some time off the trail would give them an advantage. The Karahan Caravan would have to stay on the road.

  They rode for several hours, Kali alternating between a trot and gallop, more for the benefit of the other horses than her own endurance. Once they reached a river, Cassia waited anxiously as the horses drank their fill and the two men dismounted to stretch. Cassia made no move to join them and frowned when Luki walked over to her.

  "You need to let Kali rest a moment," Luki said.

  She could feel Kali's energy and knew that Kali wasn't the one needing the rest, but she had to remember the other horses weren't special like her, so she swung her leg over Kali's neck and slid down. Her feet hit the ground and her ankles buckled, pain singing through her muscles.

  Thankfully, Luki jumped forward and kept her from landing in an undignified heap right in front of Pakelika.

  "Thank you," Cassia murmured.

  Luki immediately released her and she was relieved to Pakelika wasn't really paying attention, but was refilling their canisters of water.

  "We can only go so fast." Luki warned her.

  "I know. I just --" Cassia fought for the words to describe her urgency. "My family is still there, Luki, and if King Erich did plan it."

  "He won't do anything to Queen Sarahann or your brothers," he assured her.

  "I must have angered him greatly. He did all of this to get me married to his son and then I ruined it for him."

  "He doesn't know that," Luki said, his voice low and reassuring. "The rumor of your kidnapping is just as strong as any other rumor."

  Somehow that didn't reassure her. Not knowing what was going on was beginning to eat at her. She thought about Daeshawna and the inn. If they rode hard they could reach the inn by dark and maybe the Karahan Caravan would stop there for the night.

  Kali slid down the deep bank to drink next to the other horses.

  "We should head for the border town," she said, not quite looking at Luki who stood a little too close to her for proprieties sake, but she didn't make any move to put the appropriate distance between them. She was comfortable having him near her.

  "As you wish."

  "The innkeeper will know what's going on in Vespera. She might even know why the advisors are on their way there."

  Luki nodded in agreement. "Sit and rest for a few minutes. The horses won't be able to ride hard right away."

  "You're right," she said, and did as he suggested, dropping right where she stood.

  She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them to stare in the direction of Vespera. It was hard to believe she'd left Castle Vespera a couple of days ago and so much had changed in a couple of days. She'd defied her mother, stopped a royal wedding, permanently slipped her guards, slept on the ground, had a talking horse who understood her, and…she peered at Luki. He was still her only human friend, but had shown he had feelings for her blurring the friend line.

  Luki, completely unaware of her pondering, climbed down the bank to pull a bundle from one of Kali's packs. He checked on Dall and Ward, Pakelika's horse, to make sure their reins hadn't loosened, allowing them to step through them. Kali wore no bridle so needed no check.

  He climbed back up to her. Pakelika followed with the water canisters. Luki unwrapped the bundle and handed Cassia a sandwich of meat and bread.

  "Thank you." She took a bite though she wasn't hungry, forcing her thoughts away from where they had wandered.

  "Your Highness." Pakelika handed her a canister of water.

  "You don't need to call me that."

  Luki raised an eyebrow at her and she remembered he did have to call her that. She couldn't ask him to call her Cassia, but the Your Highness thing got on her nerves. She frowned back at Luki as Pakelika waited expectantly for her to continue.

  "Thank you for your help, Pakelika, I'm in your debt," Cassia said.

  Pakelika looked dazzled and Cassia had to wonder at what a title did. He'd barely noticed her when he'd thought she was only a lady.

  "Please, call me Princess Cassia." She hated that just as much, but it was slightly better than Your Highness.

  Luki made an odd choking sound and she narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to laugh. He quickly drank some water.

  "Your Highness," Luki said, once he'd gotten his breath. "If you're ready?"

  She didn't change her expression as she rose still holding her sandwich. Pakelika immediately jumped up to fetch the horses from their grazing at the river banks. Kali barely avoided knocking Pakelika over as she bounded up the steep bank, leaving him to get the other two horses.

  "Your Highness?" Cassia hissed under her breath to Luki.

  Luki chuckled lightly as he efficiently tightened Kali's girth. Kali turned her head to glare at him and smacked him on the back with her long tail.

  He laughed even harder. "Not familiar enough for you? Remember we're not alone, Cassia."

  She wanted to roll her eyes at him for whispering her name, but reminded herself she was too old for that. "You're impossible."

  "So are you, Princess, so are you," Luki said in a quiet, but somehow serious voice.

  He offered her a leg up and Cassia took it, needing the extra help to negotiate the saddle. His hands lingered on her ankle as he slid her foot into the stirrup. When he looked up, Cassia started, uncertain how to respond to the sad expression on his face.

  She leaned down as she whispered. "What's wrong?"

  He shook his head. "Nothing. Don't worry we'll catch the caravan before it reaches Castle Vespera."

  "I hope you're right."

  Luki stepped back to take Dall from Pakelika. He checked the girth even though Pakelika had already tightened it. Their start was much slower than before, because they had to walk the horses. She could crawl faster, but they had to wait until the horses' stomachs had finished absorbing the water or they'd have an even longer delay.

  Are you all right? Cassia asked.

  I'm in perfect condition.

  The other horses?

  They will need a little more time to settle their stomachs and catch their breaths. Their muscles are fatigued.

  Cassia had felt as much, but was relieved to know her reading of the other horses had been correct. What had Julyan meant when he'd said she'd just begun to show some of her potential? What would she be able to do if she utilized her full potential?

  The horses' fatigue slowly faded to tiredness and Cassia judged it safe enough to quicken the pace. Kali immediately lengthened her stride into a slow canter and the other horses followed suit. The horses were tired, and pushing them too fast wouldn't get them to Vespera any sooner if one of them collapsed in exhaustion. The sun began to set and Cassia sighed in relief when the river and bridge came into sight.

  "Cassia!" Luki shouted.

  Kali immediately slowed to a walk and
Luki rode alongside.

  "Soldiers could still be in town," he said as Pakelika also pulled up, but on Luki's side. "They're looking for you. Are you sure you want to go there?"

  Pakelika looked somewhat confused, but remained silent.

  "I need to know what's going on," Cassia finally said.

  "All right, we ride straight for the inn. Pakelika can take the horses to the stable." Luki reached behind him and untied Kali's bridle from his saddle. "She'll need to put this back on."

  Cassia took the bridle from Luki's hand and without dismounting leaned forward to slide it onto Kali's face. Kali curled her lips slightly. Once she'd been able to lift the façade of being a normal horse she found it irritating to go back to that role.

  I know how you feel. Cassia told her in sympathy.

  Luki took the lead now and Cassia ended up between the two men. A fairly normal way for a trio to travel with a single female among them.

  Cassia tensed. Luki was right. Several tents were pitched behind the general store in the fields, campfires next to each one. The rowdy laughter of the Vesperan soldiers echoed in the evening air.

  "Why would they stay here?" Cassia asked.

  "They lost their tracker," Luki said, a smirk in his voice.

  "It could be a different platoon," Pakelika said.

  Cassia glanced back at him in surprise. If it wasn't for the constant presence of his gelding, Ward, in her mind she could easily forget Pakelika was on this journey. He ducked his head at her frank appraisal, but didn't say anything else.

  The town seemed as busy as before if not more so and Cassia swallowed down a little disappointment at not seeing the familiar Karahan wagons. She'd held a small hope they might have stayed in the border town on their journey even if they hadn't hit it at nightfall.

  The soldiers seemed to be sticking to their camp and Cassia was thankful for the twilight sky as it made it difficult to make out any of the people walking on the sidewalks which meant they couldn't see her clearly either. They made it to the inn without incident. She dismounted and laid her hand on Kali's neck.

  I'm sorry.

  Why? Kali turned to look her directly in the eye. Question Daeshawna. Find out what she knows. I'll be waiting for your word.

  Cassia stroked her soft coat and dropped the reins as Pakelika pulled them off of Kali's neck. He rode on toward the corral, towing Kali and Dall behind him.

  "Come on." Luki's hand automatically went to the small of her back as he urged her forward.

  She glanced up, but he wasn't looking at her, he was focused on the people around them. No doubt worried someone would recognize her. The risk doubled once they stepped into the inn and the light. The restaurant activity was slow and several people gathered about the fire. Cassia did a quick survey for anyone familiar, but the only familiar face was the serving girl.

  "Where's the innkeeper?" Luki asked quietly, slowing his pace as they walked over to the glowing fire.

  "I don't see her."

  "Are we staying here?" he asked with a sudden frown.

  She wasn't sure what worried him, but his concern came off him in waves, the tension in his broad shoulders, the way his eyes cased every shadow in the room. "What's wrong?"

  He glanced around again, but shook his head.

  Just then Daeshawna stepped out of the kitchen and walked forward. She paused mid-step when she spotted Cassia, indecision obvious on her face. They hadn't exactly parted in the best of terms in Cassia's dream.

  Evidently committed, the innkeeper walked boldly forward and inclined her head. "Lady Kaia, we're pleased with your patronage."

  "Thank you, Daeshawna," Cassia said, for benefit of Luki. "One of my escorts, Luki."

  "One of?" she asked with unconcealed curiosity.

  "The other one is taking our horses to the stable. I need to speak with you, privately."

  "Certainly, this way." Daeshawna led them past the small register table and opened the door behind it revealing a cheerful sitting room. Her hostess show of confidence was slowly being replaced by anxiety.

  Why would her visit agitate the Dream Weaver so?

  "Please, sit." Daeshawna stood next to a chair.

  Cassia smiled politely and sat at the chair opposite her. Luki shook his head and leaned against the wall, a position to view both Cassia and the door. His hand rested lightly on the hilt of his sword, again.

  "I hadn't expected to see you so soon," Daeshawna said.

  "But you expected to see me?"

  "I knew you would return after." Daeshawna shot a look toward Luki and his no-nonsense short sword. "I was honest with you, Your Highness."

  "You know who I am," she said in surprise.

  "Yes." Daeshawna's eyes darted to Luki again. "I recognized you the first time you were here. Your Royal Caravan stopped here on your journey out to Castle Vespera."

  "Yes, it did." Cassia thought back to the brief break. "I don't remember seeing you."

  "I brought meals out. We weren't allowed to get too close, but I saw you climb out of your wagon and I sensed."

  "My talent," Cassia guessed. "That was what you recognized when I returned."

  "At first, it took me a few minutes to place it, but after I spoke with you I was sure."

  "Why did you send me to Julyan?"

  Daeshawna grasped her hands and her expression turned pleading. "He told me to."

  "Really," she said in surprise. Luki stood away from the wall, as if disliking what he heard. "He was here?"

  "No." Daeshawna shook her head in quick denial. "He sent me a message. He'd heard of your disappearance and he said that if I saw you I needed to steer you to him. I apologize, but my first loyalty is to Julyan."

  "So, it was you in my dreams."

  "No," Daeshawna denied, "except for the one time where you saw me. I don't know what was in your dreams."

  "Was Julyan in my dreams?"

  Kali, I need your truth detection.

  I need to be in the presence of the human who is lying to be able to tell.

  Cassia watched Daeshawna's face carefully for any sign of evasion. She'd have to rely on her own instincts.

  I will assist as much as I am able. Kali said.

  "Julyan doesn't have that ability." But she sounded slightly uncertain.

  "Are you sure?"


  She couldn't sense any deception coming from Daeshawna. Cassia let out a breath and went back to her original reason for wanting to question the innkeeper. "That's not why I came. You know everything that goes through this town."

  Daeshawna nodded eagerly.

  "The Karahan Caravan went through today?"

  "Yes, they came through just before the dinner serving. They watered their horses, traded for some fresh ones with the stable, and continued shortly after."

  "Why are they going to Vespera?"

  "They didn't come into the inn," Daeshawna said. "I only know they're heading for Vespera with haste."

  "Is the Queen of Karah still in Vespera?"

  Daeshawna eyed her in surprise. "Yes, your party hasn't left. A few of the Karahan soldiers have traveled back toward Karah in search parties, but that is all."

  "Are you sure the queen remains?"


  Her mother was safe for now. But she still didn't know why the Karahan advisors where traveling to Vespera with such urgency. It wasn't smart to have all the Karahan power away at a single time. That was why the advisors had stayed behind initially. Her first urge was to head right back out on the road to Castle Vespera.

  How are the other horses? She asked Kali.

  Tired, they need to sleep and eat. They will not make it if we continue tonight.

  Cassia pushed back her irritation and urgency.

  "May I offer you something, Your Highness?" Daeshawna asked formally.

  She shook her head and wondered at the change in the woman. She hadn't treated her with such deference before. Respect, yes, but not deference.

re treating me differently." Her nerves making her speak when she would have remained quiet.

  Luki shifted his stance, his movement audible, causing Daeshawna to shoot him another startled glance. Cassia almost laughed. She wondered what about Luki made Daeshawna so nervous.

  "You were a lady then, Your Highness," Daeshawna said.

  "You kept up the charade even though you knew. Why? You knew the soldiers were looking for me."

  "Exposing you wasn't what you wanted."

  "Or Julyan." Luki spoke up for the first time.

  Daeshawna inclined her head in agreement.

  "Now, I know where and why she got the idea to go to him," Luki said.

  Cassia glanced at him for the first time and could finally see why Daeshawna was so nervous. In the soft light, standing in the shadows, he looked down right menacing though it was hard for her to think of him as menacing.

  "We'll need rooms," Cassia said, looking back to the innkeeper and focusing on the tasks that needed to be accomplished.

  "I'll see what I can do." Daeshawna stood up, moved around Luki to the door, and ducked through.


  "It won't do us much good if Daeshawna's running to the soldiers," Luki said, not moving from his position against the wall of the sitting room.

  "She won't." Cassia stood as well and turned to look at him.

  "Let's hope you're right." After a moment of her staring, he shifted and glowered back at her. "What?"

  "You made her nervous. I was trying to see why."

  His teeth flashed in the shadows as he grinned. "I take my role as your escort very seriously."

  "I can see that."

  "Speaking of protecting you, what was that about dreams and her being a Talent?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "Oh." A blush crept up her cheeks. "I probably should have told you about her being a Dream Weaver and Talent Detector."

  "Could have been important information to know." Luki nodded, but he didn't seem angry.

  "I'm sorry, I forget what I've told you and what I haven't."

  He grinned. "That's reassuring."

  Daeshawna came back into the room with a troubled expression. Cassia immediately tensed and Luki matched her posture, waiting for the bad news.


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