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Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul

Page 41

by Howard Schultz

  fine-tuning at global leadership summit, 2008, 109–10

  initiatives presented at annual share holders’ meeting, 2008, 131–35

  intent for, 106

  memos titled after, 100–1

  overview of initiatives, 318–26

  presentation at global leadership summit, 2008, 105–8

  Seven Big Moves in, 106–8, 129–30, 318–26

  strategic vision (aspiration) in, 106

  VIA as true to, 253

  “The Transformation of Starbucks” memo (January, 2008), 61

  Treat Receipt, 166, 263

  Tribute Blend, 313–14


  customer connections aided by, 265

  election-themed ad campaign using, 214, 216

  number of followers on, 320


  Ullman, Myron “Mike” (board member),* 43–44, 97, 153, 221

  United Kingdom

  author's remarks on economy of, 264–65

  head of, 289

  VIA market potential in, 259

  University Village store, Seattle*

  USA Today, 141, 321

  Uscategui, Herman (partner), 234


  Valencia, Don,* 242–49, 251, 253, 255, 316

  Valencia, Heather, 242–43, 246

  Values, core

  emotional connections due to, 117–18

  partners’ responsibility for, 294

  preservation despite hardships, 314

  Starbucks defined by, 79

  as touchstones of Starbucks, 4–5

  Varma, Laura Moix (partner), 289

  Varma, Vivek (senior leadership team),* 178, 195, 197, 225–27, 289

  Verismo 811 espresso machines, 121

  VIA.* See also Instant coffee

  author's belief in, 251–53, 260–61

  as brand platform, 316

  challenges for developing, 244–45, 247

  expectations exceeded by, 286

  growth model for, 318

  importance for Starbucks, 261

  “iPod” meeting about, 247–48

  JAWS project to develop, 244–48

  leaking of news about, 258

  media praise for, 259–60

  naming of, 254–55

  packaging for, 255–57

  potential market for, 252–54, 259

  precursor developed by Don Valencia, 242–43

  press conference for, 258–59

  reaction to news about, 258–59

  relevance during recession, 263

  requirements for launching, 254

  startup of Starbucks mirrored by, 251–52

  successful development of, 248

  success of, 260, 316

  tagline for, 257

  taste tests for, 258–59

  as true to Transformation Agenda, 253

  Vivanno,* 167, 190, 233

  Volunteers in New Orleans, 2008*

  events planned for, 196

  hours donated by, 200

  number of, 198

  projects accomplished by, 199–200

  Voting ad. See Election-themed ad


  Waitt, Ted, 71

  Wall Street Journal, 41–42, 141, 159–60, 163, 303, 321

  Wal-Mart, 89

  Wang, Jinlong (partner), 234

  Ward, Toby, 142

  Waxman, Sharon, 330

  Weatherup, Craig (board member),* 177, 221, 240

  Wexner, Les, 165

  Wheeler, Alexandra (partner), 125, 135

  Wieden, Dan, 211

  Wieden+Kennedy, 211

  William Morris Agency, 146

  Willson-Rymer, Darcy (partner), 289

  Wirtschafter, Dave, 222

  Wolford, Suzy (partner), 294–95


  of author's father, 15, 52

  purpose and meaning needed for, 14–15

  at Starbucks, author's intentions for, 15

  World of Warcraft, 267–68


  Yamashita, Keith, 73

  Yarmuth, Richard, 222

  Young-Scrivner, Annie (senior leadership team),* 307, 325

  YouTube, 32, 214, 216


  Zackfia, Sharon, 64

  Zagat, 286, 321

  Zanadu Comics, 110

  Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the author or publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this book, its author, or the publisher.

  Internet addresses and telephone numbers given in this book were accurate at the time it went to press.

  © 2011 by Howard Schultz

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